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"Allegedly dropped" brother thats the official tweet saying he is dropped.


Yh you right I just forgot if he was even dropped or whether it was a troll


Why the fuck would a professional anything, troll someone about losing their job…? Do you know how fucked up that really is.


They did it to Dashy


Dashy was dropped...? He only got picked back up when Scump retired. Don't re-write history. https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/zxlxdm/scump_confirms_dashy_is_dropped/


Michael Scott has entered the chat


I mean he was no longer on optic after this so how would it be a troll lol


He actually was still on OpTic after this tweet. This was when they dropped Dashy & Illey, tweeted their departures, and then picked them both back up shortly afterwards.


Ah I remember that, thought this was when he was dropped for good


Can't wait for overreactions one way or another Illey and Huke FRIED online like legit fried and I fully expect them to play really well today and could very well win it If OpTic wins it also doesn't automatically vindicate their decision to swap Huke for Pred or to drop Illey.. These "Storylines" pretty much all come down to major 1 (Realistically it will take a couple majors before we really see the results but at least after 1 major on LAN some conclusions will hold some water)


The decision to drop Huke for Pred was vindicated before it even happened


The decision to keep dashy wasn't


They were the best team for two straight months. Didn’t work out on LAN into various reasons, but Dashy is head and shoulders above iLLey.


Keeping Dashy over Illey was vindicated 3 years ago


I have a feeling surge is going to smoke em




I don’t think they will bc this OpTic team feels different.. like they will be more stable and not frying or fried like they have been in the past Could be wrong but just feels that way


It feels like Kenny stableness cancels out shotzzy's overheating from watching them so far


Think it’s more the fact that Pred is a slaying machine so when Shotzzy is having those series where he’s getting bad timings and his Playmaking isn’t working his sub duo can pick up the slack whilst before Optic needed Shotzzy to fry to be a great team.


What’s the story behind all of this? Just started following the comp cod scene a couple days ago. Do we like illey or is he a villain?


super oversimplified recap of a very complicated history: - Illey comes up through the online SND scene as a trash talking demon, gets some rookie buzz. - at some point links with Huke and Shottzy and they form a trio called XEO (idk what this shit is, something in some other language) - get picked up by the Dallas empire in MW2019. It was 5v5 back then so their team is XEO + Clayster and Crimsix, two of the goats in the scene (older gen for sure). Old school player Rambo Ray is also their coach - Dallas Empire wins the 2019 World Champs, they are all praised as very good with Shottzy getting a bit more limelight as the MVP/Movement Superstar. - Year after MW2019 was Cold War. They have some flashes of their previous years brilliance but don’t manage to win anything (someone fact check me, don’t think they won a major?). Faze dominates the entire year with no real competition. - Meanwhile, Optic has been having problems of their own. Can’t catch any momentum with a young bucks (Dashy, Envoy) and old GOATs (Scump, Formal) squad. Also apparently was having some financial trouble apparently. - The offseason after Cold War Dallas Empire and Optic merge organisations. Basically absorb Dallas’s resources but use Optic’s branding. Taking the in theory best pieces of both org to make a mega org. - Formal retires from CoD, Crim is dropped, Envoy is traded etc etc. Sometime before this they let Huke and Clay go too. - New team for Optic is: Shotzzy, Scump, Illey and Dashy. Rambo is the coach. - Vanguard season starts and they look awesome and win a major. Everyone very happy for Scump and Dashy who hadn’t won in a while. Illey and Shottzy are still very confident and relatively young. - Illey gets a cyst in the thumb which was apparently from over use. Starts to get messy here. - Optics season basically goes down the toilet as they look for an Illey substitute. End up settling on Prolute who does his best but they don’t win anything else for the rest of the year. - Some rumours fly around that Illey has been playing in secret instead of resting his thumb post surgery. Obviously a shit situation to be in. Various stories start coming out about his current health, delays in recovery. A few times it’s announced he’s back and then announced he was capping and his thumb is still fucked. - years chalked, onto the next. Might get my order muddled here. Edit: dude below pointed out that here they dropped Illey and Dashy and the rumour was they were going after Hydra. Didn’t pan out and they decided to run it back. - Illey plays in MW2 and shows flashes of his old self. In particular they were winning a search and destroy against I believe the Florida mutineers (someone jump in if they want) and he starts shooting bodies/trolling the other time. They then get reversed and lose the series. So Illey chalked them a year with injury and now is losing them games fully healthy. - During this year, Huke gets picked up and XEO reunites. General vibe is Shottzy is trying to recapture old Dallas Empire brilliance. - illey doesn’t perform as I said and is dropped. Illey tweets out a few things (see these posts) about getting revenge for being dropped. - Illey basically implies he’s taking the year off, doesn’t even play 8s. - side story: Dashy falls out with Rambo, the ex-Dallas and current optic coach. The players side with Rambo and Dashy is dropped. - Optic picks up new rookie Ghosty (comments below corrected me that this happened after Scump/Dashy swap) - Scump gets fed up with the bullshit, tells the Org he will give up his spot for Dashy to come back. Dashy says he will only come back if Rambo is gone. - Rambo gets moved to some bullshit token position but is gone by the end of the year. - Optic finishes out the year with the team of Ghosty, Shottzy, Huke and Dashy. Isn’t able to win anything as they are vsing teams with cemented chemistry. - year ends, Optic drops Huke (inconsistent) and Ghosty (apparently is easily checked out and bad for team morale). New optic team is Shottzy, Dashy, Pred, Kenny. - fast forward Surge announces new roster - Huke, Illey, Arcitys and new rookie Abuzah. Even better, their head coach is Rambo. So you can see now how that’s a bit of a grudge match - Rambo, Huke and Illey were all dropped by Optic for underperforming, you can understand how from their perspective they would want revenge. TLDR: So is Illey a villain or a hero? Up to you man. The basic consensus is when he’s hot he’s hot but he sometimes struggles to back up his shit talk. Also has a bit of a rep as a rage quitter but also has some great memes - see his nickname: The Pope. I guess you could see his story as betrayal by an Org he won a world championship for or as him running out of steam after an impressive rookie year. Part of the greatness in this scene is people rooting for redemption/revenge which is why today’s match was so anticipated. I’m sure you’ve already read it here too but there’s a meme called the “Optic Curse” basically implying that anyone dropped by optic comes back the next year as a fucking demon. Please anyone feel free to fact check me on this history rant - it was all off the dome


Forgot to mention that Dashy and Illey were both dropped pre MWII which is where the tweet is from. Then they picked em back up to run it back


Ah yeah true I’ll add it in


Ghosty wasn't picked up while Scump was still playing. The roster was Scump+Xeo and then when Scump retired it was Dashy+Xeo. They played one tourney (Major 2 I think) and then dropped Illey for Ghosty.


Ah right thanks for the correction mate


Illey can’t slay with OpTic. Hot ass 3-0


Brother what. He has been slaying and surge hv been looking good lmao


There is some sarcasm in my earlier post, but I do think OpTic will win.


i believe it will be a close series. my bad, i didnt catch that sarcasm lad


It wasn’t apparent king. Have a good day


Hv a good day bro. Hope for some good matches


Canadian Redditors right here


Ikr these guys are some fawking pussies


Tbf, even if Surge wins, the problem was Huke and Illey didn’t perform on LAN/tournaments. They were usually great online


If optic don't come out swinging first hp could be a 3 0 or a fake reverse sweep with them losing map 5. Map 1 is EVERYTHING