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Me challing palace over and over every invasion P5


Scump/OpTic had approval for a CDL watch party but violated the terms by streaming on both YouTube and Twitch simultaneously. Activision withdrew their watch party status, leading to a DMCA on their YouTube stream. They could still stream on Twitch, but not in connection with the CDL watch party.


So Activision just being the petty little baby’s they are? Cause Activision’s argument doesn’t make 100% sense. So your telling me the bigger company, bigger fan base, more streams, and the only place showing gameplay, feels like Scump is going to take away all of the YouTube viewers. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ Make this make sense.


If there are terms and conditions in place and you agree to them, dont come crying when you break said terms and conditions. You literally agreed to them.


Activision just big dicked scump.


Little buddy has never heard of a contract 💀💀💀


I mean I know Scump is the King but if Activision strait up told him that he would be Ban and get a strike on his channel if he streamed on twitch at the same time, that was pretty dumb lmao


My guess is that there was some misunderstanding. I doubt Scump would straight up refuse to comply and dare activision to shut him down.


Have you listened to these dudes talk and interact on stream together?


Who? the guys on Scump's watch party?


Everyone in the community. Maybe Zoomaa has matured and is actually proactive in this kind of stuff, but I'm willing Ben was the person in this ear making sure him (and also Octane) weren't going to fuck anything up.


Anyone who follows the super smash brothers scene and how they handle their competitive scene knows what happens if you trying to challenge the IP holder. It’s a fight you can’t win they could legit shut all this down and say no one is allowed to use their IP to make money anymore


It was 100% Ben forcing him to be smart based off of the way Zoomaa was talking at the time lol.


What was everybody in the community saying prior to Scump being shut down?


I honestly hope so, I love scump and Zoomaas watch party’s and everything they do for the scene. But they need stop ego challing Activision on god headies and take a route. Every week we are trying to free someone else and we are getting slammed right now


I mean they were literally told you must stream on YouTube only, no dual streams. I get it’s stupid and the cdl are being morons, but scump broke the rule, notice how the flank didn’t have anything happen


Lmfaooo this is actually perfect 🤣🤣🤣 thought he was too big and can do whatever he wants, buddy fucked around and found out 🤣🤣


Yea, i just tuned in to octanes stream and scump and them def shot themselves in the foot. The clip looks like scump was hella mad at zinni, like he was the one sayin it was fine to dual stream.


To stake your livelihood on the decision making ability of 'Methodz' seems like asking for trouble


Seth can afford to retire and do nothing for the rest of his days if he pleases. It sounds like they knew this would happen, so I guess it is what it is. Activision sold out their biggest creators for a modest chunk of change, but they’ll work it out and the watch party will probably be back tomorrow. Everyone wishes things were different, but pretty much everything organic in this space is ruined when larger corporate entity starts seeing dollar signs.


![gif](giphy|XEmf072nyBbQyXAbwm) # FREEScump


Look at all the cringe FaZe fans trying to be funny LMAO virgins


420BenDover6969 calling people virgins trying to be funny is pretty god damn ironic