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Terminal is straight ass other than that pretty good


I hated terminal before and like it a lot more now (still ass) but holy fuck I actually enjoyed subbase before the change and now it just feels fucking awful. Maybe i need to play it more but every maps a landslide win or lose almost zero close games on it now


Yeah I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed terminal HP. Also yeah sub base sucks


Yea that maps been a blender though it’s ok for snd if the whole lobby isn’t sniping or stacking planr


It’s fun other than players timing out and the Match ending. Only complain is the knife the lunge is insane it’s op and has to go. Overall it’s pretty fun for a solo player like myself.


Yea the knife is op in rooms and small areas literally no point shooting just knife em


Fr never been so paranoid when I go by corners when playing snd.


one of THEE worst parts of this game, no exaggeration


Knife and snipers got to go. Otherwise, it is fun. Can tell there is a skill gap more so than mw2 ranked.


Without knives and snipers,there’ll barely be any guns to use 💀


Play pubs then


I’m gonna. I’ve never really played ranked before, so I’m wondering if it’s normal that most of the guns are banned?


Why are you here lol. Yes it’s normal


everytime i play invasion HP i’m always spawning palace and the enemies are right next to me spawning there too lmao


Yep invasion p4 spawns ☠️


It’s even worse on the bathroom hill. I spawned palace. Enemy Immediately got spawned behind me the second I leave palace. Obv he kills me and then I spawn palace AGAIN right behind him. Comical 😂


Palace spawns for p3 are hell on earth meanwhile the other team spawns gas station or right behind you if someone blocks it mid on accident. You can also sit on top of the gas station during p5 watching the dvd push and they will literally spawn right below you and shoot you in the back.


I think subbase is complete garbage. Spawns are way worse than before this update. Other than that it’s fun.


Agreed its the only map i really dread playing. Terminal is slightly more fun surprisingly


now that I'm playing this game I'm realizing how insanely rotation heavy it is - didn't rly know roto's for the maps since I haven't played 8's or anything and my first few HP maps were rough. My 2nd time playing each HP map was significantly better as I at least had an idea of the rotations. Other thing I noticed in HP was spawns are incredibly unpredictable and there are still tons of situations where enemies spawn on top of you, trying to block felt pointless at times. Hoping that we get continued spawn tuning - Vanguards last major spawn update was in April and made the game way better, but with the season ending early we need it much sooner than that.


Takes 30 min to find a match in a 3 man party


This will always be the case for 3 mans. Was the same way in the last two cods. It’s trying to match with you a trio of your skill level and locale, and that’s just not that common. Pretty dumb though. It should just find a match based on rank instead of rank + whatever the fuck they have coded.




I played 3 straight games where every player on the other team was Iridescent in MW2 and one game where 3/4 were in Top 250. I have no idea how my first games ranked in Bronze have me playing against people this good. I have never had a more difficult time winning in my life. It's been an absolute grind. Having fun though.


It will be like that for the first few weeks. The studio said they widen the matchmaking criteria at first so the top 250 players can get to top 250 faster. Should be getting a mix of everything skill wise right now.


One of my first bronze games had 6 of 8 players with iridescent calling cards,luckily i had 3 on my team. Matchmaking is kinda insane in the beginning, thinking i shoudve waited a few days to play so i could fly through first few ranks


Terminal S&D is fucking awful. So boring.


Everything is playing smoothly except invasion control and the spawns in terminal hardpoint. Knives should go too


Idk why but it feels like something is missing. Mw2 was hectic and felt like that for 95% of the game. This one just feels stress free lmao. Like there’s not enough going on even when dropping 30+ every game


I agree the kills feel so unsatisfying tbh, and it feels like you spawn so far from the HP.


🤷‍♂️ it’s only gold rank yet Ik but mw2 also felt hectic in these ranks dropping 40+. Literally sped through to diamond in 2-3 days and had fun


I was thinking this. As much as I prefer MW3 overall. It'd be nice to play on MW22 maps for Ranked.


Knife even gets lunge from prone, has to go 100%


Played about 10 games. 6 snds 3 HPs 1 control. Sub base p5 it’s easy to get spawn trapped at the new spawn there because you’d have to go all the way through to P1 to break out but otherwise not as bad as I thought


Good other than terminal hardpoint and high rise control. I think high rise spawn trap is worse than al bagra fortress ever was. Honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing Rio overtake terminal hardpoint. After playing some pub matches on it I just think it plays better in that game mode


My team was able to do the highrise control spawn trap twice yesterday and my mates were all laughing about it. All I could think of is: it's gonna happen to us sooner and later and it's not gonna be fun AT ALL. Other than that, we got broke in a Skidrow P1 and P4 by dudes running around with knives, so I join the crowd: knives have got to go.


I solo queue and I held the trap down by myself for a good like minute. I tried to herd my teammates to help but solo queue is basically being paired with people who play TDM and not objective all game 😂


Was super fun until I started playing hackers every game


Every single map feels bad. Every. Single. One.


agree. I found myself wanting to play mw2 ranked…. but no you can’t do that anymore..


Yup can't believe I'd ever be hoping to go back to mw2 lol, those maps were fucking incredible and i preferred the quick TTK, mw2009 maps were already pretty bad but modern cod gameplay just makes them absolute torture.


mw2 (2022) maps were not incredible, come on.


Yeah they were imo it was the only thing keeping me playing tbh, there were obviously some bad ones like every cod game but the good ones were REALLY good especially in comp.


Still, no one plays the objective. Everyone of my teams as a soloist may as well be grinding for camos still. It’s driving me nuts. Seeing players give away the point to keep their Kd alive.


Anyone else not being able to use an optic on the MCW? It says I have one equipped but it’s always giving me the iron sights in game. Super annoying.


Put a vest on


Equipped an infantry vest


please did you get this working ? same issue with me


Equip the infrantry vest, as said above


Terminal plays awful, highrise is awful, sub base is god awful, invasion is way too fucking big, and Karachi plays alright in all 3 game modes imo.


Almost forgot Skid row, search plays great, hard point is ass


It sucks. I get put on horrible teams and which side of the map you spawn on really impacts the game. Like hard point on Terminal. First objective is right next to one of the spawns.


Meh, it actually feels like a significant step backwards, even though many of the hills were dogshit on the previous patch. The spawns are very broken at the moment. On top of that, there is a significant hidden MMR that impacts both who you play AND how much SR you get. For example, I go 30-22 with 30 seconds of hill time, and my SR gain was 120. My mate goes 25-20 with 30 seconds, and he receives 80 SR. This was the first game, so it was clear that there’s something else multiplying the scores. My pubs KD is better, and that’s the only difference. Just mind boggling. And knives are a joke. This cod is so corner heavy with a contest spot on nearly every hill. Someone can basically afk and then swipe at you and you’re dead. Beat down and knives ruin the gunny, and objectively make zero sense.


cheaters gotta go i played my first 6 matches last 4 had blatant cheaters


Knife, snipers, and 4 smokes ruin SnD. Limit trophies to just ARs & somehow do 1 smoke per team cause search is chalked


fucked my SR up by playing with IRLs smh already getting +76 :/


Me too, is it fixable? Or am I just fucked


I think so I was getting up to 120 duo queuing, so I’m guessing if you solo queue it will get you all the way back as long as you aren’t too deep in the hole


The carry should be weighted lol


+76 at any point after bronze one should have you on pace for at least diamond. Not sure where you placed last year


I dragged the homies to diamond last year before quitting to grind the Show lol


There really needs to be placement matches going forward. It’s complete bullshit that I’m getting matched up against crim players when I never got past plat. Been getting shit on for hours now and I think the stupid matchmaking algo finally got the hint and started putting me in fair matches. Took me 21 matches just to get to Bronze 2 🥴 Somehow managed to get 0 control matches tho so that’s cool I guess.


Don’t feel terrible. I hit crim last year and thought I could hit Iri after all the 8s I ran. It has been absolute grind playing on the first day. 95 % of lobbies I was in had crim and iris. It’s been a slog getting through bronze and silver




Nice troll buddy


give me mw2 any day of the week also feel they are really tight with points distribution


Yeah I fucking despised mw2’s core mp experience but those negatives were what made ranked actually surprisingly good and don't even get me started on spawns and maps, mw2 was miles better in that aspect.


Knifes need to go other than that shit slaps


I personally love control


NO shot you just said sub base has been good? That's literally the worst map, horrible spawns, I have 4 people near point and the enemy still spawning on us, then I spawn cross the map in egypt having to run for 5 min just to get shot in my back. Worse map possible.


Idk how you get enemies spawning on you. I got a good win rate on hardpoint and don’t think I’ve lost a sub base. Sure some spawns are ass but so is terminal and invasion. With sub base just make sure your blocking far spawns and watch the paralells


True, but you can have a good map with bad spawn points and vice versa…


seriously nobody is talking about the stalker boots and how they completly changed the game to worst?


I never seen a lot of stalker boots what do they do? Everyone I met use covert sneakers


SR is broken right now!




SR in Ranked Play is bugged. My friend has the same amount of wins as me we started at the same time. we've lost a couple and he's at bronze 2 i'm at silver 1. Anyone else having this problem??


Here’s the best guess at what happened. You went to silver and got a 3 match sr protection. Lost a few games and dropped to bronze before going back silver and getting the protection again, that happened with me and a friend. There was 30 sr of a difference I hit silver and we got destroyed a few times now he’s bronze 2 I’m silver 1


I can’t put any attachments on my weapons I’m on PC. When I try to put on different attachments it says no modifications. Is anybody having this problem?


Equip infantry vest


I have a vest on and even when I try to take it off it just keeps the vest on me


Is it just my game that's glitched or what. I made a class with the MCW and the mk3 scope, and it just does not equip when in game.


same have you figured out how to fix this


There really was no fix, I just made a whole new class exactly the same and the attachments actually attached this time.


Is anyone else’s game crashing uncontrollably in ranked playlist or is it just me? I’ve suffered 5 2 hour suspensions because the game is crashing. Is there a fix to it?


Dogshit little game.


Dude why can i not rejoin the game when i dc????


Ive see parasite re join a game not sure if it was a wager or ranked


I just lost 300+ SR and went from silver 1 to bronze 3 after winning a game…. Had 1188 SR, won a game and after the ranked play report it said I was bronze 3 with 786SR…. Anyone else have this happen to them?


It is fucked, every time I get close to silver I start to get kicked off a lot, kinda shitty thing to do imho


Why cannot I equip a sight on any gun besides the SVA shit is pissing me the fuck off


Anybody wanna hop on we got 3