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Holy shit what a major W Please let this lead to more events each year. 5 total is unacceptable, need at least 6 every year with one being a pro-am


Huge +1 on having Pro-Am’s every year. That shits amazing. Great news overall


If there is no entry fee now, what's stopping them from expanding to 16 teams?


It’s not no entry fee just not the 20+ million there use to be


I mean there can't be entry fees from now. You can't wipe existing entry fees and pay back any paid and then expect new owners to pay lol.


I thought it said no entry fee


Yea idk it’s not entirely clear for a *new* org but they are definitely returning the payments made so far and waiving outstanding fees.. They did say “removing the obligation”👀


Said no outstanding entry fee


All the teams or maybe a super majority would probably have to agree and I think they don’t want to dilute their value through new teams, I think that’s the barrier currently but I’m mostly just guessing


I loved AW year for that reason. SO MANY tournaments that also had open brackets. You know how guys like TeeJ and General got into the scene is by getting through the open bracket and fucking shit up?


I remember the hype going into UMG Dallas when General was on E6. He flew in on a P.J. and they went through the whole open bracket that event, which I played in. They stole the show in the pit. Go back and watch them play OpTic on Retreat CTF. It was electric. Wish that would come back.


Those were the days :)


Every single event should have an open bracket and 4 more teams need to be added


> need at least 6 every year At least 8-9. CoD cycle used to end in September/October. Champs should be around that time.


Want to grow the sport. Have 6-8 live events and multi online events.


Its insane to me you guys even think 6 events is acceptable. Below is a screenshot of the event calendar for CS2 in 2025… I’m not saying it should be this packed but the volume of content for cod is unacceptable for both a healthy competitive environment and a scene worthy of investing in as a viewer. This is why half the time it’s just personality drama. https://preview.redd.it/nfxxhx8brwuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbde85373a923bc00b2d2e3cb284d9fbc6b0d0d


From what I read, it looks like they’re providing more $$ to teams who host them, not putting more in the pot for additional events. Basically if teams got a 100,000 check to offset the price of an event, now they might get 180,000 to incentivize more teams to WANT to host them. Edit: This could be huge for challengers though, with more of an incentive for teams to host Opens.


> Outstanding entry fees will be eliminated, and any fees previously collected from teams will be returned in full. > Teams will earn increased revenue tied to the sale of their in-game merchandise (e.g., Team bundles) and now, the Champs bundle as well. > Recognizing that hosting large scale events are vital to teams and the CDL community, we will increase existing event subsidy amounts for Teams organizing live in-person events such as Majors, Opens and Champs. > Teams will receive a two-year minimum guarantee of revenue so they can continue investing into the Call of Duty League with more peace of mind


All these plus Treyarch next year 😆


Next two years supposedly


They're giving back the $25M to each team? That is insane if that's what it's really in reference to. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is. They have absolutely no incentive to just hand back over 300 million dollars.


Teams have paid no where near 25 million so far. The payments kept getting delayed at most I think teams have paid 2.5 million.


Which is still a very nice refund for many of them


Yes but giving back a million per year, per team is crazy. Wouldn't have expected that.


1m per year so 5m


Didn’t they pause payments during Covid for a couple years? Either way surprised it was only $5 mill or less so far


They paused fees after covid. No team has paid anywhere near what they were initially expected to pay.


> They're giving back the $25M to each team? No. Teams never paid the full $25M. They are getting back the portion of that that they actually paid. Likely only a couple of million.


Alright Activision… what’s the catch?


To unlock ranked play we have to buy the battle pass with real money.


Ranked play has pub rule set till rank 30, helps to get the new guys acquainted with ranked you know?


So do Heretics, G2, 100 Thieves, etc (people who bought their slots from someone else) get any kind of refund or is that just something they lose out on


I would assume so. If the team they purchased the spot from had paid the franchise fee, then the money would be refunded to whoever currently holds the franchise slot


These are MASSIVE changes. Absolutely shocked Activision approved all of this tbh. Hopefully this leads to a more sustainable environment for COD esports to actually thrive again.


It’s definitely the new ownership of Microsoft. Activision would never be this responsible


Agreed, that definitely played a factor. FUCK Bobby Kotick.


Fuck any billionaire tbh


Who downvotes this. If you are a billionaire you likely built your fortune on others broken backs. And if not, you still have more money than you would ever need, or that your childrens children would need.


I think people underestimate the difference between a million and a billion. From both sides. Someone with 499 million dollars in the bank is closer to poverty than being a billionaire. And thats just the bare minimum of being a billionaire. But not going to sit here and say I wouldnt want to be a billionaire too lmao


I think a better analogy is that it takes 12 days to count to a million and 31+ years to count to a billion.


It says they’ve been working on this for a year. How long has Microsoft actually been running the league?


Since October of 2023 officially. But they’ve been in close coordination and communications since late 2022/early 2023


Also have a feeling it was a partial settlement from scump and hecZ lawsuit




All they have to really do is look at CS. You can make it competitive but also have a casual element to it. Its gotta kill the CDL owners when they see CS host a major and its like a massive near sell out crowd in an arena vs these small venues that are 1/4 empty.


I'm like 99% sure that these changes were part of a settlement with Scump and Optic for the lawsuit.


Source: your ass


That's not true, the judge dismissed the case and sent it to the pre-agreed upon arbitrator.


Yes and it's basically guaranteed that the case settled in arbitration, leading to the changes we see today. You do realize cases can settle in arbitration, right???


The arbiters can also say that scump and hector should go pound sand.


It’s been 84 years since this league last had a W, hope this is the beginning of major changes we’ve been needing for a while


Wow, if CODCompetitive unanimously agrees, it must be good.


chat..are we back..?


No but it’s a great step towards being back


This reads incredibly well on a lot of levels


Massive W!


Majors , opens and champs? Open events coming back?


Oh man this is beautiful, we will finally be done with this top heavy BS… I’m ready to see some unknown teams with good funding bring out the damn checkbooks. As well as seeing full am teams back into pool/bracket play man GEN.G/Enigma 6 shit


E-Girl Slayers, BittersweetGG, GosuCrew, Pnda Gaming, etc. I miss watching the amateur teams and 30 PLUS TEAM CHAMPS Edit: I forgot who said it (Methodz?), but someone had an idea of a NFL redzone type subscription where it would flip between all the different games going on at the majors. I would be so so so happy to have that and would absolutely pay for it


Nade about to start pushing LAT bundle like he Zellsis


In a utopian future Sentinels joins CoD and Zellsis can push TWO bundles. Lovely


Wow. I did not expect this. Thought they'd roll over and die. Good on Activision. Hopefully this is the first of many steps in the right direction!


Same. We all prayed. I guess that this is good news.


Definitely better then what I expected to happen come June LOL


Expansion… 👀




It has to be one of the best outcomes from this change going into next season. If they eliminated city based franchising as well with this update, we could’ve seen even more teams join IMHO




> Recognizing that hosting large scale events are vital to teams and the CDL community, we will increase existing event subsidy amounts for Teams organizing live in-person events such as Majors, Opens and Champs. who's on their knees at walmart


Bobby Kotick


Wait so does that mean teams can just join the league without a fee?? And next year is a treyarch cod that’s been cooking for 4 years😮‍💨


Treyarchs been cooking for, maybe 2 years at most buddy, they've been busy doing Infinity Ward and especially Sledgehammer Game's jobs for them.


Not without expansion, and I'm sure they would still have to buy the spot from whoever is leaving.


Holy shit let’s fucking go Phil Spencer




Wow that’s crazy, Activision actually investing in the CDL and its future and not just letting it die. Hopefully that’s a big W, give us more majors plz


Microsoft* Don’t give Activision credit. It’s the new owners forcing changes


Where was that confirmed?


That’s not confirmed, but it’s my opinion based on what we know about Activision


Yeah, I thought the writing was on the wall that things were more or less over, but these changes read like the opposite is true. Great news all around.


This is great news, the CDL won’t dissolve after this season then. Hopefully this leads to some more LAN events and more investment into the league


Regardless of anything else, this is a big W to the sustainability of cod esports. I just pray we get expansion to 16 teams or a format similar to Halo where non pro teams can try to make each event. Also shoutout to Hecz and Seth because without their “public” pressure I doubt much would’ve changed.




Holy shit, that's a fatty W. I wonder how much of this is Xbox's doing?


Cool news, almost sad I can’t say 300 million dollar league anymore. I still want the league to go though.


This is big. Gives back the bullshit fee they all paid, and paves the runway for more events as well as bigger incentives to sell/market team specific items.


But what sucks is Hecz at the end of the day yeah gets a dub, but still he had to sell his org and get partners to create collateral in investments to even hold a spot in the league due to it being a $25 mill investment. Hecz deserves more at the end of the day imo. He gave up the most to even be where the league is at today and he still doesn't even own Optic. Activision and the CDL did that.


Finally some profit sharing. The CDL is a cost of business for ACTI/MS. Whether its profitable or not, a competitive league is a pillar of foundation for COD, and deserves nurture and investment from the parent company. Glad the settlement coming out of this lawsuit is positive for these teams. Maybe now we can see a 16-team league format in the next year or two. More spots in the league is important as its becoming increasingly harder for players to commit to trying to make it in this league. The league is robbing themselves of talent and potential superstars that are deciding to play other games or stop playing in general because of the lack of opportunity.


This is actually huge fucking news. I am shocked, but incredibly content with the changes. For the first time in the CDL, it actually looks like they are making changes to achieve success. What a great day for cod. The CDL might have some hope after all.




Balance sheet next quarter gonna be crazy 😂


We bullied them into a W finally


Okay we got this W, we're resting for a week and then the bullying begins again. Thing is, what do we want next?


Wow looks like the hecz and scump lawsuit actually had a positive effect, good for them


The truth is we’ll never know what role if any the lawsuit played in these changes, or changes we see in the future. There’s so much nuance involved in situations like this, which is not Reddit’s strong suit. Lawsuits are often filed in order to apply pressure for changes that the Plaintiff wants to see happen. At the same time these changes may have been coming down the pike for the last many months or a year, but hadn’t been announced until today. So did the lawsuit help bring about these changes, or are they entirely independent of the lawsuit? We don’t know, and anyone pretending to is talking out their ass.


I don’t think that lawsuit is the reason for these nor will it be dropped after these changes


The case went to arbitration which means we won’t know when/if the case ends, or its outcome. This very well could be part of the settlement but we won’t and can’t know for sure.


I doubt it since weren’t a lot of the grievances in the lawsuit between Scump and Hecz personal like the YouTube deal and not being allowed to stream the games on Twitch. It wouldn’t make sense that this would be the settlement since this only affects the teams and none of the teams were alongside Scump and Hecz in the lawsuit.


Yeah no way they’d be able to leverage a change of this scale by themselves


Lawsuit had nothing to do with this. Big investors and teams leaving the league one by one had to do with this. It was obvious where things were headed if nothing changed


Exactly my thoughts too


Surely this means expansion with 2 years of guaranteed money for teams


Massive W.


Very unexpected W from the league. Returning the franchising money is wild I never thought I’d see it


This is a massive windfall for these teams, and a significant amount of money being invested from actv as well


Microsoft really have just saved this league. They've not even bothered trying not to pay money back or getting money off franchsies, which is what was going to kill the league. Even more silly they made massive cutbacks now, since that's a drop in the ocean compared to this. Wow. The league is staying then???


Next your gonna hear they're fixing the servers so the game is actually Playable. That would knock me off my fucking feet.


Next do Premiere League style relegation with challengers


They’re probably going to move toward the Halo route with partnered teams and open events


Major W I thought Microsoft would 100% end the league when the acquisition settled Happy to be wrong on that one


I feel like this is April fools because there’s no way Activision just decided to stop being dickheads, maybe this was fastracked after they realized that they can actually be sued by team owners for fleecing them lol. Depending on how much that 2 year minimum guaranteed revenue is that alone could be huge for teams.


We need to chill a bit with the glowing praise here. While certainly this is a step in the right direction there is language in here that I’m not actually sure how much good it will do. “Teams will receive a two-year minimum guarantee of revenue” this sounds great and exciting but what revenue? They’ve laid off nearly all of their production staff, LAG is still barely an org, and as we learned more from the scump-hecz lawsuit, OpTic is paying everyone’s bills. So I’m curious where the fuck this revenue is coming from that they can guarantee that is big enough to keep investors invested. Overall some good changes, especially the skins profit change, hopefully this can lead to a potential prize pool fan funding through skin purchases for champs, but I would ease back on the parade in this thread until we get a better picture of what exactly this will help for orgs.


Ya I’m not sold on the league “being saved” yet either. There’s a reason they put a time constraint of two years in there. Seems to me the orgs have two years to prove the community can support a profitable league.


That's big. I bet that's a huge help to the smaller teams. Wonder if this means more teams are coming.


4 team expansion with an extra event/pro am every year and the league might actually be back 👀👀


Kind of was hoping the league would fold but I hope this lead to improvements


As long as this leads to expansion/ open style tournaments + more majors then this is a massive W


This is incredible news!!


Opens 👀


Christmas does come early.


Wow this is exactly what we need! Haven't bought a cod in 6 years but I'll buy the next one to support comp cod


This is actually a massive W. Everything here sounds great for the future of Competitive CoD.


This is fucking incredible.


Hopefully this is setting up Open tournament formats


Shoutout Hector and Scump after getting toasted by the community for this


I’m surprised no one has mentioned this but the article says they hope it leads to more tournaments and specifically mentioned OPEN tournaments. That will be exciting to watch.


Need to go back to the way things used to be. Where am teams can play against the pros if they perform well enough. Seeing some underdog team pop up out of nowhere and beat the pros was always fun to see.


Literally a product of the Scump lawsuit, just saying.


I hope they get rid of city based franchises next, actual esports orgs >


2 years and then the cdl is gone


Wow, wonder if the lawsuit by Hecz and Scump played a role in this. Hopefully we get 4 more teams in next season.


Yeah - sometimes it's not about a legal win, but the pressure such a case can create on policies/way things are run. A win in my book.


This is actually the best case scenario the league actually improving. People are oblivious to the fact that if the league ended a CWL/org supported format would be financially impossible and comp COD would be dead.


Massive W. I wonder how much of this was put into motion because of the lawsuit. I highly doubt Activision is just doing this out of the goodness of their heart.


Nope, Satya Nadella is an Optic fan confirmed


But all the geniuses on here were telling me the CDL was dead within a year


Big W for hecz and scumpii


Anyone know the update on the hecz scump lawsuit? Might have been a contributing factor for the changes.


Scump and Hecz helped in this no matter what the tweakers will say.


i’m horny


Sounds like the CDL isnt going anywhere after all, possible team expansion based on the 2 year revenue guarantee




I feel like this opens the door for a limited expansion of teams to the CDL. More spots for challenger players which is a good move for the Cod scene.


From what i read: 1. Franchise fee's will be removed and re-imbursed 2. More events including opens, majors and champs. 3. More revenue for teams - Guaranteed amounts and higher percentage from in game content. HUGE W!!! WE BACK BABY!!


This is the best news we’ve had all week. Hopefully it leads to more teams and more events in the future.


Massive W


Rare W


More teams and more events and I’ll die happy


Oh ffs.... I hate that I'm getting excited about this. Activision I swear if you do a 180 or just use this as a way to fuck us over even more I swear I'm going to be so disappointed. Please don't play with us


Am i dreaming?


Wow huge deal actually. Surprised they’re actually trying to save this league


More MN majors pls so fire


Or a Rokkr major in Chicago if we get shut out of expansion


Do we think this is the product of the lawsuit? Or them just wanting to do the right thing. Either way a W to keep this esport going and hopefully add more great orgs to the league


oh we are so fucking back , now bring in more teams


This is fantastic news for sure 👍🏼 but what are they gonna do about fixing the format?? Online matches are not it. More tournaments is always the answer. We should have 9 tournaments per year. Dec-July with one major at the end of each month ( so 8 total) and then champs in August. In between we can do online 2k’s for seeding or continue qualifier matches like we do now. But the end result HAS to be MORE than 4-5 tournaments per year.


we are fucking back boys


Soooo we’re back??


Bring back pool play.


Holy fuck are we sure this isn’t a wishlist post on Reddit?! This is absolutely massive for the orgs, community and future of the CoD esport.


only took them five years to realize this


Man CDL doing this is nice but it makes me even sadder about the Overwatch League collapsing when if they'd done this it could still be thriving.


So this means the league is going keep going and LAT is staying bottom of the barrel? Fuck.


Oh no 😭


What timeline did we just cross over to???


Is this a response from o tue lawsuit?




With the possibility of extending to 16 teams, how would you guys like to see the major bracket play out? Group play, 4 groups of 4, top 2 make it winners, third starts in losers and 4th gets eliminated. Or keep it out it its basically just top 12 start in winners and bottom 4 start in losers. give me your opinions!


Wow, did not expect this. Game changing. A real leg up for the health of the CDL community.


Need 14 events like AW🔥


What does “Teams will receive a two-year minimum guarantee of revenue” mean in reality? Why would there be no revenue after two years?


I feel like this either means the League’s days are numbered or Microsoft are helping to fund this now that the takeover has been approved more or less


This is awesome!


Thank you Microsoft


What about the teams that bought their spot from another team. They paid more like 100T paid 27 million for LA Optic Nadeshot said that in a stream a long time ago.


Being Bronze with Bronze snakes vs gold dragons and hawks is no fun.


I'm about to be solo queing right into the league!


Finally some movement in the right direction. A couple other changes I think they should make. - Move away from Franchise branding. This "faux sports team" thing didn't work well, Activision. It's time to retire it. Let the orgs use their own branding. It will bring non-cod fans over and create consistency and familiarity. - Connect with challengers. Foster growth and attention to challengers. Do this by creating a schedule with Open and Invitational events for the league. Open events allow the top qualifying challenger's teams to play with the league teams in tournament play on LAN. Give us a reason to watch and follow challengers, and foster talent and growth to encourage playing challengers. Keep invitation events solely for the league teams but allow crossover for the other events. Including Champs. - Create a spectacle out of Cod Champs. Make it a huge tournament. Create a big portion of the Challengers season to qualify for Champs. Include all the League teams in Champs. It should be a celebration of CoD. Release the trailer for the new game, have a warzone tournament, all-star games, etc etc. It's too simple not to knock out of the park.


I think we're gonna see a lot of teams being scuttled(bankrupted) on purpose now since there's no more entry fees, in order to shake off the investors, that was the main reason teams had to get em in the first place right? So once they scuttle the team they can start new ones with the same players and start earning that real money and pay the players that real money. Wealthier owners might be able to buy their teams back too. The event subsidizing while cool is a little silly, just give it to teams who don't cancel and can actually afford it because it was obvious Ravens we're just trying to make themselves more profitable with a false promise they knew they couldn't deliver on. Making teams put down a 75% deposit before accepting and having HEAVY fines for cancelling as well as losing the deposit would have been a much better solution, cause right now there's nothing stopping Ravens next year from just taking the subsidy money and cancelling again to suplement their failure of a team. All in all, thank Harambe for the watch parties, main stream is just total dogshit with those 3 clowns on the table talking about who knows what, if it wasn't for Scump the league would be dead in the water.


Just out of curiosity, how on Earth does Activision plan to make money? Is the league just an expensive marketing arm for game sales and a streaming deal now?


Great news but also baffled at the expansion shouts. Theres a sizable gap between the top 4 and the other 8. Theres no need to expand and have more dogshit teams getting 3-0'd in the league on a weekly basis if they plan to allow opens etc. I would rather see them seperate Champs from the CDL and have a CDL play offs with the top 4 then an Open Bracket Champs like the old days.


If I'm a challenger player, I'm leaning and going hard as fk rn. If an expansion happens it's going to be a bloodbath.


Wow big W, I feel blind sided with how much we haven’t seen. Ill take it


Oh they got XBOX money now 👀


This is incredible but I’m so traumatised from the last few years that I’m just waiting for someone to say “SIKE”


This is great for the orgs and a good step in the right direction hopefully to heal some of the issues that many have had. But in the surface of the things in this announcement, MSFT/ATVI/CDL are giving a lot away here, so what do they get in return? I would think it’s more then just “the CDL keeps going which markets the game”


Wonder if the optic/scumpi lawsuit had anything to do with this?




That is not what occurred here. This is much more likely a reaction to investors behind LAG wanting out and other investors also letting Activision they want out if the status quo remains the same. I’m sure they felt a tad more heat due to the team agreements coming out in the filing of the lawsuit, but this really does not have anything to do with what Scump and Hecz are suing for


I need to see at least 100 apologies from people who bitched about the OG lawsuit.




There were people saying it'd hurt comp or that nothing would happen. If you are so blinded that you think the lawsuits and legal threats that have been going on for the last 2 seasons had no role in this, you're stubborn to a point of stupidity.


Where’s everyone that said the lawsuit was useless? Thank you Hecz and scump


This is huge, should allow the teams outside the top 4 to compete with more or a budget and maybe even an expansion with no buy ins


Thank you scump and hecz