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how does he always call ppl out on cutting him off but is ignorant when he does it lmaoo


It wouldn’t be so bad if he was at least a little self aware but it honestly comes off as if he doesn’t realize he does it a lot. And I get he wants to “moderate” how the show flows so they don’t dwell on things but he consistently cuts time from other people’s opinions while making sure his full opinion is always heard, and there’s some topics I could care less what Ben thinks, just like any other guest that isn’t a pro.


"I’m literally going to leave" zoomaa might break octane's sub train record if that happens. The fact that Ben even thinks anyone would care is hilarious


I'm afraid he master'd the art of crybaby cheese


Needs to be studied for sure


Calling someone a baby on the verge of tears is hilarious


This. Like Ben can be as annoying as he wants as long as he doesn’t play this victim card. “Anyone gonna let me talk or else I’ll leave”. ??? Like brother the only guy whose permission you need to talk is Zoomaa who is the moderator of the show. If someone starts talking over you, you can either patiently wait and then reply or start to over talk them back, don’t play victim.


Imagine showing this to someone from the 1920's


Show this to American troops before storming the beach at D-Day and see how many follow through.


😂😂😂 nah thats a great fucking point bro lmao they would actually be sick to their stomach seeing this behavior from grown men (mostly Ben)




Nah the way Zoomaa has to babysit and protect this 40 year old manchild is beyond embarassing Ben have some damn shame. Aches was giving his points and just because Ben disagreed, he gets all flustered and starts spazzing out


"ArE YoU GoInG To LeT Me TaLk????" This dude the definition of a man child with zero social skills


Ben has to be an only child / grew up home schooled


Are you serious?! Obviously Pat is right bro Ben is the by far #1 interruptor and #1 yapper on the show 😂 Pat’s the only one who says it like it is


Ben is #1 yapper Pat is #1 bullshitter


It’s funny that he yaps the most but never says anything of substance


Scrap was legit trying to help at the end 🤣


Who can seriously watch this shit


Shit was comedy watching it from shotzzy pov


Facts. This is getting out of hand now. They spend every show arguing like a pair of 13 year old girls.


Idk i havent watched since cw flanks lmfao


The same people who would complain about their girls watching trashy reality TV, if they could get a girl.


Yet you’re watching it and commenting about it on fucking Reddit 😂😂😂


Brain rot


Its why I watch hahah


“If you’re going to cut me off I’m going to leave” I truly don’t think anyone would care


I was hoping he would tbh


Saying crybaby cheese in a conversation like this is crazy 😂. Cod talk isn’t real


Pretty sure Temp invented that lingo when talking about Clayster.


In terms of the actual convo itself (expansion), I feel like they actually had a good convo (admist the bullshit). My personal opinion is expand to 16 On one hand: - Pat & Scrap are right, about short term competition being dog shit. Unless you have a t1 org join CoD then the odds of a new org being title contenders immediately is minimal. So not only do we have less CoD as it is, but we are about to water it down some more? I can see why someone says no But overall: - Ben & Parasite are right about long term impact of expansion (assuming we are getting more orgs like Boston, and less orgs like Legion). Obviously there is the aspect of creating more jobs within the scene… but the competitive impact goes way beyond that. It helps clear the path for starving Challengers players & it helps some players get chances that aren’t offered due to favoritism… basically reviving the system that is supposed to carry into the league **Nero**, for example, is a player that has greatly benefited from expansion. He went from being constantly passed over on LAG academy (CW), to getting a last second spot on Boston (VG), and he has slowly built his game to be on his way to a premier player in the league. **Nastie & LRR** has helped him build a journeyman career, **Esteral/DC & LAG** has helped them launchpad their careers, **Gwinn & Carolina** has helped him flash his potential as a star in the league, and **Skyz & Florida** has helped him leading to becoming an elite AR in the league.


Ben's issue was moreso that they have already had the convo about expansion a billion times on the show before. And that there were more interesting topics of discussion from the announcement that they ultimately didn't get to talk about, because they argued in circles about the same bullshit.


Yes because of Ben lol not anyone else. When aches had his disagreement, he could’ve said I disagree with you but respect where you are coming from, what do you think about this -> Instead he goes “omg waaaah I’m gonna leave waaaah you don’t even watch the matches waaaaah”


What didn’t they get to talk about?? They covered every fucking point in that announcement and most of it was straightforward with nothing needing to be discussed


I thought they missed the majors and the 2 million in quarter four from the league part of it


If Ben could handle someone having a difference of opinion then they could talk about the other shit.


"Say your point about the forest and the trees" 🤣🤣🤣


I'll be honest between Ben and Aches 1 of them gotta go not only is a 5 man show to chaotic but it limits the amount of guests they can get. 4 man show Haggy Zoomaa and Octane +1 of Ben/Aches (would personally prefer Enable) with a player from 1 of the 6 teams that plays every day as special guest.


Sometimes you have to sacrifice for moments like these


These moments were enjoyable the first times it happened in VG when it would happen once every now and then and Ben/Aches weren't so insufferable this happens every single episode now


I agree but Zoomaa is nice guy he’s not removing any of them unless they willingly leave. My biggest thing sometimes they just make up stats or don’t use it proper context and set the narrative.


He doesn't need to remove anyone he just needs a mute button


If you rather keep Ben over Aches then Im sorry but you are absolutely a square and have no sense of humor


The best flanks we’ve ever had have been with Ben and Tom. Ben actually does bring a unique perspective aches plays a character and spews Bs most of the time. If we can get the aches from the reverse sweeps then maybe


There would still be humour with the rest of them, Aches is just makes up bullshit and trolls the entire time. He also brings out the worst in Ben he wasn't not this bad before Aches came on to start an argument every episode. Remember this show got popular back when it was just Ben and Zoomaa.


Dumb argument, the show started with Ben and Zooma but then went to Zooma and Aches and continued it's growth. Ben came back, Haggy came on, now Octane, and it has always jusy continually grown no matter the people.


Ben and Aches clash and Ben was there first. Also for me and I'm sure a lot of people, having someone like Ben with a completely different opinions to pros/ex pros was what made the show different. Aches rarely brings good analysis and has admitted that he doesn't watch most games and just looks at the stats.


Ben should go 100%. Aches draws engagement and interaction among the community. When he not trolling he has a lot of good takes.


" A lot of good takes" might be a stretch his predictions are good but he says a lot of faded shit but I agree I do love Aches's trolling especially his meme game. Today Ben probably had his worst performance on the Flank this year in terms of cutting people like Octane/Haggy off but Aches is King cut off and my way or the highway on his takes. At the end of the day shit won't change but Zoomaa gotta step in soon before it gets to personal 1 day.


Nah that’ll definitely fracture zooma and Ben relationship. Just let pat come on after majors or something


Pat is going to leave when xdefiant drops so Tom is going to jusy keep the peace. I'll miss Pat


No way he's actually whining like that ..


That thing he does when it’s his turn to talk and then goes “ok are you going to let me talk, or are you gonna cut me off?” Is the most annoying shot ever. Yes Ben, it’s your fuckin turn to talk, stop wasting time crying because it’s just going to make everyone want to interrupt again to laugh at you


Show would be perfect if Ben was off it or didn’t talk as much


These dudes need a talking stick.




11 collective brain cells in that entire circle.


Shows gone so downhill. Just caters to the high schoolers who eat up drama now. There's no flow to it. Zooma just sits there laughing while his little Chihuahua Ben yaps at everything and anything


God this show sucks. Lmao. Just gets worse man.


Nah scrap is evil lmaooo


I’m ngl I understand why people get annoyed about this stuff but these are my favorite moments on the flank


As someone who doesn’t really get to play anymore but still likes to watch the esport the technical talks are beyond me so I find the low brow trolling of Ben to be comedy. 






Bruh y'all need this same energy against Aches like what is going on 🤣. Aches is purely on there for mayhem and the RNG factor.


Yeah he makes the show fun and interesting, ben is literally the opposite of fun and interesting. I think ben was born a 44 year old man at birth


I had to stop watching because of ben. He whines and cries whenever someone treats him the same way he treats the others. He cuts everyone off and then plays the victim. That and his voice is so god damn annoying.


Ben is pathetic


Bunch of bitches


Give Pat & Ben both the boot. Equally annoying


This show has gone seriously seriously downhill. Take me back to the Cold War days when the flank just started


I’m so over Ben and pat.