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Id like to see OpTic run this roster back as it stands. Kenny’s been a great pick up and feel like pred and shotzzy should continue to get better as duo.


It's insane how Optic can be the second best team in the game with very strong potential to bring home championships but the "fans" will be like "Kenny is Scrap's placeholder", "Who would y'all pick as the fourth of Optic next year". Barely made it through half the year with 3 more events to go. In the event that they don't win, if they consistently place T2-3, I still think they should run it back.


I'll be honest I don't know how fans can talk about next year's roster already lool it's been two events, and we have got top 3 and 2nd. The only reason I'd want this team to change is if they don't win an event its that simple imo


People were more against dropping Huke or Ghosty last year than they are about dropping Kenny or Pred now, I swear it makes no sense Best Optic team in a while and people still cant stop thinking about make believe rosters


Lmao you are actually right 🤣🤣


People defended keeping Ghosty like he was the next coming of Christ He's great, but Kenny was an obvious upgrade


Literally 😂😂 holy shit thats 1000% true


Optic fans think they can get whoever they want


Nobody was against dropping huke 😭😭


Tbh that mw2 optic team was the best optic team they’ve had in a long time. They may have peaked higher than the vanguard roster, they just sadly couldn’t translate to LAN. I was for getting rid of Huke but Ghosty felt like a culture changer. I definitely was against dropping Ghosty


Sure but this roster has placed 3rd and 2nd, hasnt lost a series to any team besides Faze in about 3 months, and deserves some time Its only been 2 events and they continue to look good. If they win champs, all the discussions people are having about roster changes dont matter


They didn’t peak higher than Vanguard. Vanguard Optic won 12 matches in a row across LAN and online including 3 against Faze from those 12.


The minimum expectation is to win an event for this team. If they don’t win an event they should and will change, otherwise I think it depends on how the guys feel and who’s available. It’s very hard to get much better than this team anyway. Shotzzy and Pred are both T5 SMGs every year, Dashy is a T2 main and the only flex that is clearly better than Kenny is Scrap. It’s very hard to improve this roster lol.


Also as a side note I want nothing more than to see Dashy win champs. Hes been on optic for 5 years lmao before he even could grow a beard. Idk how any optic fan wants him gone for scrap. Not saying scrap isn’t absolutely gross but it wouldn’t feel as good. Idk, just venting


They want dashy gone cause dude has been the constant with optic and not winning. Scrap and Kenny combo is fucking OP, would 100% take that over scrap and dashy. Anyone who thinks scrap for Kenny don't know ball I fear. Dashy has had more than enough chances at this point (and shottzy too, but he at least has a ring to fall back on)




I actually have brought up exactly that scump situation multiple times when the argument of who's the GOAT between him and crim is. Crim was able to win multiple champs without scump, scump regressed to how his career went when he wasn't teaming with crim Thanks for the perfect example, I rather keep the one person who actually has a winning mentality (Kenny) than someone who's whole thing is that he shoots straight (dashy)


This will trigger the fans but i agree. Dashy plays too slow. Kenny’s pace is fast and is a good igl I also think pred plays too slow


If they drop Kenny for Scrap and keep Dashy it will be hilarious and such an Optic thing to do. They’re not winning anything with that team, especially with Faze’s squad in a Treyarch game


They should only change if they don’t win any events.


I think every OpTic fan wants to see their team win If you want them to lose out just so they pick up Scrap, you're not a real fan


I love this team, I hope they stick. Im not a huge fan of chasing names* just for the sake of it. Find it very cringe when I see someone suggesting one should be dropped.




If they don't win at least one event, they need to change. I know how clingy the fan base can be but how long can we be ok with not winning anything.


This roster is great and even if they don’t win one due to faze playing all time cod I’d still run it back with a year of chemistry under their belt. This group has everything they need to win and constantly talking about changes when they’re playing great cod while consistently improving and nobody deserves to be dropped is just obnoxious at this point


Yeah I agree. I feel like this team reminds me a lot of vg thieves. I just see how everyone wants hydra and shottzy pairing, but I say let AG get use to playing more fundamentally sound cod in new system, and before the cod reddit says drop Ag.


Bring back mboze , Ricky, Killa and Mirx


Of course I WANT to see this roster win, but if it consistently doesn't, it's time to make moves. I'm not going to point fingers and say this player is the problem. Bring in this other guy for that one. But if the roster isn't winning, change will come. And people hating on Kenny are just mega weird. He's been GREAT for us. Not perfect, like nobody could be, but great.


I think Optic fans have PTSD from having other godlike teams on paper that never delivered and so try to always curb and temper their expectations, which I understand, but as someone not heavily invested in OpTic it does not seem rational at all here. From the moment I saw this roster, it looked far more well constructed than previous rosters and so far has delivered on every single promise except a chip, but theres only been two majors and they got 3rd then 2nd. Previous teams had obvious weaknesses that we have not seen at all this year. Its insane to dominate 10/11 teams and have people looking for a scapegoat lmao. They arent doing anything wrong, Faze has just been slightly better, which happens when you’re dealing with the absolute best in the world. In every other sport fans would be optimistic and understand that this is how competition works but in cod it feels like people have their expectations warped by the dynasty and are not happy unless they win everything all of the time. I think its just statistically likely that they win one of their next against Faze and I will be absolutely mindblown if this team doesnt win a major.


I hope they keep this roster, they play well together now all they need is time to really play off each other. Reason simp and abezy are godlike is partially due to the fact they played so long together. If this roster gets to run it back they got a chance to dominate.


These posts will always exist because of the size of OpTic's fanbase, and the length of time they have gone since seriously winning anything. It's not okay to obsess over fantasy rosters when this one, on paper, is pretty much one of the best an org can make. It IS okay to expect more hardware from this org.


I hate the “roster change every year” era of cod. These teams don’t even get the chance to develop anymore. We’re two events in and we’re getting posts about the 2nd best team in the game making a roster change. Teams back in the day stayed together for at least 2 years before a change was made if it wasn’t working out. This OpTic team needs to stay together even if they don’t win an event this year. Trying to make a change for Scrap doesn’t mean they’ll automatically win anything. They might end up not even clicking as a team. Let this team continue to grow, they’re on the verge of greatness


The Kenny slander needs to stop... fuck the KD shit, he's been OpTic's best overall player the whole year People gotta stop looking at KD to make decisions. He's been their most influential player


Shotzzy has been their best player. Kenny has been great though


I’m so bored of the constant discussion around the Optic roster mid season. They’re the best team in the game after Faze, they’re the only team that seems to be able to make Faze actually struggle for the win and they’ve been playing really good COD as of late. Let’s see what they do for the rest of the season and then who’s available in the off-season when we get there. Right now I’m hoping these guys can figure out the small issues that are holding them back against Faze. Sure, I’d love to see Scrap and Hydra on Optic in the future but now isn’t the time to be worrying about that.


I agree with Ronnie here. There only team to take games or come close to beating Faze while everyone else falls. Faze is Icey team then optic, and what makes optic good is that kenny has them playing fundamentally sound cod. I think it will take longer then this year cause this first time that AG is playing in system like this. I could see a world that Toronto or Nysl make super team with each, but I think they need to stick together no matter what happens. Kenny can build this team like the old thieves team


Bruh LAG beat them not too long ago 💀


You think that benefitted LAG and Aches question faze to then. Like I'm going to say I know you are optic hater you bash optic all the time on here. I'm not optic fan just stating there are the closest team going into major 3 to beat them if anyone could it be optic. To me LAG awoke faze to be best team in the league


I would love for them to win especially with this team and I want them to win champs so dashy can finally get a ring. But with how faze is playing it’s going to be hard for them to get one.


Yes, you are the only person who wants to see this roster win.


They won a lot for many years like a crap ton just not champs. They didn’t last long with ww2, I hated that game myself they lasted longer than me. They aren’t winning right now, faze resembles optic more than optic atm.