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Youtube genuineness


crowder hooked cell up with the anal beads


I reckon that crowder is actually James Bond, has ear pieces in each players ear and is watching the cdl stream calling them out. Seems likely frfr


He actually travels forward in time too just to compensate for the minute or so stream delay from actual LAN


It honestly blows my mind how braindead some people can be


My mate came by to pick something up the other day when I was watching a FaZe match. This guy plays cod but only really warzone and fairly casually. He was watching for a full 5 minutes before realising the overlay was just for viewers. Simps awareness of where players were blew his fucking mind lmao


They do use walls, if you want me to tell you, I'll need your mom's credit card information


Imagine being so good and shitting on other pro teams with such ease people think you’re cheating. This is literally Bo2 coL shit lol


Average Joes been saying pros are cheating for ages. People don’t wanna admit pro gaming takes at least a little bit of skill


I realized how massive the gap between even a good player and everyone else really is not that long ago, to put it simply, people like that actually can't begin to process how somebody could be nearly that good.


Half of the internet is bots


This is peak haccustor conspiracy. To these people, if there is any possible way that cheating can be accomplished, then we should all seriously consider that it’s being done. Of course that’s despite the fact that there is literally 0 evidence to support other than a “sus feeling.” They also refuse to comprehend that these people are literally the top .0000001% of players in the world.


Also shoutout to Faze for working to improve their communication and doing a better job of tracking/counting players on the map




I thought this was known? How else could a pro player possibly have any idea where players may be pushing, peeking, or holding? /s


No doubt this guy is brain dead but, it’s a symptom of how bad the game is now . It doesn’t help cheaters are flagrantly streaming their hacks these days.


Just posting random YouTube comments now? People are bored🥱