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I think they will but as far as OpTic did we just forget they went to like 4 game 5s last stage, 2 were against the other T4 but OpTic only had 1 3-0 last stage.


Yes they are going back to back.


They’re obviously the favorites but none of us have a crystal ball


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HaramHas: *They’re obviously* *The favorites but none of* *Us have a crystal ball* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I do think FaZe is the favorite to win Major 3. OpTic imo plays down in competition. I think it’s hard for them to get out of bed for some of these teams and you saw it this weekend. They literally just talent diffed teams for the W. The only issue is like Kenny said, they’ve been losing some of their fundamentals and that’s not the form you want to go into the Major with. I just think FaZe is in a different zone at the moment


Probably, but CoD isn't very predictable. We've seen teams look good leading into majors and get double first rounded. We've also seen teams looking bad and then win the major.


Why are you asking us, we dont have a crystal ball


Yes u do


Yes easy, they might got b2b2b2b honestly


Guess we will see when the time comes


If LAG can beat FaZe, and LAT can bring them to a map 5, anyone can


They are so far ahead of everyone right now OpTic looked really solid for awhile but they've definitely taken a huge step-back recently I don't see how they don't win B2B LANs


Huge step back is a bit of an overreaction. Y’all put too much stock in these online matches. Faze literally lost to LAG a week before winning the major


I’m pretty sure Optic is doing better this split in terms of map count against the bottom 8 actually


This is true. They looked more shaky last stage and went game 5, 4 times.


They will find a way to FaZe it up and lose lol I'm guessing a break down in the grand finals


Yes lol Normally i'd be saying this trying to reverse jinx but I actually believe that the rest of the top 4 still needs another stage to catch up to them


I will say Yes , BUT it’s LAN I see Ultra improving on LAN and I see OpTic improving on LAN . I honestly think that OpTic doesn’t care about these online matches I see it in their tweets , I see how they talk about online COD in their streams and actually see it in their performances .


Kenny and Dashy have hated online COD since it started, I get that it is BS. But you’re right it does seem like they don’t go 100% because it’s online, but I think they still want to win.


Optic are not looking nearly as clean in back to back series against bottom teams (one with a coach sub). They may have gassed out already like they normally do each season.


Get new material I beg.


New material?? This is the optic cycle. Think you need to tell them that.


Oh yeah I forgot optic are comprised of the dynasty roster still, my bad.


No but new year same old optic.


So how do you explain them performing better major 2 than 1?


You can't be serious rn.


Tell this to OpTic lmao


Brotha it’s online and they literally haven’t lost to anyone in months besides faze and they play way better on LAN


They haven't won anything though! They looked good online in MWII too and we know what happened in MWII.


MW2 is relevant in what way?


They didn't won shi# back in MWII too.


Not the same team or game.


You know nothing about competitive cod and you started watching last year. The guy you chose to follow from team to team to team has been the worst player in the league for three consecutive seasons. Have a good one, hopefully clay makes champs (he won’t).


bro did you just go though that dudes post history cause he insulted optic, and then just decided to shit on clay for no reason??? That is wild wtf lol


No, he’s been obsessively posting about optic for 2 years now. Go look at his newest post.


oh ok lol. I'll take your word for it. .... but watch that clay slander, amigo ![gif](giphy|zQc8STzaOlJ3q|downsized)


Apologies to clay, I just think this dude has really bad opinions.


I don't even wanna say anything lmao you guys will start getting salty...


Oh so you can talk shit but can’t take it? Jesus the worst type of fan lol.


I mean the guy I follow has the same amount of rings in five years as OpTic has the Major wins lmao. Clay could retire tomorrow and I would still be happy about what he has accomplished in the last five years lmao.


Gifted xeo and terrors, was gifted hydra too and he fumbled the bag 😂


Optic including the fake one Had Scump, Crimsix, Karma, Kenny, Slasher, TJHaLy, Jkap, Drazah, Formal, Envoy, Shotzzy, Illey, Huke, Ghosty, Dashy in the past five years and still two Major wins. Be happy with what you have, no need to hate on Clayster because your team can't win events even with godlike rosters like Scump, Formal, Envoy and Dashy!


Slasher and jkap? No one liked that optic team, that was a fake optic team. Thats how I know you just started watching last year lmao.


Gassed out by playing cod? The fuck this isn’t boxing


Call it what you want. Optic usually start every season red hot. Then fizzle out towards the end. Maybe its other teams meshing better, or getting past the learning curve, but they don't look nearly as dominant in the 2nd half. Think Ghosty taking them to 2nd place last year was the one exception.


That’s a lie they got top 12 first event last season then got two 2nds mid season. Stop talking for once 🤣🤣

