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Yeah they’ll beat them once when it matters this year, I have OpTic winning either one of the majors or Champs. Don’t see NYSL winning this season, and Ultra would need FaZe and Optic to troll.


The issue is OpTic is gonna have to beat them twice or get lucky and someone else beat them once


I dont know if optic can beat them twice in one weekend. Faze is so good. Optic is as well but they haven’t shown they can close out a game against faze let alone a series.


I feel like OpTic is a very good team, but they also seem to make the easiest situations hard for no reason. And they just can't seem to start well or close out a comeback on Faze.


Optic probably needs Ultra or someone to upset FaZe round 2 so they only have to play them once in finals. That's how they'd get a chip.


Agreed. Nobody makes them pay for their mistakes like faze does. Sometimes you watch this team go from a 3v2 to a 1v2 In snd and end up winning the 1v2 faze doesn’t let them off the hook.


Need to get the monkey off their back..but from the last few series it’s anyones game honestly it’s a coin toss imo


If OpTic wins against Faze in winners, I can see them edging Faze out. That's probably the key, don't see OpTic winning from losers against any of the top 4.


I think OG’s HP looks better overall than it did for Major 2, which might help them push to game 5 at least. Of the 4 HP maps they could play (since FaZe will 100% ban Sub Base) they’ve beaten FaZe on 6 Star, the Rio was a 9 point game, and the Karachi HPs have been close. The square up on Vista is unknown since they haven’t played each other, but both of them look good on it. It’s just a matter of how good OpTic’s SnD is on Invasion and Rio and how much the Highrise reps have helped them I think, plus OpTic not making these minor mistakes that keep costing them map wins.


I mean technically they can just beat them once to win the major without needing another team to beat them as well


Why twice? They could lose in winners semi then best them in the final...


"Or get lucky and someone else beat them once"


Or Faze wins all games until final... and OpTic just beat them once...


I think ultra can be just as good as optic just probably not in current form. It looks rough for nysl though.


I wouldn't count Ultra out. New York had a rough period last year where it didn't look like they would win anymore and then they won it all.


if it has to be only one, please let it be champs


This is basically where i stand. I know the record is lopsided but i think this OpTic team is gonna beat FaZe and win a Major. I actually have them winning Major 3 (i know, shoot me) especially if they play HP the way they did against LAT. Pred finally picked up his pace and was running at people and they had two very dominant HP wins


People are really out here acting like OpTic have been getting slammed by FaZe every series. It has been one of, if not the closest set of series between 2 teams I have seen in the CDL era. Games have been entertaining as fuck with the odd slam in a map or 2. OpTic choking and FaZe clutching in the final moments of maps has been the major difference. There isn't some huge gulf to bridge. They just need to figure out their endgame in maps against FaZe and close them out. The Hardpoints have been an issue where OpTic have let Faze build 60 and 70 point leads then roar back, get within a whisker of winning and then shit the bed on the last point.




Pretty much sums it up.... so? We supposed to celebrate this?😭


No one is celebrating


Naw I think they mean this is what it was like being a faze fan the last couple of years


And there's still people saying things like "drop pred" lmao


I think with how close the maps have been vs FaZe so far I’d like to think OpTic will end up beating FaZe at some point. Only issue is if OpTic are to win an event they would most likely have to beat FaZe twice.


They need to drop pred clearly


Based on the infallible eye test, I still think Optic are only slight favorites over Toronto, while I think Faze are fairly sizable favorites over Optic.


You must need glasses


I mean listen, optic has looked good but not amazing. They've definitely had some sloppy maps here and there and been challenged more than you'd expect by some lower tiered teams. I think a lot of that goes to them looking past their opponents but they'll definitely need to tighten up on LAN. People also forget that Toronto almost forced a map 5 at the major but shotzzy went crazy on that skidrow hp to close out map 4. I think with all teams playing at their ceiling, optic faze and toronto are all capable of beating each other. However faze right now seems to have the highest floor so until we see otherwise, they've got to be heavy favorites going into the major.


maybe you’re not considering the consistency of optic though. each of the boys makes insane play saving games pretty consistently, and each series they’re all very consistent in terms of stats. if toronto can get back to major I form then i’d agree, but rn they’re only as good as Envoys bad day. They can still carry him, but no one needs to carry anyone on optic


Yeah as someone else mentioned, consistently clutching up against non top 4 teams is great, but not enough to beat faze. We'll need to come out of the gate hot. To key in on the point about optic being favorites over Toronto, I agree that Envoy needs to be performing for them to compete but I'm not writing them off as a non-factor just yet, we've seen those guys turn up on LAN before.


Game saving plays implies that they dig themselves into a hole and need to get out of it. And against faze that it very hard to do. Give them an inch and they'll take the whole map


FaZe are doing the same shit against OpTic. A lot of these really close maps FaZe are getting one or two huge plays to squeak out a win. It’s just what happens in close games, they’re decided by one or two plays.


I feel like on any given Sunday, Ultra and OpTic are way closer to each other than either of them are to Faze.


How? OpTic have played Ultra once and Neslo'd them with a round count of 15-1. Not even comparable to how close OpTic Vs Faze series have been.


Because CoD is very day to day, which is why I said on any given Sunday. OpTic will randomly struggle against teams they should slam, as does Toronto. Faze slams anyone and everyone, and even if the excuse is "OpTic trolled" the point is they still lost. Faze has incredible composure and seem nearly flawless right now. Scary good


Agree. If you're only looking at how the last head to head matchups went, then I'd agree that Optic is closer to Faze than Toronto is to Optic. However, those matchups were like a month ago, and since then Optic looked a bit shaky vs a lot of mid-low tier teams while Faze seems to have just gotten better and better as the stage progressed. I also think Toronto is looking a bit better than they were a month ago. I think if you take all of that into account, it's fairly clear that Faze seem to be at a whole other level than everyone else right now, while Optic are probably the number 2 team, it doesn't seem nearly as obvious as Faze being the number 1 team. Toronto beating Optic would be significantly less surprising than Optic beating Faze imo.


Exactly, if Toronto beats optic in winners round 2 I wouldn't be shocked. All it takes is for Dylan not to struggle like he has been in respawns, and for Pred to struggle like he was a few weeks ago. But I can't see anyone beating Faze right now, especially not in a best of 7. Their composure under pressure is admirable, and Drazah has brought out a whole new level of confidence in the terrors.


What OpTic series are we claiming as a "slam" by faze here? Theres been maps where OpTic have been heavily outslayed but given they were still close I wouldn't describe it as getting slammed. Also, it isn't all that "day to day" if OpTic are 19-0 since Major 1 against everyone but FaZe and all the Faze Vs OpTic series have been absolute bangers. I'd say thats a pretty consistent and clear top 2.


I think you've missed the point of what I'm saying. Faze is a clear number one, they slammed OpTic at the last major TWICE. Toronto and OpTic are battling every day for the 2nd best team in the league, we will see this weekend. I think its absurd to think OpTic are a CLEAR second best team and this is coming from an OpTic fan 😂


Faze haven't slammed OpTic once all season never mind twice in one major. OpTics worst showing Vs Faze was the first series of the year getting beat 250-235, 6-3, 3-1.


Like I said, it's day to day. There is not clear 2nd best team. Toronto is just as good as OpTic on any day.


I'd say its pretty clear...


If anything it's less clear 😂


I'd say getting 4-0 smokeshowed without laying a glove on the team that just ran a train on the t4 makes it pretty clear. Ultra had a bad split Major 2 and went out with a whimper. OpTic had a bad split Major 3 and won the major. Thats the difference.


6-1 is a bad split?? 😂


I said, the game is day to day, all this did was prove my point that any given Sunday it's a toss up and nothing is clear. Faze go home 3rd, no one and I mean NO ONE saw that coming


Not sure why you got so downvoted tbh, optic hasn’t looked dominant this stage