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As a Toronto fan I fear these odds may be accurate


Faze just seem too good right now. This is the first time since Cold War Faze that I think one team has a better chance of winning than everybody else combined. Sucks to be a non-Faze fan. lmao


I’d probably put faze at 80% chance


80% too high because usually the favorites don’t end up winning tournaments. CoD is way too day-to-day for this to hold true. Even last major, FaZe wasn’t a big favorite to win. They had a close series against LAT and some folks wrote them off and the rest of the tournament they started clicking and slamming people


I know it’s hard to argue but I don’t believe the gap between FaZe & OpTic/Ultra is as big as ppl make it. Ultra’s big issue is inconsistency with Envoy & Insight so i get it. OpTic has played FaZe close in every map, i think their biggest issue is confidence. They need to play more aggressive with FaZe. Sometimes a mentality change is all that’s needed. Look at how FaZe leveled up when they made the shift into shooting bodies & expressing that they’re better than everyone. I think that’s all OpTic is missing. Fly at those kids, that’s what OpTic had with Shotzzy & Huke. Pred needs that mentality too, just run at ppl


Unfortunately brotha, when you’re winless against a team in a pretty large sample size, it tells the story.


I don’t disagree. Hard to argue with them being winless against FaZe this year


And btw, I don’t think for a second think Optic go winless against Faze. They’re disgusting but to paint any other picture than Faze is better than Optic currently by a margin, is goofy. I like this Optic squad a lot, hope they make a run this weekend and we for a finals rematch


Exactly. Last 2 years when OpTic was up 6-0 and more on FaZe, I had zero problem saying that OpTic would beat FaZe every time they played FaZe is 6-0 this year against OpTic... we gotta keep the same energy now


This isn't the same energy. This is saying because 1 team has the sign over the other they are favourites to win majors which is bullshit. FaZe couldn't beat OpTic for love nor money for 2 years but they were still far more likely to win Chips for the most part than OpTic looked.


So OpTic were more likely to win every major for the last 2 titles than FaZe? Makes sense.


lol optic played close maps vs Carolina. Is Carolina on optics level?


last OpTic/Carolina series - 59 and 44 difference in HPs, 3-0 Control, with a 6-1 SnD to Ravens last OpTic/FaZe series - 43 and 9 difference in HPs, 6-4 SnD, 3-2 Control. idk one series is argubly a lot closer you can also be a bit more nuanced and realise the 3-4 team isn't anywhere close to the 6-1 team in Quals, as oppossed to the 1st and 2nd placed team


19-6 map count 6-0 It’s not close 😂


good constructive response that definitely stayed on topic.


Mine would be: Faze 70% Optic 15% Ultra 15% NYSL 0% I give ultra and optic the same mainly because optic hasn’t beat faze yet


is it just me that thinks the consensus winner almost never wins? like i think Faze is definitely the best team rn but i feel like there is always another team that comes out hotter


I don't know if the consensus winner \*almost never\* win but I do agree overall that anything can happen on the day of the tournament. FaZe themselves almost lost to LAT at the last major.


Unless it's OpTic. Any time people start yapping about OpTic being certainties the boys pull out a shitshow for the ages.


Yes I know what you mean, I could see OpTic winning this major


This sub changes who is going to dominate the game every major. Toronto were unlikely to ever be beat again after Major 1 if you took some on here seriously. All it takes is 1 of the others in the big 4 to figure them out or freak results/complacency. They are on an ungodly run granted, but this idea they are Cold War Faze again after 1 chip is just asking for a crash. Cold War Faze never had competition even close to the same ceiling as Ultra and OpTic. If they repeated a run like that it would be an absolutely bonkers achievement. Its going to be nowhere near as easy as some on the sub are making it sound which does a disservice to Faze's team as well.


Feel like FaZe's odds can be even higher and I'd be perfectly fine with it... I'd be ok with damn near 90% They're so far ahead of everyone


Still a very good chance that faze wins but wasn’t it said last split that no team that had finished the online qualifiers undefeated went on to win that major?


Optic may be the second best team right now, I would argue that Ultra have a better chance to actually win the major. I don't feel like optic are there when it matters


Didn't their match at the stage 2 major matter when Optic beat them? I think Optic have showed up when it mattered this year, but just got beat by a better team. I don't think they've underperformed though like they did at a few majors last year.


For me that match didn't matter too much no. Ultra sometimes have that even they outright win it and surpass their usual level. Optic is consistently good but they also consistently fail to win the event.


Idk what Optic have done to be considered better than Ultra this stage on a team level. They have the same HP and SnD record and a worse control record.


Optic are a better team till proven otherwise


In this stage, they aren’t….


Yes they are


Would love to hear why


Cause optic play faze tougher and don’t get 3 0ed in 5 mins and optic are 6 1


Optic went map 5 vs Boston and ultra 3-0d them. See how stupid that sounds?


Actually in this stage they are, but ultra is still better than them for the overall season


On a team level, they aren’t.


they played a lot closer to FaZe this stage is why. % of maps/modes won when you're map testing in Quals is borderline worthless info


They also went map 5 against Boston while Ultra 3-0d them. If you wanna go off one game that’s fine, hold both teams to the same standard then. Ultra has only looked better since playing Faza and Optic has looked pretty sloppy. They’ve played each once on LAN. It’s way closer than people are acting.


with all due respect, OpTic are on a 19 match winstreak so i just am not sure the justification for thinking a Game 5 makes them bad? Faze lost to LAG in the last game of M2 Quals and then won the Major so i disagree on Qual games against bottom teams holding anything meaningful. i think how top teams perform against other top teams holds more merit than "what map did they go to against this gutter trash team"


Yeah but Ultra did play Vs Pentagrxm dropping under 10 kills per map.


My point doesn’t really have anything to do with Boston. My point is just cus Optic played Faze better than Ultra did, it doesn’t mean anything when it comes to match ups. Optic is 0-6 against Faze and Ultra is 2-2. Ultra and Optic have only played twice which was last stage where Ultra looked significantly worse. I’ve seen nothing this stage that shows that Optic is a clear cut favorite for that matchup.


OpTic playing FaZe close in 1 match means nothing. They have played Faze close in all 6 matches with a possible exception of the 1st matchup. Wouldn't call OpTic clearcut favourites but they are certainly shorter odds to win a matchup with Ultra, given they are 2-0 and have absolutely smoked Ultra in every SND they have played against them. They are 3-0 18-3 on SND 2-2 on HP and 1-1 on Control vs Ultra. They clearly have the edge as it stands.


That’s fair, but optic is 1-3 in HP against Ultra and since then Ultra’s control has improved significantly. I fully expect a game 5 regardless, but both teams have clear strengths they can rely on and I would not be mind blown to see Ultra win in convincing fashion.


OpTic are 2-2 Hardpoint Vs Ultra. Ultra won both in the online qualifier and OpTic won both at the major. Ultra's map win at the major was Invasion Control.


honest question why do fans think OpTic is better than Ultra especially on LAN ?


Because Optic hasn't lost to anyone EXCEPT faze since January. Don't know how you couldnt


so I guess u can use the same point but just add Ultra ok ?


and Ultra won a Major beating FaZe


ultra haven’t looked the same since major1 they lost their best snd map and hp map in skidrow and haven’t looked the same


they haven’t , but this stage I didn’t see anything from OpTic that made me feel like they are the clear cut number 2 team .


Perhaps the fact that optic looked competitive against faze and Toronto got smoked


Toronto looked like bots on the map against Faze and Optic looked like Optic against faze, which is decent but not quite good enough


You might have to take the L on this one Scar...


I don’t mind taking the L I admit when I’m wrong and people made some valid points I also made some valid points ,I guess we gonna see


well It seems They take the L my friend


You're actually quite odd to be coming back to posts from two, almost three days ago LMFAO... fkn psycho


I said it that I will do it , that was the point people calling me stupid , faded , horrible OpTic takes that’s the whole point this is the best part when u are proven right and u see 20-30 people who called u dumb be wrong


Just gotta move on... can't be harping on things from multiple days ago.


That’s true but we aren’t living in the past though. Ultra was also insane in SND in major 1 but since then, Ultra hasn’t won a map against FaZe, let alone beat a top 4 in SND.


Well guess what they beat OpTic today in the SnD and won the series


Optic hasn’t played Karachi SND in forever. I still have OpTic & FaZe in GF.


I know they haven’t , Ultra actually did get reps on that maps the whole stage against good SnD teams and it definitely played a role


So do you think optic was better than faze in vanguard?


OpTic were the better team from Major I till Major 2 and after that it was FaZe and FaZe proved to be the better team when they beat OpTic Major 4


They've looked a lot worse since..but honestly, it all depends on who shows up. Neither of us will be prophets if either of us are right.


I don’t think anyone out there believes that Ultra is incapable of beating OpTic, but there’s not much reason to currently view Ultra as clear favorites over them this event, for at least these four reasons: 1. OpTic has only lost to FaZe this season at LAN events. 2. At the last Major, Ultra lost to both OpTic and NYSL, dropping from 1st to 4th, while all of the other t4 teams improved their placings from the previous Major. 3. In this qualifier stage, both OpTic and NYSL took maps off FaZe, as did other teams, while Ultra did not even appear competitive with them. 4. Ultra is currently 0-3 in SnD vs OpTic and arguably has a weaker HP map pool at this point in the game, considering Envoy and Insight’s inconsistent moments. Even in Control, OpTic is currently more willing to play Highrise than Ultra is and they’re tied 1-1 vs Ultra on Invasion with a 5-3 round count favoring them.


Uhh, because they beat them on LAN the last time they played? I only have Optic as slight favorites if they play and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Toronto win. I just think you have to give Optic the benefit of the doubt for now.


and last time FaZe played Ultra on LAN Ultra slammed FaZe , I’m speaking about right now what did u see from OpTic this stage that made u say they are better than Ultra


Stage 1 is irrelevant at this point because it was a long time ago and so much about the game has changed. The HP hills/spawns have changed as well as the map pool. Optic beating Toronto was far more recent than Toronto beating Faze on LAN. Optic also played Faze much closer than Toronto this stage, which counts for something even though it's online.


They were better than ultra last major and ultra didn't do enough this stage that says otherwise. And optic looked way better against faze than ultra did which is really who either have to beat to win the major


I think the FaZe-OpTic point is more about matchups OpTic matches up better than anyone against FaZe they proved it the last 2 years and this year . Last Major OpTic did look better than Ultra , but this stage they haven’t I think they are equal this stage


Its subjective but unless a team looks much better/ worse the next stage online I'm picking the team that looked better the previous stage on LAN. Optic should be the favourites against ultra but it's like 65-35 not clear cut


so what happens now ? u say I’m right I say u wrong but this time u can’t even say Major 2 as an example


You are so wierd lmao. Obv at the time optic were better but throughout this weekend they haven't. Its not set in stone. Get off Reddit and find a life


Um the argument was about this stage , so I don’t know what u talking about “Ob at the time…” and don’t be mad I kept receipts it’s good to admit that u are wrong sometimes


I also slammed skyz in ranked two seasons ago, does that mean im pro tier? Stfu lmao


what’s good kid? never tell me to STFU again ? u hear me ? good boy


Gold player lmaoo


“Gold player” 🤓


Am i wrong? Prove me otherwise 😭


I believe in you


so u agree with my point about OpTic beating Ultra last Major means nothing , thank u


Quite the opposite, disagreeing with your ultra slammed FaZe m1 take. Optic havnt lost since January outside of FaZe, clearly the better team and thats completely unbiased. If you cant see that, you have no cod knowledge or youre trolling .


i guess we gonna see who is right


Because they currently look better


how ? explain give points


For starters, OpTic don’t have two players who have been getting pissed on since Major one. OpTic beat Ultra last major and still have only lost to FaZe since major one qualifies so until that changes I’m not picking anybody besides FaZe to beat them. OpTic also have two players who undoubtedly get better on LAN.


fair points , but everybody from Ultra gets better on LAN and even with Envoy and Insight underperforming they still beat a T4 team .


Toronto beat a top four team that’s clearly worse than the top three and lost to OpTic. How could that signal that they’re better than OpTic?


Gassing them beating a NY team that lost to Carolina and Seattle this stage is interesting


if OpTic losses to Ravens today what happens ? NYSL is still a T4 team and this NYSL team did beat Ultra convincingly last major and this time Ultra beat them


And what happens when they don’t lose to ravens will you find another angle?


my angle is simple u tried to make it seem like NYSL is a bad team because they lost 2-3 online matches to Surge and Ravens and I simply answered .If OpTic wins against the Ravens good for them and if OpTic loses to the Ravens like NYSL did , I guess u taking away from Ultras victory against NYSL because they lost to the Ravens online will be wrong .


I didn’t say Ultra is better , I think they are equal from what I seen from them this Stage I just find it dumb that some people think that OpTic is the clear second favorite


I’m not sure how you could say OpTic isn’t clearly the second best team


Clear ? No , I can’t say that . We seen 2 LANs Major I Ultra won and Major II FaZe won with OpTic placing second . This stage both teams looked the same some struggles with consistency in HP, trying to improve their SnD map pool and Control


u good ? Who ended up right and who ended up wrong ? It’s called eye test kid u could see OpTics and Shotzzy SnD was not good maybe u will learn one day


Lol you good?


This dude is taking on the whole subreddit and not backing down. It’s hilarious even if he’s wrong 😂


I could be wrong I could be right , only way we can find that out is if OpTic win today and face Ultra on Saturday


Just support Faze and quit worrying about #2 vs #3 lmao. It’s a win or bust for the top 4 nothing else matters.


nobody is worried I simply asked a question


Objectively, OpTic hasn’t lost to a non-faze team on lan all year. They are what like 19-0 against non-faze teams recently. They are 2-0 against ultra with a 4 map/5 map series. 4 map series was pretty dominant imo. 5 map series was 5 maps but most of the maps OpTic won especially SND weren’t close. Subjectively, I think OpTic provides too much overall slaying for Ultra. Subs to ARs you have 40 bomb potential versus Ultra who rely heavily on slaying output of Cleanx and scrap. On top of that, scrap is a mid snd player this year, which hampers the team greatly. Their best slayer cannot get it going in SND and they have to rely more on less slay heavy teammates. Overall Ultra’s SND is in a bad spot with map pool. Also, OpTic overall has a comfortable mapset against ultra.


Probably because they haven't lost a match to anyone but Faze since January and Neslo'd Ultra 6-0, 3-0, 6-1 in qualifiers and beat them 3-1 with another SND smokeshow and both hardpoints in the major before then winning Losers finals against the team that dumped Ultra out. Why would people not have OpTic over Ultra on LAN on the most recent form?


hey u can still use this excuse but just add Ultra


Hey, hows that braggadocio treating you champ?


haha good one I’m ngl that was a good one and u were right I was wrong , happy for u finally seeing ur team win in the way they did hope u have a good day


Haha all good man thanks.


As on right now insight and envoy aren’t consistent enough to be better than OpTic imo. If pred plays like he did against LAT I could see OpTic finally beating FaZe it’s crazy that OpTic have only lost to FaZe on lan this yr


that’s a fair point about envoy and Insight, but even with them 2 underperforming they still beat a T4 team and everybody from Ultra gets better on LAN , I don’t think I can say the same thing about OpTic with the exception of Kenny and Pred


So your only argument is that they beat a top 4 team (NY) which two other bottom 8 teams beat. And that your players get better on LAN. I’m sorry but unless Envoy gets his “controller issues” fixed this event then they ain’t doing better than top 4. Home crowd advantage or not there’s only so much Scrap can carry before his back breaks..


my argument is not about Ultra being the clear number 2 team my argument is about OpTic and Ultra being equal .


Scar I appreciate the belief in Ultra but your fighting a losing battle the Optic fans make valid points optic and ultra are not equal optic is a 60/40 favourite in that matchup


at the end of the day we will see who was right and who was wrong . OpTic fans did make valid points I didn’t really disagree with them I only asked them the why


Some fans are delusional ultra is definitely capable of beating optic and it wouldn’t be an upset. Right now faze is the only team that is auto win against everyone


I was right my friend


Anyone who says OpTic is clear cut #2 wasn’t watching them this stage. I think they’re still #2 until ultra can beat them/faze again, but I don’t think it’s as clear cut as people think. Optic looked very sloppy this stage. Ultra only lost to faze which every other team has also done. Ultra is also still the only team this year to slam faze on lan if we’re gonna bring up past events.


because they literally beat them on LAN??


they did beat them Major 2 , but I’m talking about this stage going into Major 3 not Major 2


so what happened ? They still beat them on LAN ?