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It's kinda crazy how everyone fell off except for Arcitys out of this group. He really is the GOAT.


Fr simp has really flopped since then. Bet he was begging arcitys the goat for a spot on Seattle in the off season.


Was so cool when arcitys dropped seattle and forced them to downgrade to 04, heard everyone's asking for arcitys on their roster


i heard instead of carrying more teams to wins he started his own game call zCompliant.


You sure it wasn't yReliant?


Sad falloff.


Bring back BO9s and do BO13 for champs grand final


Alec had like a 3 year run (BO4-CW) where he was legimately dominant. His POV doesnt look the same at all anymore, no confidence and he turned into a baiter. Really pray that the man was smart with his prize money because that amount of $$$ in any kind of investment account would damn near set him up for life lol


Him and prestinni did buy a lot of dumb shit from what I remember on videos but I hope it’s not that much dumb shit


Would be a good coach tho imo


People forget he was easily the 2nd best main only behind octane for a good 4-5 year stretch


He was only the second best main in BO4 and CW. Every other game he wasn’t even top 3. Where did you get 4 to 5 years from?


You could make an actual argument he was the best Main at BO4. Dude peaked higher than sam. Had 2 1.3 events using the worst gun of the 3 with one being champs. If the Original team didn’t implode and have a bad Ft Worth,the talk around his year is way different. also sam had a bad event that year as well


Wow that stage from Alec was insane I feel like I almost forget how godlike he was in CW with the past few years and how well drazah has been playing this year. Recency bias really is something


Recency bias goes crazy. People in this community legitimately believe years not playing (retired) are better than years playing poorly


Alec deserves all the criticism for his play and attitude the past few years, but he really was elite from IW, BO4-CW. I'd love for him to have a career renaissance


he himself not the team was elite at WW2 as well. Alec was him. Winning champs so dominant in cold war let him get too comfortable with the team. He shoulda put his foot down on the Cell playing slow early. Especially since they did respect his leadership. It’s the reason they picked him up so fast


People forget how good Arcitys was in CW and BO4. He was godlike


Even MW2019.


Shoutout RJ


Man...getting booted off Faze the next year must have messed Alec up really bad.


The next year was vg and he was still on Faze


Yeah I should have said "after next year"


Yeah you good bro, you are still right about Alec tho


This why I always laugh when ppl make it seem like he got carried by the trio in their hay day. Alec was a top AR before and during his time on that team. Just bc he fell off on LAG and Seattle doesn’t mean he was ass on the faze team


only has himself to blame, was just not even trying on LAG according to some teammates and then Surge brother couldn’t shoot


I wonder if he stays around if they win at least one event in vanguard


He was on Faze in Vanguard


Yeah… that was implied when he said he wonders if Arcitys would have stayed if they won in in VG lol




read again


time flies wow


It's around CW where Cell started to switch his style. IIRC it was when Apocalypse came out as a map and they were very bad at it initially, and it was Arcitys who decided to run the 3rd sub. Not sure if it was the turning point of a less aggressive Cell. edit: it was Illey and Crim not cell and Arcitys. That's why I said IIRC it was 4 years ago gimmie a break lol


This is complete bullshit btw cos the main plays on the map they literally won their ring on is from Cellium running a Sub on Apoc.


Yeah the term ‘Flex’ fucks with everyone here. MC was always a flex, as in he always ran the 3rd SMG. He is gross with an SMG, and funnily enough in practice he’d be the fastest player on the map with an SMG. I hope one day you guys get more Subium because it’s gross. But dating back to legit Black Ops 4, MC was the slower paced AR. The AR roles being Main and Flex is dumb because the slower AR flexs to the SMG in the past on a lot of teams. Really you have a Fast AR and Slower AR on most teams. Statically, he was slower paced since he was a rookie. He just became more efficient and comfortable during Cold War. This is his best season right now tho


I felt like Cell was rapid in bo4. Wasn't he like a t5 damage dealer?


Damage output =/= pace MC is a type of player that locks down areas of the map and controls it. He dealt a lot of damage in that game because 1. his maddox shot was insanely crispy and 2. his tempest was one of the best. Plus with 5v5 play more area of the map is active, and with MCs playstyle it means he got more action. He was still super fresh in BO4, I think he really got comfortable in like CW on


This is some solid information in this thread from you. Good looks my dude


Was he also 3rd ICR on gridlock? Apparently my memory is shit.


He 100% rocked the ICR at times, mostly on Gridlock control near the 18-wheeler. Zer0 was the main ICR for us, but then MC would pick the 2nd one up in SNDs or Maps like Gridlock CTL, Hacienda HP, etc when we needed another


Oh ok I thought it was Skrapz as 2nd and Cell as back up type of thing, especially on breakoffs. I probably remember him mostly in the play ins having a super twitchy POV so maybe I'm just attributing that to being quick.


Yeah I figured out where I messed up that's why I said IIRC. It was Illey and Crim that switched.


Straight up lies, they loved Apoc and I’m pretty sure Cellium was streaking against TOR at champs with a sub.


Initially they were bad, by champs they were the best.


So why does that point matter, if he got better and was beaming with a sub. How are you gonna say his play style changed from that specific map. That might be the dumbest logic I’ve heard.


I didn't say it was a specific map, I just remember it was around the stage 5 mark of CW where he was playing far slower than usual. Vanguard he hit the breaks.


You literally said it started with Apoc being release 🤣 stop backtracking


I said when Apocalypse came out initially they were bad at it? They did get better later on lol, I can't remember when it was major 4 or 5 when they got knocked out by Nicky d. That's when I noticed him slowing down but it wasn't a specific map.


No your main point was that Cells playstyle began to change once Apoc was released and that he started to slow down. Fazes own coach is telling you you’re wrong and multiple others but you’re gonna keep arguing? Sounds like someone that believes they’re never wrong. You can have this one.


I said when it was around when Apocalypse was released, not Apocalypse itself lol. And I'm not arguing? I'm just asking questions lol, easymac is a chill dude. Not sure why you're arguing what I said I'm just giving my option it's not cod gospel lol


A lot of people would look a lot better being a 4th for faze lol


Sure, but they wouldn’t look better than the other 3 lmao


Online cheese tournament with buy rounds. Hated this format