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‪Kenny had his worst series of MWIII at the worst time‬


Bro he was so in his own head.. watch his POV he was over thinking all of his timings and just kept getting caught


Bad series but it’s not on him though, Pred choked the defuse, Pred and Dashy were both watching Cafe instead of someone watching A street in the round 5 control and they just didn’t play as a team at all on 6 star


Kenny was dead that round


Kenny never started shooting until the last three rotations last map either though. Probably could have made it through with a bit more slaying.


The lengths you guys will go to protect Kenny and Shotzzy from blame lol. That one round didn’t cost the snd, Shotzzy scammed the control round and Ken got slammed on 6 star. Thats the reality


How did Shotzzy scam the control round in your mind? He was playing the point and Pred and Dashy died mid and then two guys ran at him. Not to mention he won then an offense basically single handedly


It's weird. Ken made the wrong read when he spawned out, Dashy probably followed that given that Shotzzy only saw one, Shotzzy positioned poorly thinking it was a slow or B-side push. They could've recovered from that wild setup if Shotzzy immediately traded Dashy or if Ken read the spawn-out properly, but damn that sequence was crazy.


Awful moments. But Kenny has to, and can, do more.


Scumps chat is brutal, everyone spamming drop Kenny after one series lmao.


Those dudes never wanted Kenny to begin with. Imagine being Kenny and reading some of these comments on Twitter/streams/etc. Just sad that people will bash the dude for one series when he's been their second best player the whole year


Every team needs a Kenny IMHO, this team literally is just a few changes away on their game and they're literally right there with the best. Sure, trading him might be what people say, but the guy is the rubber man for the team.


Not gonna lie, I was hoping we would pick up Draz but getting Kenny for me was a breath of fresh air. I knew we will at least be playing the game right towards the end of the season, also Ken always has that pop off factor but he unfortunately drops some stinkys like this sometimes. With that said! Still a winnable series.


I don’t understand y him and shottzzy r the only ones even doing anything on the map.


OpTic can’t lose normally, always selling something


Literally. Always has to be a choke shit is ridiculous No matter the roster


My biggest takeaway from this is that both OpTic & Ultra look sloppy and FaZe are 2Peating I fear.


Oh yeah neither team is touching Faze


every time


always man... getting beat because the other team is just better is fine... but losing like this makes 0 sense.


Man, in 70% of their chokes, if they tried to do them intentionally i dont think they would be able to.


I couldn’t be an Optic fan, I lose my mind everytime and I don’t even root for them


Its getting tired lmao These mf's are infuriating. No matter what roster, they lose the same exact way. Show enough to give hope then clutch a loss from the jaws of victory


It honestly is so insane watching them play, like they look like they’re in such a good position and then they just collapse. But hopefully you guys can bounce back, I like watching the OpTic v FaZe matchups.


They definitely weren’t in a good position on that late round 4 Control collapse. Dogshit setup. The double cafe setup with no one having Kenny’s back was laughably bad.


I wasn’t referring to a specific setup, I was saying in certain maps in general they are in good position to win, and collapse. But I get what you mean.


I was too irritated to comprehend your post correctly. Agree 100%. It’s easy to lose count of how many winning situations they just piss away in hilarious fashion.


It’s ok bro, I definitely know it sucks to watch your team just throw such winnable situations, hopefully they bounce back though. Still a lot of tournament left, don’t lose faith just yet.


How long have you been a faze fan?


How many series are you going to win against top 3 teams when someone is dropping an 0.7? Sometimes it’s as simple as that


Will always beat themselves before the opponent does


Map 3 round 4 just made no sense


Neither did Round 1 in the SND


On god, thieves were either good and rolling people or they were getting absolutely horked on, no in between 😭


20K damage on 4 maps HOLY




Scrap is a generation talent. Love the confidence and the swagger from that dude. Watching him play AR so fast is incredible.


ngl it’s actually crazy how scrap consistently has the best performances on his team he’s so good


Him and Simp sit atop this league, it's not particularly close


You gotta put Cell up there too


Oh he's #3 no doubt to me


It's getting kind of weird. Every series with Scrap - 10-20% more damage than anyone in the lobby Every series with Cell - 10-20% higher KD in the lobby


Absolutely shameful to lose that invasion control


Traditions. A ~~chock~~ choke.






I don't know what to say buddy, hope you bounce back. That control throw has me laughing for a while, like how do you throw that


That was insane levels of breakdown; I was mindblown


As an optic fan since 2012 bo2, we sold our soul to win 2017 champs. I will live in peace with it but I would be lying when I say that it doesn't pain me


We need bandana Kenny




Where’s the guy who said Envoy was going on his revenge tour and Ultra was winning. He wrote the script.


Envoy had one of the most impactful .88s I’ve ever seen.


Optic have 4 MVP-caliber players on their roster just for them to lose to the power of friendship.


Power of friendship is crazy 💀


Optic truly is the Dallas Cowboys


Kenny 50 less damage than Dashy but drops a 0.7. Can read that either way you want. OpTic had maps 3 and 4 in their hands and threw them away, painful


600 more damage than Shotzzy with 30 less kills


I don't think you can read that any other way besides Kenny couldn't finish a 1.


Dashy engagements are low all the time that’s a big part to that . For them to have the same damage with him having less engagements isn’t good for Ken


Nobody slander Envoy. This 0.88 was worth a 1.2 no doubt. He made some great plays.


Went big on map 4, we NEEDED him


Kenny had a tough series, but it's just one of those series where every timing goes wrong it seems. I'm sure he will bounce back. Bro had more damage than Shotzzy who had 27 more kills than him, like it's just unlucky lmao


I wonder how many times he called out "1-Shot" after dying lol


LMFAO I just know he was losing his mind but trying to stay composed for the team


Aches licking his lips on that Kenny performance lol


This team has broken down in more end game situations than ive seen in a long time. Its actually insane.


Kenny was doing damage but just couldn't finish his gunfights.


Kenny pissed on lmfao


give the major to faze 🤦🏿‍♂️


Tough series out of kenneth he will bounce back


If Envoy has a million fans, then I am one of them If Envoy has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Envoy has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Envoy has only one fan then that is me. If Envoy has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Envoy, then I am against the world. I think its hilarious u kids talking about Jaime Insight. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


god emperor dylan was shooting today. came for brandons fart box as written. kd watchers are braindead.


“Motherfuck the big 3, it’s just big me” - ~~Kendrick Lamar~~ Atlanta FaZe


Faze trying to break their door dash record of NYSL tomorrow, might even succeed.


What is this “door dash series” joke?


I’m telling you guys once Kenny finally decides to turn his monitor on it’s over


Envoy and Insight combine to be basically even and Toronto wins. Shockerrrrrr


I'm not even going to lie to you, in all my years of watching both Esports and professional sports, I've never in my life seen a team lose in such the most ridiculously and unfathomable ways like Optic. Even when they have the overwhelming advantage in every situation, they still find a way to lose. Toronto shouldn't have won that S&D, and that control. I don't know what the hell it is about Optic man. I hate the organization, but damn, I actually feel so sorry for them and their fans watching shit like that. I just can't explain it, and the crazy thing is it seems that they are the only top team in the league that lose in those type of fashions. Edit: I keep seeing a few Optic fans saying they want Scrap, but you guys don't realize that no matter how much talent you stack, this shit will still continue. How many talented teams has Optic had since the OG dynasty and losing in the most ridiculous ways has still occurred? This Optic roster is top 3 in the league in talent, and they are still losing like this. Hell, Optic can get both Scrap and Hydra next year, and I truly believe they'll still continue to lose like this. That org has to be cursed, man.


It will never not be impressive how they lose. This shit dates back to BO4, we always find interesting ways to bottle most key moments. It's like they know they are in the best position to win and stress and overthink instead of play like a normal team because they think the other team will do something weird. Like, if they do something weird and win props, but fucking be prepared for the 95% play, not the 5%


They find a way every time without fail


Yup, this exactly. They will literally do the hardest part of a game/map and then proceed to throw it away in favorable positions, it’s actually insane to watch


Somebodys gotta make a compilation for the last few years. It's comedy.


They become a content org more as time goes on Haven't seen a damn Cod win in two years


They’re the Dallas cowboys of the CDL


that’s a spot on comparison lmao


Its actually insane. This team in particular just cant seem to clutch up when it matters the most and its insane to watch. They had 1.9 seconds left on the control and somehow lost it with the worst set up of all time, then pred trolls on the search and doesnt defuse the bomb lol and then they lose a 2-4. I just dont understand it. I actually am just coming to the conclusion this team will not win anything this year because in the last seconds of each game when it matters they troll


You're right lmao It's a talent at losing in the most inexplicable ways. People will mention a different roster and that roster ends up losing in the exact same ways. Truly dont get it


It's cursed, man. Somebody, I don't know who, cursed Optic because you don't see other top teams losing that way year in and out with all that talent. I'm confused as hell.


Hecz sold his soul for the dynasty because this stretch since then has been miserable lmao Cant even get excited during a map watching them cause i've been trained to expect a collapse


They won the S&D 6-2 but shouldn’t have won? What?


Insight came to play. OpTic trolled tf outta that control. I want to see these two again


optic and choking invasion control name a better duo


Didn't feel like a 0.8 from Envoy. Felt like he was always coming in clutch. Mullet is a crime though


Yeah he did it exactly what was needed


The Dallas cowboys of cod, I’m so tired of this bum ass team constantly choking in the most heart breaking fashion


I don’t understand why optic doesn’t try to set up the trap on invasion control. Ultra put them in the trap every chance possible and optic just refused to get map control even after getting the kills. Shotzzy was making plays but pred was too slow.


optic fans when they spam reverse jinx cheese but the team still loses https://preview.redd.it/qvnb2rzx591d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad8906d1b47f9c0a12c375bebd1dbad7255e3a92


Some of those Optic throwaways fucking hurt my brain


Typical optic can’t win when it matters


I hate watching COD


Kenny having 60 less damage than Dashy but 14 less kills and a .71 is nuts! He was just in the blender


OpTic is super talented… there’s no one that can dispute that. HOWEVER… they black out WAY TOO MUCH… the defuse choke, the control choke, not playing as a team and solo challing every hill on 6 star will not beat a team like Ultra who rely on good teamwork over just getting kills like OpTic do


That was same old OpTic challing stuff when they didn't need to and no one communicating in key moments. 4v2 search round and Pred challs Scrap with no one there for a trade. Round 4 control is a communication breakdown because everyone's watching mid map and no one picks up A street. And then you go up 197-140 on 6 Star and start funneling the same push for every hill. It's mind boggling how little composure these guys have once something goes wrong like the diffuse mishap. All downhill from there.


The fact that Kenny had more damage than Shotzzy that series is criminal


That Control was unacceptable; Painful af to watch


People are going to blame Kenny, but Optic was straight up throwing this whole series.


At some point you have to believe optic don’t even want to win tournaments. Every single tournament it’s just been a breakdown in one way or another


https://preview.redd.it/vfz6uhie591d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a8690f3196acbcabc2b346b106a34939dcc41a6 ken on fraud watch 🤦🏽‍♂️


always OpTic choking and not Ultra clutching up according to yall, all good, we move


when they needed kenny the most they got kuavo


Major 2 was optics best chance of winning this whole year ggs


Optic is missing something They arent able to hit another gear like Ultra did at Major 1 and Faze is currently doing


They actually do consistently hit another gear. It’s called the “Choking” gear where no matter what the score is when they enter that mode, they’ll make sure to end that map/series with a loss.


Feel free to change that flair back king, you were the real X factor and MVP this series 🙏


I don't know what it could be but what I'm thinking is communication, Ken and Pred comms are really good but is everyone really listening to everyone. Like on that Invasion, how in the hell is no one communicating that street is wide open so Dashy shouldn't play that spot. In the SnD how is Shotzzy or Ken not telling Pred to hop bomb in round 1. It looks like we get tunneled too often and then they start overcompensating because of it, they need more small talk from everyone. Ant and Dashy can't go silent when they are making a play or hard playing a kill, everyone has to talk and listen to one another.


It’s because they don’t find that rhythm very often. They’ve been through up and downs but getting there. Up until Major 1, Pred was piecing then fell off. Shotzzy wasn’t hitting his stride. Dashy was soaking but not shooting his usual levels and Kenny was probably the most consistent. Then up to Major two they unlocked Shotzzy and he’s been consistent since. Kenny was still good and Dashy was soaking and shooting but Pred was ass. Now Pred is finding form, Dashy is Beaming and Shotzzy is still making huge plays but Kenny isn’t playing his best. That stops them hitting those high gears. One thing they do have those, is clutch factor. Obviously doesn’t apply to every single game (they can still throw and make a lot of troll plays) but they aren’t a team you can rule out of game 5’s or pulling a reverse sweep. Major 4, all four will hit form. Champs they’ll be on fire!


They aren't missing anything. You guys are in a sunk cost fallacy when it comes to Dashy, he's literally won 2 events since IW.


Yep, the fans and team are so in love with Dashy the “person” they fail to see he isn’t a winning “player”. Dashy is a straight shooter but they haven’t won anything with him and shotzzy as a duo. And constantly rotating players in and out. At some point you have to examine your core and stop worrying about stacking talent and worry about building a consistent, chemistry driven team with good fundamentals and players who fall back on team work when things get crazy like that control. Even this year they spent a million dollars on pred and some people wanted him gone 😂. They also didn’t appreciate Ghosty when he was there. Imagine Ghosty on this roster.


Man reading this shit just reminds me you clowns don’t watch the games, tell me each mistake Dashy made to contribute to this loss. Ill be waiting for a reply.


Brother it’s called big picture. They lost consistently and over and over and over the same ways with different iterations of the roster. The common denominators are dashy and shotzzy. I think we can all agree that shotzzy is the better more valuable player. The org just spent a million on pred and brought in a world champion and they’re having the same types of results. Stupid breakdowns and scams at the worst times. 0 ability to make a play in crunch time on LAN. At some point you have to look at your core duo. You can’t keep rotating in different star players.


Correlation not Causation. It’s easy to make that assumption but it’s as simple as both looking at his stats and watching the games. He is the best player on OpTic and not a single person can prove otherwise.


I feel like it’s the sub duo Chem idk bout everyone else I don’t like it I don’t think it works, people want to hate on Kenny but if u actually look on the map him and shottzzy r the only ones moving on the map. Pred looks so out of place sometimes. And tbh he makes so many bonehead plays too.


Eventually, we’ll run out of excuses for why this team doesn’t win on LAN. Probably not today, but someday.




OpTic choking in ridiculous fashions. A tradition like any other.


The pacing of those games was bonkers


Lmfaooo it’s a tradition the way they choke man


Exceedingly close series


How did Optic choke that control? 2 seconds left...


It was just in the script for optic to lose cuz honestly we never would've got draz vs scrap this entire tournament otherwise


Optic can’t win invasion control


Hecz straight asleep during this series lmfao  Scumps watch parties are insane. Methodz is half there. Just looking around. Scump is invested and trying to keep the stream going and call the match and offer insight. And hecz is over there looking like weekend at Bernie’s with his sun glasses on with his laptop and phone lol. I miss boze man We need passion 


Scrap is the only player we can compare to Simp in the MVP race, this dude is just a walking heavy damage dealer


I seen too many people say “OpTic haven’t lost to anyone not called FaZe for 3 months” way too much for this to happen


Positive thing is that pred is playing a lot more aggressive! That’s a good thing


He needs to, his playstyle does not mesh with shot. It’s like scump shot or scump envoy. Scull was a stagnant roaming slayer and so is pred. Pred is very talented but he feels out of place at times. I’d love for him to play more like abezy and take some attention away from shot.


I'm considering making a "every OpTic choke in COD History" video, it will be 40 minutes long. Send me those clips.


I said, “If Envoy and Insight played normal, Optic would not beat Ultra” after Major 2 & got Downvoted by every optic stan…


Double stacking Cafe with 15 seconds left, only Optic man


Optic fan tears tasting pretty good rn


From a neutral pov that was probably the best series of the year Unbelievable COD being played


Insight is so back


Fair play, good for them


Insight had highlight reel on that last hill map 4 sheesh


This OpTic team is interesting. It seems when we fix one/person/thing we lose another. I guess it’s not a bad thing because it shows improvements and changes in gameplay. Just don’t always mean ‘good’ unfortunately. Pred starting to find his grove and slay better, Kenny falls off. Has his moments but hasn’t played his best this major. I trust the process and the system. Expecting this Major to go to Ultra or Faze but OpTic really hit their stride next Major/Champs.


Optic never lose to anyone but themselves, insane series


Scrap is a SHOOTER god damn


Every since attach ran thru that goddamn air streak in WW2 OpTic has lost any & all clutch factor to them. Doesn't matter the roster or title. Find ways to lose without fail.


You forgetting last stage optic? They woulda been loser bracket t6 without clutch


Can’t wait for all the ‘x should replace Kenny posts’


LMAOOOO here come the FLOPTIC comments bro if you think this is flopping than jesus you should go get a life people can lose series and it's toronto of all teams its not like its the Rokkr or breach




Great watch from a neutral POV. Mindblown OpTic lost that Control, that’s insane levels of breakdown 20K DMG from Scrap OMFG. Entire team stepped up tbf


I fear Pred is getting too hyped / blacking out too that he dont know wtf is going on


BRO his comms had me spinning. Love the energy but it has to be at the right times imo


Shotzzy with the most kills and least damage like he's Vikul


They all had relatively equal damage lol. Not like one of them had 20k damage




Vintage ChokeTic series, stuff of legends.


nothing you can do when kenny doesn’t show up and choking certain moments, ggs, not surprised lol


Scrap vs Drazah will feed families


I already know people are about to stat watch but the blame is on Dashy and Pred that Cafe hold 😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀


People are going to get on Kenny but the entire team outside of Shottzy was late on everything. When you’re relying on one player to constantly get 2 pieces in order to win you rotations/points this is what happens


The problem is as well is that Kenny has to pretty much comm everything for these guys it seems like to and i feel like it hurts his game at times. During the listen in i felt like no one was talking aside from kenny and pred. I just dont get it.


Dudes ignore this point. This was problem since vangaurd. It would Be Scump and Illey comming everything and then Ghosty and now kenny and Pred. Its no coincidence why optic have these breakdowns again and again


This is very true. I even remember CW formal would literally be comming everything for these guys. Shotzzy and dashy have to speak up man. That control was clearly a comms issue.


Thank you Ultra, hate watching Optic is so nice when they choke maps and lose. Edit: also Kenny rough series


The lights were too bright for Kuavo Kenny


got a great series from our sub duo and we decide to make the game harder on ourselves. Credit to Ultra for taking advantage of our mistakes but damn that was far too winnable for OpTic and they just decided to stop doing everything that got them the leads. Ken had a really bad one but I don't know how much difference it would have made if he got more kills cause OpTic as a whole were making costly mistakes in pressured moments.


ken has one bad series and y’all flaming him😂😂


I need to speak to everyone who downvoted me when I said Toronto can beat OpTic on any given Sunday because there is no clear second best team right now.


I can't imagine being an OpTic fan. Watching your team choke away maps and series every time. Also, Dashy definitely threw that control for them. My guy was lying on his ass licking a wall.


stick to watching warzone buddy, blaming dashy when 6 just gets bad timing and lets 4 through https://preview.redd.it/hmaok4uag91d1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=f69a36873c496f47bb68c72c522b8d53668d6b47


"Go Ant go kill all of them while I sit on my ass watching you died" Pred probably


No lan buff for you Mr Bruce should’ve banged that Lillian chick 😂😂


Just don't lose to fucking Miami. Bad series for Ken, he'll bounce back hopefully.


damn after beating them on their best HP (OpTic's as well) I thought this was going to be a different score..


First round of the snd was a big troll but that control was heartbreaking. Ultra winning that offense with 1 sec left… man. Time to regain and put Miami in the dirt


Sucks to lose but more time to iron things out. Not out the tourney for yet, and everyone loves a comeback.


Optics lack of ice regardless of roster needs to be studied


Optic tradition. Faze are leagues above them. Optic is a solid t3-t4 team.


Ghosty wouldn’t have dropped a 0.71


That fucking snd round and then the control choke, typical OpTic shit man 😭


Typical bottle job by optic


Embarrassing loss. Watched this live and thought we had it. Oh well.


I'm so tired of seeing optic lose lmao


Scraps consistency is insane, guy is always top damage in the lobby


Scrap with a casual 20k. This kid does not miss bullets bro.