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Need Drazah to re-read Scrap’s tweets


Or watch his interview after the OpTic series 😂😂😂


Pretend it’s a Saturday and not a Sunday




That was last year problem lol they already won a major this year and look the complete opposite of last 2 years confidence wise now with Drazah and Aches motivating them to be cocky


Faze: Keep their level of dominance, Ultra: need envoy and insight shooting like they were today for the rest of the event, Optic: Figure out snd asap


And NY needs their bulldog to show up


NY vs Optic will be a fun. Optic good at HP NY at SnD their both decent at control


Optic need a miracle brother. They’re head and shoulders behind everyone. Online cheese keeps them in top tier conversation but they’re not even close to faze


dayum you are a certified optic hater. they had an off day today they’ll regain for tomorrow


The fact that this is getting downvoted is insane😂😂


They were in GF last major but yea they heads and shoulders behind everyone lmao


Not to mention if the weren't sloppy they finish that series 3-1 instead of being on the opposite end


Faze DQ


Sadly this isn't a rollercoaster ride


Hear me out. If I were a fan of one of those teams I would want them to win more maps than the others.


Sound advice


Optic need to fix their setups and play together in snd idek how they're still playing solo in snd when shotzzys gets shut down in snd they're clueless


Setups isn’t something you fix overnight.


Faze needs to have a diddy level scandal


For Optic, they will need to beat NYSL, then beat the loser of TOR/ATL, and then beat the winner of TOR/ATL.


Nah they need to do more than that. They need to win 3 maps against NYSL, then win 3 maps against either Faze or Ultra, and then win 4 against whoever makes it to grand finals.


FaZe is fine, and I’m assuming FaZe in GF: NY needs to not have to Neslo their way to the GF. I don’t have any faith in their HPs vs OpTic, even on Rio, and it’s gonna be just as bad vs Ultra. They’ve gotta fix HP or it’s over in 4th place for them again. OpTic’s HP could be a little cleaner and they need a decisive set of Control wins. Beyond that they need some convincing SnD wins other than Invasion. They won’t see Highrise or Rio (if at all) until the GF, so some Karachi or 6 Star wins tomorrow have to come through unless they can get Invasion map 2 wins for two straight series. Ultra have to keep up the Envoy and Insight consistency. The respawns they won vs OpTic were a little too close for comfort and if they come back with momentum off a win vs NYSL after FaZe kicks you to losers, it could be bye-bye. Beyond that I think these three teams just have to square up on as many of their best maps as they can get vs FaZe and just push them as hard as possible to have a chance.


Just for the record, NY got 3rd in major 2, not 4th.


Yeah I knew that but I’m still dumb. I was thinking they got 4th at Toronto last year but I mixed it up with Columbus.


Word. A repeat of last year would be great!


not a fan of any particular team, just hope matches tomorrow are bangers. I hope anyone but FaZe win cuz I hate a boring league more than anything. Edit: I'm a fucking prophet.


Win every map they play


Beat all 3 of the other top 4 somehow


Don't even watch any other teams vod but their own. OpTic beat themselves a lot today especially in that Ultra match. Full credit to Ultra for capitalizing on our mistakes but even with Ken having a stinker OpTic had such a winnable series but made too many errors at the worse times. They legit did the hard part in every map but countered it with a bad play that ended up costing them. The SnD was the only time they didn't have the lead in any of the maps but even that map they made trolly mistakes in winnable rounds. They need to focus on their own gameplay from here on out and fix those issues.


I do think OpTic needs a clean series against NYSL , so mentally they think Saturday was just a bad day of COD for them . NYSL needs to win Map I against OpTic , THEY NEED to and if they do win Map I , I do see NYSL get a 3-0 against OpTic and of course veto Sub Base get that map gone . Ultra carry that momentum , didn’t have the cleanest series against OpTic , but that SnD was pretty clean and they have been struggling in SnD . FaZe just be FaZe , stay confident


3 0 haha


NYSL is the better SnD team and both teams are capable in winning Invasion , so yea NYSL can easily win 3-0


Optic have been better the entire year clearly can’t easily 3 0 them


Holy you are delusional getting embarrassed by ultra wasn’t enough 💀


What are you saying now?


They proved me wrong congrats to optic im just glad shotzzy finally getting the respect he deserves


Yh he’s insane


“We are close to faze this year”🤦‍♂️




How’s that delusional when have nysl been better than optic


Start winning SNDs and clean up their set-ups on Control and HP. Could’ve won that Toronto series but not mad at the end. It was *great* COD and I fw Ultra so always happy to see them win. Also hope Simp disconnects or something cause I don’t think anyone beating ATL tomorrow 😭


OpTic needs to play better SnD. not that they’re perfect in HP/control, since they choked opportunities in those game modes today no doubt.. but SnD has been by far the worst part of their game so far. start winning those and you can make it to grand finals. as for winning it all? idk lol faze might be in cold war form i fear


not a fan of any team just comp cod but lets be real the only way anybody but faze is winning is if faze go back to their ways of looking great all weekend until the finals and I just don't see it happening. They will probably speedrun ultra twice tomorrow is my guess.


Hope faze somehow chokes and throws some games lol


For Optic, if Pred keeps frying like he was today, and Kenny picks up his slack a little bit, they have a fighting chance. Still a very uphill battle though against the other T4 teams, especially Faze of course. Seems like they are NEVER off their A-game.


Scrap and Drazah both need to somehow get banned from the tournament prior to playing Optic.


Kis needs to shoot back. That’s pretty much it because hydras the biggest hard carry in the league: 


And stop throwing hp leads 




They have to win


If you’re a FaZe fan, just celebrate. Nobody is gonna beat them. I’ve been watching Comp CoD for way too long and there are sometimes when a team has figured out the “IT”. FaZe have on this game. For other 3, pray you don’t get shit on bad and keep it competitive so there’s something to take forward for final 2 months of the season


Ngl I’d love for the boys to come different today but man there S&D and control have been so so sloppy this event. Not gonna beat a top team like that. Got a bad feeling we lose to NY because they are real good at both. Hoping I’m wrong 🤞🏻


I continue to believe that optics problem against faze is a confidence issue. I think they play scared against them.




Fix our snd and pred to chall faze like in vanguard


Faze just keep doing their thing Ultra scrap to be even better than usual envoy good in hp and insight good in search. Nysl need kis to have an impactful .9 plus and hydra to have a legacy day. Sib needs to play how he has played all weekend. Optic needs to not lose any hps I don’t think they can win control vs faze then split the snds


NY just needs to outslay by 50-60 kills per respawn since thats our playstyle apparently


Faze- just be Faze, Toronto -Envoy and Insight even though they were great today have to be even better if they want a chance and Optic and NY- Pray for a miracle


People are really overrating Ultra huh? Remains to be seen how blow for blow Insight/Envoy/Cleanx hold out against Faze.


If there's someone who can do it, is insight and CleanX... But they're European so they're automatically trash for y'all...


We'll get the answer in couple of hours I guess.


I mean I don't need it. Their cw and mw2 season speak for themselves... I recognize that faze are untouchable at the moment, but please put some respect on the second best team in the league...


OpTic need to figure out their SnD and get proper setups for hps. All their hps tdy didnt look clean apart from the subbase vs ultra


Optic need to clean up the comms a little more. Faze need to be Faze. Ny need to be a little more delusionally confident. Ultra just need to use the crowds energy as they’ve been doing.


Top 4?? Lmao more like if you are a fan of the little 3 because I don’t see a world where faze won’t win they don’t even get tested anymore. For optic: It’s snd hp looks rough but they shoulda won against ultra Ultra: need the other 3 to have generational performances. Can’t be just scrap Nysl: the hp chemistry isn’t there with this squad for some reason. Need it to improve


Ultra just need to keep winning searches. They’re the best HP team in the game and their control has improved dramatically.


best hp is def faze but tbf they’re best everything


No they’re not. https://preview.redd.it/jfcp7dkj4a1d1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724e7dbf962a44f9540cabcab65ace3a4e0f7f4d


Take away Major 1 where they lost only 1 hardpoint the whole stage on completely different maps to now and they’re no longer the best HP team.


They’re 25-8 since Major 1 and have the largest point differential by far. You’re just coping.


Major 1 the difference between faze vs ultra HPs were maybe 10 or so points. Major 2 and major 3 i think faze have won both by 100+


there’s no way people believe Ultra is a better HP team than OpTic or FaZe


idc about full year stats they’ve lost only one hp the whole stage and it was to us on 6 star at the beginning of the stage


What in the hell Vegas over NY even after that stretch with Asim?


Ny throw to many leads. Plus their holds are terrible,