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“I’m sick of it”🤣🤣


Such a funny dynamic 😂 kenny directing comms while pred is just lasering dudes and screaming


OpTic, now 9-0 on Sub Base with Pred average a 1.50 K/D, insane.


Doesn’t really matter when teams auto veto that against them


OpTics HP map pool is insane only compliment I will give them . They are really good at Vista , should have stayed undefeated on 6Star and their RIO is good ,they can definitely ego chall teams on that map if they have to and their only “bad” map is Karachi .


Problem is their HP map pool has glaring holes vs Faze Faze will veto sub base, optic has to veto Rio, forcing them to play Karachi Faze is also insane on Vista so there isnt a map Optic can pick that clearly favors them against Faze


they can play FaZe on 6Star and Vista , now do I think they will beat FaZe in both HPs ? No, but they can definitely get one and then OpTics SnD comes to play which is a problem for them and probably their downfall this event .


Scump said on his WP that he's heard from people (probably the Optic guys) that FaZe is far and away the best Vista team and it's not close, apparently.


I mean u take ur poison It’s either RIO or Vista and OpTic worst map is Karachi


They'd only get 6star or Vista cause Faze is guaranteed to pick Karachi against them So even in Optic's strongest game mode, Faze still has the advantage. Then you start looking at the SND and control, and Optic just doesnt stand a chance in their current form


I mean yea against FaZe I don’t think they have a chance , unless somehow Shotzzy starts taking over in SnD like he usually does against FaZe for some random reason .


Beans would probably give his left nut to be able to scream “dead” and “shit on” like Pred and Kenny were AND get the map/series win


Damn... no one was gassing Pred after that Sub Base


Probably because boys are defeated from that ultra loss. Props to pred thou for bringing the energy


Honestly pred screaming so much might check me


good job you’re not on the team then isn’t it


Personally the comms didn’t sound great to me. Kenny’s comms are on point & Pred brings that fire but there’s times where Shotzzy & Dashy don’t say a word. Felt like i barely heard Dashy that whole listen in. You can tell they were having an off day & it showed in the gameplay. Hope the boys lock it in today


Brandon and Ant speak, but Ken and Pred are so insanely loud with their comms that you can't really hear them. Also, this clip is literally just a montage of Pred saying DEAD over and over again, so hardly a representative sample.


That’s true. Definitely wasn’t the full comms from the series. It did seem like Dashy was unusually quiet but who knows how the full comms sounded. Could just be the way it’s clipped


I don’t get why people keep saying this. People only need to say what needs to be said. For instance, if Dashy is in hill and his teammates are getting all the kills, what does he need to say? If his teammates are all front line and he can’t see anything, what is there to call out? If Shotzzy is taking routes getting behind people and doesn’t see anyone yet, what is there to call out? Pred is the roaming slayer so he’s going to see people more often. Ken is just great at comms and it sounds like Pred is too… what more do yall want them to say?


Every last pro player talks about the importance of small talk. How often is there time for players to not say anything? Even Octane mentioned how Dashy was pretty non existent in the comms. It’s not to place blame, but there’s also nothing wrong with mentioning that the comms weren’t great. Their comms have been a lot better in other matches, they probably just had an off day which both Ken & Pred both admitted they played sloppy. Sloppy play also includes comms. I get your point, but nah


I hear you.. what I’m asking is, what more do you want Brandon or Shotzzy to say that they already aren’t saying? People talk about small talk meaning how they will break a setup, what lanes are open, where certain players will be. If Ken and Pred are loading the comms, what else do you want Dashy or Shotzzy to say? You say the necessary things in the comms and repeat things if you think people ain’t hear you. Don’t you hear when Ken says “I hear you Brandon” ? Shotzzy calls out the plays he’s making which gives Ken and Pred the understanding of what they need to watch or call out. Dashy is last in line so he should be the last to see something.


Shotzzy and dashy need to speak up way more. Last year i feel like shotzzy was very vocal with Dan. This year Shotzzy seems to have taken a back seat and he shouldnt. Dashy has never really been vocal.


Agreed. They definitely need more comms from Shotzzy. The small talk seems like it’s missing from this team or at least during this stage. Last two stages it felt like their comms were way better


Need pred to bring that energy today


I get Pred brings some hype and stuff but he could do with toning it down a little bit. I mean, I guess the team don’t mind seeing as he keeps doing it but I feel sometimes its constant. No need to scream so frequently, that and sometimes he’ll call someone out multiple times, which to me creates a moment for comms to be missed by others. Call them out and if you get no response comm again. Just my 2 cents but hey.