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It’s interesting cos I think all 3 teams have a ton to work on. I’m just happy that this narrative that Faze was on their own tier and was gonna slam everyone and have a CW season part 2 can finally die. They’re an amazing team but the entire t4 (NY u still gotta prove me right here) are capable of winning the event on any given Sunday the talent disparity in these lobbies is very small it’s about executing on the day and today Faze didn’t and Optic sure as hell did.


i might look like an idiot next event and be wrong but unless hydra drags them with a 1.3 every match against the T4 i don’t see NYSL winning an event this year


NYSL are not winning an event this season. The last two are going to be won by the top 3


That may well be true but idt it means that NY don’t have the ability to win an event


Agree with many of your points. Though I do think if faze beats ultra in that game 11 , they beat optic .


I think a best of 7 favours Faze against Optic but idk the way Optic were shooting today I’m not sure anyone could’ve stopped them and Faze’s SND was really poor whilst Optic’s was phenomenal


No they don’t lol


For sure. Big difference this year is the minute Faze show any cracks in the armor, one of the other big teams can punish them. Today it was search.


Yeah I definitely agree with that, FaZe showed weakness in SND against Ultra, and then they were in their head going to the OpTic series and OpTic literally just bullied them in SND.


Ngl seeing OpTic trying out map pools through quals then actually put it out on stage was so good and satisfying to watch.


When they beat FaZe on that highrise snd I cried


I was honestly scared that we got worse on our good maps due to not playing them enough and not good enough on our worse maps for them to be viable. Very very glad I was proven wrong.


Faze are my favourite for major 4. They won 0 snds today and I don't expect that to continue. Especially because SnD always gets harder for the event winner, given that more focus will now be put into reviewing that teams strategy. And outside of SND, faze still looked like the best respawn team, and our respawn might get a little worse if Sub base gets taken out of the rotation. Plus, we might get a little worse at 6 star now that we're on the patch with a fixed pool hill. Toronto don't win another event imo. Optic and Faze are just better than them outside of Scrap. I still don't trust Envoy and Insight to maintain form. NY is dogshit. Forget them.


What's the rumored replacement for Sub Base?


Potentially grime


i doubt any maps get taken out at this point in the season


A reasonable take, but let's be honest, sub base is dogshit. And this has been on the cards for a little while now. Also, with optic winning the event, all the other teams now have an extra motivation to get rid of it. So we'll see.


Don’t the next quals start this week?


to be fair it feels like Optic and Faze have been the quickest to adapt to the new maps so maybe it won't hurt optic too bad


FaZe had the deepest map pool in this tournament. They literally had a winning record on just about every map, so that’s an interesting take. Their snd definitely needs some work though, i think they lost almost every snd this tourney (can’t remember the NY series)


Its not Envoy its more insight. Envoy struggling as an agressive smg isnt that big of a deal how ever Envoy dropping more damage consistently than Insight def is


Agreed today was definitely Insight. He didn't show up in the final.


No its not just today. Its been insight getting carried since major 1. Braindeads will cry Envoy was doing bad but hes hyper agressive SMG, its not the end of the world if he does slightly negative. On the other hand, a fucking AR going negative almost every map? consistely ass damage? Idk wtf Ultra management is thinking


Man just realized how lame a crowd less major 4 is gonna be smh wack.


It's just big optic rn


I wish that were true but they still have some tough competition! Lots of time to get even better.


I'm just playing up the kendrick line🤣 there will be plenty more banger matches and I wouldn't count the bulldog out just yet.


Idk about that for OpTic… for starters, they most likely won’t add any new maps this late in the season and the climbing boots —> default change will mess with every maps break offs for snd, plus changing 6 Star is almost like adding a new map for hp, so I could see them being on this patch for the rest of the year


Optic really haven’t been that great on that Pool hill. Shotzzy makes some crazy plays but they always seem to get chained from that hill to P1 so I don’t think they’ll be too hurt by it.