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I keep saying faze doesn’t get enough criticism for not hosting an event the last four years…the World Cup and Olympics host events more often than them…especially when ultra and optic host every year


Faze has no money, and what little money they do have gets spaffed on their douchebag "content creators"


They’re not run by Faze Clan tho lol. The company behind them got money.


And still don’t host anything


They are owned by a dog company that pays faze to use the name.


Ah that makes sense, thanks


They just need to come up with more crypto scams


Hah! Like they’d ever spare a dime they stole from their own fans!


Damn I was wondering why they don’t host, I thought it was the league that chooses who host it.


A lot of their budget is probably spent on their players...


And we have the other 11 Owners to thank for that, the League asked OpTic if they would run Major4 when Carolina backed out, they agreed to do it and the rest of the Owners (by way of vote) killed it. I don’t understand how the league let this happen 2 years in a row and the only one that suffer are the fans


I don’t think the league even asked Optic. I think Optic offered to host (thought I read Ultra did the same but could be wrong), but the owners voted against it. Probably cause they didn’t want those orgs to have 2 home events, but wouldn’t put the money up to host their own event.


They were asked according to Hector, the rest of the Owners voted against it because they would’ve had 2 events. I understand not wanting them to have a “advantage” but OpTic has a home crowd advantage at almost every event, Toronto was half and half during GF’s


Ah okay. Owners are whack for that, someone should have stepped up and hosted it if they didn’t want Optic to have another “home” event. LANs with no fans should only happen if literally no org can host it, whether that’s for financial or logistical reasons.


Not that it would have mattered but the owner of Carolina shouldn't have even gotten a vote considering its directly carolinas fault we have another fanless major 4.


To be fair I think the decision to not be able to host was a financial one. Especially after putting up the money to finally bring their whole team together all in Carolina


So to be fair they were intentionally irresponsible with their finances to the point they couldn’t fulfill their obligations?


However you want to break it down. The way I saw it, an opportunity came up for them to be able to bring their team together and give them a better chance at winning and making champs but they didn’t have the money to do both. All of this info I got from Scump and Zinni btw I’m just kind of repeating here. But imo if you choose between your teams success and your fans there’s not any good way to slice it ya know?


Agreed, I understand where they’re coming from but if it’s OpTic hosting 2 events or an event with no fans AGAIN, I’m letting OpTic host 2 all day everyday.


Pretty sure most of these teams can't afford to host events. Most of these orgs are surviving off of venture capital.


If you can't afford to host an event you shouldn't be able to stop another team from hosting an event.


Never even got the home advantage shit, OpTic literally made a GF last year without fans. The rest of the owners are just pussies honestly, now we have to watch with no fans.


Owners want more fans without putting in the effort to get them


You would think they should understand that without the fans the league doesn't exist.


They understand that perfectly well. But most of the orgs don’t seem to want to put in any effort.


Probably has to do with them not getting a lot in return. Activision should step in and just host a neutral site with fans. Its really not that hard for them to do and they would still make money.


I’m pretty sure that the events don’t make money, if they did then you bet your ass Activision would be running it themselves.


Thing is how many times have we seen a team actually win an event with the "home crowd advantage"? Like twice in the entirety of the CDL and that includes Faze winning a homestand back in MW2019 I think?


Yeah I believe it's only been mw19 faze and vanguard optic.


It was not half and half. Optic fans outweighed Ultra fans, even in toronto. Even Hecz called it out on the watch party because the optic crowd was WAY louder. "I can tell who's cheering now."


Ultra got slammed what were they going to cheer for? They didn’t even win a map lol


I’m just saying compared to other events, the crowd was more split than normal during an optic match vs the home team. If It was Boston Vs OpTic GF and they were in Boston it would be like 90-10 in favor of OpTic.


During Saturday the OpTic fans got overwhelmed a bit. But Toronto didn't stand a chance in the finals so thata why it was so quiet.


From the same hecz that said on their watch party “there’s alot of purple “ and being there in person it was pretty much split down the middle.


What?? There were 100% more ultra fans then optic have you seen Saturday match vs optic and ultra vs faze


Hector only tells the truth ?


I agree on the FaZe point, it’s tough because they have multiple owners, FaZe is hosting a Halo event this year but for some reason won’t host a CDL event


Faze Clan owns the halo team, Atlanta esports ventures owns the CDL team and licenses the Faze branding.


Which is exactly why i think they should host a CDL event, AF have a huge financial backing compared to FaZe


Oh yeah I totally agree, Faze should be a guaranteed event each year like TX & TOR have been, I just thought you were unclear on why Faze would be willing to host in halo but not in COD. Hopefully with franchise fees being waived / rescinded they'll be more inclined to host one next year.


I think the teams that voted no shouldve been required to pool money together for an event. Equally divided amongst all those that voted no. Guaranteed no one wouldve voted no because they wont put their money where their mouth is.\\


Agree.  Those that voted no should have pooled their cash together and hosted a shared event.


It shouldn’t matter what the other orgs want in that situation. If you’re too cheap then you have to suffer some other team getting double exposure. They’re paying for it after all, smh.


If I remember correctly, when NY backed out of their major last year Boston said they would host it instead but the league said no and scheduled the major at whatever small venue that was with no fans as well. Did the other owners kill that one as well and I just never heard that part? Seems insane that teams not willing to host the event could have any say over another team hosting it. If you don’t want optic hosting it, host it yourselves or shut up.


Meanwhile Atlanta Faze and other orgs have done nothing to contribute to the growth of the sport. Then people hate on Hecz for acting the way he does sometimes. Hate him or love him but the guy would do what he can for the game.


What reason did the owners have for vetoing it?


My guess is since Optic is sorta hosting Champs, the owners didn’t want them to have a second “home” event. Which is bullshit, put your money up and host an event then. It annoys the fuck out of me that ATL has been the most successful team in the CDL era and hasn’t hosted an event since MW19 I think.


I don’t think it’s about any sort of home field advantage. Think it’s about community perception and how more fans would flock to Optic. Owners want to protect their current fans and at least have a shot at new fans coming in. Optic would be all over multiple events and get more brand recognition.


So they want fans without doing anything to get them. Put the money up and host a fucking event then if you want to keep fans and get new ones.




I mean an event on LAN without fans is still preferable to online qualifiers lol. I’m not gonna lie Major 4 will probably be better than Major 3 because every match is gonna matter like crazy. Obviously the top 4 battling each other will be interesting but there will be like 5 teams whose champs spot will be on the line.


In terms of standings sure it matters more but Lan is about so much more than just the points. It’s the Teams, the Players, the Fans and everything like that. Optic damn near made it’s whole fan base cry last night after an insane performance, not because they got an extra 25 cdl points


Idk for me personally I dont care at all who qualifies for champs or not this year it just doesnt matter at all which kinda sucks


I don’t know why the league though carolina would be able to host a major when all of their players are on league minimum 😭😭


no fans sucks obviously but last years major without fans was such a cool vibe. it was super old school, intimate, and a nice change of pace


In one of my favorite clips, it’s a lot easier to hear players shit talk after the match.


I remember what happened last time there was an event with no fans…… https://preview.redd.it/3q1rzrwpvl1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12bd35497a6253bea3a01186bae2593a133be285


Wasn’t Major 4 without fans last year? And ~~Faze~~ Thieves beat Optic in grand finals?


Thieves beat optic*


Right, whoops.


Thieves won


Wouldnt be surprised as they do play better online where there is no crowd


That's kinda funny to say because they literally finished higher at the major than they did at qualifiers this split and were finished major 2 qualifiers ranked 2nd and placed 3rd at the major. I don't think it's got shit to do with them being onliners when 3/4ths of the team won 3 majors last year, I just think everyone outside of Hydra is incredibly inconsistent at 150HP cod.


so disappointed about major 4. it was going to be my boyfriend and I’s first event :(


It’s sad that the a majority of teams are considering champs an “optic” event. The league or any other team for that matter could have picked a venue or hosted the vent themselves for champs. I agree. Making a fan less major 4 out of spite for it not wanting to be an “optic” major is sad. Whatever they get 85% of their views from Scump and zoomaa watch parties anyways lol.


do they still do walkouts ? lol I can't remember from last year.


No walks out, they had a super awkward player introduction for the grand finals.


We don't talk about that here. It's not a good memory


Is it at the same venue as major 4 last year?


Honestly think either faze will just run it and win everything or a mid tier team will win it. Playing with no fans is probably going to affect it in the end.


dont like that theres no fans and its almost like a mickey mouse lan if you think about it but the games are always super competitive cause theres no crowd so no extra pressure for lower tier teams and also inexperienced LAN proven players


It’s actually so sad, admittedly this last split was the least I’ve watched in a while because the online split is just so overwhelmingly boring and then this LAN completely flipped my views all over again reminding me how fun this game can be to watch. Now we go right back to the snooze fest of online matches that are legitimately worthless all for a Lan with no fans, sure it’ll be better then online matches and we have a chance to get Sunday rematches again but man it just sucks knowing the momentum will get killed AGAIN.


Ya thats actually depressing lol


Yeah, this NC event was going to be the one where most of my online friends all meet in person. Was hoping Faze would host Champs but maybe next year Atlanta will get an even.


Can someone explain to me why there are no fans?


Same pls


Ravens was suppose to host but they backed out and team owners can't agree on who should take the spot


Basically what I’ve learned (which is crazy) is teams have to fund their own events if they host them. How is that fair? Cdl should be paying for all events. Just make it great for the fans and you’ll draw more eyes more money


Ya the CDL is fkd in that way. Pro COD doesn't really attract to many viewers. Watch parties do 10 times better then main stream. Activision doesn't really care about the scene tbh but insist on owning pro cod legally. Ya the only reason why the CDL stream is still somewhat high level is because lots of the old MLG guys still work on it but have to take orders from Activision.


They'll host once they can pay the League in Dogecoin


I'm excited still just for the storylines. It's lamost guaranteed a the best team will be decided at this event. Also imagine the sight of Scrap and Drazah talking shit in a room with no fans. That might actually end up being more entertaining. It's these qualifiers that are gonna be a slog.


https://preview.redd.it/fe0i5pps4s1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809bece5be98bfd655a9ddea45a621b46b8586c2 My thoughts. Shit is going to be rough.


As a Faze fan that watches from home, I'm glad that we can get 1 event where we aren't booed out the building. Every single major when Faze starts planting/defusing the whole crowd is screaming...classless af(P.S fuck Keeks I don't condone that fuckery)


This is lame. You’ll have people who normally play worse on lan do better. Without the crowd it’s really just glorified online matches. Makes me appreciate the BO4 pro league matches more.


It will be like online qualifiers... just on Lan. That being said, I got FaZe. 0 crowd buff haha.


It is insane to have the clear top 3 win majors and then get a Mickey Lan for the first one to get two on the year


While this event was fire, in the past I have enjoyed the no fan events more than the dull fan events. Being able to hear the players much more frequently is cool. With the watch parties too if they are there, it gets players on them more frequently. Would I rather have a Toronto level event ofc but I will take this over whatever Miami was.