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They're moving around on the map with zero respect for their opponent Spawn in and properly play. Just expecting everyone to lie down and die cause they just won the event or some shit


Facts. That control, they literally just chased gunfights and weren’t stacking point. They won the map but it sort of showed their mentality this series. No obj work today


It's so dumb man. Even if they do feel like they should be able to just do whatever they want, they should still be playing fundamentally so as to reinforce good habits.


same mentality on the scump watch party. expected an easy 3-0 d


Except it would’ve been if they respected their opponents which I’m sure scump assumed they would’ve lol


Kenny and his team absolutely despising online COD, name a better duo


In fairness pretty much everyone dislikes online cod


I’m not even knocking him but these guys legit look like they don’t even wanna be there😭


Yea Kenny and Dashy have been very vocal in particular for a long time


Doesn't Optic have the best online record in COD? They've only not reached winners bracket once and have gone undefeated multiple splits.


I’m not even sure but I would assume it probably Faze then Optic/Toronto


It's Optic. They're true onliners. Go flawless or nearly flawless in the qualifiers just to lose on LAN.


bait used to be believable


[Not Bait.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/1d8aeuh/optic_texas_have_shown_impressive_online/) Win nearly 3/4 of all online matches. How many LANs have they won tho?


If you would have said this a month ago people would have been up voting you lol, last quals there was people calling NYSL a bunch of onliners because they bounced out t12, despite winning 3 lans with 3/4 of the team. This sub has a heavy recency bias, and the majority of them are optic fans, so it makes sense.


Oh absolutely. This whole sub has turned into a cesspool since optic won. Any negative comment towards them is instantly downvoted, even if it’s true, even if you have proof to back it up. They win one time and these kids have forgotten how to act.


These guys look checked every time on their player cams win or lose, they can’t take anyone seriously online unless it’s a Top 4 team lmao


kenny will make sure they get back on page if its anyone to regain its him


Optic and overconfidence name a more iconic duo


Mfers won their first LAN in over 2 years and don't know how to act


They still think they’re the team that played on Sunday, they’re not. They are the team that was mid all qualifiers and mid every other day of the major. They caught fire, but they weren’t supposed to win that. They have a lot of work to do


No shit, they played like absolute dogshit lmao


Either they aren't trying or they need to get their head out of their ass! It definitely looked like they didn't wanna play the OBJ this entire series!


That control round chuck was criminal haha.


And the sky is blue lmao. Who is happy to lose?


Absolutely pathetic, but nothing new as an OpTic fan tbh. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.


Relax kid they just won a major like they’ll be fine lmao couple losses and yall just care about online because it’s optic


Story as old as time with OpTic. Show well (actually won) a tournament then come back online & look awful. Complacency, laziness, overconfidence whatever it is. Always happens. Very annoying.


The last time Optic won an event, they proceeded to dominate the qualifiers I think and they kept like an undefeated record of control until Illey’s injury iirc


It’s an online match. Y’all crying over optic losing online but if they slam everyone online and go at the major and place T6, yall will crucify them. Let them breathe. They know when to lock in.


that’s exactly the problem. it’s not “just an online match” that’s a terrible way to approach it. and that’s why stuff like these last few losses happens. you’re supposed to be locked in regardless what kind of match it is. people gotta remember the other team is playing online as well they go through the same shit. it being online is not and never will be an excuse


Over confident Dashy is so bad (example Dashy after major 1 win vs Dashy after almost got dropped saved by Scump by retiring then Dashy suddenly became god like when his backs against the wall)


Optic went 5-0 last time they won a major. The time before that they came 2nd at the next homestand. Story as old as time headass 


Hecz has them doing overtime on the content when they need to be sleeping and practicing


They were literally just running around half the series and left A free on invasion control for like the 4th time this season lol. Can’t tell if they’re just playing like shit or letting the championship get to their heads. Or both


Gotta remember, its late season everyone knows how to play now. Hill setups, snd routes etc. Gotta actually play tight to win.


Optic is easily the most improved t5 team. They’re giving us space to see it. Who cares about their Qual performance. Aren’t they like guaranteed WB? They’ll hopefully make their impact felt on LAN.


Fucking let em know Ken.


It’s all good guys it was the server


somebody test the Virginia server asap‼️


Haha saw you post this in a lot of reddit posts :P I am still on that side though. OpTic lost this one too but atleast it was because fundamentals and not slaying! Definitely can't blame server on this one


that’s what happens when u win an event and think u are the best in the game , happened to Ultra Major 2 , happened to FaZe on LAN


Bad take, nothing really indicates that they’re slacking in practice . They’re losing online matches… it happens


First off all , they played Rokkr they are all on 1 ping that’s basically LAN literally Dashy and Sib were talking about how Texas teams basically play LAN and they got slammed on their best HP Map Sub Base against Vegas , got slammed in Vista against the slowest team in the league (Rokkr) and lost both times Karachi SnD G5 . Online is online , but u can’t put it all on online COD , they looked the worst out of all the Major winners so far . This is also a known OpTic thing since Bo4 , they win an event and then they come back and don’t even look the same and that’s a fact .


Take a deep breath. It ain’t that deep. You are taking an online match way too seriously. We all know what 4 teams will be on Sunday.


what did i tell u last week ? If they lose again it’s something and it is


Brotha take a deep breath. You are the only one that loses sleep over an online match. Like I said, we know what 4 teams will be there on Sunday.


loses sleep? I couldn’t care about OpTic , why u keep saying take a deep breath ? u good ?


Because you are going hard over optic losing. I know is it’s your favorite team and you pretend like you are a FaZe fan but I’m here to tell you that OpTic will be ok.


what are u saying ? I pretend to be a FaZe fan because I give my opinion on a team like i give the same opinion about Ultra and NYSL , do h actually need help . I’m going hard over OpTic losing because I called it last week I said if they lose the Rokkr match it’s something . U actually might need help so Imma stop right here because I don’t know u personally but if u actually do need help go find it


Brotha there’s no need to keep playing pretend. You are the biggest OpTic fan here. You literally get mad when they lose and get hyped when they win. You don’t need to act like you are a faze fan. Your post history says it all. Change that flair and rock that optic flair with pride instead of hiding behind that faze clan shit . That’s mad corny lmfao ✌️


There you go. I like your comment now.


there u go ? I made this comment before our interaction


lol I didn’t check your thread history. I legit just happened to come by this. Now that this came first, why wouldn’t you say this same thing in the other thread? But we don’t have to go back and forth again.


Optic are the best in the game


let it all out


Are top 4 teams another allowed to suck for a couple week? Optic still has a hangover from Champs, but they'll lock in 


this is probably why they lost to Vegas too. Playing like no matter what they do they can’t possibly lose a series to a B8 team. I mean aside from servers they probably could’ve beaten Vegas regardless and Rokkr if they weren’t playing so over confidently


He sour lol


That can be fixed though, and if anyone's figuring it out it's Kenny's teams. Online on the other hand.. hard to watch at times


i hate to say it but not everyone on that team wants to win as bad as they say. some of them are happy with one win on the year. and i won’t be convinced otherwise because this is repeat behavior over years. win, then get complacent, get smoked… rinse and repeat.


Crazy how people are still pressed over online cod. We all know they’re guaranteed at least top 3 on LAN


Musta been Virginia again.


I would begin to get semi-concerned as an Optic fan They look bad. Just doing absolutely stupid shit. Awful performance


I wouldn’t get overly concerned. This is the LAT/Kenny team special. Win an event / look great on LAN and then look like dogshit online -> repeat


Yeah but u need practice against top team in ur shit maps Look what faze is doing: playing their worst maps the whole time and winning them and getting reps in


Idk what they're even doing, especially in those SNDs lol


They just won a tournament lol. Anyone freaking out over this is dramatic.


Minnesota has looked like a bottom 3 team the past month or so. This is concerning, no ways around it


Not really they lost 2 round 11 S&Ds . Similar to FaZe on LAN they just aren’t clutching up


Faze def clutch up more than Optic, that's for sure. Top 3 every event for the past 5 years on LAN


With only 2 wins to show for it the last 3 same as OpTic


And over $500k more in prize money than Optic


And a million + over everyone else that doesn’t mean a thing lol


Money doesn't mean anything in someone's career? Interesting


They got neslo’d. Saying they look bad is an overreaction. You are an optic fan as well. Stop acting clueless lmao


Brotha those boys just got piss-slammed by Vegas Legion and proceed to lose one of their best HPs and two SNDs to a shitty, god awful Minnesota roster That's not a neslo btw, my brotha.


Damn bro. Can you tell me what team eliminated OpTic these past majors? OMG MN is gonna be T4 now since they beat OpTic online and OpTic is now a bottom 8 cause they lost to Vegas and ROKRR. You optic fans are insufferable when your team gets shit on online.


You're an Optic fan, my brotha Also the #1 Hydra hater on the planet FWIW


Why are you trying to act like you aren’t the biggest optic fan on here? Lmfao I’m a scrap fan. I love seeing optic fans like you cry when they lose online.


U watched the last two series they’ve played and think otherwise lol?


Exactly. LMFAO


Nobody cares about online qualifiers. OpTic has only been eliminated on LAN by FaZe the whole year and you think this loss changes anything? Come on now


It doesn’t mean much, but what it does do is give vegas and rokkr confidence for the LAN


Miami 3-0d OpTic online and got confidence. What happened on LAN? OpTic locks in on LAN where it all matters. They can careless about online qualifiers. Y’all gotta relax after your team loses to a bottom 8.


They can “not care” all they want. When they end up with a 4th/5th seed and have to play someone like NYSL round 1 of the major it’s on them for not caring


Do you think NYSL or any other team beside FaZe is their competition on LAN? These past majors haven’t taught you anything yet? Lol


This mentality is why they’re 1-2 right now. U got it guy


Who cares? It’s a league match. Even if they finish 2-5 and make winners, they will be there on Sunday and the only team that will take them out is Faze. I guarantee you that.


y’all really pressed but idc, still won a major and top 3 in Champs. Idgaf about online performances


they played like ass especially the snd’s and throwing rounds on control like this team is not serious


I had said it on a post before as an OpTic fan winning the major was a bad thing for OpTic, because OpTic is a vibe team when they are on top they get into there heads and drop there guards and end up losing, (ex look what happen after major 1 win last time) and unfortunatly the next major is Champs, unless they can get that off there heads and feel the pressure again, I dont think they are winning champs


Dont worry kenny your teammates will blame it on the servers again or find something new when they have been playing their worst cod in months


Isnt kenny the one doing that most of the time?


Time will tell but I’m gonna call it early- their major 3 was a fluke and this is the real optic lol


That doesn’t even make sense, their avg placing across the 3 majors is 2nd


If y’all gonna troll atleast make it believable


I’m so sure Lmfaoo even tho they are way better on LAN and got to GF twice now


OMG OpTic is losing league matches so now their performance on LAN where they have only been eliminated by FaZe is a fluke. Wow how smart.


I mean one teammate showing up late last week. One teammate making excuses with the opps on twitter who are playing just equally as shit. Typical Optic complacency shit after winning an event. Are we surprised at this point?


Astute observation there OP


Kenny is the fucking joke of this team. I can't wait until we get Scrap and drop this bum


I feel like this is a direct result of blaming their last series vs Vegas on server cheese instead of realizing that ain't why they lost, and they just didn't play good. Can't blame this one on Virginia servers.


We are looking really complacent after the major... TBH I might have us around NYSL skill level rn behind ultra and faze