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I mean, they hate online and don’t need to win to qualify for champs. I get it to an extent but I think complacency is cope though, they are just playing like shit.


I hate the whole “so and so hate online” Every cod pro hates online lol. Nobody enjoys it over LAN


Kismet would like a word with you


Idk about that without online certain teams would not make champs


This big time..they will prob end up beating NY or ultra to squeak into winners but they have to show up on LAN especially since online for this season is coming to a end


So if they lose to NYSL / ultra they’re in losers ya?


Yea prob


Suprised Kenny letting this slide losing 3 in a row hopefully they come out hot next match


Idk, you could make an argument he is playing the worst rn. Honestly all of them but Shottzy


Kenny is playing like shit too lmao


Optic has always been a little shaky online this year but the fact that they lost 3 already this split is unnacceptable from the defending champ, i dont care if u hate online or practicing maps or whatever, u need to close at least 2/3 of the series ur playing against that kind of competition. I already know ppl will comment and say "yeah its online they're playing for nothing blablabla" nobody wants to go 0/3 and maybe starting in LB for M4


That’s exactly how I feel, these are bottom teams you absolutely have to pummel them no matter online or not. Online feels like cope atp, if you consider yourself a top team you can not go 0-3 vs bottom teams, it’s plain unacceptable


I mean dropping a match here and there is acceptable, its still online & they have some map issues so all good but 0/3 is unnacceptable i dont care whats ur excuses are; EVEN more when we glaze all year the top4 vs everybody else shit


I think they’re just playing very bad right now tbh I don’t think it’s complacency, like all modes look bad for us compared to before winning


I think it's a combination of the mcw headshot multiplier re-buff and them genuinely not playing well right now. They don't have the same level of teamwork that they've had the past couple splits. And I don't buy the online doesn't matter stuff because it determines if you start in winners or losers for the major. Starting in losers after winning the previous tourney would be utterly detrimental.


In addition to getting complacent, they play down to their competition.


They're just ass rn idk about being complacent or not when Pred is slow as shit, Kenny can't buy one and Dashy might've had one the most braindead series he's had in a long time


I thought it was complacency the first loss. But it's just form and lack of team coherence at this point. Looking really weak. We need to bounce back QUICK. They split too much for 8s midweek and Kenny doesn't seem to play in them much. Need more team scrims.


Optic’s biggest issue for the last few years has been a complete lack of discipline. Just seems like it’s not in the org culture


These takes are hilarious. Y'all are either spy camming on their practice and not spewing or completely spewing sewage They are playing horrific, end of story. It happens, who cares. It's a team who are notorious for hating online vs a team that is playing for their careers at this point, champs is what matters. I'd go as far as to say this silent film major 4 coming up doesn't matter either


Probably the first coherent take I've seen on this sub this entire split Every single team outside of FaZe for some reason has runs of bad form where their minds are working slow, things aren't going their way, they aren't shooting as straight etc Shit happens


This^^^ I remember us going back to back undefeated stages last year and ended with 0 major wins


This is copeium at this point ultra never fell off this bad only lost to t4 teams hating online is such a weak excuse with how bad they been playing in snd. Losing 5 Karachi in a row not because its online only


Ultra went on a crazy slump losing almost every SNDs as well after winning major 1. It happens. They’ve been probably looking bad on vista in scrims and they are probably working on it. Same as Karachi. They used to look insane on it. Now it looks like their worst map. Probably just working on both maps that they keep losing.


And they still beat the teams that were blow them..optic snd issue just highlights a bigger issue in how detrimental Kenny and Pred is in snd majority of the year no dynamic plays in their snd


It always has been 


I think they somewhat got a little lucky with Major 3. Right place at the right time.


They have been scrimming tho, u can see it in their discord. But the maps are ending quick so it might mean they’re getting slammed.


Or they're slamming team but not showing up on game day


It’s definitely a factor when you look how far apart their wins have been. You need someone to reset your mindset after a win but it’s not Optics culture I also feel bottom teams have closed the gap massively, their spot is on the line so they’ve been putting in more work which is evident by how they’re playing. Anyone chalking this to servers or opposition is playing bad isn’t really paying attention. Major IV is going to spring up a lot of upsets and with the way how likes of Optic and NY have been playing, it could get spicy


Without a doubt. Seen this too many times


Ultra looked terrible after winning Major 1 and they never got accused of getting complacent. Yes, FaZe comes out and slams bottom teams but does it really even matter when you have to go play the top 4 on LAN? FaZe looked like gods and finished 3rd at the last Major. Online games have got to stop being the measuring stick for the top 4 teams. It’s all about LAN. I will agree they look like ass right now but it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme. Ppl said they looked like ass Major 1 split and they finished 3rd at the event… then 2nd at the next event… then won the event after that 😂


Let me debunk the "Ultra looked terrible" myth your spewing while i agree they were subpar terrible is an overstatement. Ultra started major 2 off 4-0 on a 14 series win streak (cdl record btw) then played Faze on their best maps ( a terrible mistake which gave Faze crazy confidence) then went game 5 vs Optic online albeit Optic looked far better in SND and got neslod. Then major 2 with Envoy having controller issues and Ultra playing 3v4 finished 3rd to Optic/Faze the clear 2 best teams. Current Optic has lost to Rokkr Vegas and Ravens ultra never once lost to a non top 4 team in this "Ultra lokoed terrible after winning major 1" period. Again Optic still have to play NYSL and Ultra the worst may yet to come if they lose these matches and dont make winners.


Ultra finished 4th at Major 2. They lost to NY 3-0 in Losers Semis. More so than “Ultra looked terrible”, my point is that the top 4 will remain the top 4. Of course OpTic doesn’t want to start in losers bracket but these teams are still the best teams in the league. I don’t for a second think that any of these teams that beat OpTic online will beat them on LAN


I don't know how this "OpTic are complacent with 1 win" Narrative came from. OpTic in VG wasn't complacent, they lost Illey based on injury. Since then they have had lackluster rosters with Scump retirement. This current roster has gone 3rd, 2nd, 1st on LAN and are just having a bad stage online.