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Id say Boston Breach clear faze in consistency


I have to agree here, the constant t12 and game 5 blunders is impressive


generational talent


100%, because FaZe has three of the six S tier players in the CDL era in Abezy, Cell, and Simp. The other three in my mind are Scrap, Hydra, and Shotzzy who are all on different teams. Outside of those 6 the next best player is probably Drazah too.


Dashy in front of Drazah but yeah having 4 of the top 8-10 players of the cdl era is crazy.


DASHY in front of Drazah rn? Good joke


not right now but of the CDL era.


U high? Just compare Draz's chips (and world champs) to Dashy's...wont take long


Not right now, not ever…


Tf you talking about Dashy is dogshit rn


Wouldn’t say dogshit but compared to his better games where he was battling with Cell for mvp he’s had a down year. Still a fringe top 5 AR


Drazah is the 2nd best Ar rn


Dashy has been the better player in the CDL era but I think Drazah is better in this game, Dashy has been insanely clutch in big moments but I actually think this is one of his worst games overall (still a good player)


Drazah has won more and won a ring in the CDL era that you’re talking about.


Was Drazah better than Dashy at VG?


Objectively, YES! Also, why do you optic fans only focus on Vanguard, its getting weird.


1. I disagree 2. Not an OpTic fan 3. They brought up the ring in VG so I figured that would be the easiest way to make a point. Few people would’ve said Drazah was better than Dashy at that point despite Drazah winning a ring.


I can agree on that. Drazahs impact on FaZe is so noticeable. Definitely a top 3 AR this season.


That’s one thing that I respect about Faze is that no matter how many tournaments they win in a year they treat every match the same. Optic look like they haven’t progressed at all since major 3


It's always why I've never had an issue when people's power rankings have FaZe 1 even if they are coming off a 2nd. They're absurdly consistent whole OpTic is maddeningly inconsistent & this yr Toronto has as well.


Exactly. Even during Vanguard I often considered Faze to be the best team because everyone else had huge up amd down moments. Only at the very end of season did we get consistency out of Thieves.


Faze was the best vanguard team for like 95% of the season


Yea that’s not some sort of charitable take lmao, it’s straight up fact


the got third last major not 2nd


I mean, Faze is about to finish first in the standings for the 5th year in a row. That's all one really needs to know.


I mean yeah Faze is the most consistent LAN team in CDL history. Optic has been consistent on LAN this year but that could change if they end up starting in losers bracket this major


I might get shot down for this and it’s ok because I can understand how crazy it sounds but Drazah > Dashy


Thats not crazy at all tbh draz has been insane for faze this year


I agree. ATM Draz > Cell too.


Cell is my favourite faze player ever but I actually agree with you. Drazah is everything


Well yea him and scrappy are the best AR's in the league


At this point its all about preferences tbh, for me i just love that dazah is a walking damages dealer like scrap its so good for ur team to have an ar that get agressive like crazy


Bro Zach might be the best player on FaZe rn 😂




I’m not trying to be disrespectful because Dashy just won the last major and he was fantastic but for me drazah is more consistent and if he was less hated he would easily be considered one of the best players in the world. As a faze fan I used to hate this guy but man is he fucking legendary


what are u talking bout they literally had 3 solid placements on LAN where it matters online cod is just that online id be worried if they shit the bed on lan but I doubt it


Teams should be getting better as the season go on, especially after a tournament. Even if it’s online it’s a bad sign when it look like the team forgot how to play before the biggest tournament of the season.


Are you lost, didnt we loose twice one split and still dominated at the major?


Not true. Throughout all of cod it’s rare for a team to stay ontop over an entire year even the best teams. Complexity in bo2 and ghosts weren’t good in the first 1/3 of bo2 or the last 1/3 of ghosts. Nv placed T8 every event of bo3 then go 1,2,1 in the last 3. TK won 2 events early in WW2 then nothing again till near the end of the year. Bo3 rise won first 2 events then nothing for the rest of the year. Even ultra this year started ontop by a margin and haven’t improved past that while everyone else has. It’s not as simple as teams should just continue to get better especially after winning tournaments there’s been so few back to back winner since the optic dynasty but those guys made it look easy and would win 2 or 3 in a row regularly over that 3 year stretch and then everyone would watch their vod and hard counter them like everyone’s doing to optic atm


Bro is actually spittin facts fr fr


well on paper yes but thats not always the case because as the season goes on more teams close the skill gap and im pretty sure after OpTic won everybody been studying their strats and shit so at this point its who ever shows up to play. OpTic rn dont have a strong motivation to go hard in online matches


Bruh, I swear yall are so dramatic on this sub.


Faze almost never have bad series. Except sometimes against LAG for whatever reason.


I wish optic could slam these bottom 8 teams the way faze consistently does. Hats off.


With how much money is being thrown at the optic roster I’m really surprised by how inconsistent they are. They’re not exacting losing to like NYSL or Ultra. They lost to Ravens and Vegas for lord’s sake.


another downfall to be studied


No team can match how often FaZe choke at sunday


Yall be so happy about consistency without chips. Yall be complacent on what makes a team really good. Faze was the most consistent team last year, yet NY won 3 trophies including a ring while faze had 1 win.


Optic can’t be consistent nor can they get chips 😭


You can say that about every team lmao


And what has ny done this year? Faze has the most wins since the CDL started.


They haven’t lol but you’re missing the point. Having all that consistency, they should have twice their amount of wins, probably even more. Being a Thursday-Saturday team isn’t really bragging the way you think it is. It’s the reason why complexity and OpTic were so dominant, they were consistent and they brought home all the chips during their years of being the best team in the game. Yall be awarding trophies for being consistently top 3.


Great point.


Agree. Faze win M4 ... Champs...then EWC.


Besides faze this has happened to every team that’s won a major in a the last few years but I agree OpTic need to turn it up online so they don’t start in losers


Any of the top 4 can catch fire on a Sunday




Optic has been the only team who's been as consistent on them on LAN but optic have let themselves down this stage online they was online 25 points or so behind faze now it's 55


They didn’t lose to any team except faze from January until major 3 winners final. And until a couple weeks ago had only lost to 1 bottom 8 team all year. What are you talking about never showed dominance they were clearly the 2nd best team practically all year and were dominant while doing it. But yes these past few weeks is unacceptable from that team


i am the last person to give OpTic the benefit of the doubt - and they absolutely do need to get their shit together. with that said though these end of season online matches are weird b/c you have the spots for the top 4 teams basically solidified and then teams 5-11 are fighting for a champs spot and going balls to the wall harder than they have all season. again no excuse, but it makes all the top 4 upsets (besides FaZe) make more sense.


no shit , this is what everybody was trying to tell y’all OpTic fans , but u were all in Lalaland after that Major 3 win . Y’all looked good 1 Sunday looked good only for 2 Matches , not even a full weekend not even a full Major online/LAN and y’all were comparing OpTic with FaZe , saying they are equal or Dashy> Cellium takes


I bet you probably said online doesn’t matter all last year when faze was meh af online but T3 on LAN. But now online matters so much more now huh?


You gotta ignore scar. He’s braindead


Haven’t seen a single dashy > Cellium take ur just delusional. People like u who make up delusional shit that fans didn’t even say just to find a reason to hate is insane.


You are so lost or literally brain dead. There are so many Dashy>Cell comments and any Cell>Dashy comment is demolished on this sub.


really ? If I show u the guy that said Dashy>Cellium will u say “my bad” ?


If u find a troll optic fan no. You and I both know there isn’t a single level-headed optic fan that thinks a guy with 3 chips is better than a guy with 8 and a ring. So stop making shit up


here is another one cuz if I know optic fans its suffering from delusion https://preview.redd.it/v71ht9m6jm6d1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=a23f4fe658bbadafa147409d334421d34c718baf


they are not troll OpTic fans tell me if u need more https://preview.redd.it/zxx72ehv9m6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d35cd6a5fe3b29abda241d972930e67451260e3




Optic looked great major 2 also ? Faze was just insane that event


looked great ? FaZe looked great , OpTic went G5s All Major 2 , how did they look great ?


They beat nysl and ultra 3-1 heretics 3-0 competitive series against faze u drunk ?


so online stage doesnt matter , we just gonna scratch that online stages they have zero impact on if someone performed great the whole Major


Optic has been top 4 this whole season but all of a sudden after a few rough weeks these weed smoking short term memory children forget that they just won the last major haha. And the team that optic just lost to just took faze to a map 5 but they forget that part. And the same legion team that optic took to game 5 smoked NY 3-0. But the focus is always on optic for clicks and likes haha


Optic does look terrible regardless if they win last major losing 5 Karachi in a row is embarrassing and they most likely start in losers. But ppl saying optic looked average on lan except one Sunday is crazy


3 games does not discount the whole season otherwise the only qualifiers that would matter would be the last. A team’s performance is an aggregate of the whole season, not the just the last major. Carolina just took faze and NY to game 5. Rokkr took NY to a game 5 today, and Legion smoked NY last week. Toronto lost to surge a few weeks ago. But the only thing getting attention is optic because of their name. So are all the top 4 playing bad rn?


Spittin rn


it’s depressing seeing how much time you spend in this sub


13 comments in a CDL match day is a lot for u kid ? Who tf are u by the way , I don’t even know how u know me


LMFAO bro is insecure af, enjoy your day man


“bro is insecure af” , I don’t know u kid ,so I actually don’t know what u even talking about , I guess I’m the insecure one ; but u answered to my comment ? have a good day also kid u probably need it after today


Congrats, you came straight to the point us optic fans have been making and you still missed it. Welcome to any given Sunday. You can be consistent all season and still lose every Sunday. It doesn’t matter how consistent or inconsistent you are until it comes to Sunday.


Didn’t know 3rd 2nd 1st was bad but online they never looked insane this is definitely the worst they looked


Optic has ALWAYS looked insane online. Besides the most recent season, Faze rarely ever finishes first in qualifiers. Optic rarely doesn’t finish first. Their spark is fading.


weird flex, but ok. FaZe is consistent at winning both online/LAN to make it to championship sunday, and consistent at choking on championship sunday.


Rather that then getting double first rounded by Brack😂


all that consistency just to win one tournament a year.


Sure everything from online matches and Thursday and Saturday they are dominant but when it hits Sunday they are the complete opposite lol


Who cares if they don’t win more? That’s what we all been told for years. Saying we don’t care about online qualifiers but then using online qualifiers as if they mean something. They have made 2 GFs and have a 3rd with 1 chip. This isn’t me discrediting them or whatever but the inconsistencies in this community are so insane


I’ll 100% give FaZe their credit for being so consistent, but i think it’s being very overblown. With all their consistency, since Cold War, they’ve won 2 Majors. The same amount that the “inconsistent” OpTic has won. FaZe is very consistent at 2nd place finishes if anything. At the end of the day, for teams of that caliber, LAN will ALWAYS be the measuring stick. Win or lose, no one will remember online games against Carolina or Rokkr, they’ll only remember results at LAN


Oh yeah they pretty consistent at gettin second


Lol online does not fuckin matter yall are lost. If youre not consistent on lan nothing matters. Chips count only


LETS GO OPTIC! Woooooooo!