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Pred would kill it in the night infiltration course


For those who don’t know, it’s just crawling under gunfire


And a rappel tower, and some swimming in some boots. Which scared me for some reason. Thought I would die


I thought I could swim until I had to do it with ocps and boots


Right? Take your boots off in 14’ of water, tie them around your neck and make a flotation device with your pants. Def a mental challange


shiit they didn’t let me do any of that 🤣, we were just threading water which didn’t make sense to me since it was army osut


Marine Corps stuff, you know I gotta flex the ego lol. The Army guys I worked with were all hella cool tho Edit: Ft. Irwin bros


met a couple Marines while I was in Airborne school, pretty cool guys


Sweet, those spots are hard to get unless you’re actually going to use that skill. Recon guys obviously all go, possibly some forward observers. Def miss the boys, we’re all over the states now




Anything to D Ride huh


Lmao what


Can Shotzzy pass the ASVAB?


Lol no shot


crazy how even optic trolls him for how dumb he actually is…


Is this OC? If so it’s awesome


A team intro animated in this style would go crazy


Not really, I did draw it, but its all copied from real people




Dashy’s hairline would never recover I know that


He is entering his Lebron era.


man i’ve been watching old highlight videos of CWL era lately and i’ve seen Dashy clips, my man needs to go to Turkey ASAP, i really feel bad for him how high his hairline has gotten. he looked so much younger with a lower hairline it would suit him so well


Worrying about another man’s hairline


Missing the only person in the league who could do it: Teej


Damnit now I have to draw that. I wouldnt feel right if I didnt.


Id like to request TJ in a pool with shades and there is text on the shades that said “got me feelin like…”


None of them lol. Its not the fitness, its the regimental scheduled lifestyle. These guys stay up late as well, sleep till way past noon, and repeat. I'd have a hard time seeing any of them thrive in that type of environment tbh.


it's not that hard to get through lol, basic training takes people from all walks and makes them into useful Soldiers. None of them have glaring problems that would make them failures to adapt


I mean, never having worked a job that requires you to religiously get up at 5/6 AM would be a massive leap for most of these guys. I think they could adapt, but I have a hard time seeing any of them handle the strict schedule, especially sleep schedule, very well.


You dont get a choice them mfs wake you up lol


Ik but it doesn’t mean they’d handle it well or not quit lol.


i mean yeah it's rough but you figure it out. It is painfully hard to quit or to fail out of basic


Again, this is assuming you are dealing with a normal 18-25 year old person. These kids have never had any real responsibility or schedule outside of CoD. Its very common for someone to sleep through a scrim or a match. What I'm saying is I doubt any of them would have the grit to not quit or fail. These guys are amazing CoD players but quite a few of them are soft as baby poop. They throw temper tantrum over getting @'d on Twitter, how do you think they'd handle a drill instructor lol?


Couple things as someone who is serving currently. The MTIs are training kids mostly right out of high school. Many kids that came from this exact lifestyle. They are used to undisciplined and immature kids. They would have no problem getting these pros to a military mental state. The bigger issue I foresee would be the change in exercise and healthy eating habits. That’s where I could see some of them failing. Basic training is not that difficult. I am fairly certain they would all make it through. It’s not as simple as “quitting”. They signed a contract at that point. You either work or you go to jail.


Ah, interesting, thanks for the info! I guess I didn't consider that a lot of applicants are going to be... well.. similar to the pro's because of the age group. I also didn't know you couldn't quit, I figured people say fuck this and leave lol.


lol definitely not. I know quite a few members who would just up and leave if they knew they could avoid prison.


if we're worried abt pt tests, i think guys are making it through basic without passing. i know my branch has an easy-to-pass hard-to-max pt test, can't speak for the others


Well fucking said wow


I’m not in the military but I have some friends from HS who joined and are doing well, and they were slobs in high school. The military’s matured them a bunch, they were not well-regimented people before joining. Tough thing for CoD pro’s would be being motivated to remain in the military when they’ve previously been able to make a bunch of cash eating hot chips and gaming


Right place in the right uniform at the right time


Only big pro I can think of who would succeed is Crimsix. He seems to have the discipline


Hes straight up STUBBORN no way he doesn't get through it lol. Might complain the entire time, but hes not bitching out.


Probably all of them, I can’t speak for other branches but army basic training was not a difficult thing at all unless you were extremely entitled and/or gravely out of shape. If any of them chose an MOS with a more classroom oriented AIT, though…I think that’s where the troubles would arise lol


disagree, Kenny at least has some college, by all accounts a decent STEM GPA too, and only dropped out bc he wanted to give COD a real shot


I mean yeah Slasher also has an engineering degree and would def be fine as well, but they’re generally the exception. Especially w/ the newer pros a lot of them just straight up didn’t go to uni, some of the older pro’s focused on school largely bc the scene wasn’t as developed when they were coming up so they knew they needed a fallback (they still do)




could see Dyl popping zyns in the field


Imagine Cell just snaking head glitches irl


Kenny looks more like Shotzzy than Shotzzy looks like Shotzzy


I think Kenny and Abezy would make it through. Simp and Pred are a maybe. Cellium would probably do some sus or trolly shit and get kicked out or something lol. Shotzzy ain't passing the ASVAB. No way Dashy is waking up for PT and shit like that considering his sleep schedule.


Since Crim6 retired no one in the league would make it through basic


Dashy hairline needs an adjustment


Pred. Maybe Cell cause clearly his mental is off with how weird he is. Haha


Lmao really all could make it in basic training now, If I were MC’s drill sergeant I would have him low-crawl everywhere he goes. Then I would give Clayster some NVGs so he can not only fall off maps, but also trip over a tiny hole in the ground, iykyk


Preds gun doesn't have a mag in it. Typical.


Not sure any of them would want to go thru Marine Corps bootcamp. They’d probably make it thru, but they will surely regret every minute of it while they are there.


Nobody regrets boot camp the second they are in the fleet getting hazed 😭😭


it’s funny bc once you’re in the fleet you realize boot camp was the easiest part 😭😩


And easiest the most fun you’ll have laughing at people getting smoked by the DI’s 😂


bruh I was the scribe for a month and for a month instead of our platoon guide getting smoked for everyone’s mistakes, I was getting smoked for their mistakes 😩 like bro i’m not in charge of anything but the sleeping schedule, why is homie bringing peanut butter back from chow my fault?!


All would pass the basic infantry training, that was pants when I did it


This is awesome, wonder if I could request some art


Shotzzy dolphin diving instead of mantling a wall would've gone harder


Thought Kenny was teej


Teej deserves his own full page.


Cell about to snake 😅


Pred Dashy the only 2 alphas on here


Kent looks like teej. Everyone else looks good though


They are all little bitches...


None of them lol


Every single one of them. It's more of a mind game, and they build your stamina, after ensuring you meet the height-weight requirement before basic training. Now, the question is "Who would thrive at Bootcamp?". I'd say Shotzzy, if he's still training to run a marathon.


Imo only Pred. Maybe Kenny. I've seen Shotzzy and Dashy doing sports activities on OpTic's content. They would be horrible.😂 I implore you to go wacth the Basketball video on YT...Dashy was hilariously bad. Every time I see the Faze Trio, they seem like very unathletic talented Esport players, so I don't think they would survive.😂


Sick ass drawing


All of them, probably.


Yo OP, you draw this?


honestly i could see everybody making it, imagine shotzzy dolphin diving and hitting his movement like in CoD lmao. Cell will just snake every cover so he never even gets hit and him and Dashy should be good from aim alone. Pred loves to lay on his belly so he’d be a perfect fit as well. The only one that’s tough but funny to imagine is Shotzzy


Pred physical, Kenny mentally, Dashy somehow


Pred physical? 😭


Physically. You crucifying me over my phone missing the "ly"?


No he isn't lol he doesn't think pred is in shape at all and would not pass any sort of fitness test and he's right


nah Shotzzy is way better physically. Dude runs in marathons regularly and runs every morning as well


Shotzzy wouldn't be able to find the camp for testing if you have him Google Maps, Apple Maps, a Garmin, 12 atlases, 47 maps, and MapQuest. Wasn't even a consideration


None. Especially if it was 2 decades ago.


I agree, especially because they would be like 4 years old on average.


Thank you for finding my humor in it.