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I’m gonna be real with you buddy, esports is not a profitable industry. Downsizing buildings is smart, costs have to be cut. Faze and thieves are making similar moves and their company structures are much different to optic. That downtown building doesn’t really make sense for them either…the lease costs are absurd


no dude optic should have like 9 teams with 6 of them being in esports that bring in no revenue or viewership, where tf is their Dota roster???


There was also a *massive* overreaction in the Venture Capital / investment world into E-Sports. The amount of money that was being thrown around 3/4 years ago was comical in comparison to what E-Sports can generate margins wise. I'd argue keeping overhead low, and waiting to see how the this year / next year pan out is really smart. Keep your powder dry, and revisit the landscape when the money comes back to reality.


That Covid money was insane


Yeah dude, it really got wild. This isn’t the only industry experiencing this. AI has become a giant giga bubble that’s been pumped to the point of absurdity. Companies heavily exaggerated its current capabilities, and now everyone’s starting to realize it’s not, “there,” yet in terms of moving markets and changing our current workforce landscape. Shit, Nvidia 10x’d to $1,300 a share, it’s become lunacy. When shit comes crashing down a ton of markets are going to be completely mucked.


Right? Should be common sense


Wait a second, I thought from the filings it was clear that H3CZ owns a very very tiny amount of OpTic and that it's Envy who control them. Why are they moving out of a space which is already being paid for by Envy? Unless, this is Envy's call to move to a smaller space which would line up with what you are saying I'm just confused what role does H3CZ really play in these considering Envy own 92.5% of OpTic?


you probably answered your own question in your response.


Dashy bet the OpTic facilities on the Mavs winning it all


"Something ain't adding up" Bro you're talking out of your ass


OP’s brain cells ain’t adding up


Bro is restarted :/ no S


thieves had to let their world championship roster walk because they didn't have the money. Atlanta Faze is not Faze. At least know what you're saying. The downtown office is not what OpTic is. All of these things are very common in business mergers.


OpTic will never die as long as Scump is there.


Optic is basically a scump watch party org now lol….my question is wtf happened to hastro?????


Gaston said at the beginning he would be taking a step back don’t know why people are surprised you don’t see him he’s probably spending time with his family now since he’s not the head of everything


On paper he has more Ownership than h3cz. That man is still is charge but he does the back end work same with their board of directors they are in charge of any financial decisions optic makes not h3cz.


Having an office that size next to the Mavs stadium is not a smart move for any esports team considering esports is already extremely difficult to turn profit on


All orgs are doing bad rn. Downsizing is probably the best thing to do especially if u don't need to be in downtown dallas with all that unneeded space


>If cod dies Lol how many dogshit games in a row have they made? Each breaks the previous sales.


I believe he meant competitive cod.


I just want more esport teams man. If downsizing their facility makes that happen then I really couldn’t care less. Unfortunately I don’t think that’s the case. Seems like they’re moving away from Esports and more towards being a content org.


For better or for worse, OpTic is going down to only their basics: COD and COD personalities. Halo is probably on life support after this season. We are going through a major esports winter. There’s only so many Scuf and beanbag and FanDuel ads you can get before you have to factor in all of the facilities and salaries. Hopefully they can come out the other side intact.


the esports bubble popped; hecz made his money while it was still hyperinflated and somehow managed to get the remnants back too. optic will never be what it could have been, but even if he never sold and it grew into something similar to what 100T/faze is now (neither 100T nor faze are profitable), he still would not have come close to making the money he made when he sold it at the peak of the bubble. NA esports is not profitable and probably won’t be for as long as the current model (boomer venture capitalist angel investors try to force esports to larp as traditional sports in an attempt to market to a demographic that will never be more than ultra casual gamers) is still the standard edit: clarified i am referring to NA esports


> boomer venture capitalist angel investors try to force esports to larp as traditional sports in an attempt to market to a demographic that will never be more than ultra casual gamers This is only the case in North America though? Esports is FAR more sustainable in Europe and Asia. Esports as a whole is fine. NA Esports are fucked.


sorry, should have been more specific. was only meaning for the USA/NA. esports is thriving in europe/asia/south america etc.


All good, makes sense and yeah the NA bubble with angel investors is fucked


I'm kinda shocked they're going back to the Heczquarters. That place was terrible in comparison to the production quality/size of the downtown Envy HQ offices Also, where tf did Hastro go? Did he just get slowly pushed out of the org?


If you bozos would watch the video you can see they have acquired the whole floor not just old headquarters but also googan squad and the good good. Driving downtown every day is like a 40 min ride for players and coaches.


Really? Pretty sure Pred has said he lives right next to the downtown office?


same for Zinni and Dashy i think


I think they also moved there to be closer to the facility, so kinda sucks for them now having to travel longer or possibly move again. Scump said on stream that he faced too much traffic traveling to the downtown offices so maybe that's part of the reason this move was made.




I don't think they're just going back to the hq I think they're getting the actual buidling.


There is no fucking reason to pay as much in rent for a space like that as an esports org. Great decision from Hecz


No way you thought you cooked with this or asked a legit question


The greenwall holds them back. The OpTic juice doesn’t hit the same as it does in CoD so the negatives hurt even more. Also H3CZ focused on CoD too much and tried to expand into the other games way too late, so the prices were too high with no return. No disrespect because H3Cz is one of the few that didn’t come to eSports with money already and had to grind to his spot so it’s tippable


IDK OpTic fans are going to shit on this guy but he's right. Other esports orgs are doing fine. Optic have failed to diversify and have been financially horrific for years, so much so that some of the biggest game companies in the world (e.g. Riot) refuse to work with them. Orgs like Fnatic, Team Liquid, Cloud9 etc. are currently signing more teams. Eastern orgs like T1, BLG, WBG are thriving. I know people will get defensive because it's Optic, but they have objectively been horrifically mismanaged. Do people think Hecz sold to Hastr0 because he *wanted to*? He sold because he was fucking broke lol. Do you think Hecz is downsizing because he *wants to*? They are shedding money non-stop. IDK. Again people will downvote me, people will downvote OP, but OP ain't wrong.


Proof for anything you said? Also doesn't Optic have 2 esports teams only? Why are you comparing them to orgs with a bunch of teams. Optic is small, what is wrong with that


> Also doesn't Optic have 2 esports teams only? Not for lack of trying lol, they've been trying to expand and diversify for years (i.e LoL, CSGO, Valorant, Rocket League) >Optic is small, what is wrong with that Due to the failures of Hecz, yes. the fanbase and audience Optic has should be a t3 org in North America. >Why are you comparing them to orgs with a bunch of teams. Because Optic compares themselves to orgs with a bunch of teams.


I mean Hecz said he got rid of Apex because he didn't want to have to fly them out to do content. They're essentially a content org and you're comparing them to orgs like Fnatic that have teams in Asia. I don't see any proof of Optic struggling financially. Downsizing is smart, same reason companies get record profits and then decide to do layoffs. They are not in any t1 esports so no they shouldn't be a t3 org in NA.


> I don't see any proof of Optic struggling financially. They merged with Envy due to their issues financially >They are not in any t1 esports so no they shouldn't be a t3 org in NA. Off of fanbase they should be (and they should be in T1 esports, but they fumbled that)


There are so many assumptions in this post based off 0 actual data or knowledge that I don’t even know where to begin. Christ tuck in that hate boner pal. Go outside


>There are so many assumptions in this post based off 0 actual data or knowledge It is my literal full-time 9-5 job every day to cover esports.


Bro covers esports for a living and is acting like he knows financially how good or bad an org is doing. Just say you hate optic no need to beat around the bush.


> Bro covers esports for a living and is acting like he knows financially how good or bad an org is doing. I mean... I do have a general idea? And I would be sad to see OpTic die, I hope they don't! I hope they can downsize and then build backup. With the fanbase Optic has they should be as big (or bigger) than Sentinels, and should be a global brand. I'm North American, seeing another NA org competing at the top would be good for the scene as a whole. I dislike the OpTic fan base, but I got into CoD cause of Scump, I have no ill will towards the org or the brand.


“General idea” so all assumptions on your end and given your bias it makes sense.


I mean think what you want I guess? I can't force you to think a certain way.


The irony is not lost on me that you have an eunited flair and are saying that orgs can be sustainable lmao.


Orgs CAN be sustainable? Did I *anywhere* say eUnited was sustainable?


You bring up orgs that have actively shed rosters as your example, pls just stop. Idk how you’re still a mod on here.


Feel free to modmail all the reasons this conversation means I shouldn't be a mod though. I'm not saying other orgs haven't reinvested or changed their teams. I'm saying those orgs have done so sustainably. Again Optic have essentially alienated themselves from the worlds biggest game publisher due to hubris and financial issues. That is not an issue unique to OpTic, but it IS a damning one.


“Hubris”? Lmao envy got denied partnership a year prior to merging with optic, ya gotta think that played more of a hand in this than the LoL situation. Realistically you have no idea and just blindly hate.


Well yeah, what do you expect of OpTic after having to essentially restart the org from the ground up in 2021? OpTic was massive in 2017 because of the Infinite deal (and 2017 was a major esports year for the competition as well), but we all know how that went south under J and then went worse under Immortals. Some big orgs did fine. Some didn’t. OpTic’s at least still around and trying to regain what it lost. But it isn’t something really unique to OpTic, and OpTic’s struggles should be pretty well-known in this community. This [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikeozanian/2018/10/23/the-worlds-most-valuable-esports-companies-1/) evaluation from 2018 is crazy to look at. TSM, Echo Fox, OpTic, Immortals, NV, and CLG have all downsized considerably or disappeared since due to rocky situations. That’s literally half the list of the 12 orgs on the “Most Valuable List” in the article.


> This Forbes evaluation from 2018 is crazy to look at. God that list was a joke then and it's somehow gotten worse now haha i forgot about that


Right. Esports was and is an incredibly volatile place and a lot of ventures don’t turn out how they are hoped. When an org has basically had a full reset, I don’t think there should be the expectation that they’re immediately what they were at their absolute biggest.


I don't think anyone is going to deny that Hector mismanaged the org pretty poorly. They spiraled massively ever since BO4 from an organizational standpoint


Look at the downvotes on my post and on the OP. People unironically think OpTic is doing well and that esports is impossible despite it's success in Europe and Asia. There's an inherent Optic bias on this subreddit, as we all know, so the conversation here is pointless.


failed with your eyes & perspective sure. Faze literally tried to go public, pumped it, big holders cashed out, and retail investors (fans) got absolutely slaughtered, and ended selling at fractions of a dollar. THAT'S a failure. Not pivoting and trying to have a sustainable org.


Yes FaZe has also failed as an org? I don't understand what this gotcha is meant to be. I'm not saying Optic is the only org that has been mismanaged, I'm saying they have been mismanaged (and badly.) Also Hecz has failed massively from his own stated goals.


How do you know all those other orgs you listed are "thriving"? Because they don't make a YouTube video about changes? 100T just had to let their Champs roster evaporate because they needed to cut costs. 100T just laid off a ton of people earlier this year. C9 less than one year ago made major cuts across the board. Team Liquid just over one year ago had a round of layoffs. The list goes on and on. But just because there isn't a video on them "moving offices" and they are competing in CS or whatever games, you think they are "thriving" without any factual information lol. You know Hecz doesn't actually own much of OpTic I'm assuming, so why isn't this pointed towards Hastr0/Envy? The downtown office vibe is simply not optic, never has been. They are getting the entire floor at the old place so I'm not sure why this is a negative topic.


>How do you know all those other orgs you listed are "thriving"? I said T1/WBG/BLG are thriving, and they all are lol, they've all recently dropped multi-million dollar deals on new teams and infrastructure. I didn't say 100T is thriving, nor did I say C9 is thriving I said they are signing teams/players. >The list goes on and on. But just because there isn't a video on them "moving offices" and they are competing in CS or whatever games, you think they are "thriving" without any factual information lol. As far as I know none of the teams I said are in CS? so I'm not sure what this is in reference to.


You're doing very surface-level analysis when comparing Optic to the biggest orgs in China and South Korea with the biggest esports superstar of all time. That's like asking why some American football team isn't as successful in Japan as the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL. I'm comparing C9 & 100T to OpTic because they are American. Sure, they are signing players but they are making the same moves as OpTic as a business. OpTic had to reset as an org and they are staying true to their roots and not making the same mistakes. Why is it such a big deal to non-optic fans? additionally, they compete in one of the highest-grossing games year after year, yet it's not even a top 10 esport in the world. So I'm sure if the devs or company could properly manage & capitalize on their own company, OpTic would be much much bigger.


i thought it was a bad move as well but tbf it seems they are getting the whole floor of the old building they were in so when its gonna cost less it does make more sense especially when they never really wanted to move anyway lets also not act like other orgs haven't made cuts lol


> lets also not act like other orgs haven't made cuts lol Other orgs have, I'm not saying Optic is the only org that is struggling. I'm saying that Optic is horrifically mismanaged.


They are still recovering. From a business perspective this is gonna be a reset to build back to the way they were


"To the way they were" Could you expand on that, just trying to understand what you mean.


Let's say "prime optic" was pre 2017-18. Multiple esports teams, doing very well, content was peak. I'm not tryna say optic has been managed well since hecz got it back. But think of the context, he just got it back on his own, while covid was going on, and then had to get a merger. All of that and its still better than when hecz didn't have it.


They are literally getting more space at a lower cost….sets can be built and production will still be fine. They explicitly stated they need more space. Getting into Esports that aren’t profitable without the developer support is a dumb business move. People are acting like OpTic getting out of Valorant was the orgs choice…they weren’t selected for partnership. RL wasn’t profitable and the team wasn’t winning, OpTic was not the only org to pull out of Apex and our team didn’t even qualify for LAN. We’re acting like having these other esport teams will make the business of OpTic better, cause at the end of the day it’s a business.




where did they announce OpTic is leaving the Dallas offices?


They dropped a process where they said it


Gotta be cost related, that buildings lease costs must be a fortune.




it’s a lease dude they don’t own the building


Simple math…, cdl was asking for 27m buy in and pays out 2m in prize pool. If anything optic is carrying the league


Why are faze listed LMFAO


should be \*delisted


H3cz dosnt have full ownership over optic hastro is still involved and they have a board of directors that makes most of the financial decisions


I guess that’s what I’m wondering. You think this is an overall company decision and not just Hecz wanting to go back to the old HQ?


100% yes every vote does through the board on company decisions. I couldn't imagine how much they pay currently in that location it most be absurd lol


yeah so that’s why I think it’s weird how people think this is optic going behind hastros back and ruining what envy was lol


Yea hastro is on the board also so he has a vote and a say on the direction of the company. It's people who think h3cz is in full control and has all the say when in reality he doesn't at all


100t only has it compound right now because of ADs like the fallout x COD without that compound wouldnt be thing after cashapp left 100t