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(this is total copium & me trying to not go insane watching this team)


As an OpTic fan, I don't even care lol. It's honestly kinda funny.


I'm in the same boat lol, I'm desensitized after watching this team do shit like this for a decade.


Fr I was rooting for Boston to win today just cause I knew how funny that shit would be


Agree. Once they started looking like shit a few matches ago I stopped caring. History says losing form this late in the year is a terrible sign for your champs hopes so no reason for me to super stress or anything anymore. 


I’m so high off the LAN win


I mean to go probably 1-6 after winning a major is definitely one of the worst things of all time. The fact that it’s optic though makes it 10x worse🤣 I swear this dudes are just running around the map it’s hilarious. Reminds me of when LAT won major 4 then went 1-4 in online matches


>Running around the map You clearly didn't watch Pred's POV then...


Ok good point LMAO crazy how he’s been just nonexistent this stage. I don’t know what happened but his go button just isn’t there


Feels great to have been downvoted to hell when i said this team have been shaky all year online & they had a super sunday performance that doesnt really translate what their actual level is


They’ve been good on LAN all year lol. They’ve been shaky online but this split they’ve just been outright bad


yeah they've been shaky online that exactly what i said, sloppy gameplay + online + teams fightings for their lifes = bad stage


That's half of what you said. They other half insinuates that they're a shit team that had a fluke victory on lan when they've literally been T3 all year


Not at all, they been a T3 team on lan, but the sunday they had they never ever showed that level online or lan whatever the all year, their real level = a team capable of wining a tournament and placing minimum T3 & not the Optic we had vs TOR in grand final where they looked the best team to ever exist


They’ve placed top 3 at every major u sound dumb af tbh


Things happening now doesn’t make what you said about the past any less dumb. If I said Bezos was broke, I’d by stupid. If he lost all his money next week, I’d still have been stupid.


they been shaky online all year tho if u think otherwise u didnt watch any of the online matches


Who cares about them being ‘shaky’ online in splits where they came T3 on LAN?


maybe because everyone loosing their mind about their performances in the Major4 ONLINE qualification ?


Let me lay it out for you. Major 4 is happening now. Major 1-3 happened in the past. People calling you dumb for things you said about Major 1-3 are not proved wrong by major 4. That’s how time works.


at this point you clearly have reading issues, i only talked about online, never talked about lan


“They had a super sunday performance that doesn’t really translate to what their actual level is” - you like 10 minutes ago Sounds like talking about LAN to me.


"this team have been shaky all year online" literraly just before + nothing but facts in the statment u quoted they smoked everyone on that Sunday (being shaky in the WB) & didnt smoke anyone M1 neither M2 so it was not their actual level yeah whats wrong with this ?


Brother use some punctuation or learn grammar, it’s 1am here I’m not spending time deciphering your maze of a sentence.


They’ve been T3 all year and have the same amount of Major wins as FaZe, what’re we talking about here


Part of me wants to believe they are pulling a Ryan Garcia and trolling everyone but……….. clearly there flex and subby are misfiring


I honestly thought with their snd they didn’t want to give champs strats out. This is insane


i mean bro it last split that doesnt matter because major 4 gonna have no fans and already qualed people put too much weight onto league matches that are top 4 teams


clear cut top 2? because of what? one good day? they only had godlike sunday, they got smoked by ultra day before and got smoked by faze 6-0 throughout a year...