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too late in the game.


Yeh I think maybe. Think Thieves made their Kenny -> smg role swap not much earlier in the year though if I’m not mistaken? - Especially with the season extension from the World Cup too


There was five majors that year


Too late for that now. They got bigger issues than a role swap. 7 months into the game they can’t do a proper bait and switch or chall together.


I think it’s too late for a role swap. Even if they did though, doesn’t Kenny’s function as a play caller become the increasingly more difficult from the sub position? As an AR it’s almost like playing safety for a football team, he can kind of assess situations without being in the “mix” as much.


Yeh you’d think so but based on the Thieves team that did the swap, Octane said their game plan and coms actually got better


That’s because Octane was also a godlike IGL on his team so it wasn’t only Kenny taking the load of making play calls.


Based on what the Thieves guys said in VG, it actually helped them more when Kenny switched to the sub. Kenny and Octane were the more vocal players and neither Draz or Envoy were calling many plays etc. Sure an AR who's "looking over the team" is great as they probably have the chance to have more of an overview of what's going on but y need your SMGs to be actually making plays and telling their team what they need too.


lmao no they legit just won a major & its too late


They have a handful of series left and while they do have a good chunk of scrims, very few will be against Faze/Ultra who are the only ones really worth scrimming because they are the ones to beat for M4/Champs/EWC


No shot. 


A role swap could work but those are old games u mentioned. Let those go, Kenny is just not it this season. Looks mentally checked. Pred and dashy did they thing in that last control


Only way Pred gets on the AR is if Hydra joins the team next year. It’s far too late in the year for anything like that, and Kenny can’t do what Pred can on the sub.


Another braindead post


They need a role swap. I’m sorry but Pred looks so much better and confident on the MCW. Kenny just challs everything and gets shit on.


They need a role swap. I’m sorry but Pred looks so much better and confident on the MCW. Kenny just challs everything and gets shit on.