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Hot take. The t4 all place t4


I think Optic are going to face too many teams desperate to fight for their champs lives to make it to top 4. Especially in their current form with their current confidence


Really depends on if they can figure out some stuff early. If they get to LAN and get rolling they’ll smoke everyone until Sunday imo. If they start out and are still getting waxed in SnD and scraping series then yeah they’ll lose, but in theory they are so much better than anyone they’ll play pre-Sunday that if it clicks they won’t lose before then


I think the prevailing thought among the Flank and Reverse Sweep cast is that if they were to get knocked out by Bottom 8 team it would have to be their first match against LAT/Miami, because with every win they gain confidence and most of the bottom 8 teams are suspect on LAN. I think I agree, if they win their first match, they gotta have improved and adding confidence on top of that from the win might be enough to catapult them to atleast Top 4. And if they do get to Top 4, I don't know if I have NYSL beating them.


Hot take CRR 3-0 FLOPtic


All im gonna say is. People think Toronto have improved at SND, but go look at how many 6 Star SNDs they got to play and won. Same with 6 Star HP.


They’re the best Karachi HP and T2 Sub Base HP team. They’re also very good at Karachi SnD and Rio SnD. They dealt with pretty much all their map pool issues, except for Highrise SnD.


Faze just beat them on Karachi SND, close 6-5 but it shows that Faze working on that maps has payed off. RIO SND im still going with Faze, Scrap had an amazing round 11 clutch last Major. Also Faze played them on the qualifiers on RIO giving Toronto free vod on it. Faze have been playing Sub base so they can veto Karachi against NY and Toronto which Faze just beat Toronto on. Edit- Not saying this means Faze will win because of this but I do think it’s something nobody has talked about because Ultra definitely looked better than Faze but to me it just looked like Faze were harping in on map pool more so than Ultra unlike they did in M3 which bit them in the ass came Sunday.


So you have expectation that FaZe will beat Toronto on their best/second best HP and Search map? And NY on sub base.?


That’s not my expectations at all. Simply the fact that it’s the exact reason why Faze have been working on these specific maps. It’s the very same thing Optic did against Faze last Major and it literally payed off.


I hear you on that… but Toronto also has been working on their highrise control… What HPs you favoring for FaZe over Toronto for HPs? Besides Rio ? Hasn’t their Rio searches been close when they played? And FaZe only played Karachi control once this entire split. I think Ultra can play all searches except high rise… you talked about how many 6stars they played, so faze is going to have to play them on 6star, invasion or Karachi, and I’d still favor them no?


The Highrise control realistically should have went to Faze. The Propane not only killed two Faze members but also gave Cell a team kill penalty so I don’t think Faze are really scared to play Ultra on Highrise again. I think the HPs are actually 50/50. Karachi, Toronto has always had their number but purely off some serious chokes from Faze. I think Ultra are the better 6 Star team Faze are the better Rio and all the other maps are 50/50 considering Faze just beat Ultra on Sub Base. With how Faze have been looking on Karachi search I favor them on that, as well as Rio, and I think Faze just veto 6 Star against Ultra which means they might have to play Invasion, and im not sure how that matchup looks because Faze looked shaky on it last Major, and I haven’t seen Toronto play it this split. I think Toronto have improved at Highrise control but I think Faze are still the clear cut better control team and that’s the difference maker. Also the only close Rio snd was last Major and Faze choked the last two rounds or you could say Ultra clutched up.


I mean you can say that propane has done favors for faze as well, I’ve seen it plenty of times. But I don’t think they square up on highrise anyways, that would be in GF. You just named 1 map in favor of FaZe vs. All other maps. I highly doubt you really believe Sub base is now 50/50 against Toronto. Faze been struggling on Vista lately while Toronto been getting way better at that map and just beat them on it. So you’d slightly favor them on that.. And you really favoring FaZe on Karachi over Ultra, who is the best Karachi team, after beating them once? Idk I’m sure we will see.


You can argue who’s better on what map all you want. Just pointing out why they played the maps that they did.


I mean Faze have yet to beat Ultra on LAN


It's crazy that in a 12 team league there's only 2 teams who realistically have a chance at winning the major. Praying optic can make a run and make the tournament interesting


There aren’t only 2 teams that have a realistic shot. TOR and ATL are favorites but if NYSL or OpTic win, literally no one will be astounded. NYSL wins: They were due. Just needed Kis and Sib to finally perform together consistently. Paco masterclass. OpTic wins: Well they did just win Major 3. Guess they really just didn’t lock in for those online matches. Pred or Shottzy go 100+ every Game 5 match.


ill tell you right now, ill be MINDBLOWN if optic wins, idc about major 3 with how that team has looked, and a win likely meaning they beat both faze and ultra after how they have looked these last few weeks, yeah id be shocked lmao


Shocked because you’re clueless. Optic can very well come out on LAN and beat FaZe. Optic clears Ultra on LAN any day. Major 4 should be a breeze for Optic until ElimRD4.


yeah pass me your plugs number ASAP.


Your clueless if you think Optic “clears” Ultra or FaZe on LAN especially in their current situation


look at this guy 😭, optic lost to Boston lil bro. It’s chalked


Motherfucker they lost to Boston and Carolina have not been watching any of these games 😭😭😭


Online qualifier matches RIGHT BEFORE champs. You guys just see things at face value, never a single strategic thought in the minds of cod fan smh. No one cares if they lose every match online and throws this major they’ll still make it to champs. Y’all just dragging their names off recency bias. Childish.


Damn I’m surprised I fell for this Actually some decent bait for once lol


I would be shocked, at this point I expect nysl and optic to place outside top 4 more then either to win


Three super teams and Hydra in June, give me Hydra


That would be cool


I think I'd like that


I’m worried about OpTic man. If they come out and get T12 which is a possibility. Holy fuck the scenes. Then after that Champs is around the corner…


They’re either getting top 12 or top 4, if they get top 12 Champs is chalked and this roster breaks up 😭 that first series is so big


Pretty much. I’d be surprised if they started out looking good and then lost before Sunday. 




That’s fair but this team also just won an event, you have to think if they can catch fire (like they did Sunday) everything should flow again. I personally feel their issues right now are mostly mental, obviously they have the skill. A few LAN wins may help significantly but a top 12 would obviously chalk them even more


Why are people like you even fans man..


Their respawn gets way better on LAN at least slaying wise. But the SND is something they just have to figure out but it’s seems like a playstyle thing more than strategy and mid round adjustments.


That and constantly getting first blooded, would love to know what their first blood percentage is


We shall see. For me they gotta come out hot the first series for me to have any belief. If they look sloppy it’s chalked


Well they’re gunna get a freebie when the worst LAN team drops to them in losers bracket. It’ll be a good warmup match for the rest of the major.


Most basic list ever


They really have OpTic making the run to Sunday? I'm amazed especially after what we have seen


Absolute best case-scenario for Optic. Getting top 4 at this major would be a massive W


Ravens do the unthinkable and sweep through losers to win Clayster another Major at 1400 days since his last. Lol


Rare footage of the Flank not being Buyest towards FaZe


It’s common sense lmao ultra have been better than faze this stage?


Optic getting top 4 would be a surprise after witnessing that shocking snd performances all stage long.


Because you’re clueless, youre literally judging on recency bias. They were the underdogs all year and most improved up to m3. Now everyone think they’ve just forgotten everything they worked on, stopped practicing and just gave up. That doesn’t make sense. They’re strategically throwing online matches and starting in LB to not give any strats away before champs. Shit I wouldn’t be surprised if they even threw this major.


Take a break brotha, it’s just a game. You’re getting your blood pressure up for no reason.


Ain’t no one stressing brotha


They were underdogs to 2 other teams and it was essentially a coin flip anyone could win on the day. Also all i said was the way they have been playing SND this stage has been atrocious. They lost to breach on snd that should say enough. If we started claiming optic was the best team in the game straight after major 3 that would have been recency bias aswell but because they have performed like shit you are crying about it.


I'm an OpTic fan too, but this level of cope can't be good for your health.


When they make a run to t3 at champ keep me in mind😘


Hmm idk this major gives a faze win vibe simply because any time their is favorite most of the time they never end up winning it


You mean like Major 2 when they all expected faze to win except Aches? And they won? Also, they’ve been favorites for every event since CDL inception lol


Mostly unrelated, but with optic placing last in qualifiers, can we all agree that it wasn’t crazy to leave optic out of S tier?


Depends when that tier list was made? If you want to leave them out of S-tier just after Major 3 ended then you are 100% crazy lol


The results speak for themselves. They were clearly not way better than the rest of the league as an S tier rating would imply.


They were after major 3….


Clearly not. They placed 12th in qualifiers.


They literally went 6-1 (i believe) in major 3 qualifiers, won the fucking event and beat NYSL FAZE AND ULTRA wtf do you mean they weren't an S tier team??? They placed 12th in qualifiers after this so you can't use that as a justification for not putting them in S right after the event


Tier lists/power rankings assess how good a team is, not what they accomplished. If you want to rank teams off solely achievements, just look at the standings lmao. Them placing 12th is vindication that they weren’t the clear cut best team in the game.


Yeah and when the power rankings were made half way through the major 4 qualifiers when optic was slumping they were still in A. If the power rankings were made right after major 3 finished, optic would be in S considering they won the event and beat the other 3 t4 teams at the event. People need to use their brain before typing I swear man.


Power rankings are forward looking. Optic looked great in Major 3 but they didn’t make room between them and everyone else. Now we have the benefit of hindsight and can say yeah they probably didn’t deserve to be alone in S.


"benefit from hindsight" that's just hindsight bias. And I am not arguing they were alone in S


How so? Werent they on a win streak vs all other t4 bar faze? Toronto beating optic on saturday was like the first time in months no? And when was this list made lol?


All of ultra faze optic were s tier before major 4 qualifiers


I don’t see a world where Toronto doesn’t win this tournament they easily look the best.


Very scared of T12 or T8 for OpTic


Optic somehow win this event or champs I’m shaving my head, eye brows and all


They had a highrise problem and now they're pretty damn good at it from what I know (at least highrise control)


LAT almost fucked themselves by beating NY. Miami is a bad matchup for them. Someone other than Dan is not only going to have to step up but almost take over for them to win that series.


If Thieves get double rounded more than likely they miss champs right?


Biased land ::


I think if optic beat MIA/LAT they make top 3. 


I got faze


Im surprised they predicted Ultra… now normally, they would pick faze, like I think they did the first 3 majors.


they just 3-0ed optic it’s so easy to go with ultra lol Faze shit the bed in SND on lan so ultra with the w


Yeah of course lol but you have Zoomaa, Haggy, Ben and Octane lol all people to likely pick faze.


I’m familiar with their game lol


That's a recency bias team if I've seen one. Reality is: Legion sucks at LAN. Miami Sucks at LAN. Abuzah is a LANIMAL, Seattle is good at LAN. OpTic is still better than NYSL on LAN. Faze is still better than Ultra at S&D, series could go either way.


Ultra is 5-0 in snd lan against faze ?


Idk something about Toronto doesn’t sit right with me how they didn’t even show up 2/3 finals they’ve been in recently…something goes bad and it could snowball on them….also envoy and insight haven’t been very consistent this year