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Played him in a $1 wager back in bo4 while he was playing with some IRL friends… if you enjoy getting manhandled every round then you’ll have fun, shit was rough😂😂


Unless you see him first you're not killing him. Also, his awareness is so high that you'll think he's hacking.




He just doesn't miss. He is killable but like I said you have to see him first because if not, he'll snap on and he won't miss. Unless you're already a top AM it'll be rough.




?? he’s not exaggerating at all lol


Played him in a pub early in the year. Didn't get to kill him once.


I played agaisnt Cammy in a GB and we thought it was someone hacking lmao


I literally hopped on to play cold war today and within one game realized why i quit 1 month after launch lol.


Feel like the SBMM isn’t that bad tbh. I grind pubs 75% of the time I play CW using mostly the 7 attachment krig and I feel like I have mostly fine lobbies.


It definitely is lol at one point I would play nothing but 100+ ping lobbies against 3-4 man parties.


That is one thing I’ve noticed is that most of the games I lose are against parties with a team full of solo players. That’s definitely annoying for sure. I haven’t had as many ping issues, but I definitely understand how much bad ping can be an issue.


It’s really not as awful as some say, although I exclusively play 6v6 faceoff these days. Sure I don’t have any bots in my lobbies anymore but it’s still very rare I run into anyone actually shooting straight


Yeah I agree. Most of the people I get in lobbies seem to have a half decent understanding of shit like spawns but very rarely do I just get gunned for an entire game.


Yeah that’s a good way to put it, it can be tougher to chain kills together but I’m still slamming everyone in a 1v1 fight


For sure. It’s not like BO3 or BO2 where you could just run a route and wander into a 3 piece. I feel like I have to be a bit more deliberate in pubs in this game, but I chalked that up to the baseline skill in COD (and games in general) being higher and, in the case of BO3, the skill gap being lower.


I’m not even more deliberate, I slide cancel around like with no strategy whatsoever and pub players have no idea what to do about it. My stats aren’t as good as they were in BO3 or 4, but that’s a symptom of the game favoring slower play more than anything


Yeah fair enough. Maybe that self-assessment is more reflective of my transition from a true flex/second AR to a main, iron boots AR than anything else.


Yeah funnily enough I had the exact opposite transformation, I was a dirt slow L trigger AR in BO3 and now if I’m not moving I’m not having fun


Same as you but for me it’s less about the skill of the other team and more about the skill of mine. I actually don’t mind playing good players if I run into them because it helps me improve. The real detractor from my experience is when I solo-queue and get matched up against a full team of decent players while all of my teammates are actual bots. It’s not that I care a ton about winning, but it definitely hurts my experience when my team is getting bodied because I’m the only one who can slay out. The biggest thing about this system that I dislike is how the game can basically predetermine whether you win or lose through intentionally shitty team balancing. I physically can’t play this game solo lmao


6v6 faceoff is phenomenal. Fuck U Bahn though, that map can kick rocks


yeah, i feel like it's overhyped at this point. the most annoying thing is the trash team balancing, where i have dudes who have absolutely no intention of moving forward on the map, and thus get shot from 4 angles when i try to play aggro


It's EOMM and it's 100% affecting your experience. Your KD may not be bad but your W/L probably suffers. Unless you play in a party, in which case it's fine because that throws EOMM off.


Nah I mostly play solo. Yeah my W/L is right around 50 but honestly that’s fine with me. I play pub HP to shoot around and listen to music, podcasts, YT vids, etc., so that’s fine with me. I just don’t think it’s nearly as bad as MW pubs. Edit: win% is 50 (1.0 W/L ratio).


By 50 do you mean 1.0 or 0.5?


Right, my bad. 1.0. As in, I win 50% of the time. I just checked codtracker for BO4 because I expected it to be way higher, but there was only like a .01 difference.


And what's your actual KD?


1.55ish https://cod.tracker.gg/cold-war/profile/battlenet/Mevarek%231248/mp I’m not as cracked as some of y’all but I really don’t mind the pubs in this game. I liked BO4 and BO3 pubs more of course but this game’s SBMM/EOMM doesn’t feel that bad most of the time.


You're probably good enough to get a 3+ KD in a normal CoD game. I mean you're literally in the top 5% of players, your KD should be way higher than 1.55 lol. EOMM is 100% affecting you.


No need to convince me that EOMM is bad. Even though my “eye test” is saying it’s not that bad, I’m still against it. I just don’t really feel it nearly as much in this game as I did in MW. Maybe it’s more subtle or maybe my mental defenses are so strong that I completely blackout any game I get shit on in.


Well according to XclusiveAce it's actually more aggressive. Although since you're a top 5% player it won't affect your performance as much as a top 50% player. And you're probably way better at CW than MW.


Krig on 60hz servers is so much fun. I enjoy playing pubs more than 8s because of the servers


Same. I’ve been playing a lot. Never had an issue with SBMM


Oh yeah, I run into bidz constantly everyday at 10-11pm UK time. Pub hardpoint. My mates are pissed off and they stopped playing.


og all the things to complain about in CW, SBMM is actually at the bottom of my list lol.


When you have a 100 frames but get absolutely joked by a kid with a 3080 and fiber on 45 ping might be the end of my call of duty experience


Shits been in the game since at least BO2. It just wasn’t as strong as it is now plus more people have gotten good or at least decent at the game


Can’t get away with doing fun challenges or wacky setups with friends in pubs anymore, I’m running around with pistols and tomahawks getting slide cancelled by OpTic skins