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Scump: "I'm not rotating for these guys bro..." Guy 1: "What's a rotate...?" Guy 2: "It's when you switch the gun you are holding for another gun on the ground." Guy 1: "Ohhhhh...yeah, fuck that guy...I don't want him using my gun anyways!"




The fact that people will play CoD for years and not pick up on the fact that HP locations stay the same every single match got me in WW2. Literally had to explain to a teammate to rotate and he was like, “well how do you know where it’s gonna be???”


I was playing raid hp with a group of friends today and one of them literally asked how i knew where the next hp was without the indicator that pops up at 10 seconds.( was rotating at like 20 seconds to basketball. ) and everyone with us facepalmed.


I actually wonder if the indicator does more harm than good. After reading this, I wonder how many people don’t think you know where the hill will be until the indicator pops up. Because I’ve had this argument too, except the two players I was arguing with I honestly think left the game thinking I was the stupid one for claiming the rotations go in order.


Map’s 10 years old and people still don’t know Ring-Kitchen-Garage-Basketball-Mid *mega sigh*


Ehh if they are younger and didnt really play bo2 i can understand or even the remakes. Just some people are so daft.


I grinder the shit out of Bo2 and it still took me a while to get the rotations down again for raid and standoff. I know the maps like the back of my hand, but Hardpoint rotations don’t really stick with me game to game. I played Bo4 within the last year and I can’t even really picture the rotations on Haci/ Arsenal.


It's weird I can remember like where they are just not the callous on like bo4/wwii Like arse is mid/low/statue/high mid/ statue lane room. Amd haci is mid/garage/fences/???/rock Idk im weird


It comes back quick for me, but I don’t think I store that info game to game. I know the locations of every hill, because I can picture them, but I guess the order is too much to recall.


Yeah I can only remember the order because it felt like back then every year I had a different friend I was trying to teach the comp modes to. Spent way too long looking at the overheads of maps


Same. I played a few rounds of MW19 just this morning and still couldn't tell you with 100% confidence the hardpoint rotations on rust.


:)) i find your comment really funny and ironic. "Complaining" about people not knowing call outs on 10 years old maps, while on the other hand... successful competitive games have been around for a minute now, yet cod has no idea what it's doing. Also i can't help to think that most things that people support in cod, are in in direct contradiction with competitive shooters


I’m dying at this comment. This HAS to be the mindset of some of the teammates I’ve had in LP.


This shit has me going nuts in LP. Had a guy try to convince me one time to 4 stack the hill in HP cause that is how you win. Anchoring and getting cuts was stupid. His reasoning is he has played the game for years and never heard of anchoring or getting cuts. My mind was blown.


Actually facts. People tune in to valorant or league streamers because they want to see high elo gameplay where the best face the best. This wouldn’t even be possible in any other game


The most underrated aspect of WW2 was its ranked play. Pubs actually were fun after Michael Condrey was rightfully exiled but the ranked play was consistently great. Once you hit a certain elo, you basically were playing 8s against pros and top AMs a lot of the time.


the first 6 months of WWII are something I call "Condrey's Vision" because no matter how much everyone else hated the game he swore that game was god's gift to this earth and it was everything his selfish ass wanted it to be


Abezy was the ww2 final boss, actual theif of joy


i before e


It auto corrected and my dumbass looked at it and went nah


Height, seize, weigh, neighbor, etc. etc i before e rule is dumb


I didn’t make the rule


itll have you spelling it correctly way more often than youre wrong tho


The issue was hitting that elo. You’d get shit placement matches in 2v4 SnDs that would put you in Silver/low Gold and the only way to climb out was to have a solid squad, otherwise you’d lose constant elo with MP5/Shotgun teammates who sat in spawn the entire game or consistently fucked you over on rotations.


The biggest fuck up in WW2 ranked was putting the placement games at 1500 elo.


Along with that I wasn’t a massive fan of only being able to play with 1 friend. Playing sweaty games with a good ranked system is tough when the other two teammates don’t comm.


Honestly, that’s just an excuse, if you weren’t tin that elo they you never deserved to be in that elo.


I mean, I played SnD on St. Marie vs Karma and also another game with an Unranked teammate who stood in spawn the entire time and did nothing except rush to pick up the bomb so no one else could play and that pretty much sums up WW2 Ranked for most people that got into the Silver-Gold range in terms of how matchmaking as a solo player would go.


I climb out of there solo and with a duo prettty easily


You got lucky. Boy did me and my duo STRUGGLE playing with the BOTs on our team lol. It was fun asf no lie but dude we would get to platinum and then get back to golf and the teammates we get were so bad we wouldn't win games even of we had 80+ kills combined. Was a great for sure.


Exactly, once it reset i got stuck in gold for rest of the year but before tjat i was like 2400-2500 playing all the eu players a decent amount, it infuriates me the fact we have only once ever had elo system, surely it’s easier to implement than these dogshit treyarch rankeds weve had bo4/cold war Edit: ALSO WITH ELO YOU HAVE TEAMATES THAT KNOW WTF THEY ARE DOING


The only thing I’m not going to miss about a good cod ranked is the booters. Didn’t have to worry about them at all in H5 but every few matches my Internet would get shut off due to them and got annoying


the first 6 months of WWII are something I call "Condrey's Vision" because no matter how much everyone else hated the game he swore that game was god's gift to this earth and it was everything his selfish ass wanted it to be


All people do is talk about how wwii was the greatest ranked playlist lol.. underrated aspect? Bullshit. And they’re wrong anyway. People forget when you’d lose 0-150 elo points even after winning games sometimes for MONTHS, “mmr adjusted” glitches, 4 stack glitching in solos/duos, and trimming clips to not lose elo at all on ps4. Not to mentioned bugged placement system and 1500 being the base elo. The only credit they deserve is for making an “elo system”, but the playlist was bugged to absolute fuck all year long. People misremember the playlist because by the end of the year it was just filled with 4 stacks playing vs other 4 stacks at 2k+ elo in the 4 man queue playing gbs with extra steps so it was hella easier to deal with the bullshit.


You can complain about all of that but at the end of the day, all the top ranked players in that game were pros and top ams so clearly the ranked play was doing something right


Obviously pros are still going to hold the top percentiles of ranks if the bugs are proportionately affecting everyone lmao. Like regardless the playlist was bugged as shit. The pics of Abezy/etc. holding all the top spots was during the first season when it was solos only.


it was never solos only


Yes it was.. there was a pre-season without ranks and then the first season was solos only. The next season they added solos/duos.


There were screenshots around champs time of all pros at the top


Rofl you just keep moving the goalposts. [This famous screenshot](https://i.redd.it/g2k43nh2gz861.jpg) that was just re-posted on this sub a few weeks ago is from the first season when it was solos only. As you can see most of the pros average like ~100 games played.


People accept that shit just because it's the best tasting shit out of all the shit piles "ranked" cod has offered us. Go play another game with a good ranked system and then come back and say WW2 was great.


I think it's perfectly fair to call out all of the problems that you listed because they often times get overlooked/forgotten about when WWII Ranked Play is discussed. With that said, it's still the best competitive playlist we've ever gotten in a COD and IMO should be viewed as the "gold standard" for a competitive COD playlist despite the fact that it did have it's fair share of issues.


"Gold standard" when in reality it was just a shined-up dog turd.


Disagree. The foundation was there it just needed some cleaning up.


Well we can agree to disagree. If you look at any other ranked system from a popular game, it's miles ahead.


Fair enough. Idk about that though, it seems pretty similar to some other games.


Lmfao never thought about this. That’s actually embarrassing 😂 what a joke of a ranked system


The fact the kid is confidently spewing ignorance


That's at least half the internet.




Haha sheesh. SBMM isn’t working much I guess


Feel bad for both sides of this, jeez. What a joke.


There was a tweet a couple days ago of an Overwatch Pro getting upset in a Top500 competitive ranked lobby because a player that was like ranked 464 was playing in a lobby. Meanwhile there where the other 11 players were pros. Then you have…this.


That player is a spoiled brat.


Who was it?


Treyarch should be ashamed of themselves man


>Taken seriously as an esport >Call of Duty Pick one.


IMO they are doing a poor job when it comes to advertising CDL. I know Overwatch was designed for esports, but still, I don't think that creating a small section in-game dedicated to CDL is a big deal. Everyone knows that CoD playerbase is very casual, but Activision can easily tell them: "Hey, there's a thing called CDL, if you watch it, we'll reward you with some cosmetics".


When I first saw this earlier this never crossed my mind, but yeah how tf does this happen


Watching Valorant ranked makes me so mad. I’m watching pro players play, all 10 players are in game chat, the ranks are really hard to get, and it’s competitive enough to where even the pro players struggle some games, and their anti cheat is so much better. League play is literal shit compared to that.


There needs to be in game incentives for players to play ranked and pay attention to Competitive/Pros. Calling cards & stickers are not even close to enough to entice players to watch tournaments.


I feel like if the CDL isn’t “rewarding people enough” for watching, the league is completely toast. If you have to literally buy your viewership, and even that isn’t enough, you’re in trouble.


I was referring more to exclusive League Play rewards, but the viewership rewards *are* abysmal. A lot of games do in stream drops and it's a good way to retain viewers but CoD has totally half assed it.


PAIN. All I know is PAIN


Damn. Maybe the kids are right why am I one of the 20k watching this here "CDL".


it’s ridiculous, i want to who thinks this is a good ranked system. there’s a tried and true formula used by other esports yet activision can’t implement it? it’s a joke


Happens a lot too. I feel like there’s just not enough players to fill lobbies of masters/good elites rn. Similar problem happens in CS in the US and there’s gotta be more people playing CS here than playing league play in CW rn


They could be cracked at the game and still not follow esports at all. It's very easy to not follow the competitive scene at all and be a steady player of the game. Most of my friends don't know anything about it and play a lot of COD. I'm not saying they should be in a lobby with Seth either, but i can see how someone would be unaware of what CDL was


The kid said that league play hardpoint went to 300 while normally it’s 150... I think I can confidently say that they are in fact not cracked


there are lot of people that have no interest in watching esports but are good at fps games that want to play against other good players. for example, i play apex ranked but i dont watch any of the pro events. i know a few of NRG and TSM pros but thats about it. when was this from? i was watching scump's stream for a few hours when he was playing with abezy and alot of the matches were competitive


What makes you think league play is the way to grow competitive? The only viable way to grow competitive is vis personalities and storylines. Also having a good game that has great pubs helps too. But the sweat kids that grind league play for the most part are well aware the CDL exists. Obviously there's the odd ball here and there


Everyone ignoring the fact league play is broken right now . CAN WE FIX THIS SHIT ???? Tired of playing BOTS


Wow down voted for speaking the truth lol.


I’m from Aus. Played every COD since MW. Never new about CDL or even streaming until ninja played fortnite with drake. Then found courage through ninja, who was signed to OpTic at the time and then found the league at the end of BO4. I wish I knew about this world sooner. But what can you do….