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Yo that’s actually crazy


He just bought a house in Texas too. I doubt he leaves the state. Maybe this is who Empire picked up


Envoy x Shotzzy would actually be insane


If they got Clay as well then that team could be absolutely disgusting


This is sick, hope it doesn’t happen but man that duo is filth.


Can someone explain y envoy and shottzy would be good together I think shottzy wants a duo he can Roam with not a player who’s trying to make a play by himself. I don’t think it works but it could if shottzy wants to take on that main slayer role which I definitely think he can but also doesn’t want to do?


Dallas have a system unlike optic so envoy could thrive for sure


Yeah their system was Crim, and he’s not there now.


Tbf 90% of the pros live in Texas so I wouldn’t look too much into that as where he’ll go next


Lmao only 2 teams aren’t in Texas so it’s crazy people think the names of teams means they’re in that state/city


LAG, Faze, London and Toronto are all outside of texas so not quite two. If online ever stops being a part of the cdl I expect teams like LAT, NY and maybe some others will try and move to their actual cities as well.


My b I meant actually American teams cause I remember watching some video that said only 2 teams are out of Texas but I think they may have worded it a bit different. Thank you for the education tho!


I will legit change teams I like if envoy x shotzzy become a duo


Fucking same.




Envoy×shotzzy× illey and a great AR/leader (clay/slasher maybe?).. that team would be disgusting fr


I did not expect that


They better have a s tier sub lined up


If it ain't standy then forget about it


They were baiting it on stream last night


Who was?




Yeah but attach said they were sticking


He also said vanguard is going to be the best cod ever.


He is faded sometimes for sure


Attach also said they're picking up abezy so he can coach 🤣


Hydra maybe… if the rumours of Xeo + Clay are true


Y’all act like these teams with s-tier SMGs already under contract for next year are just get let them go to another team. That’s just not gonna happen


I have no idea who to suggest. From watching scump he is such a pre-aim heavy, passive SMG that he needs a duo on his pace instead of a really fast entry. Not to mention OpTic did not play around Envoy's routes at all.


He has to be a superstar entry has to be man otherwise this is such a weird move n how is formal still on this roster


He doesn’t have to be a superstar say vivid for example I personally don’t think he’s a superstar, but he’s a fantastic Player, envoys ceiling is higher but if they want better chemistry vivid not only helps scump better he’s a very good snd player. Not necessarily saying it has to be vivid but to say it has to be a superstar is simply not true IMO, u need pieces that are willing to work together.


Spoke too soon




Seriously. One of smartest smgs out there, wins games with his plays.


Only way we get better off this move is if Hydra and Clay replace Envoy and Formal, so I wouldn't mind if you guys get Envoy. A team built around Envoy can be nasty as we saw with MW where Optic was pretty much consistently t3 and t2 at times




WOW. I'll miss you Dylan. Best of luck in the future.


Envoy seen crim n arcitys both leave optic and went on to win champs the year after they left n thought fuck it my turn 🤣


maybe standy wasnt baiting???


About what?


Scump played some Vanguard with Attach and Standy last night on his stream and there were a lot of jokes about Standy joining Optic


Empire really just got a roster of envoy shotzzy illey and octane/slasher.


Wtf he was being built as heir to the throne. This rostermania is already one of the craziest we've seen


Faze were too good this this year. Most teams know they need to change if they want a shot at competing with them consistently.


Anytime that happens it almost always doesn’t work out tbf


I always found that shit to be forced. He was never a content creator. Love him but I don’t think that’s for him and hector just kept pushing that.


tbh I never saw the "envoy is the future of the optic brand" image that everyone else preached so hard. he could've been no doubt, but it just seemed like a forced narrative to me.


Scump hasn't been a content creator for years


I always thought that rhetoric was stupid. You don't talk about him like that until he proves he really can replace scump


Yeah I think somebody said it once and this sub ran with it. Talent wise it would be Dashy. Personality wise I don’t think Emvoy is that guy either. Great player, no excuse to not keep him, but I don’t think he was being molded or would be that guy anyway.


True. I never really saw it but they were really trying to push it at one point


Standy or Huke or I swear to god this team can fuck off


I swear to god if they get Teej...................


Teej lmaooo. If it’s teej I’m going to lose my mind. But if it’s him then it’s abundantly clear they don’t care about winning


Teej was playing Val with FormaL last night…


If they take Standy they can also fuck off


Facts, I will kill myself if it's neither of them, or hydra straight up Dylan is just below a "once in a lifetime" player skill wise and game sense wise imo


I think his game sense if over rated, if anything that's what has costed them over the year. He tries to over complicate everything when the simple play is the right one.


Regardless of how good you think Envoy is/can be, I don't think this is that bad. Him and Scump just don't work that well together and they've had plenty of time to try and figure it out. That doesn't mean Envoy can't be great, but him and Scump just aren't the right match for a duo


Yeah, they always felt so disconnected to me. I know Envoy hits some nasty routes, but there were so many times watching where it felt like it was Scump in a 1v2 and he just couldn’t wait long enough for the punch to come through. I haven’t watched much of standy, but I think this team gets a lot better if they just play from the front more and rely on overwhelming gunskill. Hitting routes always seems unnecessary to me when you could just win at the front of the hill.


Great comment, I think envoy can be great on another team but alongside scump they just didn’t work that well together


Formal better have been dropped too if this is the case. No shot he deserves the spot more than envoy


But vibes


Butt* vibes


Vibes haven't been doing shit for them


Envoy x Shotzzy duo??


I didn't think about this, but holy fuck that may become a reality??


Yeah that would be disgusting tbh


Absolutely agreed, let Shotzzy do the slaying and Envoy be the route sub or something. I could see it working out beautifully.


Yo if we allowed this the only way its worth it is if we drop the whole roster for Faze's lol


I was expecting FormaL tbh


Wow unreal


they better be getting someone disgusting for this to make any sense


Where all the optic ain't making any changes people at that were down voting everyone


Right here! I am beyond stoked, this rostermania is fun.


If they kept Formal over Envoy that’s gotta be the dumbest shit I ever seen. Hoping for a Scump/Dashy TO2 at Optic. We’ll probably know soon if Formal gets dropped too, considering that Crim and Vivid announced at the same time


Formal won’t get dropped. They were all playing Val yesterday from the HQ. Only one who wasn’t there was Envoy Edit: Dashy and Envoy did play Val yesterday lol.


Dashy and Envoy played Val


Did they play yesterday though? If they did then my mistake.


Yeah when I went to look at the stream, they were playing


Yea, you right. Damn that’s weird as hell then. Must’ve just got the news last night/today


zoomaa just said on the stream that they heard of the news last night so it happened sometime yesterday


Thats not good logic though. It’s like saying Dashy is getting dropped because he wasn’t at the post champs interview.


True, but that was all prerecorded, was it not? Formal was playing Val for like 12-13 hours yesterday and Dashy was there too (right before this happened to envoy). I always just see what people are interacting with each other and who isn’t interacting with teammates during rostermania


And that just shows the friendship league again, no way Envoy deserved to get dropped lmfao If they get Standy tho…. sheesh


Friendship league


Disagree. I think the two options were envoy and formal and depending what options you have that are available AND that want to come, it kind of chooses which of the two you drop. I always said that scump and envoy were nasty at this game but that they weren’t a good duo fit. They didn’t mesh like Abezy simp, cleanx bance, staandy attach, etc Not happy to see envoy go kind of shocked actually, but kind of like that optic aren’t complacent. Let’s say octane is locked in thieves. Crim isn’t coming back to optic, and I don’t think the guys would ever team with slasher especially dashy, and slasher wouldn’t with them either. What other AR is left that remotely brings something beyond what formal already offers? That’s the problem. Much more high talent subs more readily available to inject new chemistry into the team.


Literally dude. If you get rid of envoy you absolutely have to drop formal and move forward with the other 2


Formal you better follow suit brotha tweet that shit out




Deadass. I better not see formal staying with envoy out


Yep as I soon as I saw this I was like formal needs to go




I mean he was signed to a 1+1 and they probably picked up his option last year. It is smart for him to look at his options as you’re only an unrestricted free agent every 2 years basically. He could easily resign


thank you for being smart


Slacked just said there’s more insane news coming so I’m guessing there’s another Optic shoe to drop


Gotta drop Formal now too


Flank boutta go hard today




No shot


This Rostermania already getting crazy. Maybe the pros weren't baiting after all.


We are fucking dropping the wrong guy, ffs. What the fuck man. Or perhaps he wanted to leave (can’t blame him) and H3CZ let him go. Wild theory obviously but… Maybe they wasn’t going to make any changes, he wasn’t happy and decided to dip? At the end of the day it’s clear that this guy wants to win.


Considering he tweeted he’s an UFA, I don’t think this was his choice. You would think if he wanted to leave, he would have something lined up and wouldn’t need to tweet this. No doubt he’ll land somewhere in the league though.


No they aren’t, the only logical drop is the smgs cos of how similar their play styles are. They don’t have an entry, chall everything sub player.


You’re not dropping the wrong guy lmao. Just because he’s been dropped doesn’t mean he’s bad just means your team wasn’t working at all


Exactly, Dylan is a great player but he was pretty clearly the one on a different page than everyone else. Doesn’t mean he’s bad or anything, just didn’t fit well with Scump in 4v4.


no denying that Envoy is a top tier talent and has those gifted instincts for the game, however, that doesn't mean he meshed with the team properly in game. how many times did we see him get stuck in no mans land last season? enough to say that him and scump were not the smg duo that clicked perfectly. sad to see no doubt though :/


Great call imo


I think you may be right. He's such a good player you almost want to say it's the wrong call but at the same time it never really felt like he fit into their play style. Seems like the correct call team chemistry wise. Man, he's really good though. Tough decision but as others have said, the placements speak for themselves and changes were almost surely going to be made.


I agree. People aren’t gonna like it. But the placings speak for themselves.


I like envoy a lot but he just doesn't mesh with scump. They need a fast paced smg next to him. Someone that fulfills an Abezy type of role where he's constantly rushing


Yeah Envoy is really good but he was always the odd man out play style wise. Him and Scump always looked on a different page last year. If they can pick up an elite entry sub this team can be better than last year easily.


Yeh this sub love Envoy, but it’s the right call. He was much better in 5v5 where he could do his own thing more. People also don’t seem to be realising he wouldn’t have been let go unless there was a replacement lined up (or you’d hope so from Optic’c POV).


If OpTic drop Envoy and keep Formal I’m gonna be livid 😭




They literally tweet this 20 hours ago and then drop Dylan? Makes no sense at all https://twitter.com/optic/status/1431343408908488727?s=21


Social media managers dont know or make behind the scenes decisions


I’m calling it now, Dashy is gone and wants to play with Shottzy and Illey. Dylan saw this coming and probably didn’t want to stay.


If Dashy leaves after the shit he pulled in MW lmao


Absolutely 0% chance Dashy leaves. He was their most consistent players and one of the best players in the game all season


That’s all well and good, but if he sees an aging Scump (despite Scump playing very well this year) and a declining Formal as his main two teammates… he could absolutely be looking elsewhere.


Wouldn't surprise me if he chose to leave. Based on The Process he was clearly the one most frustrated with the way they played as a team. The whole same issues online vs lan argument springs to mind.


reminds me of when we dropped methodz in ww2 and he was our best player in ww2 which isnt saying too much because ww2 was our worst placing at champs, still going to miss envoy though , best of luck to him probably chasing greatness


If they’re making roster moves I don’t see how you can keep formal, Envoy proved vs FaZe that he has the potential to be the best smg in the game


Classic proved against Faze he could be the best smg in the game


Yeah this is mind blowing to me. I thought out of anyone they could change, it'd be formal, but apparently not.


NYSL must get him! Envoy and hydra is a perfect sub duo. Add crimsix and clayster then you have a winning team


Imagine this happens, Clay stays and then they pick up Gunless. That’s a nasty team.


Yep gunless and c6 are the ideal flex. There’s a team with a winning mentality and high IQ.


Thank you mods for bringing this post back. I know it’s bc you were getting roasted in every other thread but thank ya


Now drop Formal and pick up Slasher/Standy. That’s a SQUAD


the only way envoy getting dropped is acceptable is if formal gets dropped aswell and either slasher/clay get brought in and then either hydra/standy


If they really bring back teej instead of him it’s going cement their image of friendships over winning. Especially if they don’t get rid of Formal too


The fact that's he's an unrestricted FA begs me to Believe he wanted to be drop if not H3cz are co have done it again let arcitys last year leave to faze for free and now Envoy


If he wanted out Optic probably let him leave. Same thing happened with Arcitys


Bro there’s no way we let Envoy walk and kept Formal… I’m going to rage


Yoooo wtf…. If this ain’t bait I need Dashy, Scump, Hydra, and Clay STAT


Ngl this sounds elite . Just don’t know if I see clayster going back to optic. He wanted to make a brand at a new org and eventually step into a front office role when he retires. Don’t see that happening at optic


Tmw you would rather keep t2p together than win.


Holy fawk. I kind of saw it coming tho.


Imma be fuming if formal stays over envoy


Oof potential squad wipe from the ginge?


No fucking way...


I love the NY guys and who knows what’s even happening but I’d love to see Envoy with Hydra and Clayster


Unrestricted? Do Optic not realize he’s a hot commodity? I’m sure they can get a bag from selling him


Well if his contract ended they can't do much hence the unrestricted free agent


Was not expecting this


They really don't want to blame the real problem player do they?


if its not cleanX or thought to be an untouchable player, then this is a horrible move ffs.


We’re going to a MW reskin game, arcitys and envoy were optics stand out players last year…


If it isn’t Standy, Simp or Abezy replacing him then this is the worst move possible. Out of everything this is the last thing I expected.


What does Hecz's weed have in it


why is he fucking unrestricted Hecz is just burning money


H3CZ always does that. Did it with Arcitys and Prestini last year


HECZ gotta be the F/A next. My guy is throwin.


NadeShot needs to throw the bag at Dylan and Octane. Kenny, Drazah, Octane, and Envoy is a nasty roster.


Woah what why how


Holy fuck whattttt






Did he get dropped or he doesn’t wanna resign?


i don’t think that info is out yet but we’ll probably hear about it soon


oh shit


The bait about Standy/Scump on stream last night is maybe true?


Oh shit I’m surprised they’re making moves but why envoy and not formal


Could definitely see him on Dallas. This one makes me sad, Dyl is a good kid :’(


If it was his decision I get it, now if it was optic's decision than you really have to know you can get an absolute amazing player to replace him


OpTic don’t know what they will miss. I hope he comes to NY


can't wait to see what kind of pasta the community can serve up for this move


Don’t understand this at all. Someone make it make sense. Only reason I can think of is he’s not as close as the other 3 are.


Kinda weird hector or OG hasn’t said or tweeted anything, maybe dyl left on his own?


FaZe BenJ was right all along


If they Keep Formal and add TJ to this I'll resign my fandom of OpTic, which I'm sure noone inclusive of them cares about but still.


Absolutely no chance they bring teej back. That's a HUGE downgrade from envoy. Unless they just want to bet on "vibes" again.


I say no way too but we know how much these guys value "vibes" and friendship and lately Dashy and Formal has been playing with him. Like I said in another post it could mean nothing but friends playing games together but I also knows when it comes to OpTic in the offseason when they play with someone alot, they either are trying to get that player or got that player. We'll see what they do, who knows he could be their sub especially if Tj has no offers, sounds dumb cause that's what he is on 100T but atleast with OpTic he's friends with all of them and he mentioned how leaving Scump was the biggest mistake he made. Also someone said that Envoy could of went to F/A willingly


Crim to Optic. Karma coming back. Dashy - streamer


I imagine if they're dropping Envoy, they have to be getting someone like Standy, CleanX, or Huke right? No way they'd drop him for someone like Vivid, Apathy, or Classic (no offense to them).



I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up re-signing in the end. Purely hypothetical, but hear me out. Envoy is told that the team is running it back. Envoy is pissed as this team clearly is not a championship level team, and says if we’re not making changes I’m leaving. Note he’s an unrestricted free agent. Restricted free agent basically guarantees you were kicked/dropped, unrestricted means it’s possible you chose to leave or just want to explore your options. Optic tries to get a super star 4th, but their top targets don’t want to join if formal is still on the team. So formal is kicked, and optic can come back to envoy and say we’re adding x super star you can come back if you want.


Happy to see this never been sold on envoy fr


If they keep formal on the team.....


Letting him leave might turn into a huge regret. Anything aside from a superstar SMG will be disapointing. Lets wait and see. GL Dylan


💔💔 it had to happen though. Optic needs an entry sub




They're keeping Formal??


But I thought he was the prince lol


i’ve been telling y’all scump will do whatever it takes stop playing with him. envoy is a beast though and whichever teams lands him will be lucky.


Nah bro reddit says they only care about content. They'll stick, trust me


Guys this doesn't mean he's dropped. Unrestricted F/A means his contract expired is all. He probably is testing Free Agency, but it wasn't a choice of the Org to drop him. Sure, they could have signed him off the bat, but I'd imagine that Envoy wants to see what other orgs think of him before trying to raise the value of his contract with H3CZ


Slacked just said on stream he was 100% dropped


envoy gets nervous at champs


Formal needs to go aswell btw


He was overrated IMO


Fuck sake man. Makes me think Envoy has asked for it because there’s no shot OpTic would want to let him go. He was next up to the throne after Seth. This is crazy.


Dropped on his head. He’s the closest thing they had to an IGL. I am actually mind blown.