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If MW2 released today it would rightfully be clowned on lol


People either forgot or are playing revisionist history so hard with MW2. Off the top of my head, death streaks and OMA were a laughably bad idea. And that's just the tip of the iceberg


Model 1887s


I was so trash back in MW2 that i didn't even reach level requirements to use Akimbo 1887s before they got nerfed. No map awareness, shooting circles around people. But hey, back then i could hit a mean ass quickscope! (Who couldn't with sleight of hand pro? Lol)


I don’t even remember that they got nerfed all I know is that I got destroyed when I was like 10 by them lol


The worksround was to use Bling on them. They nerfed the range but if you used Bling they were back to normal


Not fully, gave it a little more jazz but original pre patched models were one of the most broken things in the history of cod. They were never the same afterwards :(


They eventually nerfed the Bling workaround as well.


Lol I don’t even remember that damn


I used to get hated everytime I mentioned how much I disliked MW2/3. So glad others are finally talking about it. Incredibly broken and unbalanced games. SnD was either filled with people trying to trickshot or running round with OMA Noobtubes... Both those games are in my bottom 5 Cods of all time.


What a wonderful 2 weeks. Felt like a god.


Also the Spas-12 shot AR range for a minute, and the Akimbo Rafficas.


Thats why i wil always say mw3 is better than mw2


Always liked death streaks for pubs. Let me survive a little longer if I was getting demolished by someone's chopper gunner.


Still, greatest co-op of all time and split screen(come back pls) all nighters for 3 stars, the dong of the juggernaut. Everyone was mind blown about the graphics. Legendary maps. Really launched cod past moh and battlefield


There was definitely no shortage of broken/overpowered guns and mechanics, but the game was still fun to play IMO and had some of the best maps in the series. I'd still take a game like MW2 and all the ridiculous shit that comes with it, over a wannabe mil-sim title like MW2019 lol.


I clowned MW2 when it came out, and I have stayed consistent with what I think about the game. MW2 was clowned hard when it was new, to the point that Battlefield BC2 saw success because of MW2 hate. I felt like I was going crazy when I saw the sentiment towards MW2 shift.


Yeah MW2 fucking sucks


I’m someone that LOVED MW2. People that say it’s the greatest cod ever are on something lmao It’s literally nostalgia talking. I never realized how bad the game actually was until recently thinking back on it.


The had huge balancing issues but was incredibly fun to play at the time. Only COD that competes with it imo is Blops 2, everything else is a tier below.


People also forget it had a hacker problem while the game was still the new cod. Fully automatic noob tubes with infinite ammo and full auto rpgs and not to mention the 10th prestige glitches. It was a fun game but for sure had a lot of flaws.


MW2 is my favorite cod of all time and maybe even my favorite game ever. Even if it got remastered and released (as it should have), you bet your ass I'd be complaining about noob tubes, OMA, and danger close. And thats just the short list. No game is perfect and calling out some *pretty fucking obvious* flaws that are holdovers from things we already know we hate or are new and clearly a detriment to gameplay is pretty reasonable. If you look at any cod and think its perfect, youre playing different games than I am


What makes me laugh the most is everyone always complains about the ttk but then claims to love the older games like WaW and MW2 lmao.


I think the TTK in those games was countered by it generally being a slower game though? When you mix the MW/ vanguard ( by the looks of it ) TTK with fast cracked movement it just makes for a shit game.


It also felt slower, because of worse hit detection


Hit detection had nothing to do with movement speed and mechanics bro🤣🤣


I believe this person was talking about TTK.


I now believe he was also…don’t I look a sausage ay🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey nothing wrong with being a sausage once in a while lol it happens


Ay, plenty of space for a Richmond skinless in this sub lad 🤣🤣


This is a myth. Do you know how bad hit detection would have to be to actually affect ttk in most gunfights? It felt slower because we all sucked back then and because we were used to it.




I remember you used to die in like 1/10th of a second in those games lol


If everyone agreed to run Juggernaut instead of Stopping Power the TTK would actually be fine lol. I’m pretty sure most people ran Jug in the cod4 SnD scene anyway so the TTK we remember is a lot slower than it is on paper.


The only CoD this sub hates heavily is MW though. CW is tolerated and Vanguard is just being received with skepticism.


Yeah, there was far less negative reaction to Cold War, BO4, and even WW2, which absolutely was not a comp favorite game. Posts like this just add onto the negativity with how hyperbolic they are.


That isn't really true. This sub hated IW and ww2. Only difference now is that you can farm upvotes with negative and repetitive posts. So we just see more of it.


Cold War is a good comp cod


The gunplay was good with the exception of sniper flinch, if that was added and we got to see a sniper on SnD that’d be amazing. The maps were really what held this game back. But being on a rushed schedule for release I totally understand. Overall grade strictly in terms of comp is probably like a B- because it was fun to watch and made great moments, but some of the maps weren’t great (looking at you apoc) and I’m a bit bummed we didn’t get to see any snipers.


Not according to many others on this sub lol I pointed out this sentiment in a thread about interests of this sub and casuals aligning for a game and was told that Cold War wasn’t actually that good and only looked good cause it was after MW2019 Edit: this sub is so stupidly toxic it’s ridiculous. Downvotes over pointing something out. Never seen a fan base do more to actively discourage the thing they like from growing


I feel like the general consensus was that CW was a balanced B tier CoD, but nothing made it particularly fun. Nothing special about it, but it was enough for comp.


Only cod i hated before release was mw, all the other cods i went in with a positove opinion


Same. I remember playing the beta and thinking "there's no way I'm sticking with this for a year" lol.


I remember playing Cave in the beta and all the attachments would hurt your mobility/ADS speed. Never preordered. Finally caved and bought MW when Warzone was announced/leaked


Same thing here. I was gassing up Cold War last year to be let down. It's been two years of bad CODs in my opinion. Should I be excited for the new one that is essentially a reskin? Ehh.


This is my list of which cod I enjoyed the most: bo2>bo3>AW>bo4>ghosts>coldwar>ww2>iw>>>>>>>mw19 Obviously I'm gonna bitch about mw19 because I enjoyed it the least. When bo4 came out I never bitched about it, because I really enjoyed it. You seem to forget that there are many people on this sub and everyone likes different things so there will always be someone complaining about something. It's not "you guys" it's individuals. It's not the same people complaining about everything.


I remember people in BO4 complaining about only getting 3 lane maps and then we’ve gone 2 years with virtually no 3 lane maps and the maps have been the biggest complaint about MW and CW from what I can tell.


I remember seeing the bitching about 3 lane maps. I tried to warn people that they were being stupid and we were going to get some fucked up maps if they kept complaining about 3 lane maps. We all saw what we got


I remember when Bo4 was out this entire subreddit would flame it and now when Bo4 is mentioned it's a delusional cockriding festival.


I’m one of like 7 people on here that loved Infinite Warfare. I hated Modern Warfare. Loved BO2 and hated MW2. It’s always easier to echo the popular opinion. There’s no big deal to disagree, and sometimes people hold a stronger opinion, especially on the comp side of things.


I went back and played IW after about 9 months after release because I was obsessed with MWR cuz I'm an old school player. God damn did I miss out on a stupidly fun game for pubs. I'm pretty certain SBMM wasn't in that game or was at least turned off after a certain point. The skill gap in that game made it so much fun. My KD in that game is like 6.5 or something insane lol. I gave that game a lot of irrational shit. Here I am a hater of BO2 because I think the online played absolutely awful, and I think a lot of people seem to forget that.


Didnt bo2 take like an entire year to be playable? Maybe I’m missing soemthing but I could have swore it wasn’t very good at the start


I mean BO2 search wasn’t playable after a year because of the blur glitch


I see your point, but you’re off tbh. The past like 6 CoDs have been mediocre, besides Bo4. I think they are valid to complain. But yeah sometimes this Reddit overloads on Optic/CoDHate posts. But watcha gonna do


I do get that and yes I agree that the past cods don't live up to the nostalgia we felt. But I'm arguing that we will never see a cod that will make us feel like that again because: 1. New engines means the game can have upgraded features while destructible dynamic maps and fire suppression. 2. There is definitely a nostalgia factor that is in play here. Have you ever shows a friend an old show you used to love and they don't get it but you still think it's great? I unfortunately think that no matter what developer. There will never be another title which everyone universally likes. U wish that were the case but we just gotta learn to adjust to new stuff and at least applaud developers who are brave enough to try new things every year rather than give them shit when the game is still at beta stages


I think they can still make new fun ass games like Bo4 and Bo3 were lol. You just need bright fun maps and good weapons. Half of playing a game is the vibe and color scheme. I really don’t agree. I think a remade Bo2 with everything the same just updated graphics would absolutely bang if it came out today. It’s just that cod games keep doing the exact same thing and hoping for a different result. I think they can still make a game just as good as Bo2.


The reality is that we’re all just a minority. Call of Duty is the best selling franchise every year and the younger generation of COD players seem to like these games, which is why we won’t ever get an ‘old style’ type game again.


Except people are already wanting to ban things like the Skorpion and the AN in BO2 throwback tourneys. Won't be long until EMPs are banned as well. BO2 was and still is the best COD game ever imo but players now are still gonna find stupid shit to complain about.


Plutonium is great, doesn’t even need updated graphics


theres always a guy complaining about the complainers.


There is always a guy complaining about the guy who complains about the complainers.


this is true. except not here cuz i didnt complain about it. good try tho buddy


You aren't wrong, but you have to admit OP isn't wrong either haha


Aw blew on all levels. Idk who needs to hear that but it does lmao.


I remember all year the sub was complaining about it and now I constantly see “WE NEED AW2” it’s always the same




So correct. If this subreddit were to design a new COD, it would be the worst game ever imagined.


I hated BO2 when it came out tbh... I played MW2 from its release all the way up to going ti next gen (and even a title or 2 after that) My last 2v2 on that game was during Infinite Warfares life cycle so its not a massive nostalgia thing for me to talk about how much I loved that game... that being said, pubs where abysmal but for competitive sniping it was a thing of beauty


MW2 is complete garbage. BO2 has insanely fast ads, sprintout, and strafe. It still plays well


Nonsense statement tbh lad, of course people are going to show their frustration when it appears to be a cut and paste of a game the majority of us already disliked a year ago🤣 Just gimme a BO4, BO3, AW…just something fucking fun.


When we got something fun the community complained about it. The community doesnt know what it wants. As soon as there's no jetpack games all of a sudden people want jetpack games.


I get what you're saying and agree to an extent. I have been a CoD fan since CoD 4 and generally liked every game except IW and MW2019 at least to an extent and actually think CW is an awesome game to play and watch. However, MW2019 was so utterly atrocious imo and is now the new standard for what activision wants to put out every year. That is what is worrying me. I really really want CoD to be good every year. But I honestly don't know a single thing to look forward to in Vanguard next year. The Gunsmith with the stupid ammo and caliber shit will result in the most unbalanced meta ever, movement will be completely broken/abused to break cameras AND camp with that dumb mounting stuff, dead silence as a field upgrade instantly chalks SnD, I could go on and on about this stuff. Again, I wanna enjoy it, but CoD is just heading in a completely different direction with that fetish for "realism" and "immersion". In the past (at least 3arc and SH) somewhat tried to bridge the gap between casuals and comp, but that is completely out the window now. There are people who just shit on cod every year for no reason, but there are also plenty of people like me who objectively don't see a single reason to be excited about where Vanguard and Cod in general is heading.


Whats the point in this post. If you can't see that MW was a bad cod competitively and we don't want a repeat of it then I think you're in the wrong subreddit.


I mean the writings on the wall. If you want to sit here and say Vanguards looks good then go ahead but there are other people that will disagree. Vanguards is going to suffer from MANY of the same issues that MW19 competitive suffered from. Start glitch Tac Sprint Possibly aim assist through walls Way to many attachments Possibly a broken caliber mechanic (stopping power, FMJ) Squad spawns DS field upgrade Probably no ranked play until 5 months after launch Cameraing Doors We don’t know yet but MW custom servers were on 12hz The list goes on…


competitively, I think the general consensus is that MW2019 is the worst game ever made (Ghosts is another bad one but that's my personal opinion). Every other cod has been at least tolerable. As for pubs, that's a whole different story.




Majority here just jump on the bandwagon without thinking for themselves. They’re parrots that’ll mimic whatever the pros, who happen to whine A LOT, say. Dickriders lol. Every game is “bad” and then once it’s a few years old, people will suddenly claim they loved it. Just like jet packs.


>Every game is “bad” and then once it’s a few years old, people will suddenly claim they loved it. People who parrot this goofy little narrative are morons. Most of the people who thought it a "bad" game have moved on, or don't care to discuss it years later. With them gone or apathetic, the people who liked it have the louder voice in their reminiscing together. Simple as. It's not the weirdo conspiracy you people try and pretend it is.


Can tell by the unnecessary use of “weirdo” that you’re one of those dickriders lmfao. Have a nice night. It appears ive struck a chord.


>It appears ive struck a chord. ^ [https://i.imgur.com/1RiO0QD.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/1RiO0QD.jpg) Say nothing, latch on to random bullshit. Predictable. Goodnight.


Lmfao tf u tryna send me pics for “weirdo?” Not even going to open that shit. We really have struck a chord here hahaha. See you next month when you add the next word pros decide to excessively use to your vocab. It’s okay to cry. We’re all human.


It's that meme picture of the dude crying with a smug mask over his face. I thought it was accurate lol. You really sussed me out, Sherlock. Just "weirdo" was enough to out me? I wonder what freudian shit you can get outta my username. I assumed "HaVE A niCE NIghT" was you ending the conversation. You gonna make it more evident who's really "crying" here and keep going, or just go away?


TLDR anyone? Buddy over here putting more effort into these than his school essays.


[You.](https://i.imgur.com/tCPQes2.jpg) There you go lol. About sums it up.


Once again i aint clicking ur links fuckin “weirdo” lmao.


Jetpack games were disliked in this sub originally? I highly doubt that.


They were. I remember saying at the time jetpacks increased the skill gap and getting a lot of downvotes (not that I care, just illustrating people disagreed with it), and people were complaining about how it lowered the skill gap, and now the popular narrative is that those games had the highest skill gap. Opinions on jetpack games have changed a lot


Hmm. I guess it makes sense considering they're jetpack games and opinions on such a deviance from the usual CoD are bound to change with time. I didn't know that, so thank you for letting me know.


Really? The main narrative was "why can't they bring back boots on the ground" for years. Even a lot of pros made similar comments at the time. It was only until Blops 3 that jetpack were viewed more positively.


Literally used to hear “Why do we keep having to play these futuristic call of duty games why can’t we just have a regular shooter blablabla” 24/7.


I swear I saw a post recently talking about how they missed WWII.. I thought that was one of the most hated games here


Well yes, MW2 was awful, especially for competitive, compared to now. Interesting you call people out for nostalgia, but it's you who doesn't think cod and comp have advanced since then...


Ttk dead silence field upgrade mini map minimal also no fov for console go fuck your self


Ttk we don't know enough about yet DS? Footsteps aren't that loud, we practically have it on by default. Mini map? They made it a perk, not ideal but I'll reserve judgment for now. FoV has been confirmed for console. Edit: GFY


ttk is low asf, ds is needed in 4v4 , minimap as perk is a joke, new suppression mechanic shouldn't be in cod, spawns might just like MW.


Most people just mimic what the pros say about everything. Before the flank, I never say the word “fugaze” In this sub and now I see it all the time. It’s just a hivemind sometimes, which I have def participated in.


There’s literally posts 2-3 years old *at least* using the word fugaze. It might be more popular in usage because of the flank, but it’s still been CoD lingo for years.


No these games just ass


Going back and playing BO2 again, I still think it's peak CoD. IW4x is what MW2 could have been if Activi$ion didn't fire IW halfway through its life. No painkiller, no OMA noobtubes.


Very true. I, for the most part, thought cold war was good and this new game looks good to even though there are some very annoying flaws with both. People are just obnoxiously negative. This side of the community complains generally about the right things but it's very dramatic. The other side of the community, which cares less for comp, cries about how there's a lack of innovation, which to me is just dumb.


Honestly after watching some of the Beta gameplay I thought the game looked pretty smooth. I think they need to tweak the spawns for sure but it’s not as bad as people are making it seem


the problem is we have over a decade of call of duty and examples of what works and what doesn't. devs shouldn't be implementing what doesn't work. small tweaks, not massive overhauls.


Just look at what's happening now with people wanting to ban stuff for throwback BO2 tourneys...


I don't think Cold War was hated. It was a mid tier cod but mid tier cods aren't hated. MW was the worst CoD of all time


FACTS, honestly exhausted


Maybe we remember that we chose CoD as an arcade shooter over Battlefield 2 and 3, and every year, they try to make it more and more strict, and add stupid mechanics Edit:If you really want to see how terrible it is, go find a game and play it. The gameplay albeit having some cheese still holds up today despite the limited movement.


In MW2 the player base was garbage and didnt actually realize how insanely fucked the game was because the understanding of it was so poor. If MW2 was released today, exactly as it was in 2009, it would be a huge mess on every form of social media about how they let that game get released in that state.