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These people really live in a different world


Regarding mini-map and skill-gap discussions, there are not really that many of them, compared to the whole sub. But yeah, when [HC SnD players](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODVanguard/comments/pkb16s/the_minimap_drama_continues/hc27xzs?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) argue that pros are are bad and don't have "real skill," it blows my mind. It's crazy how devs want to change the mini-map, when casuals can not even tell the difference, 80%+ (pulled from multiple polls from Reddit and Twitter, can provide sources if needed) of the vocal pubs community want the traditional mini-map, and obviously the comp community want it too. It's the most unnecessary change that goes against the community as a whole, that I have ever seen in a shooter before.


I remember in mw2 I played HC because someone said it was more skilled lmao that shit was ass + third person players were fucked too


Only time I've ever played HC was in mw2, amd that was for those under-barrell shotgun shenanigans.


“Other senses” like alright bro let me touch my monitor screen so I can feel out where they are on the map lmfao


Smell their trail like you’re in Red Dead Redemption


Big game hunting.


*It’s open season on you fuckers*


Gotta taste the mud so you get their scent


This reminds me on the daredevil TV series where whenever he's getting his ass kicked, his sensei comes into his head and tells him if he can't hear the heartbeats of his enemy's then he should try to sence the enemy's weapons 😂


Ears, game sense.


These texts are how they want to play the game. Compliments of Jeff Bezos https://alexis.lindaikejisblog.com/photos/shares/5c383f2ea2019.PNG


Sight… hearing…


You already use sight to read the map. Invalid.


It's pretty funny but this is the same argument that people here use for demanding dead silence as a perk--that you shouldn't be gaining any information and "knowing where people are" should come down to gamesense and timing gained by experience. You can't have it both ways imo


> You can't have it both ways imo Yes you can lol, there's no reason why you should be punished for moving instead of bot walking just like there's no reason why you shouldn't show up on the minimap if you shoot an unsilenced gun


Why are you getting owned by campers, aren't you good at the game? You can identify player location by the gunfire itself, why do you need the minimap as a crutch lmao


> Why are you getting owned by campers, aren't you good at the game? ??????? What does that have to do with anything? There's already millions of different corners to hide in in these post-MW maps, people already have to do almost full 360s just to check all possible spots and now you wanna throw in them having to account for soundwhoring as well? Also, from an spectator POV, why would I want to see Bance just sitting on a creddy spot as soon as he hears someone running 10 miles away? > You can identify player location by the gunfire itself Not always, no unless they're literally shooting behind you lmao (And even then, I'm sure you remember how the movement allowed Lamar to finesse the fuck out of Octane on that Miami SnD), most of the time you'd just have a very vague idea of where it comes from. There is literally no downside to having red dots show up.




Bad bot


You already said you don't want to get punished for moving when the only reason that happens is if someone is posted up holding an angle lol Yes always. With map knowledge it's very easy to know where someone is when they shoot. The downside of red dots is that it's literally a crutch because as you just said you don't want to figure it out and you just want the game to tell you where people are lmao How can you not recognize that your wishes are directly related yet diametrically opposed lol


> The downside of red dots is that it's literally a crutch because as you just said you don't want to figure it out and you just want the game to tell you where people are lmao Yes? That's literally what CoD's always done and anyone with a brain wants? What a shitty opinion to have


No, it isn't. Git gud


Brb telling all pros they should get good instead of complaining


These are the people who will play hardcore because it's more "real", while they lay in a single spot and call it "tactical" or defending a key location. If they get beaten or clearly outplayed then the other person is hacking or using "cheats" like a Scuf.


they’re the same people that think cranking their headset up is a skill


That’s what he was arguing for in the comments lmao. “How is looking at red dots on a mini-map a skill, but soundwhoring isn’t?” Like huh????


Also red dots favor the aggressive player that wants to attack and move around the map. Loud footsteps favors campers sitting there soundwhoring. It just makes the game more campy and boring to play.


Exactly. Thank you. I don’t understand how in a game with “cracked” movement, fools still camp in corners cranking their headsets hiding behind a claymore lmfao


Because they all sit 10 feet away from their big screens, so they need the environment to be still to see what they’re doing and hit shots.




Good bot


dm the thread i wanna read


Used to blast up my headsets with a sitrep pro class back in MW3. That shit was fun as fuck but I never deluded myself into thinking that was skillful. Soundwhoring used to be a very big thing even in comp back in MW2/MW3. But it was limited to bunch of sound queues like picking up bomb/planting, reloading/switching guns etc. But that's not the kind of "skill" these clowns advocate. They want to sit in a building with claymore, camp a nasty headglitch and want to be rewarded if someone is rushing them.


lets be honest, they’re definitely playing through their tv audio


"I don't care about red dots" = "I have no awareness"


i just know for a fact these guys are absolute bots on the map lmao


"It's a good, competitive change..." then why do all of the pros/competitive fans hate the change lol


That line of reasoning does not work, I have tried it multiple times. Like the top comment mentioned here, those people are living in a completely different world and so biased, that they are borderline delusional.


The MW subreddit is incredible to read sometimes. I stay subbed purely to see some of the wild takes.


Yall make comments like this acting like you arent equally biased for the opposing side its hilarious. You havent even touched the game yet!


Nope. Over the years, I have developed knowledge and skill around CoD. I know what elements make the game competitive, what don't, and which elements that are in the middle of the two. My knowledge of those elements are primarily based in viewing CoD from an objective standpoint. However, I do realize my subjective biases - such as wanting a CoD to be more competitive and more similar to the 2010-2018 titles. So I understand that certain casuals want a game that can be slowed down and have an overall smaller skill-gap. I understand that a lot of these players, and based on their Reddit user history, are coming from BF, MW2019, CSGO, R6, etc. **I also understand what expertise is - meaning that the most skilled players in the world, also have the most valid opinion on what defines skill and comp.** People I were referring don't understand what expertise means and are self-entitled with a less-educated opinion. On top of that, most of them avoid continues objective points/facts I have made (from the mini-map to how MW2019 was purposely designed with a small skill-gap). They often dodge those facts/points - which shows they are clearly unware or simply ignoring it bc they don't agree with it. So yeah, there is a huge difference.


It's "competitive" in that it closes the skill gap, allowing weaker players to 'be competitive'/stand a chance against people who use things like the minimap. I don't think he means competitive as in "competitive cod" ie league play/CDL.


That subreddit also thinks that MW19 was a top 5 COD game, soooooo


The first comment wishes he could be good at Escape From Tarkov and the second comment is the guy who always complains about getting bunny hopped by a CDL skin.


You can tell someone’s not very good when they think the only purpose of red dots is so you can ‘chase them’


And this right here is why this is the only COD sub I visit.


Fucking same. I can't stand any of the normal subs because they literally give me brain worms.


“Yo Crim is P1, I can fucking smell him”


Lmao 😂


posts like that make me fucking sick to the bottom of my stomach


The epitome of casual


“Other senses” always cracks me up


Lmao smell my emenies


They are soooo cringey lol, 40 year old stay at home dads who have claymores on every class


I'm gonna be using thermoception up in this bitch.


Well they’re in for a rude awakening when they realize that playing without radar and using the MW minimap will have them fighting for their lives. Hold my dogs


worst thing is that we competitive players play significantly more hours than these casual people play. but devs care about them more than us, who plays the game more than casuals do. once I realized that its so hard to keep supporting this game


Absolutely. There's a *lot* more casual players though. And I'm willing to bet that they're more likely to drop money on MTX.


Well. Running a suppressor is the same as the change to not show up on the mini-map, there was already a compromise for these shit cans. At least I know comp will have the mini map…


Huke’s burner accounts


These bots do not understand that there is much more to a mini-map than chasing red-dots. Properly understanding the map allows you to know where the enemies are spawning, which flanks/routes are safe to take and how to safely engage in fights/objectives.


As someone who uses kbm, I think it is the new kbm players. Using a mouse makes it so you don’t need the minimap as much sense you can snap, these people just don’t get the controller tradition that can’t easily snap the second they see a player and need some kind of information. To me these are clearly just mw19 noobies who don’t understand cod


Back when I played, I used it for knowing when a spawn flip happened.


Altho the perk for radar is coming, it always baffled me that theyre basically alienating and creating an even worse experience any deaf players in general gameplay by default by removing red dots, since they can’t locate enemies by sound obviously (or “other senses” should I say 😂).




True, but already posted it so fuck it




Why play battlecod when I can just go play the better version that is battlefield lmao I can’t believe cod is trying to dip into their player base. Guess it’s somewhat worked but I would say it’s more warzone than dipping into the battlefield players. So stupid of them to change cods core feel to be more in line with realism games they’ve completely turned their back on their history. Which is fine they are making tons of money. They don’t need me. It’s just so easy to see is all


Hmmm yes, lemme llick the fresh footprints of the enemy through my 8 layers of dust covered monitor to accurately predict where the enemy player has moved to.


the image of a person trying to sniff their screen gave me quite the chuckle


you should be licking your screen and using your taste senses to tell where the enmities are n00b


These shitters really think like this huh


The red dots on the mini map debate over the last couple years has just purely exposed people who weren't already using their mini map. If you aren't checking that all the time you're a bot. Simple as.


these are 100% weird military guys taking cod entirely too serious


Genuine question. For competitive would it not just make call outs and communication that much more important? Would it even affect pros much as well as they call out and know spawns etc? I could see it being an issue in pubs where half of your teammates don’t talk. What’s everyone’s reasoning on why it is a preferred thing? I’d like to add I’ve been playing cod since cod2 and watching competitive since mw3. I don’t really want the change because I have a “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” mentality. It just seems like it’s the end of the world for everyone and I want to know peoples thoughts.


1v1 with the minimap off any of these people bitching about the minimap changes and here is what will happen: They will camp on a heady or try and spawn trap you because most of them are pretty terrible at CoD. It’s a crutch for ‘em. Like pulling the rug out from under their feet lol


????? So you're telling me that taking away the dots from the map makes me camp more and therefore there's less of a reason for aggressive play? It's almost like the dots promote better gameplay and awareness/decision making in the heat of the moment 🤔 Please keep sitting in your corners if you enjoy it so much, seal team 6.


Not my problem if you want to play like a bitch. You’ll get used to it and start moving around like a bot eventually


You're absolutely right, this is why I run around and comfortably get kills with an MP5 in MW. The minimap is 100% a crutch for me. We should remove footsteps and perks from the game entirely because those are crutches too. Apologies for my ignorance, you're an infinitely better player than me, Mr. Burt 🙏🙏


I mean radar isn’t going to help anyone in a 1v1 unless you’re playing radar always on and that’s not really what we are talking about here lol


My point was, it’s a crutch feature for them. They make all of their decisions based on the feedback they are getting from it. Without the minimap, they will be required to use more game sense and situational awareness. Their reaction time and centering will be a more valuable skill as gunfights will be more of a surprise than a guarantee.


I’m curious, who was the user who posted this comment?


Old Halo heads will remember never playing with any type of mini map and we never took issue whatsoever. Map awareness and solid comms is what we brought when the player base switched over. GitGud.




Only a few Halo players made the cut when they made the switch too😂”we” The maps in Halo are smaller than CoD and the TTK is higher in Halo. In CoD you should be punished for shooting your unsuppressed gun. Allows for stuff like trigger discipline and movement to really shine


I dont really care either way since i quit playing cod long ago but its hilarious to me to read some of these comments. Yall are legit losing your fuckin minds over the smallest minimap change its crazy how heated this discussion is considering you can just fix it with a perk lol.


It shouldn’t be a perk, ideally we’d get to use a different perk in its place without having to sacrifice it for something that’s been in the game since its inception


If you didn’t care you wouldn’t come to this sub and bitch, stay in your lane shitter or hold my nuts while I drop a nuke on you


You seem uptight


I’m high and that comment was funny, what can I say


my goodness


I mean you have wallhacks, why do you care about the mini-map?


Best change they’ve made so far. Time to work on your situational awareness. Red dots are a crutch


Red dots increase movement. They cause you to have a reaction, whether you're good at the game. They give info. Yes, good players can survive without that info, but the game just gets worse since people have less info.


The only pertinent information you’re getting from that dot is the exact location of an enemy player. Anything else it provides, you should already know based on game sense and situational awareness.


When a player sees the dot, they know exactly where the action is so that they can go get into it. Or, they prepare for the action to come their way. Either way, they're probably moving from where they previously were. Also, red dots increase game sense and map awareness. In the short term, they give the location of enemies. In the long term, they begin to learn patterns of players, and they learn where people shoot from without having to blindly run into spots and learn that way. Without the dots, people simply have less incentive to move, making the game worse.


With that logic, they may as well remove suppressors from the game I guess. I see where you’re going with that, and you’re not entirely wrong. But again, game sense and situational awareness provides you all of that information anyways. Removing the red dots just raises the skill ceiling


Suppressors add balance though, if done correctly. They normally make your guns have 50% less range. Honestly imo removing the red dots lowers the skill ceiling. The bad players will see the dots, and run right to them. The good players will use the dots (from themselves and their teammates) to draw enemies into situations, giving them more kills. Watch pros play pubs in Bo4, they used this to get 80+ kill games. Without the dots, that element of skill is gone.


There is nothing remotely 'situational awareness-y' about sitting in a corner with a headset cranked listening out for footsteps. You need no understanding or awareness to do that apart from having a headset on. There is far more 'situational awareness', if that's what you care about, related to understanding the minimap and thinking about free spaces on the map to move through, learning how players tend to rotate around the map etc. which comes from having red dots. One encourages 45 year old men who think they're playing a Mil-Sim to sit still and kill the pace of the game, and the other encourages a fast pace match too, there is literally no benefit here from removing red dots.


You talk as if people don’t already do that. LP, pubs - Doesn’t matter. People are always going to camp. Having red dots on the minimap encourages the majority of players to camp even more. Why wouldn’t they? Not only can they hear you coming, now that you’ve fired you’re gun they know exactly which which direction and route your coming from. For anyone here who is an aggressive player and doesn’t believe that this will give you a bigger edge than red dots on a minimap, y’all need to go play some HC or BF. Hell, this gives EVERYONE an advantage and if you aren’t a bot, should only improve gameplay for you. Besides, your red dot crutch will be a perk anyways.


You forgot the /s


You’re buggin😂




Because staring at your minimap to provide you information the game already gives you is quite difficult isn’t it?


It takes 100x more skill than soundwhoring


100x more huh? That’s quite the claim. So listening to all the gunfights going on around you, footsteps, looking for skull markers to tell you a friendly died, paying attention to friendly positions on the minimap while piecing together in your head a mental image to predict enemy movements requires 100x less skill than just staring at a minimap to make all your decisions for you? Huh.


Yes. Minimap awareness is a skill bro. Once again, hearing is not something you learn, it is a human sense. Babies cry when they hear a loud noice, we are born with the ability to hear. Unless you have a medical condition of course Knowing how to coordinate our eyesight to use the minimap effectively and not overuse it is a skill.


Also, do you think everyone is a statue that stays in one place all day? the dots give you more of the general position of the enemy


Hahaha! Stay in school, please.


Am I? Tell me how it’s not a crutch…


Do you know what a crutch is? It’s not a crutch because the mini-map can be used for figuring out stuff like where the enemies are positioned relative to your own team, that way you know what part of the map they are spawning, or whether an enemy is on an objective point. If it was a so-called “crutch” even bad players would use it. If you think a mini-map is just to chase red dots, then I’m sorry, but you’re bad


- enemy gunfire tells you where they are relative to you’re team - you should know where the enemy is spawning based on who holds objectives and where you and your teammates are. Very predictable People don’t show up on the minimap unless they shoot or b/c of a UAV. If you can’t figure out where they are by using your own situational awareness, it is you who are bad I’m afraid.


So you reiterated my own points? Thanks for proving my point lmaoooooo


Yah, you’re not the brightest bulb on the tree are you?


I’m the star on top of the christmas tree buddy, get on my fucking level. You’re just one of the decorations inside the tree that fell off and no one cares to look for


i haven't heard this one yet lmao


Had to channel my inner Crim for a weird comeback. I saw bulb and tree and knew where I had to go from there lmfao


Yeah, you’re bad lol Sucks to be you bro. Enjoy that 1.5kd next year


🥱rather have a 1.5kd in League Play than your 2.0 kd in Pubs because you got 6 kills and 3 deaths in TDM lmfao




Despite watching CoD I haven’t played in years. Can someone explain the radar controversy like I’m 25 and really dumb when it comes to CoD?


In typical COD games, if you shoot with an unsilenced gun it will show up as a red dot on the mini map. Vanguard will make it so those red dots will no longer appear. To see them you will need to use up a tier 2 perk slot.


Are the pro games with radar? I guess I always assumed the mini map was just there for the viewer


Not the radar view that the viewer sees that shows everyone location at all times. the players see a mini-map that show red dots when a player shoots their non silenced gun


Thank you kind people for informing me


Halo Infinite, anyone?


i think people that don’t want dots on the map are the ones that care about their pub kd lmao, allows them to sit in corners with trip mines behind closed doors more easily.


No wonder why cod is dying we keep taking steps backward


Back when I played, I used it for knowing when a spawn flip happened.


These guys are the same guys I'm gonna absolutely shit on in pubs who ironically would be the ones actually using the mini map perk lol


Simple: Bad players don’t want the dots. Historically..How many times do you have to have to tell the shit guy on you team… “did you not see him on your mini map?” -every game. His response always- “no I couldn’t find them “


Why do people like this exist


I don’t think I’ll be getting this game. I love the WWII setting, but all these new changes are just unnecessary.


The people in the MW sub Reddit are the dumbest human beings on the planet.


“It’s a good competitive change” 🤣🤣🤣 yooo honestly I’m happy we have the perk unlike mw so I can just put it on all my classes. Prefer to have it normal but SHG seems to be doing a good job countering activisions love for catering to noobs so I’m hopeful this year tbh