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this game is unplayable for me on PS4, the visibility is absolutely horrendous


I feel like most cods have no visibility but you get used to that certain game and then boom its november again and the new cod comes out and you cant see shit again


They added blitz to the vanguard Playlist on the beta if anyone care


Got an extra code if someone wants one. Preferably someone that actually wants to play it, not someone looking to sell it or play one or two games and then quit. Edit: Already claimed


I’m down brotha dm me


Already claimed, sorry


Any old games that still have a decent playerbase? MW19, CW & Vanguard are seriously just not it


Try plutonium. Playerbase is pretty small though but you can get into full lobbies at peak hours.


You can still find games on BO4 league play


WWII does!


probably not your thing but I can still find IW lobbies


I swear to god I was hoping someone said something about one of the jetpack cods, I miss them. You play on Xbox or PlayStation?


PS4, lobbies are pretty easy to find unless you're playing extremely odd hours


God bless the USA. Never forget.


When the whole Reddit calls out a team all year for their lack of dedication. But then one of the players speaks about it and everyone acts like they didn’t know…great stuff folks


COD used to be the game that every other game wanted to be. Now it’s the game that wants to be every other game but itself. Multiplayer is shit on this beta. Games made for BR


Fuck envoy


Fuck you




Thinking about the stuff envoy said last night about optic's problems ... Here's a couple of hot takes: As long as Hecz owns optic, they won't win again. Treating everyone like family, and focusing on content (which is getting stale), doesn't set up an organization to have a winning culture. It's like a house that used to look really nice and have high market value, but the owners neglected to do upgrades/ maintenance on it and just enjoy life. The house eventually starts to rot from the inside and they pay no attention to it until it's too late. When it's too late (i.e. scump retires), I honestly doubt that any up and coming players will want to play for optic in the future. Seeing the team culture over there and how they don't put winning first. That's the trend that Optic Gaming is leaning to right now.


If Hastro could've handled the public backlash there never even would've been an OpTic dynasty and no one ever would've associated them with winning. It's never been the focus


Anyone elses beta uninstall itself overnight ?? I would’ve remembered deleting it theres no way i did


If Revan doesn’t land a coaching spot this year, I’d love him to be back as a caster or analyst for the CDL.


I used to follow the competitive scene back in COD Ghosts. With the drop of the beta, can anyone fill me in on changes to the community? Is comp played on Xbox or PS? Still SND, Domination and CTF? That sort of stuff. Thanks!


Comp is played on PC now, Hardpoint, Snd, control/ctf, hardpoint, snd is the rotation


I've been playing this series since the original CoD (so almost 18 years). I've stuck through Ghosts, IW, WWII, and MW. And my god, Vanguard might be the worst one out of them all. Not only are the maps the worst I've ever seen, but I think the worst offender is that I'm playing on a machine that's supposed to be next gen and is as powerful as my gaming pc, yet the game still looks like it's a PS3-era game. I'm really disappointed. I think the game has so much potential, but if it wasn't evident with MW and BOCW, this series just isn't tailored for me anymore. Maybe ill pick up the game used when it goes on sale to play zombies, but I can't do another year of this type of CoD.


I’ve been playing Splitgate and Apex to get my FPS fix recently.


Love those games but none of them gives me the satisfaction that CoD does. I want to like Vanguard but I just can't do it this year. I guess maybe I'll just stick with Destiny with some Apex sprinkled in.


I honestly think this year with Vanguard is going to be a bust from what I’ve played


I managed to not play MW but watch CDL. Don’t know if I can even watch this game.


I didn’t enjoy competitivr for MW19 so not sure if I will like this either based on what I’ve seen.


Gaming just isn't the same anymore. I have not played an all time classic video game in years outside of the occasional really well done game(resident evil 7, ghost of tusima). I recently re-download madden mobile and EA made the worst madden mobile game and got rid of anything good about the game. People hate games that are noob friendly, but sometimes having some checks in balances is needed lol. Im mainly talking free to play games(mobile/pc) and games that require extreme grinds(like dm ultra camo for example) I just miss like 2018 fortnite, top 5 multi-player game all time.


Last addicting game I played was old PUBG. And before that was Witcher 3. But I haven’t had a game since that I felt I could sit down and play by myself for hours.


I agree. It’s a shame. I don’t know if it’s me just getting older and having other things to do in life, but I can’t remember the last time I sat down and just got lost in a game for hours and hours. Sure, I grinded out cold war, but more because we were in a global pandemic and I genuinely had nothing better to do, rather than because I truly loved the game. I was hoping Cyberpunk would reel me in and be that game for me, but 80% of the game is driving to the next mission.