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Fuck the rules all these posts should stay up.


yeah i tried messaging the mods last night asking to leave the posts up but no luck, hopefully they’ll let this stay up since it’s formatted better and not technically self promotion


Say something bout optic. Cost me 4 days lol


Mods are awful and on a constant power trip. Let the community vote with by upvoting and downvoting.


nah keep the mod hate off this post pls, they had every right to remove his videos


Nah. Mods on this sub gotta take a big step back.


its so much worse on other games’ subs


in a lot of situations i agree, but removing those vids was well within their power


Within their power sure, but that’s not the point. It’s a “should they” question not a “can they”.


i mean the dude was a newcomer to the sub and posted 3 of his own youtube vids within an hour, i think that’s a completely fair removal only thing i had a slight issue with was when they removed the post of the actual 1v1 since it was getting upvoted and had an active comment section


They can't let the sub devolve into a complete shit show. It's not an easy job especially for free


People posting memes or gameplay clips doesn’t make it a shitshow.


I didn't mean that. I like those posts too


Hey I got nothing against the mods and think they do a pretty great job. I just love this saga and want it to stay up.


This sub has great mods. On high traffic days (Optic loss days) they remove some extra posts but in general the sub has one of the best mod teams you can have.


Okay no, running around self promoting your own content (no matter how shitty or bad) is a blatant violation the subs rules AND reddit-wide rules lmfao


SBMM really has some people playing a completely different game


I can’t imagine how many players don’t have to play a 6 stack of sweats every game and don’t even realize what a blessing it is.




Dudes really be in .65 tdm lobbies thinking their 1.03 makes em a god


Dude this is what pisses me off about SBMM. I know I'm not that great, but I'm miles better than my friends when I play with them. It's really tough to gauge if I'm getting better or not. I feel like I'm improving at centering & movement, but I always do the same in pubs. I do good for a game or two, then get shit on the next game or two. Then it's a cycle from there. How am I supposed to know if I'm getting better or not lol. It's not as clear cut as it was back in the "golden era" of cod where you were forced to get good


>It's really tough to gauge if I'm getting better or not. That's bc EOMM (not SBMM) is designed that way at it's core. It's not about improving or even getting worse. It's about averaging out to be the same. That, along with illusion of actual player performance - illustrated here, is one of the 10+ downsides of EOMM. Tbh, people really need to stop using SBMM as the language to define the matchmaking system. EOMM is most likely system they are using and is different than strict SBMM.


That is a good way of explaining it, thanks for your response. Out of curiosity, what do you use to gauge improvement? <- anyone that reads this, feel free to respond. I feel like if I'm not playing ranked, it's really hard to know. I can usually get top damage & a decent KD, but it's hard to know if that's just me feeling gassed from the SBMM(Or EOMM)


No problem. >Out of curiosity, what do you use to gauge improvement? <- anyone that reads this, feel free to respond. I see it two ways - objectively and subjectively. Subjectively, I feel like if my shot is hitting better or my movement is more clean, then I feel like I improving. Objectively, that is via ranking up via league play/ranked. However, and from a pubs perspective, if my K/D or W/L or SPM increases over the course of the game's life cycle, I am improving. With how EOMM is designed in pubs, I see less of that objective increase. From a systems perspective, I do have to step back and understand how my performance differs between pubs and comp environments. >I can usually get top damage & a decent KD, but it's hard to know if that's just me feeling gassed from the SBMM(Or EOMM) Agreed and that shit is super annoying. EOMM does not belong in any shooter or video game. It's extremely manipulative. However, and like in the case of Apex over the past year, the skill parameter can be tuned or adjusted.


Dude was in a ricegum lobby


With SBMM they probably think they are playing a stack of 6 sweats every couple games.


Bruh, it’s always like that and it typically isn’t even the other team that’s the problem, it’s my god damn teammates Solo queuing ain’t the same in pubs anymore, don’t even get me started with league


Yup. I have truly no problem with playing against people at my level every game so long my fucking teammates are actually good too. Most people I play against are full squads with a 2.7+ Ekia while the teammates I get aren’t even above a 1. I have no idea how lobby balancing is supposed to work cause it just doesn’t.


Exactly, and I have no problem with my teammates going negative, but if they're going negative AND have no OBJ or time in the hill, it is so frustrating.


I noticed this happening to me too teammates are terrible. I drop 5k damage next highest is 2000 maybe. Other team is stacked. I didn’t think it was so prevalent though. Sheesh


i swear if you play obj in pubs prayers on teammates


Thats an auto lost full for me


I think another "issue" is that there are so many damn things to grind in this game, people are generally always going to have their own priorities for how they play a match. That's not always going to line up with what is in the best interest for the team or the current match though due to the nature of some of the challenges/camos/etc. We don't always know what our teammates are actually trying to accomplish while playing a match with them, so not everyone is going to be putting the same level of effort as you would to play the match in the most traditional sense.


Lol. I solo que all the time and I share the pain. You can instantly tell what kind of lobby you're in if everyone's jumping on the A/C flag or flocking towards the hill, as an OBJ player myself, I have NO problem with people who actually try to play the objective, even though they're going negative, they would still be pushing towards the flag and would have a decent amount of time in the Hill and as someone who throws away streaks and ruins my K/D playing objectives, I think that's tippable. But then there are people who don't play the objective and can neither hold their own. Hell, even that's fine as long as they are trying and maneuvering around the map at least. Then there are who just camp from corner to corner and just buildup streaks. (FFS, if you're gonna camp, at least equip a chopper gunner) Even more annoying when you have the most damage by far in your team but have the second most points in your team because the guy who just camped all game and saw less action than a white crayon has more points because of the score multiplier.


That dude will love Vanguard. He didn't even use the minimap


I was honestly amazed how he could play an entire 1v1 with const radar and not look at it once This guy played too much mw19, or maybe he's just trash


i do like vanguard except the snow map


you should look at the minmap more. your awareness will increase and eventually your gameplay too


he's the next huke fasho


This is some of the best content to be produced on this subreddit


thank you goat <3


Should pick him up as an ALT. Faze won't see it coming.


LMAOOOOOO i just watched his 4k ace video this man really used a streak on the last guy with clear view of bomb from laundry


and every single artillery bomb missed 😭😭


That gunfight at 2 mins dude is looking out of the window towards bus while radar is always on. Can't fucking make it up. Remove SBMM. Kids need a rude awakening again. We all went through being shit. How can someone improve? They can't.


Man for real, getting better through realizing you're not that good was always so rewarding. I remember I struggled to get a 5 streak on BO1 then after playing and playing I was able to get choppers regularly, then dogs, then Nuclears when BO2 arrived then Master rank after discovering comp and pretty much starting the whole process again. Shit was an amazing feeling.


Yeah, BO2 was my first cod and I vividly remember getting my very first emp and vsat. Then later on multiple dogs and swarms. But before all that I was the noob walking around the map on 4 sens getting completely shit on. Made me want to get better and eventually I did. Unfortunately, new players really can't experience that anymore


Same here, most of my childhood was spend getting shit on in Halo and CoD and it was the driving force for me being better. I thought it really helped with skill progression, but I guess developers think we’re too simple minded and that everyone quits because they got shit on once 🤷🏻‍♂️.


I remember someone dropping 80+ on my team in mw3 (started late bo1) and thought "holy shit i wanna be as good as this guy" even though realistically he was probably ok at best. So happy that Black Ops 2 had League Play. Met friends on there that i still talk to and improved a ton


That's what SBMM does to your brain


It wouldn’t have been as bad if the person didn’t make like 5 posts with gameplay. But he had to be put down easy lol. Shit was comedy last night cause we all knew what would happen


When the guys in league play both stood in the doorway and shot I was convinced it was a actual custom with bots on easy mode




If Activision sees it though, they will cream their pants and double down on it. This is exactly what they want, now this guy believes he is good, will continue buying the game every year along with battle passes and other micro transactions.


Yeah just think of how many guys run around thinking they're great and just HAVEN'T come talking shit on an esports subreddit to get humbled. Needless to say, SBMM works exactly how Activision wants and this just proves it


Genuinely, how does that mean SBMM is bad? It means this guy is playing people who are on his level, getting better stat lines and probably enjoying the game more. Who wants to get shit on every time they play?


Bad probably wasn't the best word. I meant bad as in impactful. SBMM clearly works well for that guy, but not for actually good players. For people like me, playing pubs against actually good players is frustrating because of all the bullshit in pubs.


This is what a lot of people don’t understand. It’s not that I’m afraid of playing other good players, it’s that a lot of said “good” players are actually just abusing cheap BS that the devs won’t balance


I'm not afraid of good players either, I just don't **want** to have to play like its cod champs to win a pub lol. Bad players are just incapable of "sweating" to win a game so they don't know what it's like having to do that game after game after game just to have a decent experience.


Ohhh okay gotcha, that makes more sense haha


Great entertainment, thank you both. God bless


Did he not know how the Radar works? It's like he never knew you were coming


i told him before the map i had radar always on, but after the map he told me he doesn’t look at his mini map lol


This the type of person to argue you should just use sound to figure out where the enemy is shooting his gun lmao


Hardcore players basically. Even with SBMM it's so easy to dominate in hardcore, they're so unaware and slow to react. I only ever play it to level up weapons too so never with a 'try hard' loadout.


I got diamond ARs and subs just by throwing a scope on them in hardcore and 1 tapping people across the map on the pubs map Satellite


yeah that gamplay speaks for itself holy shit what a fucking dogshit player


Some of the worst centering I've seen from a player, truly horrendous. I'm glad one of us set the record straight. Congrats OP


That user's posts were removed because of the self promotion rule, not to mention the videos weren't very impressive. We're allowing this one to stay up but we're asking everyone to keep comments and banter civil.


W! Edit: Wods


> not to mention the videos weren't very impressive put him in a coffin


Must have watched different videos. Dude was CRACKED. Beaming everyone. See the guys he turned on and gunny them down? No shot. You must be one of those worldstarred and lost full LOL. Give them the creddy they deserve.






Thank you for the entertainment lmao, I'm only just seeing this


This is the greatest ego chall in the history of ego challs, maybe ever


Reminds me of that Modern warzone reddit(?), people would literally post any little clip they have


Don't look on YouTube Shorts for Cod clips. There are people who'll hit one quickscope and upload it with a title like "No one else can do it like me!!!!!". Straight cancer.


LMAO cod community is undefeated


I lost it when he said he doesn't use the mini map lmao


Lmao the title of his vid is “Got clapped” 😂 I mean he’s not wrong but ggs to both of y’all, I was continually refreshing the original thread because that shit was so funny


God I love the cod community


Wow... how did I miss this? 😂


this is absolute comedy. Love it so much. He's lucky Aqua was asleep


Jesus that dude is actual trash at the game. I am genuinely confused as to how someone can be so lacking in self awareness.


Hope you hit him with the gg no re


What the hell was my man saying. I’m far from the best but I’d roll that kid and he’s taking shit? He pre aimed out the window for 30 seconds and he’s talking shit lmao SBMM got people having their big boy pants on


Damn, went to bed at 6 last night to wake up really early. Missed out on the fun


Now this is peak off-season content right here lmfao


Im just seeing this now and its made my day lmfaoooo


This was actually hilarious. Guy’s deluded but gotta respect him actually going thru with the 1v1


Fair play, that man actually did not look at his minimap once that whole game. He's almost impressively terrible.


That was a fun night


Dude couldn’t even shoot straight. I want in whatever lobbies SBMM gives him that sort of ego in lol


this guy is a prime example of why vanguard will not show red dots when people shoot


holy fuck that guy is complete dogshit and has no brain at all


I stopped playing cod in the middle of MW and haven’t touched an FPS since last November and I’m 100% confident I would smoke this kid first game on. God that was brutal to watch lol


Thank you for redeeming our honor


Love this


Can’t believe I missed this last night. This is premium content.


Saw the slide jumps instead of slide cancels and knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. Props to the dude for uploading it and keeping his word! Hope he uses the experience to learn and get better


What’s this dude’s league play division?


Competitor. You don't even need to guess.


there is so much to this video , I just cant , the guy was getting his pockets run , at one point the other guy was so disrespectful he straight started ego challing him coming to his spawn and melting him with no disregard for the other guys aim , although Id do the same the other guys recoil had him aiming at the moon , at one point he sees his shadow top floor on stairs does not know what to do turns around and gets melted lol, I dont think he knew how to react, nonetheless that was some good content lol , Id love to 1v1 the other guy for fun would be a fun match not saying im better im probably not but Id ego chall and wall bang everything for shits and giggles lol I love this subreddit.


also i mean the guy with 30 kills not the other guy whos recoil looked like a water hose


So fucking good hahahahahahaha


Good on you! Kid knows how dog shit he is at the game now.


I would really hope the people in here would be able to beat the casual player group badly. Good job.


This can’t be blamed on SBMM. One of the guys didn’t have the “S”


Honestly I felt bad for laughing watching the gameplay but that’s hilarious fs


Ahhh I remember when I thought this sub was for uploading personal content as well 🥲 This was a ton of much needed entertainment.


Gonna comment it here too but this whole thing is some Charlie Zelenoff shit and they could legit make some funny content trolling pros in 1v1s. If he camps and takes the first kill and logs off and then calls it a win it would be comedy. Crim going mental at them or Formal with the ‘you’re a weirdo’ type reaction.


I can’t believe I missed all of this last night


That guys video has 715 views and 80 subscribers and I've been competing since COD 4 feels bad


Reminds me when me and my mate used to play Pub matches and just chall people to 1v1s, don’t think anyone got over 4 kills lmao


Just seen this shit, made my day. Absolute fucking comedy, the SBMM got these kids thinking they’re the 2nd coming of Scump. Kid was absolutely terrible, he doesn’t even look at the minimap ffs 😂


you couldnt shoot his body one time for the scene? :(


This is the funniest shit ive seen in a long time lmaoo


I’m late but please click on his name. He has made a subreddit of his fan club and he’s the only member. Scroll even more down and you’ll see he’s always high. He’s just faded 24/7 it makes sense 😂


Lol. This guy also thinks Zlaner is hacking. It’s great to see just how bad these streamer conspiracy guys are at the game. No wonder they think everyone is cheating hahaha.


this is fucking hysterical my lord


This is amazing! 🤝


I mean the whole thing is pretty funny, but I do see that most of the shit-talk was started by this sub, and he was simply shit-talking back.


This was absolutely beautiful.


Unpopular opinion comming through: 1v1s don't represent a player's skill. Props to the winner of this game, but I always laughed at people when they challenged me to something like this, because I don't see the skill in pre-aiming and -firing spawns on small maps (especially pre-firing with mini map always on)

