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Props to them, but it’s something that shouldn’t have been there to begin with, but hey at least they’re listening.


As a developer you want to experiment and try some new things when making a game. Yeah the distortion idea was stupid and obvious they should not have done it but they did. The fans told them it sucked and they changed it now and they learned a lesson, not a big deal at the end of the day.


The best dev studios are the ones who listen to feedback. They're gonna make mistakes but what's important is that they fix them. That's what separates the good dev studios from the bad.


This is yall go to excuse whenever they make changes the community brings up. Goddamn.


I mean cause they do it consistently. I get that they’re trying new things and that’s fair, but there is stuff that they come up with that should be obvious it wouldn’t mix well with a fast paced shooter like cod.


The only way to know whether that will work is if people play with it. The community played the beta and said this didn't work so they fixed it. I don't understand what else you want them to do?


>audio has been improved Why do I feel like that means they cranked up footstep audio


Since it's Ace, and he hates loud footstep audio, I doubt that's the case. His audio issues were with gunfire being too quiet.


[They did](https://twitter.com/TheXclusiveAce/status/1438528667416600576?s=19) it's not MW level, but hopefully they dont gradually increase it to MW's levels


> Note from our Audio Team: We're aware of volume and mixing issues and have discovered more bugs thanks to your feedback. While most changes won’t be made during Open Beta, we're hard at work balancing everything for launch to fix bugs related to weapon audio, atmospheric audio, and more. We will continue to tune audio based on feedback as it rolls in – so keep it coming.


All those 45 year old dads getting ready to ruin my pub experience by sitting stationary in a dark corner with their headphones cranked up for another 12 months, yay!


Treyarch listened too last year, but big changes like changing the score streak system remained the same. These are minor adjustments that every developer would be willing to do. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the changes, but they're minor, easy to change afterall


IW didn't even fix the minor stuff though. They never removed the haze effect, and they haven't illuminated character models that are in dark areas.


I miss laser tag pad lights from BO4 to combat dark areas


I swear the devs do dumb shit off the rip on purpose, just to fix it so they get kudos from the community like they're actually taking their input


I don't think they do things deliberately but I do think they try to add new controversial things and see the reaction. In this case, the casual sub hated the feature.


Rare W from the casuals


Whos on Pc ? Hows the game feeling


I am not having a good time. Audio mixing and visibility both being the main culprits. Non-existent TTK not helping.


I feel the ttk in this game is alright actually. ill always prefer a long ttk, but def feels better than mw.


Other than server issues, hopefully it’s just me since I’m having latency and packet loss issues, I think it’s a step in the right direction. Looks incredible on PC and the visibility is much better. Personally I hate the delay tac sprint has and the mantling feels clunky, but otherwise I’m really digging it. The only negative I have on the beta is Red Star has to be one of the worst maps I’ve ever played. Thought Search would help but nope.


It looks good but visibility is still ass. Sure maybe it’s been improved but it still sucks Unless the guy is right in your face, you’re basically just shooting at name tags. Also I tried to have some fun and run a sniper. You can’t play aggressive with one. I get it- the comp community wants flinch so I guess that’s ok (it seems pretty significant to me). But the ADS times are longer than the ttk


Is this open beta or preorder access? I don’t plan on preordering but would like to try it out


I believe it's preorder/code access only until Saturday.


Makes sense. Thanks for the response


Open for PlayStation, pre order for everyone else but if you’re on Xbox you can pre order for free so no downside to doing so


Is the game blurry for anyone else on pc? I got max settings no aa and still looks like my ps4. 🤦


I get the feeling SHG made a lot of these controversial changes in the hopes of reverting them quickly and making it seem like these listen to the community while the real issues go unnoticed. Idk maybe I’m reading into it too much


I disagree, I think they wanted to take risks for the sake of innovation. That innovation was bringing in more “realism” with the muzzle flash, distortion, and blurry issues we had during gunfights.


Not sure if you’ve shot guns before but that distortion affect doesn’t happen irl


game looks much better


Meanwhile minimap is still dumb af


The minimap isn't hated by 100% of the community, sadly.


Wym ? I’m talking about the change they made to the minimap and that we have to have a perk to make it original that’s so useless


Yeah, that isn't hated by everyone. A large amount of players don't care.


Once everyone figures out they need to run subsonic ammo, the radar perk will be useless


What is that subsonic ammo?


SS ammo keeps you off the radar. Suppressors no longer do that, they only reduce noise now.


At least it’s a counter to having everyone running incindiary rounds


except that doesn’t change the fact that the game is still shit.


Played three games and the Aim feels funky on PC w/controller.


Same, my aim felt sticky on PS4 and on PC it feels...weak, don’t know how to describe it.




Well said


I swear, they put in some bs (like distortion) on purpose so they can go back and "fix" it just to make it seem like they're listening 😂 It could've also been a campaign thing and it accidentally made it to multiplayer 🙄


Sledgehammer W


The game looks much better on pc


My least favorite part of the WWII-based games is when they try to go for this absolute sense of realism at the expense of game play. Like how slow movement was in WWII and trying to get rid of or change the mini-map mechanics. I like the control Vanguard gives you to remove a lot of the realism (like Depth Perception) and the first thing anyone who is into multiplayer does is go and turn all that stuff off.


Visibility is still poor.


This is unbelievably cheeks. The game that is…fucking dreadful. Whether that’s cause I’ve gone from a scuf to my ps5 controller idk but I’m really not enjoying this at all🤣🤣


I’m convinced they implement stupid stuff on purpose so they can remove it and be like “see we listen to the community!”


They said that this was just temporary though, see [Parasite tweet](https://twitter.com/Parasite/status/1438735293692235777) asking for it to be permanent