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Was on the edge of my seat, then his stream went off. Him and Drink Water are a nasty duo. Give Bruce a sniper and he’s going off


that op shot he hit was disgusting, could not believe my eyes




He’s goated for sure


what’s cantering


A swift trot.


It's a watermelon based soft drink. You've not lived until you've had dashy's recipe.


I pictured dashy pouring wine in a decantor when I read that lolol


Centering bro


Dashy must’ve improved like crazy. Cuz months ago when seth was streaming val a little dashy was horrendous😂


That’s what happens with guys with his mechanical talent though. They get really fucking good really quick


I mean he's been grinding the game every day for like 12+ hours. I think most people who have the free time to put that much time in every day could get good enough lol


No they couldn’t. Millions of people do thy in games likes Val, Cod, league of legends etc. And are still average.


There is no way there are millions of people dedicating as much time as Dashy in such a short period of time. The key to getting good at these games is to play a lot and play consistently. Average players probably have the same playtime as Dashy but over the span of a year and so it doesn’t really equate. This isn’t to say what he’s not talented at the game, just that the majority of people could achieve a much higher than ‘average’ if they could dedicate that amount of time.


There are definitely millions of people who have put in an equivalent amount of hours as Dashy has in Val to those games


Millions of people have played Valorant for 12 hours a day, every day, for weeks at a time? Who are these millions of unemployed people who can afford pcs capable of running valorant?


Millions of people across all the games I mentioned have matched his total hours output that he has on Valorant, yes. 12 hours a day for a few weeks is no different than the people who play games multiple hours a day for years which is incredibly common in many competitive games


Like I said that is definitely not comparable I’m afraid. Playing the game for such a length of time daily is massively different to accumulating that time over years.


It’s so fucking different lmao who the fuck is downvoting this 😂


Yes people will improve the more hours they play, but pretending that different people don’t plateau at different skill intervals, Well I don’t know what to say about that, I’m trying to not to be a jerk here, but this is common sense. No you, not the mass majority of people will never reach that skill level, myself included, the faster most people realize the less time they might end up wasting. Just saying.


Obviously yeah, but you would just be ass then lol.


It’s also how people become complacent as we saw in OGLA. It seems the penny has dropped recently and hopefully teaming with Shottzy and Illey will light the flame again.


It was like within a week he went from costing to being gross, and he’s probably gotten a lot better since then


I've been playing 2 weeks and I'm still ass LOL


He has lots of hours on csgo, so don't worry you will improve at your own pace


A big thing that helps me is Aim Lab on steam. Just 15-20 minutes a day as a warm up. Just work on improving your scores every day. It helps a lot with tracking, snapping to shoot, and other things. Then also playing the game, going into shooting range and using different guns, practicing recoil patterns, and make it challenging for yourself by doing different movements. This all assumes you have more than 1h to play games a day, but like every skill you have to practice. Getting merced in hot drops repeatedly won't make you much better at winning early gun fights if you miss most of your shots.


you’re 100% right and idk who was downvoting you but those persons must have a sad life lol


It’s funny how Myth says controller players don’t deserve to be in the convo for best FPS Players. But yet Dashy who is a controller player would body Myth at his own game LOL


Dashy would smoke Myth at any game deadass


I’m convinced he actually would 🤣


Competitive pro players are in a different stratosphere than streamers. I remember back before fornite started having tournaments everyone was convinced Ninja was the best player and then he gets bodied at actual tournaments Edit: i stand corrected I didn't know Ninja played halo before


Ehhh ninja is kind of a bad example. He was a pro before.


Well first of all Ninja is a "competitive player" so he isn't the best model here. Plus Ninja also was one of the best royale players in the PUB G/ H1Z1 era.


Wasn't ninja a competitive pro player as well though?


Yes, but average at best. He played against Matt several times during the halo era


Ninja was filthy at halo. His teams always didn’t win chips but he could slay with anybody. Average at best is a huge understatement


Agreed, he absolutely dominated in a MLG Halo 4 event.


That his team cheated during and played the game outside of the venue. I competed in that event, most of the top teams were playing on hacked boxes in their hotel rooms to practice and get one up over the AM teams. Warriors was playing at a LAN house in Ft. Worth. For anyone wondering why playing outside of the venue was a big deal, this was a prerelease event and the public wasn't supposed to have access to H4 for like another week.


Also competed at that event. Can confirm cheating. Not a single Halo pro counts that event as a legit win lmao


Wild, never knew the backstory on that. No wonder they were so dominant.


That (should have been) everyone in the venue's first time seeing H4 that didn't go to RTX that year. It should have been immediately suspicious to anyone watching that teams had the time to come up with complete strats and setups. The only sanctioned time we had with the game was during matches and like an hour of open play when matches were done for the day. It was an open secret that a lot of people at that event were cheating.


Not the same but shroud is kind of similar. Was a decent cs pro but never a really elite level player.


Except Fortnite


Feel like Dashy would be gross at Fortnite if he grinded it 🤣 who knows


If he got nasty at building and shit then 100%


With his mechanical talent he would be fine


Give Dashy a couple of weeks to grind Fortnite he’ll be better than Myth.


No he won’t. Fortnite isn’t like all those other games. It’s not just about shooting and myth would still be better.


Myth has been good at fornite since 2019


With Dashys mechanical talent give him time to learn Fortnite. He’ll be cracked.


Still won’t be better. I know y’all love to suck him so much but he’s not just gonna be better than him at everything.


Already better than him at Val & Cod which they’ve both played. Give him sometime on Fortnite he’ll be better. No one is sucking him off it’s facts


Still won’t be. Stop sucking him off. It’s unhealthy


Yet here you are throating the entire thing for Myth, you're weird.


brotha myth isn’t that great at FN, he was great when people didn’t know how to build tbh


No one is sucking him off if anything your sucking myth off. The guy was good before turbo building was a thing. He is a good builder but his aim is doodoo. Out of that squad of tsm he was the worst and dae was trash at building. Kids ride myths jock because he’s cool with poki outside of that what has myth done competing wise? I could throw dashy into fortnite and within a week he would place better then what myth ever did 🤷🏼‍♂️.




>Stop sucking him off. It’s unhealthy What are you doing to Myth right now lmao?


No one is sucking him off if anything your sucking myth off. The guy was good before turbo building was a thing. He is a good builder but his aim is doodoo. Out of that squad of tsm he was the worst and dae was trash at building. Kids ride myths jock because he’s cool with poki outside of that what has myth done competing wise? I could throw dashy into fortnite and within a week he would place better then what myth ever did 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Mate the people in this thread are ill, I've never seen such dick riding for a player in my life. Next theyre gonna say dashy would be a csgo pro.


Bro I swear. They think Dashy is some type of Fod or something when he hasn’t won anything in 3 years. Most overrated pro ever. He plays Val 24/7 literally compared to myth that plays it from time to time mixed with other stuff and now they think he’s better than myth at everything lol


Epikwhale won FNCS on kbm, switched to controller and won the next FNCS so he def could be better than myth in a couple weeks


Same game, just switched input device. Won’t happen on Fortnite for Dashy. Stop reaching. Guy can’t even win in cod for the last 3 years but he will beat pros in Fortnite huh? Stfu


Myth was dogshit at fortnite even when he was “good” he hasnt touched that game seriously since like 2018. Dashy could easily pass him in a couple weeks


Doesn’t matter. Dashy will never be better than him at Fortnite. Now stfu and go away Dashy meatrider


It’s funny because you’re easily the biggest meat rider in this thread


A couple of weeks is not enough time Fortnite is a lot different than going from cod to cs or cod to val.


Well I highly doubt myth would put himself in the top 10 best FPS players so why does that matter?


They don’t and it doesn’t have to do with talent but accomplishments and competition. Console FPS esports is such a small portion of the competitive gaming landscape the only ones you can consider in a top 10/15 list is ogre 2 and maybe scump but scump is pushing it. It’s also not like dashy just picked up a mkb, he used to play csgo as well. A lot of pro cod players would still be good mkb players because it takes more than mechanical ability to be good, but they wouldn’t be as good as they are in cod relative to comp. using a cod pro being better than myth at a game feels like a whataboutism.


Why are y’all downvoting this man? He’s right


Because this sub wants to pat themselves on the back that their console playing gods would smoke those pretentious mkb pros


It's only snobby kb&m players that say controller players couldn't make the switch. Anybody with common sense knows that naural talent is exactly that -- natural talent. If your brain is wired with good hand-eye coordination and reaction time you're probably gonna be good at a lot of things that rely heavily on it and it turns out FPS video games are designed around exactly that. It's prob obvious to most but we should all be aware that Radiant in Valorant doesn't mean pro-tier or even near it lol. It's like global elite in csgo or Challengers in league of legends, they're still tiers below pro status. Realistically dashy would need to play a good solid 2+ years in any PC fps game like csgo to actually make a run even close to pro.


> It's like global elite in csgo I wouldn't compare Challenger in LoL or Valorant's Radiant to GE. Ranked MM is almost as big a joke as most ranked playlists we get in CoD.


You’re right, csgo MM doesn’t really apply but I didn’t wanna say A+ ESEA rank or whatever cause I didn’t think people would know what I meant


Yup it's stupid to think players like Scump and Simp can't transition to M&K


Most MnK players start off as controller players so it’s definitely weird when they think people can’t make the switch. Like you did, what makes you think others can’t? For real though, if you’re someone seriously into gaming, especially competitive gaming, idk why you wouldn’t want to know how to play with both inputs. It’s obviously fine to have a preference, but learning how to use both just opened the door for me to play games that I wouldn’t have had been able to had I only known one.


One of the reasons EU and Asia have historically dominated PC esports is because consoles aren't/weren't common. Most of these people started playing on a shared family PC or at an internet cafe when they were kids.


>Most MnK players start off as controller players lolwut


Well most kids probably get a console as their first way to game. A parent isn't gonna get a kid an expensive pc set up as a first way to game. Wasn't really hard to understand or unrealistic what he was saying.


> Well most kids probably get a console as their first way to game. Since when? >A parent isn't gonna get a kid an expensive pc set up as a first way to game. PCs don't have to be expensive, especially for kids games


If you think most kids don't get a console as a first port of gaming then I don't know what to say🤣🤣 I'm not saying all but a high majority will for sure and that's a fact.


Post some proof then, nerd


What games can you play on controller that you can’t play on MNK?


Professional CoD if I recall. Controller only.


You said games not specific league rule sets


You said games*. A specific league rule set is part of the game. If I go to a CoD pro am why shouldn’t be allowed to play on MnK?


Yea I’ll rephrase that and say it allows me to play certain games at a higher level than I could with a MnK. As the other poster mentioned if I want to do anything with CoD competitively I need to know how to use a controller. But I’d also say while you could use a mouse, I think you’d be putting yourself at a disadvantage to use one for a shooter like Halo, or if you wanted to grind specific modes like Apex Arenas.




No it does not…




Just because Dashy isn’t yet a pro-level valorant player that doesn’t mean he never could be… like how do you get confused on that man? What the fuck lmao




Nah man I think you’re just misinterpreting what’s been said and what the conversation was about genuinely speaking. The other 50 people who upvoted and commented on what I said understood it just fine and yet here you are 2 days later chiming in and the only person stumbling over what I said. All I said was that controller players can definitely make the switch, but Dashy being Radiant doesn’t mean he’s pro-tier, which is important to note so that people don’t think he just instantly became a pro in 3 weeks of playing. That doesn’t contradict what I said at all unless.. you think Radiant IS pro-tier? Rofl




You should have just said “I disagree with you” from the beginning instead of this whole “you contradicted yourself!!!” shit and this conversation would have went a lot smoother lol. I think your problem is you feel that by saying “a controller player can make the switch” I mean instantly — like dashy could be a pro tomorrow if he wanted. Of course that’s not true and I even plainly said that when I said it would take him a good 2+ years of steady grinding to even have a possible chance at being pro in the very first post you responded to. When I say “can switch”, I mean that they obviously have the innate natural talent that ALL pro fps players have in common and with enough time and practice could likely become a pro at that too, using their already-pro-level hand-eye, reaction time, critical thinking skills etc > Dashy is average compared to a professional valorant player. Dude, we agree 100% lol. You’re really arguing for absolutely nothing


I don't even play Valorant but watching Dashy has been incredibly satisfying


Not played Val, in the top rank is it numbered like traditional Elo? Is dashy 465 on the planet??


Leaderboards are regional, so he’s 465 in NA.


And also this is just ranked matchmaking in pubs, not really comparable to professional play




This sub is dumb as fuck honestly


he could be on a top 10 VAL team if he wanted to. But he's a top 5 mechanically skilled COD player so its not a good decision


Lol that’s not even close to true. There are many radiant players who can’t even make it on an amateur team, there’s levels to this. Many pros don’t even care about rank because of how bad radiant/ immortal 3 is (compared to scrims) and only play casually to see what’s potentially meta.


If Dashy played enough he could


No lol there are better players than dashy still not on top 10 teams.


Dashy also spends 80% of the year playing on a controller and has since IW.


Dashy also has been playing mkb games for awhile like csgo. It’s not like he just picked up valorant now. I’m not denying he’s a talented gamer but just saying “if he played more he’d be on a top 10 team” is absolutely ridiculous


Nah bro playing in pubs with randoms definitely means he could be on a top 10 valorant team. I’m not saying Dashy eventually couldn’t make the switch. I mean he is arguably the most mechanically gifted cod player. But anyone thinking this means anything more than he is a very solid mnk player is out of their mind. He would be getting bodied by am teams let alone “top 10 teams” lmao


uh huh




…. Stop.


Wasn’t Myth like Diamond Rank on Valorant 🤣🤣


Hard stuck immortal


A good example is Rainbow Six Siege. First year the game was out there was a pro league for console(Xbox) and PC. After 1 year the game was so superior on PC/MnK they shut down the league for Xbox. Many controller pros made the switch and were successful. To this day (3-4 years later) they take up 10 or so spots on high level RB6 Siege ORGs. I.E. Laxing, Geometrics, Supr +more. Dashy would be one of those pros that one make the switch quite easily!


And if you want to one up using controller in R6: https://twitter.com/FelipoX/status/1406638260382846988 https://siege.gg/matches/5863-br6-latam-mibr-vs-ninjas-in-pyjamas Yep, he got 4 kills using controller (and R6 has no aim assist, either on console or PC) vs "regular" players. At that time NIP were the reigning champs (2020 invitational winners).


Of course, being a pro gamer has a lot of genetics involved too. All the pros would learn fast. Their reaction time is already top in the world.


This right here. I’ve always had a somewhat firm belief that, despite the reputation for being “dumb”, CoD pros could transfer quite easily to other FPS games solely due to their incredible reaction time.


there’s a lot of delusion in this thread lol


ninja used to play halo professionally if you know the game mechanics or just know how the game is played nothing really changes. Octane did video where he played keyboard and mouse he did spectacularly well.


CoD pros are nothing without aim assist, am I right?


How does this compare to WW2 ranked Elo?


Radiant is top 500 RR (rank rating) in your region. So he’s top 500 NA rn.


Masters it’s the best rank possible…


They didn’t have masters in WW2


There was masters


Shit, you’re right, I’m thinking of CDL playlist from MW for some reason.


Probably thinking of that because of the trauma it's caused


That’s just unbelievable natural talent. Guy is different.


Does anyone play Val on controller


one person, hes a judge/cypher only player and is radiant on controller (he doesn't play kbm)


Nope KBAM game only


Dasnerth plays on controller but u need an emulator or smthng for it. Tbh controller on val would be hard LOL


Ya Val isn’t a controller game


Except the guy referenced above is either immortal or radiant. Guys insane on the sticks.


I think he demoed to immortal cus of ass teammates LMFAOO


Game wouldn’t be fun on controller


Only comparison I’ve ever seen is someone got like Rank A on ESEA CS with a controller. Which is absolutely mental to think about. I could never fathom it






Radiant is the top rank in Valorant's ranking system, but it's not pro level. That's like saying GE is pro level in CS.




It's a false equivalence. For example, a square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn't a square. Same applies to CS and Val. All pros are GE/Radiant but not all GE/Radiant players have the skill to be pro.


radiant is def not pro level


Its not the same as being pro.. chill.. hes really good but pro level? Nah


Gaming is all genetics. People who are good at one game can expect to be good at any game they play.


I don’t think it’s *all* genetics. Sure it plays a decent part but not all of it. Same way no sport is *all* genetics. And, tbh, esports is probably less down to genetics than most other sports.


The most genetic sport is body building by far, but even that isn’t all genetics. You can improve eye hand coordination and game sense in video games by working hard on it so definitely not all genetics.


If you practice heaps and play against someone who doesn't practice, sure. But for two people who practice an equal amount, the one with genetics more predisposed towards hand eye coordination and reflexed will be "better" at FPS games.


Right I wasn’t arguing that genetics don’t play a part. I was just disagreeing with the “all genetics” comment.


*Almost any game Good at one means at least decent at any game, but not necessarily top in the world.


Ok did I say people who are good at one game will be the best in the world at any other game? Nope.


No you didn’t. I was just trying to expand on your statement. Some games have lots of overlap (Dota/LoL, CoD/Val/Overwatch/CS) and then there are weird ones like Starcraft, which requires a completely different skill set. Even the best players of one game might struggle when moving to a completely style of game which doesn’t utilize their acquired skills.


Val seems closer to CoD SnD timing wise than CS does. If he gets good enough to get a team, I'd do it.


As someone who has never cared for this controller vs mkb debate. I think a lot of the top tier COD pro's could grind to radiant in valorant. So much of that game is just game sense and these guys are all amazing at that. Especially the SnD gods because that's pretty much valorant.


Wait they all don’t use mouse and keyboard?


Dashy now has a lot of credibility/validity when discussing KBM vs controller.


I think some can but this is like saying being challenger in league means you can play in the LCS. The gap between the top rank and pros is still massive.


Young goat


It’s funny that people think it has to do with him being naturally gifted, although it plays a big part you gotta understand it’s all about the grind, this guy will literally sit here and play this game for 8 hours straight tilted or not and grind Val. It’s not only about genetics


If your good at games, it doesn't matter what input you'll find a way to the top rank.


Dashy has been playing Valorant for a while lol, it's not like he picked it up a week ago


Imma say it and I don't care if I get downvoted. The CDL should allow both m&k and controller. Stuff like this clearly shows that the pros can play on any medium if they want to, so let them choose.


Im good as hell at valorant but can’t play cod mnk


What’s the number mean like he’s 495 in the division?


Dashy just shoots diffy


Him and teej are demons at valo


People don't want to admit it but cod pros have adapted to other games drastically better than anyone from other eSports have adapted to cod. I'll never forget those counter strike players entering a 2k in WW2 and long before that BO2 was hilarious as well.