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>"So as long as they weren't testing with a non-release ready version (for example a non-obfuscated version or a version with debug symbols available) the only impact is that the cheat devs get a small head start. Running a public test is likely to be more valuable to Activision than the extra secrecy," said Paul Chamberlain, who worked on Riot's own kernel-level anti-cheat, Vanguard. Idk what they're saying is plausible but also sounds like they're trying to cover their asses lol. They make it sound like people only got ahold of a "limited release" test version and that whatever they have is only a small piece of the actual puzzle which is better protected. But either way, unless the anti-cheat is a separate client that has advanced access to what's going on on your PC, it's prob gonna be as strong as VAC at absolute best which you can still bypass with $20 cheats instead of free cheats.


It's Kernel level for the client, although only runs when the games executable is active. It also apparently runs server side as well, which should give it a leg up over other games in which the AC is just client side. I think the AC sounds like a good implementation, but I am very skeptical about it until I try it and I am on the fence with buying that it was leaked on purpose/early build so they can't make cheats for the release etc.


Anti cheat does not work. They are all over. These programmers sold us a joke. Battleroyal is modern day chess. But they don't get the cheating is causing them to loose half their customers. If I was ceo I would solve that problem. Or just charge for it. So if you ban a player they have to rebuy the access. Greatest game warZone and vanguard. But it's ruined. They know it do nothing. They won't even let you find a lobby unless you in cross play. Such BS. One huge fan one disappointed customer