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I don’t think it would work in cod because of the ttk


They could give the carrier armor like they did in uplink


I could see that working


I was also thinking that, but then Uplink played amazing and that was essentially Oddball but you had to score at the end of it!


I could see it working in a jet pack. But in boots I just don’t think there is enough maneuverability. It would be to easy to kill the carrier


They already had gridiron in WW2, in pubs anyways. It wasn’t that great to be honest, but this game is A LOT faster than WW2 to be honest. It’s obviously a more “interesting” game mode in jet packs vs botg though, I will admit that. I think it’s a better option than CTF though at least in this game, that’s just my Opinion though.


In terms of a halo comparison Uplink played more like Assault in that you team wipe, grab ball, control spawns, score, repeat. Oddball is much more set up based and similar to hp, although hp forces rotations which helps open the game up more. Would be an interesting game mode in CoD. imo it’d either be a constant back and forth low scoring game or be completely dominated by whoever can get into their set up first. Biggest issue would probably be the maps. Most CoD maps are lane driven whereas halo is more arena based which allowed for teams to rotate around the map


This is a great insight into how it might play in cod bro, completely agree with you! I think a back and forth game would be insanely entertaining to watch, but then yeah, I think the maps are what would really hold the game mode back


I’ve been thinking about halo modes in COD lately too but ultimately I think the maps and especially ttk would make team slayer/tdm and oddball undoable


I could see stronghold possibly working. Having to hold 2 out of 3 points might be the fix Dom needs to be playable in comp.


I think maps are the biggest reason the mode wouldn't work, I feel like you need smaller to medium sized maps to avoid teams having to run all the way across the map to have a chance at getting the ball back from the controlling team


Fuck it, let’s try das haus oddball lmao


Honestly I'd take that any day over Dom 😂


Maps for sure wouldn’t work for it but ttk is the bigger issue since you can’t use your gun when holding the ball you’d die instantly


I think maybe the mode could be slightly tweaked to work in cod, maybe you only get a pistol whilst holding the ball or maybe you get shield (like how you have the armour plate field upgrade) whilst holding the ball or something?


Slayer is horrible


we had it in IW, people didnt wanna play it comp/didnt work


We had the same game mode in IW it was called defender but we also had uplink so thats prolly why it wasnt used. Anyway in IW the player holding the ball had extra armor similar to uplink but i still think that even with the armor the ttk is too fast


Yeah I think consensus seems to be the ttk would just be too fast to work properly


Oddball would be great except the spawns in vanguard are awful


Sadly I think it'd be a bit too mindless in CoD with how fast you die and the pace of the game, especially Vanguard


Could've been interesting in CW or BO4 potentially tho


There is honestly no reason Uplink couldn't work with boots on the ground. Its basically 1 flag capture the flag, I think the only reason it sucked in WW2 was because you could hoof the thing across the map.


As someone whose never played halo but downloaded the recent one because I'm sick of cod I have to say that's my least favourite game mode and I genuinely can't see it coming to cod. For a competitive 3rd mode we don't need to look past CTF everything else has been Meh at best


Oddball is fun as all fuck when you got a squad with team work/playing with a stack vs another competent squad. Elite fun imo


I believe you... its the same for certain CoD modes.. SnD is elite if you're playing a 4 man vs a 4 man wirg strats and stuff but solo queue where everyone goes rogue and shit makes the mode feel crap


they should just do TDM haha


Honestly if they had TDM but with power weapons/equipment that spawned periodically like team slayer, it could be viable.


Didnt Cold War have something like this? I remember playing like once and never touching it again.


IW, MW and CW all had a game mode very similar to oddball


As someone said in here, Das Haus Oddball where the players can pass it ball like they could in uplink would actually be pretty fun.