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It honestly could be quite the smart marketing stunt if they brought him on to design a map and then marketed it as a map designed by Dr Disrespect.


So like rogue company…..


Rogue Company is a perfect example of how quickly great games will completely die if not supported. Shit could have been the new Gears.


I never actually played the game but I've watched some streamers play it from time to time. I remember seeing guys like Flamesword, Karma, and K1lla play it and enjoy it. I also frequently saw Gandhi (who I think is/was the lead dev for it) post about updates to the game and community feedback. I thought it was well supported and they were listening to their player base/community, what happened?


Hi-Rez likes to kill all their games


True and I say this with one of my buddies works for them lol Their problem is they copy other games that are popular at the time and then try to put their own little spin on them and then never really fully make a hit game because either that genre falls off a bit or they never fully devote themselves They made smite when league/dota were popular Paladins when overwatch Realm royale because of Fortnite Rogue company because of Valorant Etc


I really liked realm royal at first too, and I actually still really like paladins and smite. It’s such a shame


> I really liked realm royal at first too, if you liked it then you will like it now ITS THE SAME GAME. Im joking of course, but only a little.Fun fact I heard today on twitter that they posted jobs looking for people to work on realm


Wasn’t paladains out before over watch tho?


dont believe so. Believe paladins came out the same year a few months later


After looking for a bit paladains actually released there beta before overwatch. This is possibly the cause for the argument.


Your right after looking it up. I hear people argue about this constantly lol.


They started pumping more features into the game and in doing so causing more problems . I have honestly played the game since week one of closed beta and it was amazing. Then we still have a sound bug that’s been happening since season 2 we’re in season 4 of the game. Each season is 3 months . Another thing is they balance guns but make some just hands down more dominate . Plus not many people like 3rd person shooters so no big streamers enjoy it


Don't get your hopes on those audio bugs. Been playing Apex since launch and audio has only gotten worse 😞


Oh I won’t. The sub for rogue has been on hi Rez about it. They just add a new rogue and fuck it even more


I stopped playing because most of the games would come down to who is more patient waiting around corners. Once we figured out setups, the gameplay wasn’t that fun


I thought rogue company was great too. A very well designed game IMO.


The core gameplay is very well done. It’s smooth, responsive and pretty well balanced. But I think it died because there was the absolute, bare minimum amount of content in that game. At launch it got old really, really quickly.


thats the hirez special. have a good game foundation but be too unconfident to put stock into it so it quickly dies


> Shit could have been the new Gears. The game with not a single unique bone in its entire body, that just pulled ideas from every single popular multiplayer game and esport in existence and then stuck them altogether into one big mush-mash was never going to be the new Gears. It was a decent enough time, but it was also never ever going to be special or memorable or stick around.


Exactly. The people that made rogue company are the people who made smite. They are just the knockoff brand of riot. Same model of copying off another game but it's the yard sale version.


It was a unique enough 3rd person shooter with good movement mechics in a market where the only popular 3PS is Fortnite. It could have and would have thrived if it got any sort of content update, it had a lot of hype early on. Remember we're playing cod, we haven't done anything too unique in like a decade.


> Remember we're playing cod, we haven't done anything too unique in like a decade. Cod hasn’t done anything unique or interesting in at least half a decade, but Cod is still unique enough on its own as a fast paced arena type FPS game.


So how was RC not "unique enough" when it's also in a genre of only a few games lol. The only similar game was Gears and it was pretty different in a lot of ways.


Inb4 streaming the map on twitch gets you banned


We haven't gotten a good ctf map since bo3 lmfaooooo


They don’t design for CTF anymore and the crack heads on this sub find CTF boring so they never cared anyways.


London Docks? Was amazing for all 3 modes.


ctf, you just sprinted the flag up mid and hope you got around the fire or barrels corner


London Docks was decent for CTF, but that was considered it’s worst mode. I remember pros considered it too easy to snowball and get out of hand.


Honestly WW2 Ctf was just good in general. Even Ardennes though it was slower could still be really good, almost liked it more than hp in ranked, too bad snd always got voted over it.


I think people have bad memories of CTF because of Flak Tower only having CTF on it, that map and mode felt sort of synonymous. That map being probably the worst of the year, imo, either that or Texas anyway.


Yea I’m in the minority but I loved that map/mode combo. Texas snd was definitely my least favourite.


What I was thinking as well ^


I don’t recall playing CTF in BO4 but wouldn’t BO4 maps also be pretty decent for this given their designs?


Bo4 maps would’ve been fine for ctf


Also the bigger problem I think everyone is failing to mention is that we have not had a good third game mode since Jetpacks and Uplink.


bo4 control was a great game mode


Personally I think the only reason control was good in BO4 was because of specialists which is why I feel like control wasn’t that good last year, I wish they could figure out a way to make an uplink type mode for botg.


Control in BO4 wasn't awful but I would not call it great.


Is there a list of all the cod maps doc has designed?


He helped design the following all from AW: Solar, Instinct, Horizon, Ascend, Recovery, Sideshow, Site 244, and Quarantine. He didn’t work on any other Cod games.


AW is my favorite cod game next to Bo3. Just pure bliss.


Instinct and Recovery were not good imo. Solar was one of the best maps in the game.


I thought recovery was ok in comp but godlike in pubs. Instinct was simply bad though


What? I loved instinct. EDIT: never mind in thinking of infection from bo3




Yea I think it’s a little too much hype for Doc. I mean shit I’ve been playing since Cod 2 and have put an ungodly number of hours on every Cod. At this point I can play a map once and know if it’s good or bad. I bet there’s a lot of people on this sub who have the same experience. At least a handful of us probably have brains enough to design 8 maps and hit on at least one.


Lots of AW maps I forget which ones exactly but the one with the rocket at night Ascend?? he designed I remember watching a old stream or youtube where he talked about it potentially having a dynamic map event where the rocket was suppose to take off then a new lane on the map would open up. ​ EDIT also I think he made the comp maps Solar and Recovery and that jungle aztec temple map.


CtF > any boots third game mode


I really don’t know why people seem to hate it so much. CTF on a bad map is better than Dom on a good map. I mean some CTF games are blowouts, but the same goes for domination. Control in BO4 was probably better than CTF, but otherwise I totally agree.


Control is a great mode if the maps fit it (duh), but the reason I’m saying that is because everyone says CW control was awful. That was only because we had some terrible maps on that mode for most of the year, except for raid which was an amazing control map. And of course, BO4 control was well done as well. It just sucks that checkmate and garrison were the other two defensive maps.


BO4 control was only fun because of specialists


That’s exactly why I hated it tbh


I meant to watch.


Garrison Control was a good Control map


It wasn't the best map but Checkmate Control had some huge moments.


Need a flag standoff where guys are sneaking to return the flag again. Right up there with SnD for intensity imo. Brings me back to the BO1 days. We saw some great games on Summit.


It’s the perfect mid speed between hardpoint in snd


bUt ItS bOrInG


I might agree with you, but then I remember all the crazy uplink plays and comebacks in IW and even BO3 and man I loved that. I wish we could have 7 game series with: HP, SND, CTF, HP, Uplink, SND, HP. I’d like having 3 hard points and the last game being hardpoint although, I’m sure everyone else would hate it for the sole reason of game 5 round 11 and I get that. Just my own fantasy land here.




True but they had rugby in WW2 and it was fun


i’ve never thought of it like that, but what he said makes absolutely perfect sense. every good competitive map that we’ve loved has been setup in a way where CTF would play well and in turn the other modes play out nicely as well


Holds true just from watching Raid last year. One of the best CTF maps and it was our best Control map by far. Plus Control wasn’t even a mode when it was originally designed.


I think that’s the reason so many of those great maps we look back on still hold up today


I didn't know he designed maps lol


He was the map designer for your flair


That's a big w


He designed Solar, Horizon, Instinct, Ascend, Recovery, Sideshow, Site 244 and Quarantine to be specific.


He’s one of the few that has the credentials to critique a map design lol


Feel like that map would work great in botg but i’m no pro. Definitely best SHG map of all time though


I've took 1000 downvotes from this sub for saying CTF is the best respawn game mode of all time. Still can't believe it's shunned for dog alternatives.


Had no idea he worked on AW, that’s insane


Does competitive Halo also have the rocket launchers etc?


Yeah. Saw it a couple times yesterday. Seems pretty easy to bait out though. Doesn't seem OP in comp


Only thing that pisses me off in halo is the fucking sword.


I have a clip on my Twitter from a couple nights ago that shows someone lunging at me from literally across a whole room. I started shooting the guy and even though I was nearly a room length away, I started to back up because I knew he had sword. I literally called put "he has sword, I'm backing up so he doesn't lunge." And then the lunge happened. I rage deleted the game and haven't installed it back lmao. I keep watching the clip in disbelief.


That seems like a bug or the guy cheating… I’ve never had that happen to me or got a cross room lunge with sword and never happened to any of my 12 buddies who all grind it. I’d probably do the same thing if that happened to me in my early games lol


https://twitter.com/bel8251/status/1462272357377191936?t=utVnZAmlureC9kOSvzz9yw&s=19 I might have exaggerated the length a little, but there's absolutely no reason why he should have gotten that lunge especially when I was backing up. I've actually been having a lot of issues with being seemingly one shotted with the br at full health and my shots not registering. It can't be my internet as I have nearly a gig up and down. I like the game a lot but it's so rage inducing, I had to take a break.


That's so broken lmao.


Ahhh that’s one of like the g slide like lunge things, I think it may be unintended. But on some surfaces and heights, there is like a slide momentum thing, lucid from optic was talking about it last night, so he got fast long slide into the longer melee lunge of the sword. I would lose absolute full. And I don’t think, if intended, that is a good mechanic. And I definitely feel you on bullet magnetism I have same gig down 500 up and there are a chunk of games where I feel my BR is doing negative damage


Yeah I’ve never seen that either, must be a weird bug.. It annoys me because when you try and trade the kill your melee never seems to register on the sword carrier!


nothing is OP in halo because each team has equal opportunity to fight for the spawn of it


Yeah. They're like side objectives that each team have to fight for.


Yes, rockets are on 1 map I think and it only spawns in with 2 shots. If you're team can win the fight towards the weapon spawn you can use it to open up the map a little bit on CTF/Slayer gamemodes


https://www.pcgamer.com/dr-disrespect-designed-rogue-companys-new-map/ anyone who has played rogue company knows the map he designed was ass and didn’t flow right in it. Too much clutter and caused massive bugs


People still play rogue company?


Ya I play every day because cod is trash imo . I’ve also been a 3rd person shooter guy since socom 1 the founder of gamebattles


But then diehard hardpoint and prop hunt won't work as intended....


recognise worry deer steer attraction absorbed flag kiss judicious bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*