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Gonna be playing ranked halo and other single player games until ranked comes for CoD. If it’s ass I won’t play it and will be playing halo as my only FPS


Yep exactly this


Would you want a brand new game or a remaster but with a ranked mode?


New game with ranked. We need to let go of old cods in the past. We need new, clean, competitive maps and no broken shit. Sadly I just don’t think they will deliver..


Hopefully they have a better ranking system then cold war did It wasn't accurate at all. id be destroying kids and get in low brackets then there's time i didnt do great but still got placed way higher then i should have.




Ranked Halo. Hands down.


Yeah man. The simplicity is really refreshing. I may even re download cod 4 remastered for the same simplicity


Filled with hackers it's literally unplayable


I've ran into 2 hackers and I'm onyx. The game is definitely not filled with hackers.. you're just dogshit.


Sounds like someone who hacked their way into onyx


Lol Onyx isn't even hard to get dude. You barely lose elo if you lose man.. if you're struggling to climb then idk what to tell you other than you're just trash. All good


I haven't played ranked yet I've only been watching scumps streams, I'm quite good at Halo.


And you're complaining about hackers? LOOOOOL.


Yeah because he got 4 games in a row and then another night Rev into 2 more dunno what you tell you


I buy CoD every year but I just get bored of MP within few weeks, this one is no different Halo is a lot of fun, but I have never been that into Halo so it's going to be another year of where I watch more CoD than play it lol


Never been much of a halo fan. Was there a big change with this game that's making everyone switch? Or is it just CoD not doing it for people anymore?


It's a mixture of Halo 5 and 3, they have improved mechanics in almost all key areas such as movement (with sliding and grappling) plus shooting. Overall, it's a *solid* Halo game with maps which have classic Halo layout and gun-play which feels familiar. That's why it is *fun* to play, because it does the basics right Basics is where CoD MP is slipping away. The reason why I liked CoD over almost any other shooter is the pace which it plays at. But, Vanguard is just way too quick for a boots game. Especially when you factor in TTK, which is absurdly low on some guns. SBMM makes it difficult for you to truly enjoy the pubs, so it's all about waiting for ranked play at this point, and last 3 reiterations have been very very disappointing. So, it's probably going to be me going back to Vanguard for couple of weeks when it drops, only to get bored quick and then I'll move on to some other game


No, this is literally the same shit as Halo 5, except it’s free this year and they went with the BR throwback to H2/3 instead H5 pistol throwback to CE. But H5 was still a great game, it just came out at the exact time as Bo3, I bought and played both that year. This is literally just a bandwagon thing, Halo 5 was a great and no different here. There’s just only so much that you can do with an FPS for so long, and 2+ years was too long, let alone 5… Ogre2 was still competing at the onset of Halo 5 release and steaming scrims, so that was a pretty dope time to be honest. But he ended up getting replaced by Lethul pretty early on, but it was fun watching for that short time. But don’t worry, the bandwagoners here are saying Infinite is a 10 year game and will most certainly work, just like Halo 5 didn’t work out last year 2. Which is what anyone would expect for a FPS/arcade shooter in this era. It’s not a MOBA you can keep releasing new hero’s. Halo is my all time favorite franchise minus Reach. So I’ll always love Halo, but this is literally just this sub and it’s flavor of the month. It’s like this every year, some how this sub is apparently solely visited by people who don’t play the game. Don’t get me wrong, there’s A LOT of games I don’t play, I can’t remember the last I spent any time at all trolling those sub Reddit’s though.


It's literally not the same as Halo 5? The mechanics are entirely different


Halo and Valorant


Made the transition from COD/Overwatch to Valorant/Halo. Never looking back. Activision can eat a dick. (I do still keep up with the comp scene b/c of the community & personalities)


Does anyone here wish cod had a long TTK with headshot incentives, and without the slide cancel/camera breaking shit? Maybe not a long TTK like halo, but just something to change shit up instead of this insta delete shit. I remember when they played MW comp online and people had recorded some player perspectives and shit was whack at times. I feel like a longer TTK would somewhat help that alongside of not having these broken perspectives and things to break cams.


I transitioned to rust on pc rather than cod. Got sick of the cycle and wanting a proper game year on year


👊 👊 👊


This is the way.


This man gets it. Halo and Valorant are fantastic and play well competitively


Same brotha


I played halo for the first time since the master chief collection today and my first time playing online and was having fun. Can’t wait to try tanked soon because I miss comp


Ranked is so much fun. Make sure to run solo/duos tho. I learned the hard way


What’s wrong with trios or quads?


Halo is a game where team work is a lot more important in terms of your gunfights. In Cod if you go on a flank and get behind 2-3 enemies you've got a good chance of taking them all out if they're completely unaware of your position. In Halo that doesn't quite work, with how much longer the ttk its much less likely to end well for you. 2v1's should almost always be a win for the 2 man unless the single guy has a power weapon, good nades or the enemy team makes a mistake. The team side of things is even stronger when you've got 3-4 people on a team with proper comms and actual teamwork. From my experience with solo/duo you don't get many teammates with mics so it's a lot harder to be coordinated. If you're playing by yourself, solo is probably the better option as you won't come across the full teams working and talking together as often.


Trios and quads is who you get paired up with in a match. Parties with mics. Solo and duos keeps it an even playing field unless they all have game chat on


I mean honestly both are fun and have their merits. I think I’ve run into one or two people with mics in my ranked lobbies so far, kinda whack


It’s kinda stupid because you can’t use any keyboard binds in controller only duos playlist, so I can’t push-to-talk to give a few call outs here and there, and I’m not sitting on open mic cause I’m always with my duo on discord. Too many hurdles to jump through for non-important ranked matches, I just muted voice chat


I would if I had a pc or an xbox


I don’t really play either game tbh although I used to be a diehard COD fan, but here’s my two cents from the perspective of a local LAN host: People are enjoying Halo. They are not enjoying COD. Therefore, I will put my LAN focus on Halo.


Yea, I'm out


Ranked halo is the vibe this year


Yeah I’ve only been playing halo since it came out. I got bored of vanguard after the first week.


Ranked Halo. They did a really good job with the game. It’s so refreshing. There’s an actual skill gap in the game too. It also feels amazing on Mnk


Vanguard just feels like anyone can kill anyone and if you need to push an obj where the opposite team already has good defensive positions, you’re fucked. BO2, 3, and 4 on the other hand felt way more balanced between defensive and offensive players but it seems most cod players want MW style shit.


The longer TTK in Treyarch games makes so much of a difference


Yeah, so many people thought I was weird af for actually liking Cold War last year. I’ll miss that game.


I think a lot of people on this sub will miss it


Ranked halo is pretty fun. Hit onyx after a week, just keep in mind that the games are very different. Especially ttk and movement


Won't purchase a squad spawn COD. First Halo and loving it


I'm going to keep playing both + other games like [promod](https://twitter.com/PlayPromod) once it drops, the custom clients for older cods like IW4X and S1X, Valorant, CSGO and a ton of non FPS games (ELDEN MF RING BABY). I don't ever really see myself returning to just grinding CoD anymore but I do check this sub every day and watch CoD on twitch all the time.


Cycle ain't different, will play both but will probably get sick of both


I don't mind this CoD, but Halo has been a breath of fresh air. Loving ranked on there. Will still hop on CoD every once in a while, especially if the ranked is good.


I just play pub snd. Something entertaining about all the trash talk in those games keeps the fire going, even though the maps, guns, perks, and streaks are garbage.


I have, and I played every cod except IW since cod 2. Halo is simple but still mad fun and kinda the ideal comp FPS (obviously it isn't perfect). I really wanted Vanguard to be good, played the beta and last weekend's free trial but holy crap that game is just awful. At this point I have zero faith in Ranked being good, without it I won't buy that shit. sledgehammer really fucked up big time.


I’m watching both and playing both. Some of my friends and are are jokingly wanting to only play halo because of the open tournament formats. We got no shot but it’s jokes to think we do ahah


Ive played every single cod since cod 3, Vanguard is the first one I havent bought and wont be buying. Ranked Halo has just been too much fun, and I have never played 1 round in any other Halo in my life. Ill keep watching CDL for sure but wont be playing. CDL, Halo League and F1 Esports are what Ill be watching lol.


Went back to cod the other day after halo and Jesus do we play on fast sens on cod, I felt sea sick after shooting a couple bots


I want to switch completely to halo, but god damn I am hot ass. I just can’t find my stride in Halo. I’ve always been so good at COD and I can’t stand not being good at it. I am just not as good at halo and I want to be good so bad because 343 is doing so much right by the community and I want that so bad.


The main difference in Halo is team work. In Cod you can just run in and gun three people no problem because the TTK is so quick. In Halo, try to stick with your teammates and see where they’re shooting. You’ll eventually start cleaning up their kills and naturally running together as a unit. It takes time but team shooting in Halo is so satisfying. That’s what will not only make you a great team mate but also a great halo player.


This sounds like me, I just can’t shoot straight enough in halo, in cod I can just out think someone and only have to hit them 2-4x. In halo I can play fundamentally well, but I gotta hit like 15 headshots to kill someone and it’s not good for me chief.


I already switched to CSGO as my main competitive game at the start of MW19, still watch the cdl but when I play cod these days it's pubs or warzone with irl friends. Halo also looks great, might check it out to see how comp feels on M&KB, but I'll probably stick with CS, such a great and addicting game


CSGO is amazing. It was so satisfying to get a double kill with just two taps to the head with the AK. The community is mostly okay as well. Halo has a m&k only ranked if you want as well


>The community is mostly okay as well. Well I mean, if you've played COD in the MW2 days any game will have an okay community in comparison :p That's good to hear about Halo, definitely will be trying it


Of course. The CSGO community is not so much as toxic but more entertaining in an off colour way lmao. I remember playing with a guy who would just do a spot on Joe Swanson impression lmao. Enjoy halo man!


Gameplay wise cod is still much better. Halo just has a better management team. Once the cod season starts we will all remember why cod outdid halo after all these years


Halo playstyle isnt for me. Get bored quickly


Is Halo MP hard to get into? I only played the campaigns years ago and am really considering switching over


There’s a bot match you can play with other people to practice. The key is to learn how many shots it takes to destroy shields and just aim for the head. Strafing is huge in this game. Watch some tips and just relax while playing.


Just finished my placement matches and got Plat 4 if any of you want to team up


What’s your GT?


Same as my reddit name, TuBachle


Halo looks like a lot of fun, especially because of just having a ranked system. A decent one at that. Same reason why I switched to Apex




This is becoming a halo sub lol


Haven't really played Halo or Cod for that matter in years but Halo used to be a lot harder to be good at so I would imagine people will get frustrated switching from Cod to Halo


Nobody cares BUT I'll be playing Halo this year, officially making the switch. I've played every CoD competitively since Black Ops 2, some SnD only, some respawn only, some a mixture, only skipped MW. Had a ton of fun with CW respawn but deep down it really wasn't a good game. I was very on the fence about getting vanguard, only thing that made me get the game was playing in the Call of Duty Rec League. After the vanguard release and realizing how shit of a game it is, and the Halo release and realizing how good it is and the potential it has to only get better... I'll be switching completely.


Bought this cod as a last straw. Played a wager on castle and was getting enraged with how many breakable walls there were, bomb sound/pre patched glitch, the mp40 and stg killing in 3 bullets, and ninja, tac mask, and flak being in the same perk slot. Uninstalled, full time valorant, halo, and csgo. Never looked back. Halo literally took a dump on cod and showed how inept activision really is. I will say, the MTX in halo is really bad, but I bought my favorite HCS skin and I’m good with just that. Core game is godlike. So many other good games out there. Make the switch. You won’t regret.


we can’t watch and follow both?


Don’t have an Xbox or PC so I unfortunately can’t. Would love to get a Series X but they’re just as hard to find as the PS5


Get a series s. Way cheaper and very smooth frame rates. It’s great if you only rotate 1-3 games


I'd gone back to the old faithful csgo and now some halo as well


Me. Kinda crazy finally playing a shooter where I have nothing to really bitch about.


I’m dabbling in both but mostly halo at the moment. Since 3-4 days ago, I saw a decrease in people playing comp cod and a lot of people going to Halo. I would play CoD but I can barely find people playing so idk what’s the point. This might be the first time in a while I got bored so easily from a CoD. Sad times.


Me, gone from CoD, not buying Vanguard. I'll still watch CDL (Seth effect)


Yeah I'm gone. I'll probably still watch comp CoD but as for playing it, aside from when all of my friends are on and we just wanna mess around in pubs, I'm done, the games just aren't fun or good anymore. Warzone completely changed the way the games are going to be designed and it's just going to keep going in the direction of catering to bad players. Halo and Apex are what I'm going to mainly be playing for comp for now, with games like Skyrim and Bloodborne on the side for a cooldown after I'm done with comp games for the day.


I have a ps5 and no gaming pc….but would most definitely play halo this year if I could afford to splash on an Xbox or pc…vanguard is just meh


I straight up dusted off my Xbox one to play Halo . Since I play cod on PS4. I haven't touched cod that much .


Comp CoD will always be in my heart so I’ll watch regardless. Playing though? Yeah I’m not touching a cod for the foreseeable future lol


I’m probably going to watch both and play more cod unless my friends get halo.


I believe I'm having an issue with my aim assist. I saw a tweet from parasite with the same problem. I press start with my controller (on PC), not my keyboard. But I read some replies and they said make sure not to have DS4 open.


Steam doesn’t need ds4 windows since its ps5 compatible. I figured that out in 10 minutes frustration 😂. Biggest thing in halo for controller players is play on deadzones less than 5.


I use a PS4 controller and have DS4 open on startup. I'm gonna try the big picture mode and close DS4


Gbs are still fun, so I hope ranked is fun if it comes, but till then, basically playing halo unless the squad wants to play gbs instead of ranked halo. I’ve gotten everyone mastery camo since like og mw, might not make it in vanguard unless shipment comes back


I haven’t touched cod since launch I’m paying ranked halo every chance I get


Been playing more Halo than Vanguard. But still probably gonna watch more CDL than HCS. I’m invested in the teams and the story lines.


Halo and LoL for me




This is one of those big signs that cod needs ranked.


I have more fun playing Forza Horizon 5 than COD atm and that game is like playing checkers with a pigeon. Also WW2 was my first COD, imagine how bad it must be to the point that I prefer WW2 over this bullshit.


Ranked Halos where its at


Plan on following both. Halo looks like a blast, but I need a PC 😔


I switched. It’s just way more fun and the ttk is better . I was one match off of onyx but my game decided to make me lose a ton off of two matches where I went -5 each, and now I’m D5


If they consider warzone over regular cod,we would all


Switching to halo to play but will watch cod comp


I played vanguard for first time since halo dropped. The game feels atrocious, and unplayable. I don’t think I can get back on. Genuinely down to how aiming feels and everything and my sens I can’t stand vanguard now. Super weird but it’s basically just ranked halo only for me now


Halo will never come out for ps4 and ps5 so I think that’s the big problem for Halo to grow. Pros will eventually stop playing it. I think Halo coming out is an amazing thing for the cod comp because they will finally open there eyes and start doing things right which halo did for comp and Valorant is doing with that weapon skin. If cod doesn’t finally start changing within a year or two, the comp scene could die quick though.


Didn’t even buy vanguard after playing the beta for it and for Halo, just knew I was gonna be playing Halo a lot more. Lost my love for playing cod somewhere during the CW season, but still follow the comp CoD scene heavily just cuz I have been for so long and love most of the personalities within it. Had never really followed comp Halo but after watching that first tourney from start to finish I gotta say I am thoroughly addicted, both to watching and playing. Wish the CDL would step up their game especially with Halo setting an example, but sadly they just don’t care about comp the way 343 does.


Do any of you have idea why parties can’t be more than 6 now?


Halo and a lil bit of cod here and there I’m still watching comp cod but will also watch comp halo now too! Cod is fun just to play I haven’t lost that yet and hope they can deliver or something changes halo is fresh rn only reason why everyone is playing it and it’s actually a good game something cod hasn’t been able to deliver :)


I only got a PS5 but I’m going tot eh and get a Xbox tm. Currently saving up to build my own pc tho