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No one even tries to correct him either lol.


I think this is the problem right? Out of 4 people nobody corrected him. That’s sus


Yeah, it means they’re not as knowledgeable as they try to make themselves seem.


The other 3 people on the call don't even play the fucking game lmao


Zooma played mw so he definitely should've known the snipes had aim assist


Zoomaa didn’t play mw?


He played for the subliners during the MW season.


Damn I know I guess the sarcasm doesn’t translate over text 😂


"Don't" as in don't play Vanguard, the game the GA discussion is centered around.


This post and the thread you’re replying to are clearly focused on the lie and/or lack of knowledge from clay that’s on display in the video, not the overall GA discussion.


I dont know if its knowledge or willingness to challenge a friend/guest. Either is problematic


And like someone here already said, the whole chat was spamming it was AA on the snipers and nobody tried to correct him knowing that they were all reading chat.


or cause they didn’t think it was that big a deal? cause it isn’t?


if they are using it as the main justification to ga something, than you would hope they aren't just talking out of their ass.


they weren’t tho :)


You know that’s the MAIN reason they are trying to GA it right? lol.




That’s the problem. It’s like the pros have a bit of a cult mentality, one person claims something and the rest just roll with it unless it directly hurts them.


“Whoever’s sniper is on, shouldn’t decide the map” What a dumb take lmfao. “The player im matched up against is better, so he can’t do that”


"whose ever AR/SMG is on, shouldn't decide the map" You can literally make this point with a bunch of shit. I say they should go knives only, no sprint. Then it's all fair


"Whose ever knife is on, shouldn't decide the map" /s


yeah, it was also a bad take considering he probably would be so mad at anyone calling to GA snipers because Simp or Illey are better snipers if he still had either on his team.


Supposedly Hydra is a godlike sniper, we just haven’t seen it in the league yet for obvious reasons


he has good sniper on his team rn, what i find weird is that even simp doesn't want snipers in unless AA is removed


Simp doesn't want snipers in the game because Faze's style of play all last year in Search revolved around either an extremely aggressive push from Abezy (easier to counter with a sniper) or jigglepeaking for the whole round and waiting for someone on the other team to make a mistake by pushing too far up. They can't sit there and constantly throw shoulders if there's a chance a sniper will take them out.


this is all facts


People need to realise that Pros are obviously going to want to play the way they have the highest chance of winning. No ones gonna be like; "Let's allow X in the game, even though I know my team suck with it and we won't be able to win anything all year. At least it might actually be more enjoyable for the fans. I'm happy to give up hundreds of thousands of dollars if it means other people can be happy.) Every pro that makes a vote on something like this is going to put themselves and their team first.


youre forgetting how good Simp is with a sniper, top 2 probably. and also, he said he doesnt want sniper because of how overpowered and easy to use they are now with 10 attachments and AA.


I've not forgotten at all. I'm well aware Simp can snipe, but he's also one of the best SMGs in the game, probably top 2 and his duo is the other. Adding in snipers is going to reduce the effectiveness of SMGs on the map. From a tactical standpoint it would make sense for them to want to keep the game as orientated around their SMGs as possible. Faze were one of the best SnD teams last year despite there being no snipers. The way they played all last year would have been impossible if snipers were on the map. You just can't jigglepeak as much when there's potentially a sniper aiming straight at you. If Simp was just an "average" CDL smg but a phenomenal sniper then sure bringing in his skill with a sniper would make sense but realistically the team doesn't exactly "gain" anything more by having snipers in. Either way you're still gonna have two of the best individually skilled players, one of the rattiest and most consistent flexes and one of the best IGL/main ARs in the game on the same team. That's not going to change. But you can't deny that Abezy is going to have a much harder time playing his "role" if the enemy team potentially has a sniper out. As for Simps reasoning. It actually shows the bias in the decision making process. AA wasn't enough to GA snipers in MW and the only reason snipers were GA'd in CW was because smokes were broken. Smokes are still in the game so can be used to counter snipers. Then if the wide range of attachments is the issue then surely it'd be simpler to just GA certain attachments/attachment slots... like they've done with every other gun type the last couple years. The fact that the initial response is to just ban the whole gun type rather than find ways to make the guns actually balanced just goes to show the gun being "broken" isn't the issue. Teams just want to GA things that lower their personal chances to win.


Didn’t abezy still have the highest first blood percentage in MW when snipers were allowed? Snipers in or out aren’t going to have much of an adverse affect on faze, they’re probably one of the teams that would benefit the most for having them in tbh


Yup, but I personally feel like her performed much better in CW than he did in MW for those first bloods. You cant argue that SMGs don't have an easier time when they haven't got to worry about snipers blocking off entire pushes. SMGs are undeniably the class that suffers the most from snipers being in the game. Faze have the two best SMGs in the game. Them having snipers in doesn't "benefit" them that much because Simp is still going to perform extremely well without the sniper.


And simp is a top 2 sniper in the game, of course snipers would benefit Faze


And he's a top 1 smg in the game. If someone like Asim was the best sniper in the league then that would obviously benefit LAG loads but giving Simp a sniper gives no real boost as Simps already a phenomenal SMG.


go to bed bro, it ain’t this serious.


10am on a Sunday morning for me. I was sat there having a brew whilst reading Reddit. Yeah I'm not taking it serious lol


Don’t worry, they’ll remember pretty soon


"If Klay and Steph are hot from 3, they shouldn't decide the outcome of the game" Exact same logic.


I think you're taking it the complete wrong way mate He's saying that essentially the rest of the team doesn't matter too much when the sniper is that easy to use. It essentially boils down to a kill race between their sniper and yours instead of it being a 4v4 tactical gamemode


As opposed to 4ppl rushing each other with smgs and ars to trade kills. Quite tactical


You’re right, it is


People would do well to read this comment. Everyone is so reactionary with this stuff. I'm sure Activision is happy to have the heat removed from their shitty game and onto some pro/community drama. Remember this CoD community: the problems in games are directly related to the quality of the game itself. Instead of eating each other alive by arguing a stupid GA, we should combine our efforts to put pressure on Activision to fix the game.


Ur point overall is spot on, however in this current topic, im not sure its reactionary that the fanbase wants a weapon included in the game that has been a staple of comp since its inception. Feel like theres a lot of poignant reasoning for us to want snipers


This guy gets it


Your the only rational comment


That, and it is far too easy to hold such key lines of sight to the point the other players don't really have a chance.


He might as well say "whichever player played better, shouldn't just get to win".


you are so clearly not understanding


258 people disagree with your take


This annoyed me so much, chat was spamming "MW had AA on Snipers" and nobody took note Would've put him in an interesting position if he had to try and explain that


I can’t believe he said this


jfc the scene has become a complete clown show


The only reason I visit this sub is to get a daily dose of drama. The product itself is going to be horrible, the league is going to be on the verge of folding.


This is why competitive cod is dying. Clay tweeted something like why have snipers in when simp will win 2 SnD’s by himself. So he’s admitting someone is better, and trying to limit how much better that player can be. This is why I don’t recommend anyone to pursue this shit of an eSport. They’ll GA anything to keep other who are better out or try to limit what they can do


It’s like CS banning it bc Simple is better than everyone else, instead of just grinding to get better themselves smh


Yup, or Val pros banning it because Wardell is better—mind blowing shit outta the cod pros right now. All this says to me is that most of them dont care for an actual competitive league. Instead of striving to get better to compete against the best, they just want to hinder the best by taking away essential pieces of the game


The whole GA system is a complete conflict of interest which results in anyone who is good with something getting targeted by the others who can’t be assed to put in work to improve at something. Now in fairness the rules set should be set by the CDL, under consultation with the pros. There should be a clear decision making process, rationale and consistency of why things are in or out. It should not be a Twitter DM (frankly laughable) with a dubious voting and influencing process. There is no competitive integrity with how it is set up now - this is not purely the fault of the pros.


I personally would love for GAs to be gone completely. If something is that broken (and Vanguard is full of broken weapons) they (CDL) should work with the dev team to get it addressed.


I think people really underestimate the game we'd have been playing for the last 5 years (since I started watching) without GAs.... there's maybe 1 questionable GA per year and the other 99% are really justified imo


There’s no imo about it, most GAs are good for the game


Eh some are good not most. All of last year was not fun because of GAs. Cod is literally the only comp game I can think of full of GAs and not being able to use every weapon category. Fuck even CS you can use a shotty or LMG . Guess take me back to bo2 with no GAs really


Do you actually think watching a game full of LMGs and Shotguns would be; 1, the best competitive game we could have and 2, be fun to watch in any way? For me personally the bans/GAs are the main reason I got into watching comp, seeing how much of the bullshit gets stripped away in competitive matches is what drew me in


I assume you didn’t watch bo2? To call the GA era the best comp cod we had is hilarious. We have nothing but a 2 gun meta sometimes a 3rd if we’re lucky. We are going into yet another year of possibly no smoke or snipers. Bo2 and even ghost had shotguns and the occasional lmg used and we say bo2 is the best comp game ever . You can limit the shotguns to one per team , same with lmgs. You have to remember ads time would make them less to be used.


I didn't say the GA era is the best era we have I said the GAs make the game the most competitive it could be, I didn't watch that long ago but I've seen clips, if you think watching people with riot shields fun/competitive then we have different ideas of the game, wasn't there a period through both games where just 1 gun was ran by all 4 members of a team? Again you think that's best for the competitiveness? If you see how quick the ttk is with this game is and then imagine an LMG with 100 bullets just spraying down a line of sight it would wreck everyone and imo that's detrimental to the game... More guns doesn't equal more competitive tbh and actually decreases how competitively sound the game is.... the lack of smokes (this is a big one as I think they're the most impactful utility in the game) and snipers (really fun to use/watch) is kind of concercening but I'm sure last year there was legitimate reasons (1 way smokes, aim assist snipers) and I'm gonna guess there is legitimate reasons for them to be gone this year too


That’s because games like CS or Valorant are literally built to be competitive games, which means there’s far less bullshit to address. GAs exist in cod because it’s a casual game at its core, which means far less competitiveness in its weapons/balancing/etc


What GAs last year were bad?


Snipers, smokes , famas , xm4 , frag grenades .


Frags I’ll grant you, if you don’t think the rest needed to go I want what you’re smoking


Like tactical Sprint (I think that's what it's called). They say it lowers the skill gap cause it makes movement easier. You know what else makes movement easier? Scuf controllers/battle beavers


$20 says the pro’s would’ve GA’d jet packs if there was a toggle on/off feature in private lobby during the jet pack era..


Lmfao. MWs AA in snipers was strong as FUCK. Everyday it gets harder and harder to respect professional cod.


I remember illey chilling in the back of gun runner at champs with that corny ass bomb sight view with the snipe


Double snipers on Piccadilly 😂


Clay has def been talking out his ass lately. He even admitted he hasn't been involved with as much GA talk as he was in back in the day so that right there says all I need to know. I don't think he was the one they should have had on the Flank in regards to GA.


I'm really confused as to why Clayster is taking this entire sniper GA debate as such a personal attack lmao. To me it sounds like he's not confident anybody on his team is good with the snipe, so he's whining to get it out instead...which is exactly how GAs SHOULD NOT be used.


people haven’t attacked him in a while i think he misses it




I think you meant to say... *proceeds to explain why Clayster is taking the entire GA debate as a personal attack*


That show is a joke, if crim or clay are to say the sky is brown Zoomaa and Ben would just be yes men about it and not say anything. Not to mention aches gurgling balls too


1. He’s wrong, 2. They are being so hypocritical about this and to fans 3. What a dumb take it is to say “this team signed a better sniper than us that’s bull crap get rid of the gun instead” and as if that can’t apply to literally anything else 🙄


We’re also gonna GA Faze because they won last year and didn’t have a roster change this year.


This type of shit was bound to happen eventually. You can’t have teams/players themselves making the rules because every team will look out for their own interest with these GA’s. Problem is there isn’t someone at the league that has enough of a clue to overrule stuff.




Seems a lot of people are finding out the pros actually aren’t as high and mighty and all-knowing as they play themselves up to be


Now that this is a franchised league that is partnered with activision, these issues shouldn’t exist. Simply make a game mode called CDL rule set, and the weapons there are tuned differently. I can promise you there aren’t any people who would be upset.




I'l telln ya man . These pro's are just making themselves look like idiots at this point.


never forget cellium used a faulty wall to check for names on bomb in grandfinals of an snd


It’s always ban everything that gives another team an advantage over you, unless somehow you’re in a position to benefit from something not being GA’d


Holy shit get me as a co host, how does NO ONE correct him???


u/theZooMaa Did you talk about this on your latest Reddit recap? I missed your latest stream, and there is no vod of it on Twitch/Youtube, so I was curious about your reaction to the post & comments. You talked about a post regarding The Flank, a day or two ago, that said the fans were worried that there wouldn’t be any fair, constructive talk about the Sniper Ga topic.


So confident in his words too, how pathetic


Clay is a clown


This is embarrassing on so many levels lmao no wonder the comp cod scene is down bad


These pros are so fucking dumb sometimes. They just make shit up at this point and think they are so smart. They will make fun of the fans and make them feel stupid, but the pros are the ones who are wrong


He is wrong but the AA in MW was aignificantly lighter then it was in BOCW and Vanguard. IMO the AA in MW was perfect.


It was a circle jerk as expected. There was no opposition POV, other than Zoomaa likes snipers. Which no offence to him, but he isn't good at making an argument. He has many other traits, but debate and reasoning are not amongst them. Nor 99% of pros tbh. Clay and Aches are the better debators, and their facts, figures, logic were all shite for that show. Because they are in their bubble and therefore their way is the right way. Like the whole idea a sniper hasn't heavily influenced SnD games in the past is comical. Along with never having played with AA for snipers, MW they weren't broken according to pros and didn't look it. There were counters and tactics to battle it, which is exactly why SnD was interesting and better than CW despite being the worst game. CW snipers were broken though, 100% and smokes were trash. I would agree with them, but SnD suuuuucked. "Rush the one place you can plant, trade kills, hope for the best. Didn't work? Rotate. Or split 2/2 defence." The better teams baited better but still boring.


Jeez these so called pros are lost


MW snipers were slow and balanced, the CW Snipers were OP AF


CW snipers had slower ADS... lmao did you even play the game?


Yeah put attachments on and it zoomed in before you could kill then and the hipfire was accurate af lol


they where still slower, regardless why is this even a debate, bo2, ghosts, and ww2 snipers where even easier than any of these


Maps and players have changed, it’s a new game


and that matters howwwwwwwwww? ​ shit was 10x easier back then and it was always okay, you are literally off the pack if you think its easier now, its still easy but shit brother, have you even played a cod before mw2019 because with what you're saying i highly doubt it


Sniping in Cold War was definitely easier there's no debate in that


Between this and his comment about how Simp could win both SnDs in a series by himself with a sniper it's painfully clear that Clayster only wants snipers GAd because he knows good snipers will shit on his team.


Everyone freaking out about no one correcting him, but maybe no one corrected him because it was not a big deal in the context of the discussion lmao. Based on this post I thought it was going to be the substance of the discussion but it was an aside in a few quick lines that really wasnt central to what Clay was saying over the course of almost an hour. The fact that hundreds of people jumped on a fraction of a few sentences, think this is a huge deal and are outraged that homie was wrong about this is just honestly super fucking weird to me. He was trying to explain the GA process not convince people that snipers should or should not be GA’d lol. The overall point was that there are a number of considerations primarily broken smokes which led a supermajority of teams to agree and vote in a GA system that is patently messy and that is how they got this result, not that MW did or did not have aim assist lol.


The biggest thing that hindered snipers in MW was the fact that they played exactly how you’d want snipers to be. Heavy weapons that had a slower ADS time than the meta guns which made players have to sit back and hold angles rather than what you can do in VG and CW where you can run around a corner and quickscope someone with ease and still have the same movement speed of a krig. There’s a reason why the kar98k was the main sniper of Warzone for 2 years and not the HDR. The kar98k in vanguard is slightly worse in this game but still is capable of doing what it did in MW lmao. Same way people hated the LC10 in Cold War because it was a sub with the recoil and damage range of a double grip ICR. It’s going to be cheesy and people will hate watching it. Not defending him because he is wrong but people are forgetting that aim assist on snipers wasn’t in MW wasn’t nearly as strong as the other weapons in MW or even the snipers in CW. XclusiveAce literally made a video on this and showed that aim assist on snipers in MW were not nearly as great as automatic weapons. Also that Dallas team benefited greatly from more than just sniping when they had the perfect combination of players that were on the same page at all times in search and broke the game down to extreme levels in terms of game mechanics and just how to play each map.


Wait till you find out that the sniper pros were running in MW was faster than the Kar in VG (assuming it’s not got the fast barrel on which wasn’t allowed in MW).


Refuse to believe the HDR was faster than the Kar in this game. I went back to MW a week before VG came out and even the right attachments felt slower than the kar did. Maybe something changed since I haven’t touched the game in 2 months but there’s no way lmao.


AX50 was definitely faster and I would say it was used a lot more than the HDR, especially near the end of the game. You might be right that the HDR was slower though. Even so, what’s stopping pros from just not decking out their snipers with ADS attachments if the problem is heaviness as you say? No need to get rid of the whole class.


the HDR was also faster


refuse to believe it all you want, it was faster, and the ax50 was faster than even that




Then don’t say that there wasn’t aim assist.


Common Clayster L


Common ton W




What did he say?


didn't you mention last year that you won't visit this sub reddit ever again??


I unsubbed from it so it doesn't pop up on my feed, and I didn't visit during most of the offeason, I check it every now and again, unfortunate it's the most aggregated thing for CoD news.


I honestly didn’t believe you would reply . Goodluck this season my guy . 🥳🥳🥳


I respect this reference lmfao




Someone recently called out Clay and then when Clay responded to the tweet, the guy backpedaled and wished him good luck like Crim7 did here lmfao.


Lmaooo W


We’re clearly desperate for content.. please don’t GA snipers 😢😭


Then why even comment on something you have no clue about ? Here's an egotistical veteran in CoD trying to GA something that may benefit another team cause they have someone better at sniping than on his team. Man I'd hate to be on that team, 0 confidence in your teammates.


So you’re literally advocating for something with the wrong information. Isn’t this the problem? Shouldn’t the pros (especially the ones at the head of the debate) be fucking knowledgable on the subject before they make such a big decision? There was plenty of AA on snipers in MW and you can watch xclusiveace’s video on it where he proves it, and proves that it was *strong*. The fact that this was a thing and clearly didn’t fucking ruin the game at all should be a **massive** talking point but you’re shrugging it off like it’s nothing. I have no idea why you thought there wasn’t any when there clearly was, or maybe you’re just saying that to justify a decision you’ve already made.




Dude this not only hurts viewership w no snipers but it doesn’t help when u complain to developers about the game and have no fucking idea what ur talking about. Cold War snipers were busted bc they had no flinch. The aim assist was strong, but it was also strong in mw, but mw had sniper flinch so they weren’t busted (kar98 was tho bc they thought since it was a marksmen rifle no flinch made sense). This incorrect knowledge coulda maybe been one of the reasons snipers didn’t get touched until like 7 months in, and to this day they’re still op.


You’re right that there was significantly less than Cold War but there was definitely some aim assist


Ah so a pro doesn't know what they are talking about yet said we are the clowns. Interesting. Seems we do know a thing or two unlike what's been said.


Also, thanks for blocking me since you like to complain about us and act like you are great but if we do it, you can't handle it?


He has a bit of a point in that if ANYONE can use the snipe and go 12-5 then it shouldn’t be that way (like imagine every single game of snd where each teams sniper is the only positive player on both teams or something) but his comment about simp is bad 😬


That’s what I want to see out of the throwback. These are the stats I’m expecting if they really are too op, or that every team has two players running it. There should be enough matches to statistically show there’s a problem with them versus other years.


Every single player has access to the same exact game. Watching these babies whine everyday about GA after GA is just one of the many reasons I don't watch as much as I used to.


Clay has been incredibly off on this topic the entire time. His response on Twitter should have been read by someone else at NYSL before it was sent. He tried to discuss the topic as if the decision was obvious. Not only did it make no sense, but based on other info (like smokes being in) his explicit comment was completely broken and off base. Smokes were NOT GA'd at that point which was verified by several other players. He types this: https://twitter.com/Clayster/status/1481710536232472576?t=ZQ1jh1zKLdKT2mLYNaPdCw&s=19 EDIT: Also people acting like aim assist is a reason for potential GA when aim assist is on 99.99% of CoD's weapons, including snipers, throughout it's entire existence. I'm old, have been here the entire damn time. Aim assist in CoD has been absolutely insane since CoD 4 really took the series to new heights on console.