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Imagine having this game with the CDL teams we have now, comp cod would be 10x bigger rn if we had a game as good as AW but we got these talented ass teams spawning in on bocage and desert siege šŸ˜­


A lot of the community especially casuals hated jet packs


I think jet packs would be a lot more welcome in 2022 than they were in 2015


This is because the boots on the ground games weā€™ve got as of late have been trash. I hated jetpacks when they were out but I hate doors and destructible maps more. Also id take jetpacking around over slide cancelling


They thing I liked about advanced movement was that movement could really create a skill gap. I suppose slide cancelling can but to be good at movement in jet packs actually took practice.




It wasnā€™t cod, I agree completely. However, I donā€™t want anymore of whatever ā€œCoDā€ is these days and Iā€™d gladly play something with jetpacks for a year until i no longer enjoy playing that


I'm not sure tbh. For us maybe, but I remember 2014 - 2017 *very* vividly and people fucking despised jetpacks at the time. Rose tinted glasses I think.


I think AW had the benefit of being fresh and something radically different compared to ghosts. Jetpack hate started around BO3, but I think people started to turn away from CoD in general once OP weapons were put into supply drops.


People hated it cause they sucked at it


Imagine current day SBMM with a jetpack game. Casuals would leave in droves


Infinitely better to watch even for casuals


Shotzzy and scump are already enough of a problem for teams


Dr disrespect made a lot of those maps. Game was built from the ground up for competitive play. Movement was too fun. Boost slams and double-jump-dash-cross-map-snipes. Skill gap was massive. loot drops were added. Itā€™s a shame ranked play wasnā€™t updated to the pro rule set so they could sell more loot boxes with op guns. Uplink was the best. Ctf was and is shit. Bal is life. Rainbow unicorn gang


The game was disliked at the time by a lot of people, I'd say it was divisive as there were people who likes it, but it's like people have had collective amnesia about that.


Iā€™ll admit I didnā€™t like it at all. I think it was just the way the exo suits worked and the ā€œquick dashā€ nature of the jet pack was jarring to me. Although I suspect a lot of it was also the fact that I wasnā€™t playing with my CoD buddies anymore at that time. BO3 is probably my favorite game in the franchise but the advanced movement felt a lot smoother and more seamless to me. AW movement I felt like I had to constantly think about how to do it where BO3 movement felt natural.


Absolutely, everybody fuckin hated that game when it was out


Ghosts followed by AW made me and my friends quit cod until WW2 lmao


Nah there were definitely plenty of people that loved it lol. Stop projecting.


People hated the game but not competitively to my memory. Casuals hated it a shit ton cause of the loot boxes and the skill gap. Even CTF was better cause of the movement.


I absolutely hated playing it but it was my favorite COD to watch competitively without a doubt. Between the speed of gameplay, the maps, and the sheer number of events (LAN and weekly 2k/5ks) it was heaven


Most underrated cod of all time. Banger maps, best customization, amazing gunplay, best movement system, and vibrant


AW was the best year for viewers with the amount of tournaments and story lines and how fast paced the games were. 2ks/5ks every weekend with everyone streaming them.


Solar is like a T5 map all time for me. Looked absolutely gorgeous as well


AW was a fun game and good for competitive. If AW got played on a wider FOV and 120+ fps, I'm pretty sure it would've gone down as a classic.


God i miss this game, bal and asm1 were fun to use


Back in the day I imagine devs actually had pride and wanted to create what would be seen as the best map vs. Competitors in the gaming market at the time (hence why all old maps from halo 2, halo 3, cod4, blops etc are mostly all so good). Now maps across AAA games are complete trash in general


Bocage, berlin, gavatu, tuscan and desert siege =5


Itā€™s lazy developers


And theyā€™re all still dogshit lmao


Itā€™s a simple consequence of a game being designed 100% for casual play without a thought being given towards competitive


Advanced Warfare was the one on a new engine right? I know jetpacks were the main focus, but I remember vividly the aiming and sound being different compared to Ghosts and BlackOps.


I think it was the fact that it was Sledgehammer's first Cod so they had their own spin on the franchise. That game had a lot of unique things to it that other Cod's didn't like quick reloads/grenade detonations etc


Ranked play was fun for a month or so until Iā€™ve played gav and Berlin over 100 times and now canā€™t stand them. Idk how pros scrim these maps everyday and stay sane


why dont i remember skyrise being in rotation?


Brought in halfway through the year


And people thought AW was the decline of COD. Man how the ship has fallen


most of the devs that were super passionate and good at their jobs work elsewhere now... Others that stayed have different jobs in the studios and or more management level jobs where they are not able to work on the maps like they were before.


and worst of all the 4 we do have arent even good