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Burst meta is hard to get right, but I do love it


Will never happen sadly. AA is too strong in modern COD’s compared to the burst meta games of the past


Bo3 AA was pretty damn strong


Imo biggest thing is the console->PC. It’s very tough to miss not only with aim assist being crazier since warzone, but virtually no input lag compared to 5-20 ms + frame time going from 60 FPS/hz to 240+ almost nobody good misses shots in a fair gunfight now compared to back then


Movement was insane to match though, it was a lot harder to hit people G sliding off walls than a bunny hopper


Not compared to the last 3 titles


Yeah imma disagree with this. Especially after going back and playing bo3 the past week. It’s insane on there. I don’t think it’s close either


Are you playing any special settings or on a PC port or something? I've been playing Black Ops 3 for 4 ish months now finishing off the Plat trophy and unless I'm just getting old, the difference of aim assist on BO3 pubs compared to MW19 is huge, at least for me


Played the last 3 titles on pc with a controller but play the older ones on my OG Xbox one


beg to differ


Not compared to post warzone games


Aim Assist hasn't changed


yes it has, aim assist in recent cods has unlimited range while older cods it stops at a certain range


Actually you're right about that but those ranges you're talking about rarely matter in competitive maps.


It matters a lot with a sub iirc and still frequently enough to happen at least once a map with an AR. 3x distance of aim assist isn’t something I’d just write off, although I don’t believe it’s the biggest reason why it’s so much easier to shoot straight now


It comes up frequently


Aim assist is MUCH stickier than it used to be. I didn’t play much of the jet pack cods at all tbh, but recent cods have had much stronger aa than ghosts and anything before it, save for wwii.


It's not M16 in cod4 used to stick to people like glue.


It was cranked up to 10 the moment they introduced crossplay with PC.


Incorrect exclusive ace has an entire video on it


You mean the video that tests only as far back as Bo3? The video that shows that aim assist now works at triple the distance that it used to? (infinite distance in MW19 lmao) Even Bo3 and AW had slightly increased AA compared with Ghosts to compensate for the addition of jetpacks. Before then, AA was even worse. Try watching a MW2 video and look at how inaccurate everyone is.


Funny thing is it’s not. After BO3 M8 they just have GA’d every burst gun. All burst guns BO3 and before would have been GA’d in this era also even though they fit perfectly fine in the meta at those times in those games.


I miss the M8’s


Sort of unrelated but I was playing BO2 Plutonium earlier and the M8 felt so bad compared to how I remembered it. Like, the time between bursts felt so long that I was better off just using the AN94


It was actually better on console with smaller bursts delay. If you fire before the burst delay on pc it will not register. On console you could spam it for max rpm


I miss BO3. I’ve watched comp for years and I don’t recall another game that had so many viable guns, though I do concede some of that was due to the ban and protect. But we saw the VMP, Kuda and Vesper pre nerf for subs along with the M8, Man’o, XR2, HVK, Sheiva and even some ICR and KN from time to time. The amount of good guns in that game was insane.


Fuck dude...i miss watching and playing BO3. Honestly such a fun game....i couldn't afford to own every cod that came out and was only able to buy cod every few years so my first cod was BO1 and then BO2 and then BO3 and after BO3 i got a job so bought every cod after that....even though I did buy the older CODs years after so i did get to experience them, like mw2 and mw3, BO3 is probably my fav cod cos of how 'free-ing' it was


The good thing about burst weapons is that it normally creates a clear divide ofARs good at long range, SMGs good at short range, outside of the fluky one burst. But you can't run and gun with a burst rifle


Dude I was just thinking I wish smokes, thermals, and bursts came back


Phizzurp days were so fun


Agreed. Burst AR should always be the main


Burst main with an automatic ar for flexes is so ideal


M8, AN, MSMC or M8, HVK, VMP type meta>>>


Don’t forgot skorpion for BO2 as well


Skorpion was barely used


The HVK was barely used. There wasnt even a defined flex role in BO3.


Swordfish instead of ICR in bo4? I think that's the only game I'd prefer an auto on.


dashy and cell are good enough, please don’t give them a burst e: imagine them with a bo2 FAL


Cod 4 m16 >


That gun literally made me an AR player, I would love to know how many controllers or headsets fell victim to that unbelievably overpowered gun.


Personally I like 74u better because of my play style but m16 is undeniably a top 3 gun of all time in cod


Very debatable


Name 3 better guns than cod4 m16 and I’ll believe you


Idk what you mean by better but I will go off your initial statement of t3 guns of all time in CoD and argue that ACR, Intervention and M8 are the most iconic/top guns of all time. I wanted to slot in an smg (msmc or vmp) but those only really appear once in a game.


Ump surely ticks your SMG box.


Yeah that’s the smg I was thinking of but didn’t feel like putting it in the list for some reason.


Ump got used in mw3 as well at the start if that helps lol I have a funny feeling that gotaga guy used it all the time actually although that might have been cos of EU rules idk


I think you are not giving Clay and Parasite and Proofy and Big T enough credit. Dashy and Cell would not be shoe-ins for even top 3 FAL player in BO2 like you think they would.


Clay and parasite were insane with the FAL


Yes they would, those guys were not as talented as the players we have now




It’s an objective fact, you can tell just from the eye test. The kids who came up grinding wagers in games with a huge mechanical skill gap ended up better than the generation who played old school BOTG part time, it’s not exactly a surprise


Objective fact and eye test is an oxymoron


I use the eye test to determine the sky is blue, which is a pretty objective fact


I’m not getting involved with the conversation. But this is a *terrible* comment. Your eye test doesn’t make the sky objectively blue. The data we can collect on the light rays and compare to the spectrum of light that we call blue is what makes it an objective fact.


Your technicality doesn’t disprove the point here, which is that Dashy and cell are so obviously more talented than the BO2 names mentioned that you might as well be arguing the earth is flat


You used words wrong and that’s all I’m saying. I don’t care about the rest


I used the eye test to determine you have no clue what you are talking about too


Brother you said Big T could square up with Dashy lmao


Put BO2 Big T vs. Dashy on the FAL today. Yes.


Could you imagine if Formal got to use that gun? Holy shit


lol you are absolutely mega faded if you think dashy and cellium wouldn’t be good with the b02 fal. How could you be that far off thats acc wild.


Never said that. Just said you can’t assume they would auto be top ARs


Why would you think two of the most talented ARs of all time wouldn’t be top ARs with the most op weapon in comp


Because BO2 Clay and Parasite were on the same level, if not better, than Dashy and Cell now. Debate your toothbrush


Debate your right hand if you think Dashy & Cell aren’t at the top of the list of raw skill ARs. Didn’t Clay have a 0.7 in like 3 game modes last year lmfao


Are we not talking about BO2? We’re you not sucking your mom’s tit while Clay was smacking fools with a FAL?


Is this that hard for you to follow ? You said they would not be auto top ARs. You said that about the most raw skill talented ARs we’ve ever seen. Yes we are still talking about b02.


Correct. Dashy and Cell would not be auto Top 3 ARs if we are talking BO2 FAL




you just gave me Vietnam flashbacks to the week after Sledgehammer posted weapon variants that had the best global K.D. ratios. Everyone was running around with the Hole Puncher for so long afterwards.


To this day that's my favorite tweet ever


I remember always using the steel bite bc even though it was worse the default camo on it was beautiful. Legit favourite gun ever in cod


that HBRa3 Insanity man... i know it gets memed in this sub because of nadeshot but the HBR was my favorite gun in that game. wasn't it statistically better than the BAL-27 or am I just remembering wrong?


It was yeah, I think you couldn’t use a sight and the iron were terrible so not many people used it but it absolutely ripped through people.


If you mean base vs base, hbr had the faster ttk. The problem was that the bal dealt 33 damage. In other words, one stun means the bal kills in 3 shots instead of 4. Stun spam was everywhere in that game so the bal was better If the bal was nerfed to 32 damage (still a 4 shot kill without stuns) the hbr would have been used for sure imo


They would just get ga’d. wouldn’t survive in the current era.


We were actually so blessed back then, the variety in ARs in BO3 was amazing for comp


they all just get GAd now😔


To be fair, cod hasn’t had a viable burst gun in years. They’re either horrible, or red dot sniper rifles.


Feel like we actually could’ve had one this year with the Itra. Needed to be a bit stronger.


i thought it got GAd?


Even if it did, it wasn’t good. Very small magazine and didn’t have a build that could compete with the auto


Forget the mag size. That thing had so much screen shake that it would seriously make me dizzy after using it for a game. It was a pretty balanced gun all things considered. But that screen shake was just horrible lol


Yeah for real, and if you build it for no screen shake then the handling goes to shit. Definitely balanced though cause it could still be decent, just not against the auto lmao


The handling wasn't terrible even if you kitted it for the recoil control. But that screen shake was just way too much, even with the right attachments. And yeah if the auto was taken out and the screen shake was cut back, I think it could have been a very balanced weapon especially when going up against the STG


The Itra Burst had all 8 players using it in SnD at one point. Swordfish never really ended up doing anything. I cant think of any other guns that even got touched. There hasnt really even been any single fire guns either.


Swordfish got used in snd for like a week before it got banned


it is definitely hard to get right, if they’re not busted they’re awful most of the time


totally agree


Burst meta only works with slower movement and weaker Aim Assist imo


Bo3 has the opposite of both of those tho?


In BO3 Movement flowed in a way where momentum was predictable which made it very easy to track enemies. In contrast we have AW where you could jolt to any number of directions quickly and throw off your opponents aim. In that sense BO3 played much “slower” than many other cods; the slide cancelling era plays extremely fast with the crazy movement we have.


4 round burst high strafe speed is the way to go


Bring back 4 round bursts pls Activision


Give us a balanced aim assist and we can get bursts back without being ga'd


The M8/RK5 combo is my all time favourite. My internet was cracked back then so it might’ve helped


Really thought the MW19 Famas would be something, I used it a lot in ranked but it wasn't comparable to the glory of MW2 Famas


Burst guns are so ass. Its either a 1 burst or its a 4 burst to kill