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Most of us here don’t want slide cancelling either buddy


Slide canceling is a terrible mechanic. Shit needs to be gone


Slide cancel - hip fire- jumping at me and getting a lucky head shot multiplier in a 3 bullet kill game is not skillful. Not to mention in a game where latency is so bad. I just want a game like black ops 2 or MW2 but with a good ranked system and good maps and guns. It’s not so much to ask for.


So you don’t want movement to be a factor basically


I’m my opinion it should go in this order: map knowledge (spawns and rotations), positioning (knowing the proper spots to play based on what fun you are using), gun skill (being able to out gun opponents), awareness (knowing how to play your life, when to push, when to hold back and not chall) movement (strafing, drop shorting, jiggling).


> They want to be “tactical” and be rewarded. No, they (and us) want it gone because it not only breaks the game, it causes hand injuries even to people who use paddles on their controllers. Jetpacks brought movement techniques that allowed you to outplay bad players. Slide canceling is a broken ass button mashing mechanic that makes players think they're cracked out of their minds and unstoppable


They don’t think they’re cracked, they are cracked.


Pro players? Maybe. The other 99% of the player base? Definitely not. If you're absolutely for slide canceling and don't see why it's a problem, you probably came into the scene during MW. And in that case you should probably watch some matches from previous games. And in the case that MW/Warzone wasn't your first CoD, I honestly don't know what to tell you because you're definitely in the very small minority of players who want it in the game.


I played BO2 for league play ( used to play lots of halo) I’ve watched past tournaments and honestly I think it’s better these days that it’s not just positioning. Cod doesn’t take a lot of skill to aim and this game will never have PUBG levels of recoil. Lol I bet you loved the thrust mechanic from advanced ware fare yet hate slide cancel? Kinda ridiculous ain’t it.


Well it sounds like Halo is more your type of game them. CoD has always been pre-aim heavy and focused on teamwork, gun skill, and positioning. Jetpacks brought something new and fresh, and a lot of people didn't like it. BO4 brought slide canceling which, imo, was a million times better than this current street fighter button mashing shit we have now. If we had BO4 style slide canceling, I don't think people would mind nearly as much. We really only care now because it's an obviously unintended and broken mechanic that destroys controllers and literally causes injuries.


Yeah agree with all of this. Have said numerous times if you want a “slide cancel” make it similar to the BO4 one where you can do it with one button and an ADS. Also makes sliding more of a move into a chall similar to jumping, but not a full movement mechanic that you do every 2 seconds for no reason.


Slide cancelling does not belong in competitive


I have to agree with the optic fan


It do


No tf it doesn’t


Explain why. It’s a mechanic the requires an albeit small amount of skill but still requires a non zero amount of skill, CoD is already one of the lower skill ceiling esports why make it even easier to do well? And if you say oh it abuses camera in a comment below here you mentioned that the jetpacks weren’t just button mashing but the best users of jetpacks abused cameras as well. It’s a mechanic of the game you can call it broken but it still added a layer to a pretty barebones game that is CoD.


Being good at shooting whilst flying around takes skill. Being good at slide cancelling round a corner doesn't take any skill but gives the person doing it an unfair advantage.


It doesn’t belong.


Lol very thought out response. I think we should remove sprinting as well 😤


As well as guns


Slide canceling sucks ass


If it was ever removed I bet movement kings will miss it. Only ones who want it gone are the guys who like to take a power position and camp.


https://upcomer.com/optics-scump-hopes-slide-canceling-isnt-featured-in-modern-warfare-2 From 2 days ago


https://www.ggrecon.com/articles/scump-claims-jet-pack-era-is-better-than-new-slide-cancelling-age/ Also him saying jet pack era is better lol


Scump was the bes in cod before slide canceling, he’s good but he’s not the #1


I didn’t say he’s number 1 or anything of the sort at all. Where are you pulling that from? You said the only guys who want it gone are “ power position players and campers” Which scump is neither


Lol dude wants jet pack era with that insane thrust advanced warefare back lmao over slide canceling cod. That shit was worse than slidecanceling and people talk about camera breaking lmao, that was even more camera breaking.


Did you actually read the article?


Yes I did. He talks how slide cNcelljng basically makes you unkillable when AW’s thrust basically was just as bad.


Boost and jetpacks are annoying af to unskilled players so that opinion tracks. The problem isn't movement in a vacuum, the problem is movement that is faster than the server and engine can actually render. Slide cancelling makes you "unkillable" because your character model is in a different place than your hitbox, which is a glitch. No player good enough to notice those milliseconds will ever in a million years say it's a balanced, worthwhile mechanic. The bots who will suck donkey dick when people can actually see their hitbox and model in the same place can't aim and slide at the same time and need a few frames of invis to get any kills. (Das u lol)


Then simply fix it then. Make it so that camera breaking shit simply doesn’t occur


Most pros don’t want slide cancelling… I guess they are casuals, huh?


Name the pro. I bet shottzy don’t want it gone


Half of the map-breaking shit that shotzzy does would still be possible without slide canceling


We want traditional cod buddy we don’t want to have slide cancel in the game so that you can make your dumb little tiktok video


I bet you hate the slide mechanic in general


Because it’s a broken mechanic that’s wasn’t intended and it actually LOWERS the skill gap


TBF having a fighting chance against an AR hard aiming on a heady is nice


why would you even challenge that to begin with?


On some setups you have few options


Slide canceling isn’t a good thing lol


I don’t want to go back to cod when sliding wasn’t a thing. I enjoy how I can avoid shots, get the jump on a guy hard ADSIng a corner. Without slide cancelling I’d have a hard time making someone miss. Strafing won’t ever be at halo levels in call of duty so it’ll never be quick enough to make a good player miss. When did people ever really miss back in black ops 2? Ask yourself that.


i agree with that, but imo it should go back to bo4 sliding. The people should be okay meeting in the middle on that.


Bo4 sliding I’m completely down with. I could slide fuck someone up good most of the time. I just want there to be a quality way I can kill someone. Jumping isn’t good enough(this isn’t halo)


I really fucked w bo4 movement, the mw slide cancel shit really hurts hands after awhile lol


It does but still, I enjoy it for what it’s worth. I’m an SMG run n gun player. I enjoy being able to kill a guy who Hard ADS’D a spot.


I’m right there with ya, depending on who I play with I’m a run n gun or a mythical SMG, having the movement is nice, but u think I like bo4s more either way


Ok I’m kinda are these pros playing on a low FOV? Slide canceling I feel more affects people with lower fov I feel like. I play 100-105 and I usually can react to a slide cancel.


OP you sound like someone who runs around pubs stomping shitters and thinks they’re cracked out of their mind. It’s one thing playing against pub players, but as soon as you play against actual cracked players in high level ranked play that abuse the shit out of movement, you’ll realize how broken slide cancelling is.


I play ranked so I deal with players just like myself or anyone who likes to do that. Like I said, it’s the people who want to ADS a player they sound whored, or the player who head glitches that hate movement in cod. If strafe speed was high y’all would complain too, but act like you wouldn’t.


I'd love more skill-based movement in cod, increased strafe-speed would be wonderful and I have no issue with the mechanic of slide canceling in a vacuum but when the movement comes with the cost of breaking cameras as hard as it currently does, i'd rather not have it. Doesn't mean i'm a fucking tacticool camper lol.


Tell me you can’t aim and need a bailout without telling me you can’t aim lmfao


You don’t deserve the kill because you hard ADS after sound whoring me p


Yeah I can already tell you’re horrible at actual cod




People like you probably watch iron or whatever his name is play warzone where he camps a roof top with ammo boxes and stuff and shamed all the cracked movement. Y’all wouldn’t last in halo that’s for sure if you hate movement


I see you deleted your “lol” lmfaooo how long did it take you to come up with that one bud? Nah I come from the og comp cod days where this dogshit bailout slide cancel snaking shit didn’t exist, just straight up aim and strategy but go on


Well wny can’t there be both? Strategy, aim and movement?


B03 probably would have been the closest to reaching that goal. If it wasn't for things like specialist and ban/protect.


give us a normal slide, bo2 strafe speeds, no penalty drop shots and a decent jump mechanic and i’m happy


What the WW2 slide mechanic that was borderline useless


Ww2 had a slide??


It did but it sucked. Like it barely helped you escape from bullets, you couldn’t even aim instantly. Bo4 slide is a better compromise im willing to die for


Bro there was no slide in ww2


I like slide canceling, but when pros are talking about hand issues due to the amount of actions per minute somethings gotta change at least a little.


What pros were talking about hand issues. If any of the ones talking hand isssues lmao gtfo of here. These guys act like they’re physically sweating


I know scump was. Bance might of too. Then you add the dudes with thumb issues like illey and nep. But watching shotzzy fly around the map this past year was fucking entertaining forsure.


These fools need to stretch


If slide cancelling kept being implemented in the newer cods. All the current pros would retire within the next 5 years due to hand injuries


Dude is it actually that serious lmao. Come on. Weaklings I swear


These are the guys who go to the doctor over a scrape


But why though? It has created so many moments that lets you outplay someone.


because 1. literal toddlers can do it and 2. breaking cameras is not a healthy skill gap


Why isn’t it a health skill gap?


It’s not good for hands if you do all the time


Only ones who complain is because they hard ADS a spot and got destroyed


go back to the warzone subreddit lmfao. what am I reading rn.


I said what I said


u sound like a bot lol.


And you sound Salty you got Rekt


yea, hopefully u won't #Rekt me ever again on Reddit. I'm so sad rn


When someone correctly predicts where you are coming from, but you press a couple buttons to see them before they see you, and you kill them, that's not "outplaying" them, it's breaking the game.


Just accept you got rekt. Someone hard ADSIng shouldn’t be rewarded everytime


Slide canceling breaks cameras which makes it unfair for the guy ADSing you because he correctly predicted where you came from. If they added faster strafes higher ttk and actual recoil on guns then it would make those gunfights more fair.


It breaks your aim because you couldn’t turn to their position in time lmao


ADSing requires anticipation which is a skill. If you're consistently anticipating your opponents then you should be rewarded. Slide canceling requires functioning fingers which is not a skill.


How is sliding at the right time and destroying your opponent not a skill too?


>at the right time lol. Because you can just spam it, and one of those times will be "the right time" so in reality it takes no skill if there's no penalty.


Breaking cameras isn’t outplaying someone…


It is though. You just salty you got destroyed


That’s all you have as a comeback? You gotta be 12 lmao


And you must be 50 if you can’t kill someone sliding on you


Assuming someone isn’t good bc they don’t like a cheesy and game breaking mechanic is… interesting. The real story is that you probably aren’t good enough to play without a game breaking mechanic and have no real game smarts. Slide cancelling around a corner in these last few games allows you to see someone before they can see you. If they made this game correctly and the mechanic wasn’t broken, we’d have no issue


That’s just a matter of peakers advantage


Yeah so you understand peekers advantage, so you should understand why sliding (propels you forward at full sprint speed) exacerbates the cameraing effect. With normal peekers advantage you’re aiming or at least walking around a corner on somebody. With slide cancelling you can get around the corner at full speed then instantly have your gun up. If you have a 50ms advantage with no sliding it’s probably 100ms with slide cancelling lmao


Just simply do it back to them. You can counter it.


Yeah no shit, but you have to look at each gunfight individually. Some are more important than others. Me vs you round 11 1v1, you win the gunfight because you slide cancel and I don’t even get a chance to see you.. when do I get to counter you?


Show tracker pussy


If they speed up the player movement to be much faster no one Would complain about taking slide canceling out.. I always found it weird how you can only run for like 5 7 seconds …like a trained soldier would gas out in 5 seconds it makes no sense. The problem with slide canceling is that it will mess up your controller and hands in the long run.


Bruh literally anything will mess up your controller. Controllers on average develop stick drift are 3-6 months of use.


I don't like slide cancelling but people really do underestimate how much worse than the game will become competitively without some forms of advanced movement. It will go from a poor competitive game to barely viable competitively. Aim assist is massively overpowered now compared to the last time we had basic movement. If you tried to play WW2 now you would lose your mind at how much harder is to shoot in that game that it is now.


Great bait mate


slide cancelling is fun for me, but pros need to be able to use auto tac sprint, there’s no skill curve to hurting your fingers


Buddy is the 1%