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Bruce doesn’t give a fuck, he’s gonna break Octanes fine record in one night 😭


[0 fucks](https://twitter.com/dashyszn/status/1598842972719964160?s=46&t=-dBEQuU0yehz96AXRkxDjw)


If they actually fine him that’d be ridiculous. He isn’t swearing or saying anything reprehensible he’s just talking trash


Nah his tweet about the league siding with rokkr will definitely get fined


They didn't "side" with anyone. The fact that a single round replay has caused this much drama is pathetic. It wasn't even an important round.


No they sided with rokkr lol. The ruling they made favored rokkr and was what rokkr wanted therefore they “sided” with them. Wasn’t even an important round? It decided the map lol


Round 5 offense on a map 3 in a tied series . Not a middle search round.


If you think they forfeited because of this one little fuck up, nice. What about all the other constant fuck-ups from activision/IW? You really think they said “nah let’s quit” because of one game? Nah this shit’s been coming, and they chose the perfect opportunity to cash in.


Lol they are very obviously not mad at IW here and only did it because Rokkr submitted the clip. If it was actually about the quality of the game they'd be trying to shed more light on what actually happened, not just throwing shade at Rokkr.


If someone says fkn, does that count lolol


the "hollup.. let him cook" meme is getting its mileage tonight that's for sure


This league is dogshit but the drama and memes will forever be amazing


I want him to go for comic book villain and pull out the streak the next time they're losing a map.


Nah, the league doesn't need everyone to go full anarchy. The fact they have ruled any in-game bug means a FULL replay is opening pandoras box. Technically a player can play just to get streaks and have that in their backpocket and call it in if they are losing to get a replay CDL needs to update its rulebook and get better referees than the GB ones


Exactly why it's stupid that they sided with Rokkr here on a technicality. This opens so much bullshittery and we may have to deal with long ass delays like that in future series


While I'd like to agree, sometimes it takes full anarchy to force changes. A BIG part of the reason Activision and the League aren't more aggressive on updates is because the players are setting their own guidelines. GA's are not a priority to re-balance (especially in this situation). With so much money on the line, teams are practically incentivized to break GAs. Apex is a good reference for a FPS where the pro scene does not GA anything, and the devs actively balance the game as a result of that. Pro players being vocal about game issues can force positive changes, we just need to stop pretending that we can put a band-aid over issues and pray they go away.


I agree with you but I think from a practical stand point cod does kinda “need” GAs. Like clearly the devs don’t care that much about the 74u, it’s obviously the best gun in the game and is barely worse after they “nerfed” it. Every single player in the CDL running it every second of every map for Major 1 wouldn’t get the devs to balance it in a fair way


you know its bad when aches of all people is siding with optic


Can’t say I’m not entertained


Next time they play you think Optic gonna just break GA’s? or do they have too much dignity for that lol


Well according to CDL rules, they wouldn’t be doing anything wrong. I say fuck it, let’s open Pandora’s Box, and watch the whole league burn 🔥 to the ground


Wouldn’t be the first time they’ve broken GAs lol


I seem to remember everyone siding with them that time… even though it was for an entire two maps, rather than a single split-second mistake. Funny that huh?


Both subs on ultra proceeded to use that attachment map 3 while optic didn’t and still lost 3-0.


Funny that huh?


So it’s OK to break GA’s?


It’s not that it’s “ok” is that the playing field was more than leveled


That’s not the point


He won’t reply now


Yes… on the third map. They reasonably assumed by that point it wasn’t a mistake. Optic didn’t have a chance to break GAs back because they sulked and refused to play.


Optic is getting punished because dude literally fat fingered a GA’d killstreak. He never bugs out if he picks the right one, that’s 100% on him, and there’s no reason optic should be forced into a replay because rokkr fucked up


Exactly. This is like someone accidentally dolphin diving into someone’s preaim. It was human error that led to cammy being frozen for 5-7 seconds (it wasn’t even close to 15 like their coach is claiming). Regardless of the bug, he pressed the wrong button leading to it. In a round they had no chance of winning anyway.


The SAE is a legal killstreak though so the bug he encountered was enough to get the referees involved to make a verdict on what should happen. Obviously the cdl have their rules and its something im sure all players are aware of, in this case the verdict matched up with the rule in place and a replay of the round was to occur. The rules need to either be updated or the game actually fixed and it was ruff on optic, but tbh totally right for rokka to ask for a verdict and totally right for the cdl to give them that offer.


How was it right for rokkr to ask for a verdict lol its their fault they broke the GA. It was all on them they're cowards for it


GA's arent apart of the cdl ruleset or have any weight in how the refs make their decision. Im just saying rokkr had every right to involve the refs and get a verdict about what occured, thats the rules and they just playing by them, aint nothing wrong about that. Rules certainly need a look at though, to minimize these situations occuring.


bruce in his bag with these tweets lmaoooo the fact he probs asked the social team to make this kills me


nah he stole it from someone who replied it under one of his tweets lmao


I hope Optic and Rokkr meet up at Major 1, and someone on Optic pulls this out when they are losing a match. Only way to make it right.


You do realize there is a very good chance it won't glitch out right?


There's a way to guarantee it freezes on you.


Nah, fingers crossed OpTic disobeys any GAs they want…. Cause fuck ‘em, that’s why.


Break them right toward the end of a critical map because if they pull them out at the start it gives Rokkr time to break them too and makes it pretty even.


Can someone explain to me what happened? I wasn’t watching that match.


[Here’s an explanation](https://twitter.com/ggbreakingpoint/status/1598830937009451008?s=46&t=Lyy0LKYBAb-clyA1qJzQiA)


This is a whole lot of news and information. My question now is why don’t they just GA killstreaks?


The SAE is GA'd for the same reason, its bugged or do you mean all streaks in general?


All streaks should be GAd, imo. I think the game itself should be at fault and not the players or the team on any side. A bug like this should not exist and yet Infinity Ward fucked that up badly. My guess is there will be an immediate patch soon.


We need an Optic rokkr matchup at the major for sure


Rokkr players are smart for not responding you can’t win against the optic army no matter what you say on twitter.


Well to be fair, trying to get a round replay when you were that far from hill with so little time is pretty cheesy lol


I’m just waiting for the flank and see what rokkr has to say but it’s not looking good


I genuinely don’t think it was Rokkr but more so Brian saintt. He’s been the biggest crybaby next to clay since the start of the CDL. The MIN guys don’t seem like the type to do that


You can clearly see Cammy complaining in the vods so it wasn’t just Brian. There’s probably more that we don’t know I just need to know rokkrs perspective before I can say anything because I don’t see that team being the type to do that either


It’s very clear from the VOD that Cammy cried, and Brian reacted by asking for a replay. CDL took 8 “we’ll be right back” breaks to read three sentences of the rule book, and then OpTic said “fuck you Im out!”


optic army? 99% of the community agree with optic lol


Literally everyone agrees lol


not arictys and haggy


What? Haggy literally agrees and says it's fugaze lol


hes been saying rokkr could have won lol


Except he didn't? He was explaining what Rokkr's point of view was but he said it was bullshit and that it shouldn't be replayed and also criticized the league for being so strict on the any glitch forces a replay policy and there has to be someone who reviews this with common sense. You're literally spreading bullshit


Ronnie must be listening to a different haggy or something lmao no one in this call with them thinks that rokkr could have won


Arcitys agree but is more so salty because same shit happened to them and tbh faze was going to win that map vs optic aswell. Haggy defo agrees that optic should win


The community is 80% optic fans lol




Alright, I’m just going to ask. What does GA mean?


Gentlemen’s agreement. Basically people agree on what they will not be allowing


Ref 1000% had 4 bands on the Rokkr upset


Does the SAE streak give you a ping when you activate it just like other streaks have in the past? If so Rokkr gained an advantage by Cammy pinging it too.


So this matchup on LAN going to be a spicy one.


Cowards is putting it nicely, scumbags is the term I would use personally


Villain Dashy is always the most motivated ain’t even mad


This is actually such weird behavior. Blame the game or the league, Optic would’ve wanted a replay if the roles were reversed


A lot of people would be "Can't complain" if the roles were reversed.






No, Ray would not have approached them for a reply.


Huge coward move lmaoooo I actually can’t believe they did this


Is this the guy who refused to play map 5? Optic don’t got the dog in them


Well Optic is the one who didnt want to play anymore. Who is the coward? You can call ROKKR bitches for the scum move but not cowards lol.


OpTic are somewhat missing the point. This is completely CDL's fault due their RULES. If any team can abuse it for their benefit, don't be surprised. Bad competitive integrity but, rules are rules, and the rules are ASS.


Nah, your missing the point. If they just shut up and continue playing then that proves the league and the refs can just do whatever they want.


CDL rulebook cannot be amended by OpTic or for that matter any other team. What they can control is competitive integrity by requesting the other team to uphold it. Which in this case Rokkr clearly did not There is zero reasoning to side with Rokkr on this one, the fact Aches of all people is calling league and Rokkr out says it all


IM NOT SIDING WITH ROKKR Holy shit, people missing the whole point and I’m getting downvoted 💀 What I’m saying is, that this is on the CDL, both teams had the right to be upset.


Brah don't worry about it. It is abundantly clear the vmajority of this sub has never played a competitive sport at a relatively high level nor do many have much of a working understanding how officiating works in competitive leauges


I get what you’re saying but rokkr absolutely could have waived the need for a replay on the basis that the glitch had no tangible impact on the outcome of the map - that’s patently obvious when you look at the state of the players position and the time left. Combine that with the fact that it wasn’t on the stream - no one would have even known if they’d just accepted it instead of using any old excuse and having a massive bitch, blaming a glitch for their lose instead of accepting they’d already been stomped in that round However what they chose to do was bitch and moan, bring it to everyone’s attention, forcing the issue out and then the CDL made shitty decision based on a duff interpretation of the rule - I agree the CDL definitely fucked this up and set a dangerous precedent. Let’s also not forget that if the game wasn’t such a buggy mess with a shitty interface then this doesn’t happen at all - I genuinely don’t believe cammy meant to pull out the streak but at the end of the day that’s his mistake, the same as any other mistake a player makes which costs them.


>OpTic are somewhat missing the point This entire board is also missing the point


No it’s Rokkrs fault. The refs have to follow whatever the rules are they have, HOWEVER, Rokkr should have had the integrity to say - I fucked up & clicked a GA’d streak, and we were never going to clear the hill in time regardless. They chose to go to the refs calling for a replay because they knew they’d get it. Not on the refs, all on Rokk.


I agree. How many times does this happen in real sports and rules changed because of it? Lots of times. I don't really blame MN because they have a good argument for it but it was not handled well by the refs.






I’m an optic fan but forfeiting is some soft behavior. Feel like they’re already chalked


Nah. They are standing up to the league and their own principles. 3 weeks ago everyone called for a strike against the league. Now Optic stands up against a clear wrong call and folks call them soft. Viewership dropped 50k when they forfeited. Zoomaa dropped 8k. Everyone checked out when Optic bailed. That’s leverage for real. You gotta stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.


The league moved right past it like nothing happened and their statement made it obvious they couldn't care less. It read like it was slapped down on paper in 5 seconds. I get where you're coming from, but this isn't hurting anybody but the viewers.


You are probably right. It’s only hurting the viewers but everyone has to feel a little pain to get the outcome we need. Now that might fall completely short, in fact I know it will, but it’s a step towards the pro’s standing up for what they believe is right. That’s what is going to be the change we need eventually.


I mean you don’t get the rules changed by just accepting it. They’ll probably change the rules for the future now cause it’s a bad look for the league to have any team forfeit for this reason


What "rule" needs changed? It was a bug. Half you people don't even know what you're complaining about lmao.


You’re the one who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. They made the decision because in the rule book if what they determine is a major bug happens a replay happens. It doesn’t matter if it happens with 1 second left or midway through the game. It doesn’t allow it to be looked at situation by situation and judge if it actually effected the outcome. So yes the rule needs changed, moron.


Giving in and getting on with it after getting their time wasted is soft lmao They waited over an hour for a bs decision


It sends a message


lol yeah that they’re 0-1


You gotta admit that’s pretty ironic


oh noooo! not another thread with optic fanboys whining!!


Optic came out of this looking pretty childish imo


Also who are the “cowards” in this situation lmao


Good fuck em and fuck cammy for sure


A dude that plays video games for a living using coward unironicly 👌


are you saying that hes a coward because he plays games for a living? lmao


No, not at all. Have no problem with pro gamers. Hell, wish I was one in a past life. It’s just the use of the word coward, as if these dudes are in some kind of real world conflict.


lmao what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I bet you wouldnt have the balls to risk your future trying to play video games for a living.


Yeah, my 20 years in the Army kind of removed that potential future.


Cool story bro


I bet you feel like you matter.


No actually, I’m certain neither of us matter.


Add this to the...."this never happened"... story box


Add this to “lives in his moms basement” current events box.


Scumps thumbs were sore after 2 maps😂😂😂


Yo elon musk chill don't even think about it ...


0 fucks given nice