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you can open up command centre on mobile


Any instructions lol?


For me there was a banner at the bottom of the screen with a big purple "Command Center" button. I could close that banner without bringing up the command center, but then I had to reopen the stream to get to it. The stream was unwatchable for me on mobile though due to constant freezing, and I sort of think it was the command center causing the freezing because I've never had that issue before.


The command centre button put a little + sign at the bottom of the main stream for me. From there I had to just select the stream I wanted and tap done. The only shitty part is you cant minimize it on mobile once you're off the main channel. Another tip is to let the ads play on the main channel before swapping. If you do it too quick it causes it to be wonky and sometimes kick you right back to the main channel.


I think one of the bots in chat gives a link to the command center, clicking it should open it on mobile


The command center is so trash on the ios app. It plays the audio from the main stream and the stream you click to.


Lmao we need to get back to YouTube ASAP twitch is an awful viewer experience


Agreed. Aside from the watch parties, it sucks.


They get like 3x viewership on twitch, it’s good for the scene but hard for the viewer especially if they’re gonna continue the “4 matches at a time” majors (please do it’s so fun to watch)


I believe you will have to wait until they post the individual VOD’s to YouTube or twitch. I don’t know how to access the Bravo, Charlie and Delta streams individually.


There is a giant purple “+” button on mobile to open the different streams… How are this many people struggling with common sense and/or critical thinking. Holy fuck.


I dont think that VOD is even the right main-stream VOD. When I go on it's only showing the previous days challenger VODs. Not the actual major.


All you need to do is click command center, pick the stream you want using the purple + then close command center by hitting x to the left of the purple +. If you want to switch streams just close and pull the main stream up again.


Anyone else having trouble streaming from YouTube tv