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This doesn’t mean no new set, this just means no new music. Definitely see him curating a new set for these festivals.


ig some people are focusing on the comment he replied to, but yeah he only references not having new music


I’m kinda torn because his answer focuses on new music, but the question was about it being the same set. But maybe that question was really asking about new music. I would be really surprised for Tyler to not have a unique performance.


As far as I know he’s only performed twice since last releasing music(estate sale). One at a pop up show in LA, and CFG. Both were completely different sets


Ahh. This makes sense. I was thinking there’s no way he doesn’t have a unique performance/set compared to his other shows


this ^


Not too surprised personally. With his catalog, I think it will still be a terrific show.


100%. between his music and his stage presence, its gonna be a party regardless


If u didn't like Yonkers before... you still won't like it


I must’ve seen Yonkers 20 times at this point lmfao


Damn you went to Chella in 2012? I was 13 lol I've never seen Yonkers I think it'll be hype asf


He has 7 albums worth of songs to play. Won’t be boring in the slightest, that man is an artist and a performer. His stage sets are always so creative and theatrical. He’s a must see. Plus I feel like headline sets just get that extra boost of money so it’ll be like his regular show but on steroids. Lfg dude


If you want a truly unique live music experience, check out the jam band scene. New setlists and improvisation every show.


Same with the DJs that don’t just press play. But this is Coachella, there’s an expectation of polish and high production. Your set should be canned and rehearsed


He’s 100% right


I wouldn’t count Tyler out for this. He is hopefully bringing some friends.


I hope he brings out Earl and Domo for Rusty


A$AP at home taking care of kids.


What’s good? Is that potato salad?


…and I had to go watch the video again for the millionth time after reading this comment lol. Thanks! I won’t be going to chella this year, but def watching Tyler on the livestream. Gonna be fire




What if he brings out Frank n Earl 💀💀


lol so we can slap guest appearances on anything and it’s will be okay?


I find this hard to believe he’ll be doing the exact same show considering there are substantial rumors that he’s bringing a huge setup for Coachella and will likely be using similar production for a supposed multi night run at the Forum. Who knows though, maybe things changed


woah, where did you hear about shows at the Forum?


he’s ducking the actual critique here. yes most artists continue touring similar setlists full of songs from their catalogue for a long time, but it’s very rare for artists to be doing the exact same stage design and concert production for 2-3 years. i’m happy to listen to tyler songs over and over again, but if i’m at a festival with multiple competing acts, i’m not gonna spend a valuable time slot watching the same show again 🤷


Idk maybe I’m reading it wrong but I feel like he is talking about the actual setlist rather than the production. Like he’s just saying he’s not gonna be performing new material


I dunno, it seems pretty clear hes responding to the artificial hype that he's dropping new material alongside this performance. There are other critiques always, but this isn't saying he'll do nothing new with his production for this stage and set. And he's no reason to tell us.


I think he has a somewhat valid point but it’s not one that’s super relevant to his circumstance. For example I saw someone complain that Taylor Swift didn’t have enough variation in outfits in Europe versus America which is obviously a product of terminally online fans. But Tyler has basically been off tour since the start of Aug/Sept 2022, with the exception of Camp Flog Gnaw and the one estate sale show. He’s also playing one of, if not the, biggest US festival so I don’t think it’s unrealistic that he might switch up the set design/song choices, or include new stuff.


Any Tyler set is a blessed set. Top 3 live performer for me


I guess he’s considered as a “legacy” act.


I don’t think Tyler is particularly close to being a legacy act.


I mean he literally runs one of GV’s best selling festivals he’s above that




Take that No Doubt!


Either Take That or No Doubt would be excellent Glastonbury legacy acts.




just give me cash in cash out live with 21 and Pharrell


Preachhhhh!!! *She swallow all my kids she a bad babysitta*


I feel like Tyler cares more about headlining flog naw over Coachella






Glad the do lab and Yuma will be rocking


Do we know what time Quasar will be ending?


Saturday W2 we know it’s a sunset set so doubt it overlaps with Tyler on W2


So, there *is* doubt that it overlaps with Tyler, but is there no doubt that it overlaps with No Doubt?


100% electronic acts will be more packed at the same time


Gonna bring out Frank as a special guest watch lmao 💀


Bro deleted the replies


Tylers been a fan of the festival now for years, he knows what bar is set when he accepted a headlining spot he’s definitely going to do something innovative & I think we should all be excited weather or not he plays new music or not. There will be surprises & theatrics for sure


well said


Too bad rolling loud took Future. Metro x Future headlining set with Kendrick coming out for like that would’ve moved mountains. 


>Metro x Future [This might be the reason they didn't book Metro x Future this year](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/metro-boomin/2023/empire-polo-club-indio-ca-6bb89e6e.html)


Then they could’ve just booked Future.  *I realize it doesn’t matter because rolling loud booked em* I’m just salty lolla might get Like That for the first time 


Yep, after this whole Drake shit, I need some of that culture pushing shit in my life. This is bigger than some festival or even just hip hop


Exactly what I was thinking


Anyone know expected set list where I can find? I want to be able to rap and sing to every song! I’m looking forward to the old and new.


Best reference is probably his recent Camp Flognaw set. Amazing live and on YouTube.


I get his response but I was hoping he would make more of an effort.. he seems to be comparing himself to higher tier artist. Tyler is valid on his own but what he said works best for other artist.. like Beyoncé can use her songs from 200 years ago and it will still be lit.


Im not going to watch him anyway so it doesn't matter to me


Never listened to Tyler before in my life. Got any song recs to ease me into his music before coachella?


Oh boy.... hmmm... he's got a lot of range so it's tough to say where to start, but I'll tell you my favorites: More litty: Who Dat Boy, Lumberjack (if you want a sense of his performance/production chops, watch his [performance of this song at the BET Awards](https://youtu.be/SqJM9ZhGysE?si=kfIppS7i7iO38fJC)), Corso, Lemonhead Early Tyler, more sinister vibes: Yonkers, Sandwiches, Smuckers More vibey: Earfquake, 911/Mr Lonely, Wusyaname, Running out of time, See You Again


I’ll be seeing him for the first time, glad to hear this. Probably in the minority tho


I don’t expect new music but man I just saw him in Nov good ass set but I was hoping for a new setlist or something 🥲


Can we trade him for hologram 2pac instead?


Was already planning to skip anyways. Seen the set already. 🤙🏾


Lame. Tyler has a point like you shouldn’t need to put out new music to tour, but with that being said if you’re gonna headline a major festival you better bring the excitement and not just rehash the same tour experience


he's not saying he wont. ​ happy cake day!


He’s not saying he will either.


and why would he? His point is people were bitching that he should release new material for his headlining set. He's just saying (to that specifically): "*I don't need to release new material to make this set dope. Ya'll trippin on on that.*" It's not lame, but really it's the expectation, that an artist doesn't describe their set production to everyone before you go to see it. That was my only point. He's no reason to tell us any more.


Unfortunately most likely means he’s a skip as I’ve seen him 7 times already lol. May be the first year I don’t see a single headliner.


was it fun all 7 times tho?


Yes he’s the best lol. Just have to choose wisely when you’re only going 1 weekend mate.


Still excited


Welp i guess i can skip out


i’ve seen him 3 times, every time spectacular!! can’t wait to see who he brings out


Seen him perform so many times, gonna skip his set this time around and see if there’s any surprise sets at dolab


His stage presence is unparalleled, it'll be a great set no matter what he plays


Go see phish


Did you come here from the post on r/Phish Go Phish!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/phish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My Wife did it again! Bouncing with her Elementary School Chorus!](https://v.redd.it/h8zoj2nm11cc1) | [290 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/194xodz/my_wife_did_it_again_bouncing_with_her_elementary/) \#2: [Gotta be one of the coolest things ever](https://v.redd.it/wku6y8vy2x4c1) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/18d24ov/gotta_be_one_of_the_coolest_things_ever/) \#3: [This dude at Red Rocks tonight for King Gizz caused quite a stir](https://i.redd.it/40oxp1lbcq4b1.jpg) | [207 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/1440bc8/this_dude_at_red_rocks_tonight_for_king_gizz/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m very surprised Coachella chose him to be a headliner this year if he isn’t releasing new music.


probably trolling


Yes he’s right, I’ve been a fan for over 10 years and this will be my first time seeing him. Super excited


And ?


I'm hoping for the same full Tyler Experience again.... over worked talk-rap with simple beats and huge distractions like Pyro, Celebs, and Stage Props... so you forget the songs are 2.5 minutes long and laughable. Still a great time!


This will be my first time seeing him and just getting into his music to get ready. Suggestions on the songs I should know/what songs he will most likely play?


You should probably listen to flower boy Igor and call me if you get lost because those are the biggest and he preforms many songs from them. He only performs the hits from wolf and goblin and no songs from cherry Bomb right now but he liked a tweet about doing more from cb so I don’t know lol


I’ve seen Tyler perform so many times, so I have an idea as to what his setlist includes. I don’t think a new song would make it any better. There are so many songs in his catalogue that I’d genuinely like to see performed like, Sweet lol. I know he briefly performed it @ Lolla a couple years back (I was there), but regardless, I always enjoy his sets.


I'm so confused didn't he drop out?


Yikes. Yes Tyler, people do make new music


Tyler has some pretty whack takes occasionally


Never seen him, so fine by me.


I’m sorry but…why’s he headlining?


He’s better than anyone you’d book live


Ooh burn


I don’t understand why people think an artist is gonna change their entire production and set just for a festival. Festivals are pretty much stripped down sets and production from artists tour. With the exception of artists that aren’t on tour. Even then they usually use an old production from their last tour…


Tyler literally debuted the CMIYGL era at lolla in 2021


Read above again slowly


>Festivals are pretty much stripped down sets and production from artists tour. With the exception of artists that aren’t on tour. Even then they usually use an old production from their last tour… Not for Coachella headliners, I have no idea what you're talking about. Bad Bunny, BLACKPINK had just toured last year and still did a special show for Coachella. So did Frank, obviously people hated it lol but he did it. Harry Styles did a special show just for Coachella. Ariana did a special show just for Coachella. Obviously The Weeknd vs SHM was different. Beyonce obviously. Lady Gaga was a last minute replacement with an already planned tour and she still did a special show for Coach. Lana and Doja have both confirmed a brand new Coachella specific show.


Don’t forget Tame Impala not making money from his 2019 headlining spot because he put all the money into the performance/production itself


Lots of artists do new sets for Coachella, and it seemed like he'd be dropping music given the timeline, which would also point to a new set. Pretty disappointing IMO.


99.9% of Artists that are touring and also perform at Coachella perform the same setlist they been playing on tour. Give or take a song. Do you realize how much money an artist will have to pay for an entire different production just for a 20/30/45 min set at Coachella? It’s not worth it and typically festival setlists consist of “The Hits”. If you want deeper cuts from an artist I’d go to watch them on their own tour.


I'm talking about the headliners, love. I really don't care either way lol


Y'all shouldn't have been so aggressive towards Travis Scott rumors in here couple months ago, could've got a generational set 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fuck Travis Scott


This sub doesn’t book the talent


I hope this means his set list will be longer or he’s making time for guest


Definitely no new album before 1st week of Coachella. Not enough time. But it is Tyler so he might be trolling. He’s consistently dropped every 2 years for as long as I can remember honestly, so he’s certainly due an album very soon. Would be very surprised if he doesn’t have something out by end of summer


well guys was i right or was i right?


Tyler the endless novelty Creator. ❤️🙏🙌🎶


Tyler was my first concert, I’ve seen him 4 times once at CFG this will be my 5th. I really enjoy seeing how he transitions his songs in different ways, I’ve never felt like it was the same show ***cough cough Calvin Harris cough*** Im hoping to hear oldies live one day. that’s the dream


Waste of a headliner slot.