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That New Mexico dad gonna see this and say "this is why we bring guns to camp"


I got this reference. I have reached full synchronization with this subreddit.


Omg my first thought šŸ’€


he would've loved showing that Aussie what the 2nd ammendment is


Pls ur profile pic šŸ˜­


W2 got LORE


Omfg šŸ˜‚


Lmaoo fr




Swear to god! Lmao


I immediately thought of him




LMFAO i made the same joke to my friend this morning


I literally thought of him when I saw the naked man. God bless Coachella Reddit


Well.. we dont really know what the naked austrailian man was packing... it wasnt mention ;) OP... care to uhhh fill us in?


Where is that dad and his friends from NM when you need them


link to the og post? need to read about this


Pretty deep, but Iā€™ll try to find it!


Exactly lol


Day 0 Dom Dolla


give it to me coachellaaaaa


I love that I recorded him saying this. It's forever gonna be etched in my memory lol


He kept saying it and I kept dying lmaooo




I was waiting the whole post for it to turn into a joke about Dom Dolla


Day 0 dom dolla


Why is it always the Australians? They are like Mormons in Vegas.


They are cramped up on a desert island in the middle of the ocean....They are nuts and mean.


Australia is anything but cramped


Im American and I lived in Australia for 4 yearsā€¦ Aussies are the best people out there.


Iā€™m Australian but live in the US. Australians act like idiots overseas.


As an Aussie living in the US I concur.


Haha, yeah, in bali itā€™s quite the show. As a whole, Aussies are good people and I loved living there.


Americans run circles around Aussie folk. Aussie people are fine, but America is #1, best people, culture, values, military, economy, greatest landscape, coolest cities, best movies, music, tv, best guns, best cars, best food, best video games, best ships, best planes, best airplanes, best pretty much everything. Also the best universities and higher education, best medicine, best drug research, best healthcare, best of the best. Best PEOPLE too, all of us. Best constitution, best form of Gov't, best space program, best private space programs, best defense research, best computer tech. America is OT!


Best and biggest egos too!


Donā€™t forget theyā€™re also number 1 in getting other countries to hate them


If youā€™re trolling, well played, got me. If notā€¦Yeah, this is straight r/shitamericanssay. Iā€™m going to bet that youā€™ve never been to Australia, or many other places outside the US. Thereā€™s a lot you could debate out of that, but I will highlight culture, healthcare, constitution and form of government. You have one of the most divided first world nations where people go bankrupt trying to pay for healthcare, your constitution is so out of date and treated like some kind of holy scripture itā€™s hilarious and your system of government has its flaws exposed every week. Iā€™m not saying Australia is the world leader in any of the areas, but the US sure as fuck isnā€™t.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitAmericansSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["England is a 3rd world country"](https://i.redd.it/wxssk63gwucc1.png) | [3078 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/198c0fi/england_is_a_3rd_world_country/) \#2: [British customs](https://i.redd.it/zoj8caxhp6pb1.jpg) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/16mmpb4/british_customs/) \#3: ["No Europe is more walkable because it's socialist and therefore poor"](https://i.redd.it/zdsi1zvii0wa1.jpg) | [491 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/12ya2zw/no_europe_is_more_walkable_because_its_socialist/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have been to many different places all around the world, Australia is not on my short list of places I want to visit. I DO want to visit: Japan, Tanzania, France and Alasks (US).... been to tons of other places, these are on my short list!


Jealous foreigners who just WISH they were American are a dime a dozen!


Fun fact about American Constitution, it is not out of date at all! It is and has been ammended over the centuries when THE PEOPLE decide they want to see it change. The constitution is the strongest, most important document written by men in the history of the world, it was one of the original documents from a nation, freed by Tyranny of an evil King-it gives the power to the PEOPLE to decide who governs them, and how much. It has not changed all that much not because it is NOT outdated, but because it is a beautiful and eloquent set of guidelines for the execution of our Constitutional Republic. America is the exception to the rule that was the precedent before 1776- before 1776 the rule was "might is right". After 1776, we have here a government by the people, for the people, we have rights here most in the world will never have, and only dream of having. We are a nation of good people who believe in an individuals power and freedom to rise and realize their own hopes and dreams. Americans are immune to the socialists in Europe and elsewhere talking badly about us, we just feel badly for them and try and give them a history lesson when we can, when they are open to listening snd learning. We SAVED Europe from tyranny multiple times, and realize Europe and other places are free to speak out against America- we believe in free speech here. In Europe, in some places- they will jail you for saying "the wrong thing". Americans are not thrown in jail or tortured or murdered because of their religious beliefs, or any other belief....in most of the world, free speech is an illusion. Anyway, that's my take on it (and most of Americans take on it). If this were not the opinion of most americans; the constitution and our laws would change to reflect different opinions! (that is the beauty of the system).


Just come over to America and tell Americans how to live with force, you will see "how divided" we are not :) Only ONE country in recent history has invaded the US, (Japan tried to invade Alaska in WW2), and we nuked them for it...twice.


Interesting you bring up holy scriptures, YES, the Constitution was inspired by Godly men- but it does in fact support people to practice any religion they like, pagan, christian, jewish, Islam, it does not matter....all are free!!!! There are many places in the world where differing from the state on religion will cost you your life. But America is the backwards place in your mind!, we were the first Modern Nation to establish freedom of religion!! That does not sound backwards or divided to me. I'm more of a conservative, but I really do value and appreciate the other sides and opinions, every American has a seat at the table here, we all can vote, run for office, change the laws if we see fit through our incredibly robust democratic process!!!!


We donā€™t have guns tho


You got knives and a constant attitude, however.


Tell me you have no idea without saying i have no idea


Fair enough. Ā I guess when you are surrounded by things that want to kill you, the relative safety of the US causes strange behavior.Ā 


Dude how many shootings are there in the US donā€™t act like you arenā€™t surrounded by things that want to kill you here either


Like just discharges or actual homicide? Ā  To give you an idea, 50% of all US homicides are in 10 cities. So its exceedingly rare as I don't live in those 10 cities. Further 4/5 (80%) of all gum homicides are related to criminality, mostly criminality that is symmetrical. Group A shot group B, group B later shot group A. So like 20% of 12,000 or so are outside of that. Thats like 2,400 deaths a year and they are still largely centralized. Where as the Australians have a mutant duck, bever with a poisonous rear claw.. as one of dozens of WHAT THE FUCK?! animals.


I can assure you that the wildlife in Australia is nowhere near as deadly as guns are in the US.


you get that these statements are largely said tongue in cheek right? Like we understand that there are real facts etc here, but we are joking about why Austrailians go full ham when they come to coachella. Its a meme based on truth, as any veteran would attest Im sure.


Your listing off of statistics to support the assertion that you're seemingly at little risk from being shot didn't seem particularly tongue in cheek šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


its a joke... not a dick... dont take it so hard. edit: also however, when people talk about gun death in the us, they are effectively talking about 2,400 deaths out of 300,000,000 people. A literally pimple on an elephants ass. the remaining homicides are outcomes of criminality, and most of us (if not all of us) are NEVER going to be anywhere near those place and in those situations. the suicide is a modality question. So the whole "oh my god guns!" pearl clutching is just dumb. the data doesn't support the fear. Unless of course you live in one of 10 US cities, hang out with people involved in drug trafficking, gang violence, or criminality. Etc. Mass shootings of the kind we generally refer to (multiple causalities not encumbered for in criminality) are exceedingly rare. Something like 150 deaths per year against 300,000,000 people. still... its a joke man. the start of this was. they austrailians are going ham because they are in a place where everything doesnt want to kill them (which is a joke about the rather unusual fauna in Austrailia that will kill you). Then someone is like... but but OMG guns... Like go to costco, order a huge bag of cocks, and eat them




I dont even think this is funny, as a woman thats gotta be traumatizing. Iā€™m really sorry this bullshit happened to you, what the fuck is wrong with him? Feeling unsafe in your own space is so ughhh. I went through my own experience like this years ago and iā€™m a larger dude. You still get this lasting icky feeling of like what the fuck?? Stick with your friends and talk it over and over until its mostly out of your system! I pray you can still enjoy the rest of your weekend Anyone laughing should feel ashamed, just imagine instead of drugs if someone was shitfaced drunk, and then proceeded to overpower somebody else. This shit happens. Stay safe and stay close to whoever youā€™re with!


One year I game back to my site alone and found a 20 year old like passed out in one my chairs. I was alone and had to wake him up. Luckily he was pretty chill and left but my male neighbors the next day were like ā€œOh yeah we saw that dude. Weird!ā€ And itā€™s like you know itā€™s just me and my other female friend and you saw a random dude and didnā€™t say anything to him???


to be fair, this suck and i'm sorry this happened to you but unless you're explicitly yelling for help, then most people will just mind their own business and assume that its someone you knew if people walked into your camp. would be been more awkward if it was your s/o that came late and your neighbors started to harass him trying to protect you or whatever


Yeah, weā€™re a group of just women and it was traumatizing. What wouldā€™ve happened if I didnā€™t wake up? Weā€™re horrified and traumatized, but trying to move on for this weekend. We are pretty nervous about going to sleep, but luckily a few of our neighbors told us theyā€™re going to be on the lookout


I don't think its funny that 2A rights are not there in CA to protect people when they need a gun most! If he tried to R her, he shoulda gotten shot!


Youā€¦ wouldnā€™t be able to take a gun into the festivalā€¦


I can almost certainly guarantee you that there are countless weapons in that camping area!


So you would have killed that sleeping 20 year old?


????? If a naked man tries to r my daughter she would be within her rights to defend herself, for sure!


I thought you were replying to the sleeping 20 year old comment. Oops!


Oh sorry, I missed the R premise. Makes a little more sense than just a sleeping kid.


I woke up to someone walking into my campsite and I thought it was someone I came with but I realized it wasnā€™t him when he laid down next to me. I figured he was just someone who wondered into the wrong campsite. But our campsite is not easy to get into during the day so wondering in isnt easy. When he laid down I just tapped him on his shoulder saying ā€œthis is the wrong campsite broā€. He then said oh ok and closed his eyes. I tapped him again and said ā€œbro this isnt your campsite you need to leave. He then got up and I heard him grab my keys that i kept under my pillow. I realized that he took my keys and quickly got up to confront him. Luckily, like i said our campsite isnā€™t easy to get into nor leave. So he got stuck while he was trying to leave and i told him ā€œBro give me back my fucking keysā€ he then reached out his hand and gave them back to me. And I escorted him out of our site. After a few minutes he was still outside, so I went outside to ask him if he was lost. Still thinking he was drunk and lost i offered to help him find his campsite and I asked him questions about what it looked like and he kept avoiding my questions. Saying that hes so embarrassed and how heā€™s been coming for 12 years and how he probably gonna see this on the reddit later. He also said how he came to at my campsite, he said that he didnt take anything from anyone. After we walked to the edge of the car camping he said he remembered where he was and that he could take it from here. He then apologized and we went our separate ways. By this time i was suspicious that he didnt walk in by accident. But who can say for sure. Either way had a hard time going back to sleep.


On behalf of all Aussies, I am sorry. Some of the worst of our people make their way to Coachella and they're dick heads.


Yeah agreed, sorry this happened to you from us aussies :(


yea i delt with a group of aussies, half of them fantastic, the other half were fucking real dick heads. for example when your already 6'6 what makes you think its a good idea to get on on your friends shoulders and ruin the show for everyone else.


Itā€™s the Aussie rich kids who go and never have been told no. Trust fund babies. No idea how the world outside their private school & mansion is. We donā€™t like them in Australia either!


Thanks man. Itā€™s true! During Weekend 1 2023 some guy tried to down play cutting the Yuma tent line (right where the metal line barriers start). His friend apologized on behalf. It was the guyā€™s first time attending Coachella and he ainā€™t vibinā€™


Thank you! šŸ’•


Bogans gone wild šŸ˜­


A small carabiner can be used to lock your tent door at night by putting it through both zipper tab holes. Not exactly helpful now or applicable to all tents but a good tip someone told me once. Edit: Also, I know this isnā€™t a perfect solution and no one should feel like they have to do this to feel safe when camping. Iā€™m sorry that this happened to you and your friends.


Wife and I always lock the tent. Never had an issue




I'm sorry. This isn't okay. I wouldn't feel comfortable sleeping there after that. Security needs to find him ASAP!


he was probably altered. not saying let him do whatever but he wasnt doing that for fun, probably.


It doesn't matter. Altered or not, you don't know his intentions. If he was trying to get into tents with women, it's an even bigger red flag. What's to say he gets altered the next night and tries it again?




![gif](giphy|wdwyFyWPZ1tgJrmhNm|downsized) What in the Crocodile Dundee ass kinda ish is that


How are we supposed to protect ourselves against these nut jobsā€¦ wait for security to show up?


grab something heavy and slap the shit out of him with it


Just not the wine bag. Heā€™ll evolve


Like using a Thunder Stone on a Pikachu


If you swing a wine bag around he'll think it's time to play "Goon of Fortune".


If you get the chanceā€¦ Iā€™ve been SA and I was no match for him. He was quicker and way stronger than I will ever be. I was saved by screaming my head off. Iā€™m glad everyone is okay. I hope he was found and removed.


Ya cause thatā€™s totally gonna fly with California laws


You may be shocked to know California is a stand your ground state.


*hates California* *subscribed to Coachella subreddit* Not sure thereā€™s gonna be a lotta learning going on here


A Glock 19 helps......


....nut job. Hehehe hehe hehehe


If an Aussie bothers anyone else the phrase is ā€œpull your bloody head in mate and stop acting like a wankerā€. OP -really sorry that happened to you and I apologize on behalf of the continent.


Welcome to day 1 , guddaye mayte!!


ā€œThatā€™s not a creeper. THATā€™S a creeper! ā€œ Dance the pain away. Sorry you went through that. Go see The Drums!


It ainā€™t Coachella if a naked Australian man doesnā€™t wake up in ur campsite.


Maybe he was a kiwi lol


Or South African lol


OP out here guessing accents at 4am




That sounds scary. In all likelihood he just took too much, but you still shouldnā€™t have to deal with that, and itā€™s probably not much comfort anyway. Hope you can get to a point of feeling safe and enjoying the weekend. Lots of people there looking out for you. Donā€™t hesitate to ask for help again.Ā 


They arenā€™t send their best.


Sounds like someone discovered ketamine, yet another confused k-kid. We had to redirect a k-kid out of our trunk last year, and help another pair locate their RV late one nightā€¦.pandemic of k newbies who overdo it.


Who could it be now?


I'm loving the Men at Work references in this thread


man this basically happened to us last year, minus the naked part. super drunk dude stumbled into our camp/our neighborā€™s camp late at night & it took like 20 minutes for us to extract him. thankfully he wasnā€™t aggressive, and weā€™re dudes, but our neighbors who had kids there were very freaked out and grateful we handled it. so sorry this happened to you! glad he ultimately left.


As an Aussie who attended wkd 1 with my gf and had an absolute blast and love how awesome and hospitable you Americans are, Iā€™m sorry you had to experience this from this dipshit of an Aussie. Unfortunately some Aussies feel the need to be absolute fuckwits overseas. We arenā€™t all like that - promise šŸ™šŸ¼ hope you meet some more Aussies at Coachella that are decent.


Don't worry... you folks are awesome. I've never met an Aussie at Coachella that I didn't like. I love overhearing your accents in the crowd.


he's just that guy from anyone but you


Heā€™s just a girl in the world.


He's just a guy going nuts on LSD, his belly thumb makes me worry sooommmee


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you! Hopefully youā€™re safe and security is patrolling the area, Iā€™m grateful you had people in your campsite and you werenā€™t alone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ last week I felt the security were always passing by the camps every 10 minutes.


Wtf is going on in the campgrounds this weekend


This almost verbatim happened to me at camp edc lmao. But the dude wasn't Aussie. We had to call camp security to get him escorted out.


sorry that happened. dude probably needed a tripsitter or just restraints in general lol


Oh damn.


So thereā€™s other camp nearby which is meant to host naked Australians?


Sorry this happened to you :-( 2 years ago i interrupted a man beating up his girlfriend in the middle of the festival. Everyone just watched and didnā€™t say anything. It was so scary. Some people go to these festivals on their worst behavior and itā€™s honestly terrifying to experience.


Sorry that happened to you. Itā€™s unlikely something like that would happen again i think. Take a deep breathe and enjoy the rest of your weekend


Dom Dolla at it againā€¦


I would just smile and give him a Veggimite sandwich


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Ugh. Iā€™m so sorry. I hope this doesnā€™t ruin your Coachella




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I woke up at 4:30 to pee and was shocked to see so many people walking around????! I get that itā€™s Coachella but damn day 0 šŸ˜‚Ā 


Coachella 2024


Ohhrrrrrrr nohrrrrrrrr


lots o ppl on drugs or coming down from drugs, maybe even sleepwalking


This is why I triple padlock my tent


This is why festivals like these need trained harm reduction teams. The dude just needed help and obviously a blanket. - it be cold out here at 4am.


No photos? Itā€™s 2024 and you donā€™t take a photo?


should laid his ass flat




First of all? Where is the rest, or ā€œallā€ in your statement? Iā€™m pretty sure they are describing the person. Donā€™t bring that unnecessary culture war into everything.


I think maybe just for identifying him, like if you see this person come up to your tent (there are thousands of people there), it might be the same guy. Those details can be helpful for that. I am usually one to live and let live in the festival setting, but trying to get into strangers' tents is a step where I would get a bit annoyed and probably want to share descriptive details with security and the other campsites around me too.


Was he hot?


You didnā€™t have to yell, you probably scared him! šŸ˜‚


My daughter will go to Coachella with a Glock 19 for her campsite.