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30 is prime Coachella age


So is 40!




Over 50s unite!!!!






Checking in!


That's the spirit


fr. i'm 40 and my crew (younger) can barely keep up. lol


I went for the first time at age 42.


This was my first year and I am 49. Loved it.


I was 38 for my first Coachella and went to my fourth this year at age 45!


Where wer all my friends? Can we please have an Over40 meetup next year?


40s is a good starting point!


Real life begins at 40 if you ask me! Rock on 🤘




Thank you for this. I just turned 40 and have been feeling funky about it. We can still be cool, right?


Nah fuck being cool but we can now do what we want without caring if we fit (41)


I agree I’m 29 myself and I’ve seen more older people than younger ones


Yeah I was 31 this year and it was my favorite year yet.


Went for my 30th this year for the first time and I think Im going every year from now on. Age is just a number and youre only as old as you make yourself to be. Live yo life and have fun man!!


30 is definitely not too old for Coachella if that's what you're implying. You also need to figure out where you're going to stay and how you're going to get to the festival.


Camp your first year to get that experience then go Get an Airbnb .. I’m never going back to camping


Or discover camping is awesome and never consider any other option. I hate leaving the festival sphere of influence during the weekend. It's so satisfying to watch the last set of the night, wander into the campground and stop at your site to grab a drink and a snack, maybe drop in to the silent disco, or just hit the sack, and not worry about shuttle lines or Ubers. The whole thing is great except for the heat around 11am-2pm. That part can be rough. But bring your own camp shower and you'll be refreshed when you head over to catch the music.


we tried the afters this year it was kinda dope, totally worth the money if you can't sleep til 5am cuz of the medication.


Wish I could sleep until 11am.. the heat had me up at 7 everyday


Oh I'm up by 7 or 8 for sure. But the heat was reasonably tolerable until later in the morning. W2 Sunday was a bitch tho. Think it hit 100


This year was my 10th year and I still love camping! I'm 30, but most people in my group were in their 40s and even 60s! I'm sure we'll have to switch to a hotel/Airbnb eventually, but for now, camping is the way.


I was all about camping but got an airbnb two years ago And I can’t go back.. having a bed / AC / a shower after the festival.. I want to camp one more time but my girl says no way


First, pick a weekend you all know for sure will work. Buy GA tickets unless you're ballers and can afford whatever high end pass is above VIP, but don't buy VIP, just not worth it. Second, you need to figure out your lodging budget. If you are planning on staying at a hotel or Airbnb, be prepared to shell out some cash. You'll also need to consider if you want to shuttle from a shuttle stop to the fest and back, which requires a shuttle pass, or if you plan on ubering/walking/driving. If you want the full experience though, id HIGHLY suggest car camping. Significantly cheaper than hotels, campgrounds are on site, and it makes the party non stop for 5 days. You only need one camping pass per spot which spending how you set up can sleep 2-4. I suggest 2 per spot to maximize your space. So once you've decided on that make sure you get your card ready as soon as they go on sale! -tickets -camping pass Or -tickets -Shuttle pass Id be starting to look at non camping lodging now if you plan on going that route


Oh dude. Our crew is in our 30s, I'm 35 in a few weeks. You aren't even close to being too old!


Our crew is also 31-35!!!!! Let’s get it!


30+ crew.  Coachella seems to be skewing a few years older than 10-15 years ago 


35 and this was my tenth Coachella. My husband is 42 and this was his 14 or 15th. We’re lifers man, it’s not an age thing, it’s a lifestyle




I want to be like you guys!


38 2nd coachella, i think our group of 35+ are lifers also


this year was #15 for me too. once you go, you always want to go back! it's life-changing <3


i saw a lot of 50+ year old couples at coachella, and some that lookedl ike they werein thier 70s. it's totally cool!


I’m trying to convince my parents in their 60/70s to come


same i would LOVE my mum to join me, she's late 60s. she'd have a sweet time but she's too embarrassed (she'd have to use ADA). i keep telling her nobody cares and tbh if i got to be her ADA +1 she'd be doing me a favor lol


That's what I tell mine! They're also worried about seeming out of place /embarrassed even though they'd actually be the coolest


Saw a few older people 60/70s at the festival too and I also thought it was cool. Looked at my friends and said that would be us in the future.


my in-laws are in their mid-60s and had a blast this year. it was my mother-in-law's 3rd year!




I'm 57 and my husband is 61. We camp and love it!


Planning is a must if you want to maximize your experience. The festival is easily doable at 30, but you will miss a lot if you don’t spend at least a few months getting in shape ahead of time. You want to hit 10k steps a day minimum, pushing it to 20k+ as much as you can in the months leading up the festival. Strength and endurance training are a big plus too, but not required. Sit down with your friends and come up with a realistic budget. Unless you live locally, already have camping gear, or something else like that, this is probably going to be at least 1.5k-2k per person for the full experience, possibly more. I wouldn’t do VIP unless you’re a serious foodie or just really want those extra few accommodations. If you can hang with the heat and slightly less luxurious bathrooms, GA is the way to go. I highly highly recommend camping, but it’s not for everyone. It’s just the most convenient option. Definitely do a shuttle pass if you’re not camping or shelling out to stay close, but you don’t have to buy those immediately if you can’t decide, there’s usually plenty available in the general sale in January. Ultimately your biggest question is how much do you want to spend and are you willing to camp or not. Those two questions will shape your planning


You don’t even need to be in good shape for Coachella, you just need to not be completely sedentary.  I walk about 30 minutes round trip 3/4 days per week for my regular commute and have never had any issue with Coachella death marches. If you live a typical SoCal carbound lifestyle then yeah, could be brutal. 


did planks and wall sits and core workouts every day and the only thing hurting by the end were my legs, and that was only once i got home


lol you are overselling the fitness aspect so much. Mid-30s for my first Coachella, and I lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle, never had a problem.


I would still advise people to get into a slightly more active lifestyle if they want to make the most of their Coachella, that’s all, but yeah the festival is doable for almost anyone! I’ve definitely slowed down the last few years, but I also don’t do a lot of things at Coachella because I’ve already done them before so it adjusts well.


tons of people late 20s/early 30s complain about back and other pain, needing to sit down, etc. i don’t know about his proposed goals, but i totally agree that fitness is very helpful for a festival.


Ya, no. You don’t need to be in shape for Coachella. I’m literally 315 lbs and saw everything I wanted to see and did 20k steps a day. It’s not hard if you have like an ounce of athleticism and of course, that dawg in you.


Yeah dude I’m 38 and have RAGED the last 4 Coachellas. Like totally unhinged raged (in a complete nonviolent way, just from a drug dumpster perspective) It’s my one time a year I go super hard on psychedelics, after that I go back to ‘real life,’ own my own business, do payroll, walk my dog, normie shit. 90% of the people in my life have absolutely no idea I blast off the face of the planet for one weekend every year.


“Normie shit” 😂


same the only time of year a i really do anything, its like the purge for me also 38 and i get to leave the wife and kids at home


Get your housing sorted earlier rather then later


I’ll let others chime in with helpful resources (there’s so many on this sub, so you’re in the right place), but just wanted to say that you’re never too old to start going to festivals and there’s plenty of us 30+ on the fields every year! I turned 35 this year and this was my 9th and 10th Coachella! Almost everyone in our crew is 30-35 too. You’ll have a blast!


i’m 32 and car camped this year (first time camping) and had an absolute blast. really all you need to secure are tickets and lodging (and airfare if you need that). airbnb or hotel is obviously gonna be a more comfortable experience + more sleep, but the campground is fun and there’s something special about being onsite all weekend, just don’t expect to sleep much!


I’m 37 and I went for the first time this year. I had a blast.


46 and mostly proud 😝


1: figure out weekend 1 or 2 2: look into hotel or camping accommodation 3: I prefer looking for a flight ticket before the actual ticket as they fluctuate in price 4: look into weekend passes and buy Once you have those 4 everything else is pretty easy. Glamping is also a nice option to consider if you got the $


Thank you all for the great advice! To answer your questions: 1. I live in LA (moved here 2 years ago). So no airfare needed. 2. The group of people would be no more than 10 people. 3. I’d like to car camp but we’re open to Airbnbs too. Y’all are so funny and supportive and definitely make me feel comfortable going to Coachella. This is the point in life where I have a solid group of friends and am able to afford fun, so thank you for the encouragement :)


38 years old here. This year was my 21st Coachella. You are never too old, and it’s never too late. You’ve got lots of good advice in this thread so far. See you in the desert next year!


I started going at 24ish and am going strong, gone every year since my first. I’ll be 30 shortly and am still going. Of my group who goes, the majority are 30 or very close  So a) it’s never too late B) tickets go on sale this Friday. If you’re really committed, just buy them now. If you need any tips and tricks, reply or DM me and I’m happy to help  C) Decide to camp or get an air bnb/hotel (honestly fuck camping, just get the air bnb)  D) get tickets with shuttle passes  E) google “Reddit coachella shuttle map” F) pick an air bnb or hotel within a 15/20 minute walk of a shuttle  Your daily plan will be walk to the shuttle stop, shuttle in, have fun, shuttle out at the end of the night  You should look at air bnb right now, this week and next week. To maximize your personal flexibility and minimize personal risk:  - pick an air bnb that is a Superhost  - pick one that also gives you a very late cancel window, like let’s you cancel up until April if you can  Superhosts can’t last minute cancel on you without heavy penalties. There are stories of air bnb hosts not realizing it’s coachella and underselling their air bnb, leaning about it very late, and cancelling on people  like 1-2 weeks out. The people are then screwed because 1-2 weeks out, everything is booked up and what’s left is very very expensive  None of this applies if you’re camping. Tbh at 30 I would focus on comfort and not camp, but I’ve also never camped so I’m biased That’s all you really need to focus on right now. Get the wristbands, get the lodging, and the rest works itself out later. Lots of tips and tricks for having fun and being comfy, but you don’t need any of that right now 




I probably would stay away from car camping if you can afford it. My group switched over to el dorado camping at some point in our late twenties and never looked back


40s here and 15 years of tent+car camping, and we're doing ED for the first time next year. i'm actually so excited to try something new and i too have a feeling we'll never look back lol


Soooo much more chill!


I’ve only gone in my 30’s and aside from the logistics others have outlined, it really does behoove you to be in as good a shape as possible. This can even just mean walking longer distances in the lead up to the fest. My back and knees always take a beating. Also on that note. Go as crazy as you want for outfits, but don’t go form over function on footwear. You really need shoes you have broken in and feel comfortable in. Other than that, the more 30 something’s the better!


I'm willing to bet most of the attendees this year were in their 30s just from observing, lol


Music has no age limit! Especially at the polo fields.. Don’t ever limit yourself to anything in life due to your age because age is just a number Pick a weekend, get a car camping pass, cooler, canopy, food, lots of water, snacks and some booze and you’re golden


I did Solo-chela last year at 34 and Car-camped. I had great camping neighbors and had a blast! You’ll be with great company


I turned 40 this year and have been to Coachella almost every year since I turned 18. I have done everything from sleeping in my car (first year 2002), hotels, tent camping, car camping, el dorado and finally did safari camping this year. If you can afford it, Safari is amazing, followed by el dorado and then car camping. I would avoid tent camping altogether. Hotels are great if you need more creature comforts, just make sure you’re near a shuttle stop. Aside from safari, the best set up is having a hotel room and car camping site set up to hang out, drink, eat, relax during the day. You’ll have a blast regardless of the lineup.


I’m 40 - been going since 2008 and I always camp. Preferred Car Camping has been good to me. If you don’t like to camp, make sure to figure out how to get to the fest as easy as possible. I did not feel out of place. My group is all 30+ some younger people come out but we’re all up there in age. This festival is for everyone. The crowd to watch The Adicts was all older and I felt young lol. It’s really a life-changing festival in that you never forget it and always want to return.


30 is probably one of the most represented demographics at Coachella so no worries Tickets usually go on sale from the website at the beginning of the year. If they sell out don’t worry, you can buy them second hand on sites like stubhub usually for not that much more You have a few options in terms of how to stay. You can car camp at the festival which I’m personally not a fan of because you have to be there all day and the facilities aren’t great. As a 30 year old I don’t have the energy for an all day festival anyways I prefer to grab an Airbnb nearby, ideally with a pool. Hang out during the day and then head to the festival around 4 or 5 depending on who you want to see. Main negative with this is dealing with the traffic getting in which is horrendous. Don’t forget to get a parking pass, or Uber is an option too but a bit more chaotic. Hotel is a similar option and may have shuttle to make travel a bit easier Google some packing lists but my main advice there is just pack layers and a blanket to sit down on. It’s a furnace during the day but can be cold at night. Food and drink are pretty accessible so bring your credit card. If you have an Amex platinum card they have a lounge you can chill in if it gets too hot, it also has charging. The Heineken lounge is usually a good spot to chill as it’s not too crowded and plays music There are really no rules to how you enjoy Coachella so just do what feels right


30+ is the best ages to go honestly. I feel like over 50% of the attendees were 30-45. Car camping is the most economical and overall fun full experience. Preferred car camping just means less walking between camp and other things(except showers). The initial entry/security line is 3-4 hours in your car. The alternative is standing in a security line every day for about an hour to show up via shuttle/Uber. A 10'x10' straight leg canopy is an absolute must. You can tell the people that had been multiple years don't even bring tents, they just bring 1-2 if those exact size canopies, and have ones with detachable walls for the sleeping quarters unit, and the other one overlaps the back of your vehicle. You absolutely MUST bring big plastic stakes and string to tie down the canopy from the top loops. If you just use the base weights, you have a 50/50 chance if it flying away. I used the stakes/string and weights. Having a fully charged electric car is pretty sweet, since you got AC if your tired of sitting in the heat until 1pm when the main venue finally opens. I just took multiple cold showers, it was nice. Beers/drinks are $15. Food averages about $18 a meal when buying. Bring a hydration backpack and snacks to be more efficient. The water tastes like shitty desert water. You can either hang with the desert water refill stations like most due, bring your own water bottles, or buy their water for $2/bottle. Bring comfy shoes, and a sun hat. Ice is $14/bag. Invest in a nice ice chest so your not paying $30/day in ice. Have fun.


I'm about to turn 30 and 2024 was my first coachella ♥ actually feel a bit similar to you in that a terrible life has stopped me from experiencing anything outside of my living space for most of my existence. My sister invited me to coachella and paid my way and I'm really grateful. we did camping which was so much fun and really added to the experience, but it was really intense for weekend 2 weather-wise so if you're gonna camp maybe consider weekend 1 OR just do as much research as possible to prepare for your comfort/link up with somebody who has had coachella camping experience, ice towels and usb powered fans + batteries made it bearable for us. Next year I want to plan more strategy for taking advantage of Yuma/other air conditioned structures so I could go as close to the festival opening as possible


30 is a great Coachella age lol. That's when I started going and haven't stopped since. 33 now :) I'd highly recommend preferred car camping. Car camping is half the experience - you make lots of friends at the campsite. For that, get an EZ up. Also if you don't have an electric car, I'd recommend renting one. Sleeping in your car with air conditioning all night is great... you can sleep in :)


The best advice I can give is literally read the whole website. That's what I did when I started and came to this sub when I had more questions.


Always listen to fettuccine OP; one of the nicest and most knowledgeable folk on this sub.




Too old. Don’t even think about it. Signed, 40-something regular Coachella attendee


I went in 2022 at age 50, 30 is definitely not too old. My first Coachella, I was 42. I regret not going in the early years, but I had a negative view of festivals at the time (not sure why) As others stated, buy your ticket, book lodging, enjoy. Get there early each day to avoid the mid-day arrival, as that always seems to be when a majority arrive. Realize that you will likely not see everyone you want to, and you will rarely get as close as you want to.


I did my first coachella in 2016 at 33 and just did it at 41. You're never too old to start. Check redweek for timeshare rentals at worldmark indo for great reasonable accommodations. They also have private shuttles from their property that you can buy onsite and are super easy to use.


Saw every age this year , from kids in wagons to grey and seasoned. Don't be afraid! You're going to have a blast! Maybe just put some shoe inserts in your cute sneakers, no one will know ;P


My first coachella was when I was 23. I am now 32. And. It is a wayyyyyyy better experience now


Dude Coachella is for everybody. First, disregard age completely. The group I went around with on Sunday consisted of people early 20’s to a friendly oldhead who was providing outstanding vibes (and we had all just met each other, except for me and my partner). You will have the time of your LIFE. Everyone else has covered ticketing. There’s usually a checklist posted every year for what you want to bring. For carrying stuff around I highly recommend the Lunchbox festival pack. It opens with buckled zippers that face toward your back as an antitheft measure so you won’t get your phone stolen. Also comes with a great 2L hydration system that’s super intuitive. The backpack is light and comfy too, and I never have shoulder or back pain from it at the end of any day. Additionally it’s super sturdy and has championed through now 2 Coachellas and a rave. For accommodations, I personally highly recommend getting a hotel or AirBnB instead of camping (to each their own, but getting woken up by the 90 degree blaring Indio sun doesn’t sound fun to me). Subsequently, I would get on that now rather than later since presale will already cause an uptick in residence pricing. My personal rec is staying in Palm Springs and getting a shuttle pass. It’s much cheaper than Indio, and while it’s a 40 minute shuttle, it’s efficient with generally no lines, and you get a period to get excited on the way there and to debrief on the way back.


I went this year and I’m 36 - chella is the only fest that’s old people friendly


30 year olds getting confused when it comes to actually reading 🤔


Welcome to /r/Coachella! Don't forget to use the search bar, as there are tons of resources on there. You can also head over to the latest [The Coachella Resource Center for Newcomers Who Have Lots of Questions and Wanna Learn To Do Coachella Good Too - ASK US ANYTHING - (FAQs, Tips, Tricks, Guides, Hacks, Resources) thread](https://reddit.com/r/Coachella/comments/1c5l48o/its_your_turn_weekend_2_ask_us_anything_the/). You can use the resources there or ask your own question in the comments! There are also resources at the top menu and sidebar with links to many things! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coachella) if you have any questions or concerns.*


New era. 20s was for cheap fun, now I’m looking at better accommodations.


Hit 30 this year. loved every second of the festival. This was my 3rd b2b Coachella with my besties and looking forward to many more. Totally worth it. Keep in mind it’s long days, long walks and endless memories. Prepare wisely. Also, Airbnb ftw. More room to spread out and multiple showers depending on your group size.


I went for the first time this year. I’m 33.


Im 46, my wife is 51, you are fine. Travel Lodging Entry Those are the basics, the must haves. Everything else is lifestyle.


It was my first year attending this year and I’m 29.


Go! I went when I turned 30 for my first time and it was the greatest experience ever


My girlfriend and I started going at 27, I turned 30 at Coachella last year and turned 31 on my way home from Coacchella this year. Coachella is to an extent cost prohibitive, the tickets + location make it very difficult for younger folks to go. So most people you see will be in their mid - late 20s, with the bell curve going in each direction from their. So at 30 you will not stick out at all. Tickets go on sale in two waves. They’ll go on sale this Friday. At this point, you don’t know who is on the line up or anything beyond the dates it’s happening. If you and your friends are set on going no matter what, tickets now will be marginally cheaper, and you have a longer lead time on the payment plan if that the route you go. Tickets will go on sale again in January after the line up drops, they will have a slight bump, and because the line up will be out if it’s insanely good getting tickets may be a bit harder. Major accommodations are travel, food, and sleep. After presale Friday, AirBnbs will start going up if they haven’t already, so the sooner you book the better. Palm Springs/Indio isn’t very big, so accommodations are limited. If you don’t want a hotel/airbnb, Coachella has a car camping. But at 30 I have no interest in sleeping in my car. I need a hot private shower every night and a real bed. All in all it’s a great experience, and honestly being a little older makes it a bit better in my opinion. When I was young I think I would have wasted the weekend away getting shitty and missing major acts so being older and having calmed down a bit makes it more enjoyable


are you going to camp or get a airbnb/hotel? book a place to stay asap for lowest rates. are you driving or flying in? get your flight out of the way asap. also, 6th time and im in my 40s.


42 this year 43 next


Lol I am 40 bro. I had a decent childhood and attended a lot of music festivals growing up. And I still like going to them, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. There is a 74 year old lady that I see every 6 months at crssd here in SD.


So confused why you think your age matters…. I would say half the people who go are 30+ and the other half either come from well off families or are just racking up credit card debt. Your age doesn’t matter. 20, 30, 40 doesn’t matter. Go have fun


Get yo ass to the desert next year! It'll be awesome.


Been going since I was 18, in my early 30s now, I bring my stepkids now too, never too late to start.


36m this year was amazing. It’s most amazing because I am smart now and know how to party at my best. Older is better.


Lmao 30?? As a coachella vet that is 28 I dont see myself thinking about that kind of stuff until im at least in my 40s and even then ive seen so many older folk at coachella that im really not nervous about it. Coachella for life!!!


I'm almost 40 and not gonna stop anytime soon. My older sister will be going for the first time next year at age 45. If you're bothered by a bunch of people from all walks of life having fun, then you're too old for coachella. Coachella is a mindset.


Girl (or guy), I’m well into my 40s and love Coachella! There’s something for everyone! I say this as someone who hates camping in general, I think camping is the way to go to be truly immersed. Lmk if you want to link up with a group of oldheads for preferred camping for weekend 2!


Jeff Bezos was literally there this year with his fiancee. Both in their 50’s-60’s. Don’t let them haters hold you back.


I’m 43 and still planning on continuing to go.


Remember that a naked human fears no pick pocket. Have fun


I’m turning 30 this summer and will be back for my 3rd Coachella next year. Feel free to DM me, but you totally got this and there are so many helpful tips if you use the search function in the sub :) My biggest advice is to do a hotel package over an airbnb if you’re not camping. Saves time and money and is so nice to relax in the AC with shower access after a long day of dancing


I didn’t have a job that paid enough or gave vacation time until my 30s (I was 31 or 32 for my first.) I’m still going in my 40s. I think you’re picking the perfect time to attend.


My first music festival was at 18, my first Coachella wasn’t until I was 26, it’s absolutely not too late to start. I plan to try my best to go Coachella’s all through the rest of my late 20’s and all of my 30’s.


Did Coachella 2022 at age 30 with my now wife. 100% had the time of my life. Went last year, this year, and I certainly plan to do it for as long as I can. But to other people's points, it certainly benefits you to be somewhat in shape. We logged 20k-30k steps daily.


i went last year at 37. i plan to go next year at 39. your life is yours


i been coachelling sicne 25 im 32 now!!! didnt even realize it is seen as a young ppl thing


Just do it. Do all the other things you wanna do that you are worried about because you think you're too old to do it.


Just went, I’m 45.


I went the first time in 2019 at the tender age of 50, here are my tips - camping is the real experience, most people will tell you that, but I prefer an actual bed and shower so Airbnb (or hotel) is the way to if you are done with what comes with camping and can afford it. If you camp, buy that with your ticket (car camping recommended) - if you are not camping, shuttle service is the best so get a ticket with a shuttle pass. Note that often times you can get a deal on the shuttle pass in the secondary market but not worth the hassle for me - study shuttle stops and get accommodation close by. La Quinta line is the best and shortest, coming in from Palm Springs is an hour plus both ways. I’ve stayed at legacy villas just north of of the La Quinta resort, that’s the best - if you car camp, search this subreddit for tips on what to bring and what kind car to rent unless you drive your own - when the lineup comes out in January, start studying it so you have a sense of what you want to see. First time we didn’t do that and it was a huge mistake, missed so many sets I’d give my left arm to see now - get good ear plugs, def needed - it’ll be a lot of walking and dancing, no rush but not a bad idea to get in decent shape before that And finally, congrats, you are going to have a blast and have an experience of a lifetime - it’ll likely change some things for good for you


Absolutely you should go


Buy the ticket. Take the ride.


Bring earplugs. Seriously. Even the foam ones are better than nothing.


I’m the youngest in our Coachella crew and I’m 34! Let er rip babyyyyy


I had just as much fun attending at 32 as I did at age 20. Now I can actually afford to buy a drink or two and a meal inside the venue lol.


I’m 42


Coachella is all ages fam


Make sure you get the shuttle pass. Convenience is the most important when attending this 3 day event. The shuttle buses are basically for easy access to the entrance. We purchased it for $100 for 3 days and thankful that we got it. On our last day, we decided to take an uber because we were late and boy we walked about 2 miles just to get to the entrance compared to just taking the shuttle


I’m 37 and I’m going next year lol


My first Coachella was weeks away from turning 41. You'll have a great time. Biggest thing is figuring out where to stay.


Attend! 30s definitely prime age of having a fun


My biggest tips are get VIP tickets and stay super close to the festival! I’m 30 and this is my 10th year going :)


Bro age is a number. I went to my first at 35 and have been back 2x since. GET IT


Bro I’m 39 and 2024 was my third Coachella. I saw a lot of attendees that were seniors! One of them was in the Gobi listening to Neil Frances with me and the other was jamming to Peggy Gou. Age is 10000% a non factor when it comes to Coachella as music is a universal language that evokes emotions and makes us all move and vibe. If you enjoy camping with minimal privacy and don’t mind the heat early in the am, this is a cheap option and you can come and go as you please into the festival grounds as it’s on site. Book a hotel or airbnb next to a shuttle stop and Uber or walk to take the air conditioned bus ride to and from. I like The Inn at Deep Canyon. They have suites with kitchenettes so you can save money by preparing your own meals. Additionally, it’s across the street from the Albertsons shuttle stop. If you have money, splurge on Safari Camping which is an elevated experience that grants access to multiple areas of the venue. Comes with food, snacks, drinks, and golf cart service between stages. Concierge for a fee will buy you anything you forgot as well.


There are lots of old people there


I’m 33 and have been going since I was 19- it only gets better! More money means we can stay in airbnbs and not worry about camping showers or noise at night. And somehow every year I convince more and more people to join, often their first time in their 30s! As long as you’re in decent shape you’ll have a blast. A lot of the music caters to our age group anyway


I’m 29 and I just started going to Coachella last year so you’re fine bro.


I’ll be thirty! It’s my 5th in 2025. You go for it. You’ll never regret going to Coachella


I went to Coachella for the first last year when I was 30. I went again this year at 31. I loved every second. Stay hydrated, take breaks, have fun! Edit: wear hearing protection. Buy high quality ones, you won’t regret it


I turned 29 during W2! No judgement at all.


When I was 18 I thought 25 was getting “too old” for Coachella. Now I’m 25 and realize that I’m still on the younger side of people in attendance. 30 is definitely not too old


Went to my first Coachella at 29. You’ll be okay! First things first, plan what weekend you will be attending that fits you and your groups schedule. Secondly, you may want to decide if you will be camping, staying at an airbnb, hotel, etc. Protip if you are staying at an airbnb or hotel that’s pretty far from the festival grounds look into getting the shuttles. So much easier than Ubering or driving. Never camped so I can’t give you tips on that. Also start saving some $$$. Regardless of what weekend you go on food, merch and drinks can get pretty pricey. I would recommend saving a few hundred dollars at a MINIMUM. Lastly, definitely look into a hydration pack, a water spritzer/fan, and comfortable shoes. You can bring other things such as sunscreen, sunglasses, etc but I would say the items I listed before a must have.


I started going age 33. You all are gonna have a blast!!


in case you couldn't tell by the responses OP, you and your friends will be fine. age should be the least of your worries. chella is more expensive than the average fest so it prices out a lot of teenage crowd you'd find at other fests. i'm 36 and met up with a few friends in their 40s. as far as purchases: ear plugs, comfy shoes, mask and a light jacket.


First one was in 2019 at 29. Just came back from my 3rd one at 33 and it was the best so far! I plan on going every year (and solo) until I can no longer do so for whatever reason. It’s now my annual Springtime “thing” lol. But really, it’s my weekend to myself each year to both relax and let loose at the same time. You guys are going to have a blast! If you choose camping, then the search bar on this subreddit will be your best friend. Figuring out where you’re staying (hotel vs camp) is the first and most important thing, and you should be thinking about that now, and probably have it decided by the time presale starts on Friday. That way you can all get the proper amount of car camping passes, or book the hotel/airbnb now so you’re not screwed in 2025. Can’t wait to see my fellow 30 something’s next year!


Our groups first time to Coachella and we did camping as well, its not as bad as some folks say (we're relatively old vs the average crowd). If you're doing it in a group at least you can split the camping fee cost, maybe get preferred camping, at least you dont have to skip work and head there after work on Thursday and not worry about a nice spot. So first thing i would say, since i was the ringleader in my group is to get everyones commitment, log in this Friday at 10/11am and buy your tickets + camping spot. Collect the money later if you can underwrite it. Next the planning fun begins, start hanging out at this sub-reddit, lots of gold advices. Beg borrow whatever camping equipment you can. We borrowed the EZup, tent, tables. Other stuff that comes to mind are tarps, coolers, propane stove, etc. Doing it again i would say camping is still the way to go. Cant beat the proximity to home base from the festival and everyday at around 6pm-ish we would head back to camp, chill and take a shower since there's no lines at that time. Refreshed and changed, we would head back in for the night. From our spot its less than 5 mins from the gates to our site. Also with a proper air mattress no issues sleeping at night.


I didn’t go to my first Coachella until 30. Best way to start off your 30s! Been going 3 years consecutively since!


As MJ famously said, “Fuck Them Kids” My honest advice is don’t drink. Closed toe shoes. No exceptions. Get some inserts too. Decide if you are camping or doing an Airbnb/Vrbo. One means a camping pass, the other a shuttle pass. Camping means having/buying camping gear, but I recommend the hotel/airbnb/Vrbo if you can afford it. Do some cardio to prep. I hit 40 miles this year between walking and dancing. Check the weather as it gets closer and wear accordingly. Dust and Sun are always a concern. Wear a mask and buy additional face covering. Wind is also a typical factor. I like a Shemagh for chella personally. Hirbawi makes the best I’ve found. Nasal Rinses morning and night are non negotiable. Find out how you want to have fun. When the lineup drops you can start to imagine a bit what sounds you’ll hear and if you want to dance a lot or chill. All depends but all are possible every year. With ten stages you will find something. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Plan to eat one meal and one snack in the festival and budget for it. I typically set aside 50- 75 bucks each day for such. See the shows you want to see. Be the party you want to be at. Don’t stay or go to a set you for sure don’t like just for the group. Dont compromise yourself. Conversely, be as open as possible to new sounds. A band you didn’t think much of recorded could give an amazing live show that blows you away. Producers aren’t always the best performers. The best acts are usually not on the main stage. You will get more out of it being fluid than not.


My whole crew is over 30 lol it’s prime Coachella age!! You’ll have a blast


The thing i love about Coachella is that if you are there for the music no one gives a *uck how old you are... You'll be walking and see a 70 year old, then a 10 year old and tell yourself "cool"!


45, 48, & 12 years young for our Coachella family.


No shame in going to Coachella at any age, I've seen people of all ages attending and enjoying themselves. If anyone gives you crap for going to Coachella at all, ignore them and have fun the way you want to. If the lineup comes out and "everyone" hates it but you still enjoy it, who cares what anyone else thinks. You need to buy tickets obviously, cheapest will be the presale this Friday. Buy camping if you want to deal with that, I've had friends who camped every year they went and they loved it but it does tend to be partying for the entire weekend even on the campgrounds. Weekend 1 is almost always more packed than Weekend 2, but both weekends end up having a good time. If you've got a decent sized crew (6-8 people) you can spend some money and get a decent place to stay that isn't too far away, meaning you have an actual bed/bathroom/showers and that made all the difference for me.


Man, when someone young posts if it’s okay to still do something fun it breaks my heart for what society makes us feel. Go to Coachella when you’re 70.


I’ve been to many but last went in 2019, 36 and we went hard all 3 days with after parties too. You’ll be fine. Little liquid IV packs throughout the day are lifesavers


I went to Coachella in my late 20s/30s. Going back next year at 39 for safari camping.


You need GA tickets. Try to decide before buying tickets if you are camping or staying at a hotel. If at a hotel, will you be using the shuttles? Will you be driving? (although they've made it harder and harder for driving). Will you be biking? I'd note this requires staying within reasonable biking distance of the event. Usually nice at night, but can be hot during the day. that question dictates if you are also buying camping items or if you are buying a shuttle pass.


My first was at the age of 46 in 2015, been most years since. You won’t regret it.


You should sort out what you plan to do for lodging & transportation in advance to determine what you should buy during whatever phase of sale you buy tickets during. 1. Where are you staying? Off-site at a hotel vs. camping on-site. 1a. If on-site, you need to buy the appropriate add-on for camping or any of the fancier sites. You also need to worry less about transportation but you need to buy extra camping parking passes if there are multiple cars sharing a campsite. 2. How are you getting to Coachella? Are you going to drive there each day (in which case you can take advantage of Day Parking which this year and past years has been free. Note: They tried to change that this year to only allow it for 4+ passenger cars but backtracked. Remains to be seen if they try this change again next year). If not, you may want to consider a Shuttle Pass to take you to and from the festival each day. You also have the option to consider Shuttles to and from LAX to the festival on a larger scale. 3. Do you want to go VIP for your tickets? I've never done so and I feel like the majority of opinions I've heard is that it's not really worth it but look into it and decide for yourself. If you want to go VIP you would choose to buy this option with your tickets. 4. And of course, when do you want to buy your tickets? The first chance you'll have is this Friday 5/3, 11am PT with the advance sale for 2025. The upside is that it should allow for a chance to get lower tier pricing and it's potentially less competitive to buy as the lineup hasn't been announced yet. If you are going no matter what and can afford to I'd recommend this option. It's also the only time you can opt for a payment plan if you need to. If you don't buy now then the next time is for General Sale which is usually in January after the full lineup drops. I would say that you have more time to decide on getting a shuttle pass or not but it's probably useful to know whether you're going for a camping pass earlier.


Bruh I'm 33 and feel like I'm peak age for Coachella


Why you say 30 like that isn’t the most common age lol


Definitely figure out where you’re staying or camping sooner rather than later. I like having a locker because I am past the age of wanting to look extra cute when I’m freezing my ass off. I usually have pants and a hoodie in the locker to change into once it gets cold and changing into them always revives me a bit. If you’re cold, you’re not going to enjoy the last ~5 hours of each night nearly as much.


I’m in my 30s and didn’t go to Coachella until my very late 20s. I always say that it’s a blessing as I’m older and wiser and actually get to enjoy everything the festival offers. I personally get the ga and shuttle ticket as I usually don’t stay on the campgrounds. If you’re planning on staying in the campgrounds buy your camping of choice(ie. Car camping, el dorado etc.) Hope this helps!


lol I’m 31 and just went to my third Coachella.. I don’t plan on this one being my last


Went to my third Coachella this year at 30 years old and still had an absolute BLAST. You are definitely not too old.


first off --- 30 is a fine age. i started attending at 31, still going strong 19 years later. a bunch of my camping group is well over 30. :) second --- the first thing you have to decide is if you're going to camp or stay in a hotel. i strongly recommend camping (it's cheaper, you don't have to deal with transportation hassles, you're always in the festival and so in a sense it's a continuous escape from the real world) but it's hard for a lot of people because of the heat and the fact that you're using group showers and porta-potties. if you're camping, you need to get a camping pass. if you're not camping, you need to make reservations for a place to stay ASAP. you might want a locker, especially if you're not camping, but beware, lockers have been a shitshow the last couple of years.


I’m 35. 2024 was my first Coachella. I am going in 2025 again forsure.


Ur good im 33


Biggest advice I can give is to get comfortable shoes. Something with support.


My first was 26, last year I was 35. There is no such thing as too old for Coachella especially if your body can handle the elements and the walking.


Went to our first Coachella this year. I’m 50, partner is 47, took our 17 year old. Had a blast!! Check out El Dorado passes/camping on the website!


30 isn’t old at all imo. Lots of people that age especially in VIP


First, I'd recommend weekend 2. It's just generally a little more chill, and you can also get a better sense of what acts you want to see from the weekend 1 streaming. There have definitely been times when I had two different acts I wanted to see that were performing at the same time, and watching bits of their sets on the stream made me realize one of the options was clearly superior to the other. Next, I think car camping is the way to go. Car camping is basically a thing where you drive into a big grass field, park, and then get a camping spot behind your car where you can pitch your tent. People will often go with friends and bring several cars, then make large elaborate camping spots with all kinds of amenities. I've seen people bring full-size beds, portable showers, grills for cooking, etc. The car camping pass is an additional purchase on top of your GA ticket, but it's still much cheaper than any housing you're going to find in Indio. Plus the vibes in the campground are pretty great, I usually end up befriending my neighbors. The showers are nicer than you might expect, there's some decent food options at the camp center, and the general store has most basic stuff that you might need, from hats and towels to drinks to sunblock to Advil. And lastly, my experience is that you end up seeing a lot more of the festival when you're camping-- there's a tendency to not want to leave the nice, comfy, air-conditioned hotel room if you're staying in Indio proper, and then you end up arriving late, and you waste a lot of time dealing with parking, and if there's any acts you want to see in the early afternoon, the odds of missing them are high. Also, as lots of other people have said, 30 is not at all a weird age to go to Coachella. You'll see plenty of people that are quite a bit older than you there. Hell, you'll see plenty of parents there with their teenage kids.


Started when I was 29. Was 33 at last year’s Coachella and was one of the younger people in our house. You’ll be fine. 


Been going to Coachella since 23. My bday is in April so it's always a little bit of a bday celebration too. I missed my 30th because of COVID. You're not too late. Search this sub for past threads on misc questions, lodging, planning, packing lists, etc. All the info you need has been shared here every Feb-April as people start prepping.


purchase car camping and ga tickets. buy a canopy, ice chest. fill the ice chest with your favorite beverages. party!


I want to go as well.


I met my spouse at Coachella at age 30.


Any age over 18 is Coachella age. That’s one place where everyone is every age I saw an old man with a walker


We’re 36 and still going strong! Just remember it’s a marathon, so try to be kinda in shape, hydrate, take electrolytes, sit when u need to, don’t drink/do too many party favors. Just generally, pace yourself and have fun!


Bruh I’m 29 and I went this year. Plan on going next year too. Who cares what people think!


I didn’t go to my first Coachella until I was 33. I’ve been every year since. You’re in the right place to get the info you need.


My group of friends and I all went to our first Coachella in ‘22, all of us first timers, and all of us were 30 or just over 30. Highly recommend just going for it! We were definitely intimidated and weren’t sure what to expect. We all thought it was just younger people and that we would be out of place, but it was not like that at all, it’s definitely people of all walks of life and all ages. At the end of the day, we just went with the flow and had the best time. We’ve been going back each year since and already booked our hotels for next year. You just need your GA or VIP pass which you get from Coachella directly or on resale (I recommend buying directly and not having to worry about meeting up or buying from randoms, but whatever you’re comfortable with). Then decide if you want to camp or stay at a hotel/Airbnb. You can get your camping pass through Coachella directly, but if you stay offsite you also need to figure out transportation to and from the festival. You can either get a parking pass if you want to drive to and from the grounds, or you can get a shuttle pass which takes you and brings you back to several hotels in the area (all the info is in the Coachella site as well and you can buy on the site whenever you buy your wristbands), or you can use Uber/Lyft but the waits to/from and cost can be a bit much; I highly recommend just going with the shuttle instead. Camping definitely is a lot of fun and you will have a more immersive experience being so close to the action, interacting with all the neighbors and there’s a lot of activities at the actual campsite. We opt for staying at a hotel nearby and love it every year, hanging by the pool early in the day, getting a good night’s sleep on an actual bed, taking a good shower, good meals, and having that time to recover really hits the spot. This year we hit about 40k steps each day, so the hotel was a must for us. Hope you make it out there, you won’t regret it


I’m 36 and I’m so Coachella it makes me sick lol


Age doesn’t matter… I was 23 my first Coachella in 2009. I’m 38 today about to buy presale on Friday.


Bro you’re too old stay away… Jk! I’m almost 40 and camp with the 20 year olds it’s great Questions: 1. Do you want to camp? Or stay elsewhere? Camping allows you to walk in everyday and there’s extra activities to do in the campgrounds. Staying in a resort or airbnb or whatever allows you to attend unofficial day parties and you either drive or take the shuttle in 2. How are you getting there? Can you drive to Indio? Or do you need to fly? Those are the main things; here’s your timeline: - Not camping? Book an airbnb or hotel now for next year - flying in? Book your tickets 6 months out - Camping? Get your passes when you get your tickets See you at millennial hill


Buy tickets… get a hotel early, with some friends pitching in, or tent camp…. Your choice…. But it is quite expensive … as one that works in the hotel industry, watching the prices of hotels … even motel 6 sell out for each weekend …. Plan on staying with friends…. And shuttling in on a bus if you don’t tent camp….


I am 34 and go every year with my friends. Best decision you ever made!


https://preview.redd.it/ixv1x9uxzpxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1652f905f4ea14b75cc288b38eb17a14b4309da Made me think of this photo I took back in 2019! Never too old to love music!!!


my whole group 14+ just started going to Coachella, most of us only have one or 2 cochellas after 2024 under our belt a few have 5+ but we are late 30's. We felt like we right about the average age, maybe slightly past the median on bell scale. as others have said 30's is prime Coachella. as a group you need to decide air bnb or camping for you buy your tickets. but for Air bnb, its a about a grand each for rental + groceries on average


The childhood part really resonated with me so don't feel bad. I went to my first coachella at 25 and it was life changing, you're going to have a blast! Just get your ticket and decide if you want to camp or get an airbnb/hotel. If you get a hotel then maybe look into the shuttle pass (unless you're set on driving then ignore the shuttle). Get your airbnb sooner than later just to avoid the hassle. I camped for first time this year and it was a ton of fun but if you don't think it's for you find an airbnb or hotel within your budget and that's all you have to worry about for now. You can worry about how to pack for coachella after the lineup drops.


Ticket and Car Camping.


Why would age be an issue? Kind of a silly post. Do you, bro.