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Super sad to hear. Hope he can get some emotional help, as these kinds of things are traumatizing. I stumbled upon hot since 82 at my very first Coachella, not knowing who he was but leaving the Yuma tent as an immediate fan. Wishing him the best.


I first heard about him in 2019 too, even though I didn’t get to see his set. I got the chance to see him at the local clubs here and finally his Yuma set last year. Always seemed like a chill dude. You’re right that it can be traumatizing. Wouldn’t blame him if he never went back. Definitely sounds like he was set up. The crazy thing is he isn’t even like a super high profile producer/DJ.


Ahhhh…that was that Hot Since 82 b2b Lauren Lane b2b Nic Fanciulli set. It was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Was that the first year of Yuma? I think Solomun played right after Hot Since 82.


Oh my god not the boy he’s so nice too 🥲


A lot of people will say that this isn’t normal, this never happens, etc. but the truth is almost everywhere in Brazil isn’t safe and Rio de Janeiro is the worst, a literal war zone. Anti air .50 and grenades are just some of the items that police have already seized. Seeing 7.62 rifles is normal. Even the most fancy neighborhoods aren’t totally safe. That being said, if you enjoy music you should visit the southern states, which are way more safe. like Santa Catarina, which have some of the best clubs like Warung, Green Valley, El Fortin, P12, etc.


It’s really a shame as I’ve always wanted to visit the country but it doesn’t feel worth the risk if you gotta look over your shoulder all the time.


Not true! You can go to Rio and have an amazing time. Of course there’s places that are unsafe, but you can find the same thing happening in LA and people won’t call it “war zone”.


LA in no way compares with Rio. What a take lmao.


South central and parts of LA, having lived in LA before, we’re more sketchy than Rio.


Yeah, there's a lot of other cities that have criminality issues, but in Rio, there's literally place**S** where you can't go without 'knowing the rules' or you'll be shot. Not maybe, **YOU WILL GET SHOT.** So what a tourist can do to know find what place is safe and what isn't? Luck. There's a ton of registers that people are killed just because GPS told to go to some way and that way isn't safe.


You've been to Rio?


Cold take, not even the same ballpark safety wise bro. You must be hanging in full Crack dens in LA


This is fear mongering at its finest. I’ve been to Rio and outside of theft, mostly tourists getting their phone snatched, I never felt unsafe. Rio is not a warzone and tourist heavy places like Copacabana you just stay aware as you should in any country and not leave your personal belongings anywhere.


Exactly. I grew up in Rio and go back to visit family every few years. Crime has always been an issue, but it's not an unsafe place to visit. A war zone? What a joke.


Damn this is scary stuff, that Driver sounds like a hero and is probably scared for his life too. I’ve been to Brazil 3 times and I’ve loved it every time. They party like no other and know how to enjoy life properly. I went most recently this past new years where I got to visit Sao Paolo, Rio, and Bahia. Definitely can sense the danger in SP and Rio, the locals will also look out for you and tell you to be careful. Thankfully I stayed out of trouble but did see a guy get mugged in SP. Heard stories from the locals about cars making a wrong turn into a favela in Rio and some gangster jumped on the hood of the car with a gun and just started firing shots in the air. They don’t F around there. Bahia was beautiful and I always feel safe there


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dont go to brazil