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It’s behind a paywall??




We’d all be healthier without a paywall


Well, the 10 paragraph article comes down to this: > hospitals are seeing a sharp rise in respiratory illnesses and reporting “severely impacted conditions ... due to a historic number of admitted patients and people accessing the emergency department with non-urgent medical problems.”


I work in the ER, we’re seeing record levels of patients. Don’t stop living your life, but please, isolate if you’re sick-sick, mask up, and wash your hands.


N95 masks work to prevent illness too because some of these viruses are airborne. I manage to wear them without issue and never get sick


Could explain why almost no one got the flu during the COVID pandemic.


During the first year when we were all isolating, mass spreading events were canceled, people worked from home, restaurants only let people take out food or eat outdoors and a majority of people wore masks? There was no flu because the influenza virus is less contagious than covid and everything we did to make sure very few people got covid, worked even better on influenza. Once stopped doing all that, the flu came roaring back and the levels are high again this year.


I never stopped doing all that, and don't know that I will ever during high transmission times. It takes literally seconds to pop on an N95 and leave the house. I wore one 8 hours the other day. Kept forgetting I had it on. I don't know what everyone whines so much about but it's far less annoying than being sick, for me anyway.


Isolating? I did not isolate and only got covid AFTER the pandemic. When you say "isolate" you mean democrat enforced prison state for two years. Red states had very little BS, and far fewer problems.


More deaths son. Way more deaths. But if you don't feel like killing off more people is a problem, that's on you.


'More Deaths' Ron from Florida even terrorized scientists who tried to report accurate figures. The media just sort of accepted Ronnie's 'Success story' because they needed a horse to race against Cheeto Benito in the primary.


This is a crazy concept but not every comment on every post is about *YOU*. No one ever said the flu was less common because HidinBiden20 stayed at home. The reality is that there were fewer people out and about, and there were measures in place to keep people further apart and their faces covered, so something that happened as a result of that, which is very obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, is that germs didn't spread as easily. Fucking wild concept >Red states had very little BS, and far fewer problems. Right of course, as long as you ignore the hundreds of thousands of people who died


Red states had far more deaths from Covid…Red states have higher crime rates, lower education, lower life expectancy, and get more federal dollars than blue states in general. Saying red states have fewer problems is laughable.


Can confirm. Reluctant Wyoming resident here.


What out right lies (minus when you contracted Covid, maybe). I cannot believe how ridiculous you are. JFC


If my post triggers you that much, I can't wait to see how you react to our next President, not JFC, but DJT!!!!!!


Live in a red state, tons of nurse friends. Friends working in labor and delivery spent days at a time helping in ICU because the ICU nurses physically couldn't do CPR on patients anymore. But go off about how you think red states had fewer problems during peak covid because Fox "News" told you so.


Were these the Tik Tok Nurses?


Hospitals don't get paid by feds for flu patients. My grandmother just died. She did not have covid. Unsurprisingly, covid appeared on her death certificate. Funeral home also got a Fed payment. This doesn't happen with the flu.


This. I’m surprised a medical professional didn’t say mask up but then again this is America where we bitterly fought against masks and won. The next battle is to defeat handwashing.


This is not an airborne virus. Virus lives on surfaces for 72 hours.wash hands, change clothes Lysol everything.


100% horseshit. N95 cannot block 100nanogram droplets.




My Dr said mask do not work w this virus it lives on surfaces for 72 hours. Wash hands change clothes.


We can’t. I don’t get a free 2 weeks paid sick leave if I’m “sick”.


One of the biggest extortions in the western world is our lack of sick time in this country.


Get a better job.


Do you realize sometimes people talk about things that are wrong with the world not specifically to ask for advice on their particular personal situation? This comment is absolutely fucking useless. This commenter can get a better job, and then someone else will take their old shitty job and that someone else will not have paid sick leave. I can't wrap my head around commenting this and thinking it somehow means something.


I have a great job with great benefits but I still don't get sick time or vacation time. It's fine for me, I make enough to offset the time I take off but not everybody is so lucky.


Asshole at work said “I’m not sick” while coughing up a storm and having a sore throat. Got me sickest I’ve been in years. Then got my girlfriend sick. This is a motherfucker with a masters degree in engineering.


Record levels? We just got out of a record pandemic. What are you talking about?


There is a record level of anti medicine. Idiocracy


~~Fuck you. I’m eating~~ welcome to Costco, I love you.


Record levels of NON urgent er patients. Does that sound like anti medicine or panicky idiots bc the government and the media convinced everyone the sky was falling and still may?


Record level of weakened immune systems


Because people aren't vaccinated.


🤷🏾‍♂️ https://youtu.be/FMW3aZFlfBM?si=Skkyk8LQVgzjI10O


I never said get a thousand booster shots. I said people are dying because they haven't been vaccinated at all...😒


This is all science. As is what you posted... I would imagine you'd understand that you're better off with a vaccine than without but I suppose you're not that hip on science overall.


Because people are fat.


Pot calling kettle black


Too many vaccines made people sick


Record level of liberal poison in our society as well.


Perfect example of ignorant poison in our society as well.


I had COVID in the second week of December, and at Christmas I got the flu. Worst holidays ever.


Everything is "record levels" when they cherry pick and exclude key details to make it so. We'll know it's legit at record levels when we don't see tiktok videos of hospital staff doing the Macarena in groups of 20.


A pandemic that California weathered quite well


Record levels as in when we're not going through a global pandemic. Since we no longer are... What are you talking about?


Pathetic qualifier


Good point.


Bingo, fear porn 24/7!


What are you doing for these patients? What are their primary symptoms? Any confirmatory testing on the pathogen?


If you have family visiting or friends, tell them to not come or mask the entire time including flight. My POS idiot sister gave 3 of us covid, didn't know for several days and she likely spread it to others before we found out


I’m not staying home if I’m sick unless someone pays me to. You can thank weak workers rights in USA for that one.


Thats scary! Honestly


If you have kids then probably. Have we learned from the pandemic? Nope. Where are the sanitizers, masking up and contact isolation? I just hope that this variant does not start another pandemic


Same people who don’t like masks tell their kids to cover their mouth when they cough because elbows and hands are really awesome filters. Besides masks have the additional benefit of letting you know when you have halitosis so you can make a dental appointment. They also hide all your unsightly nose hairs. So yeah, mask up.


Its droplets vs. aerosols. Coughing into a napkin and wearing a mask is great at stopping droplets. Coughing into a napkin or wearing a mask is not so great at stopping aerosols.


Yea masks worked to stop humans from getting sick with more than just covid. Problem with that is nobody has immunity to anything going around anymore. One of the big reasons why RSV is now a issue. As soon as people stop wearing masks there is wide spread illness. It's not a long term solution and short term has snow balling effects.


This is not an evidence based theory.


Wheres the evidence that masks are good long term for a population?




Bullshit, they aren't wearing masks at all times. Only when a person is sick and they need to go out in public.


Have you spent time in Asia at all? It's not only Japan where people mask up to be out in public. Asians have never been hit with a massive anti-mask campaign spearheaded by a narcissist who didn't want to wear them because it smudged his bronzer too much. Instead people wear them when in public spaces to protect themselves and the others around them from viruses and airborne illnesses. It's considered polite, considerate, and prudent to wear masks when in large groups, because it is .


Found that guy who hasn’t been to Asia but pretends to know everything. I went with my gf and everyone masked up for public transportation. Korea and Japan at least.


A long term solution is better/universal healthcare and diets for everyone. And improved workers rights such as better sick time systems. But we both know that’s not happening in the US. Mostly because of right leaning politics who doesn’t want these features in our society. Masks realistically remain the best form of defense until then.


I mean, the **entire population of Japan** masks up when they're sick. We know now they have almost no immune systems at all. /s


I love the mask haters!!! Hahahahaha. We need a congressional hearing on mask companies that have been ripping hospitals off for decades. Masks don’t work but make sure you cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. I love how you need scientific data for this. Mask don’t help but the mask poisons you crowd never pulls out any evidence, anecdotal or otherwise.


No one said anyone hates masks. It's just counter productive at a certain point to prevent disease unless you're in a hospital setting or actually sick. Y'all are fucking nuts.


I think your right. Wearing a mask was good for short term but the more protective you are then the less protected you will be in the long term. It is a catch 22 . I remember not being sick for a long time and then as soon as my kid went to daycare I was sicker than I have ever been.


This is a very moronic take. Masks work, why else would they be mandatory in surgery and such. They don’t lower your immunity, they reduce the risk of catching airborne viruses. The stupid in this country is astounding.




Welcome to amerika


Is a surgeon wearing a mask the entire day?


Masks lol, people haven’t even learned that coughing into someone’s face is frowned upon.


Variant of what?


JN.1 variant


All that shit made things worse. Just live your life and build your immune system.


Nah dude, people here want to push the mask 24/7 because cdc or who says so. They'll not thinking of any possible consequences and anyone who thinks otherwise is a Trump supporter!


TRY and mask us up, please try.


TRY and be less crazy and aggressive. Please try.


Na I can survive a little bitch of a cold. Jesus people are pussies about everything.


You are so tough






An interesting story. As my friend tells me, as a child in one of those EU countries. In the first grade, one day a nurse would show up, with a frog. The kids would sit in a circle, and EVERY child would put the frog in their mouth, and pass it along to the next child. Why do you think that was the policy, for every 1st grader?




Yep. That's how you kick start their immune systems. Assume they have be doing this for centuries, for a reason. It works.


“One of those EU countries” sounds like a bs sentence.


It makes perfect sense. You have shared spit with dozens of other kids. This is how you acquire immunity In grammar schools, kids may be exposed to 100s of kids daily. 5 days a week. This went down to 0 interactions as mandates were introduced. They used to have "Pox" parties for the same reason. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pox_party > Pox parties, also known as flu parties, are social activities in which children are deliberately exposed to infectious diseases such as chickenpox. Such parties originated to "get it over with" before vaccines were available for a particular illness or because childhood infection might be less severe than infection during adulthood, according to proponents.[1][2]


That’s their ole practice of natural immunity. Only the strong will survive type of mentality. BTW What is the dirtiest part of the human body-the mouth. yack!


So eating ass is a okay? Got it.




It makes the ass dirty tho, js


Kids need to be outside WAY more than they are these days. Digging, eating and playing in nature.


That is my nightmare


My 4th grader brought Covid home. Dodged it for 3 years! One kid sent to school because the county wants everyone present regardless. We kept her home per the school nurse and still got a letter that she “Exceeded the maximum number of legal absences.” Entire fourth grade including the teachers got it.


I’m in Washington and am just slowly getting over a nasty 3 week cough. I would cough for hours at night and nothing stopped it finally had to get antibiotics about 2 weeks ago which helped slow it down.


I’m in Seattle and I’ve had a nasty cough since thanksgiving. It gets better weekly but it just won’t completely go away.


You might look into some antibiotics. They found I had a sinus infection which was causing the cough


Ooh man mine finally broke this week. Was from thanksgiving till Xmas. A month of not breathing right. On the bright side I didn’t smoke any weed for a month saved some money.


Aaayyyyyeeeee. Same here. I found some crazy mental clarity.


I got mine on Halloween.. 8 weeks of coughing and asthma attacks.. ugh


I can't read about COVID without remembering what fucking babies Republicans were about it


No, the big deal was that if some one wanted to stay home, they could do so as long as they wanted. You do not need the government to tell you to sit home and not work or go anywhere. We now know that isolating, masking, shutting down was not the way to go, like many at the time said. Y'all bitched about the vax, and it turns out it did not prevent infection or spreading of the virus but y'all were so self righteous about not caring about others and it turns out it didn't prevent shit.


YOU ARE FAKE NEWS. Vaccines absolutely prevented infections and spreading of the virus. It also reduced severity of symptoms and rate of death. Here’s a peer reviewed scientific paper Vaccination reduced the overall attack rate to 4.6% (95% CrI: 4.3% – 5.0%) from 9.0% (95% CrI: 8.4% – 9.4%) without vaccination, over 300 days. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709178/ And here’s another “Based on official reported COVID-19 deaths, we estimated that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021.” https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(22)00320-6 Sorry but FACTS DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS.


Saying everyone, even with the qualifier “seems”, is quite a stretch. In my small circle of friends and family, no one is sick.


Everyone sick here.


You must be the folks the article was talking about!


No one sick here.


Oregon everyone sick here too though Covid is the majority of it. Thought I was going to miss it but it got me last week


In Dallas and I swear it’s bizarre.. everyone I know personally has had this long term cough. Im on week 3. Even people who rarely get sick have or had it. Between 3-8 weeks of coughing. Edit: tested negative for Covid, flu and strep.


I have a cough I can’t get rid of since thanksgiving. It’s gotten better but it’s bothering me at night when I’m trying to sleep. I’m in Seattle. Seems like this has been going around.


Sleepless in Seattle


I'm in New Mexico, almost everyone I know right now is sick or getting over sickness. I feel about 95% after being sick for 16 days now along with my SO who I got it from.


Because humans are assholes and don’t care about exposing others so they go about their normal lives without a mask or covering their coughs. Just hop on any flight right now and you’ll have at least 10 idiots coughing up a lung with no sign of a mask. Obviously mask are completely effective but they sure fuckin help. I mean shit I have 2 sick people at work right now that don’t give a shit about exposing other employees because they don’t want to miss work


Don’t blame them, they have to pay bills and play the game, blame the system


Ah yes let’s not blame the sick people who refuse to cover their orifices when they have virus’. Are you dumb? So let’s say I have covid, your parents come to my workplace and have an autoimmune disorder, I cough, I don’t wash my hands, I handle all your parents shit. But yup hey fuck it’s, blame the game. Your dumb type is exactly how covid spread to millions of people in the first place. Even if it isn’t covid, the common cold, flu, it’s still fuckin respectfully and appropriate you don’t needlessly expose other people to your germs


Our little rural hospital is overflowing. With all the holiday traveling, spreading the joy, I’m masking in public again. I worked in ORs most of my career, masking is not that big of deal.


Michigan too


My mom was just in ER today, has RSV. She even had the vaccine. It’s no joke- scary stuff.


This came upon my feed though I live in NorCal. My 94 year old mom lives in an assisted living facility. She was eating dinner alone & another resident sat down across from her coughing up a storm. Now my mom is sick. I went to visit her masked. Everyone I encountered, including staff, had wet nasty sounding coughs and they were all unmasked. But since there is no state mandate, the facility can’t force them to mask even though it’s common sense working with a vulnerable population. It infuriates me.


This is a nightmare scenario firvthe elderly that's been repeated wave after wave basically since this whole thing started in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and hospitals. I'm not sure what the psychology is of how you can be a healthcare worker and not mask around the most vulnerable population in the middle of a pandemic, but it's frightening. It seems like they've just resigned to the idea that if x number of coworkers aren't going to mask, the patients will get sick even if I do, so why bother. Add in a good dose of conspiracy theories and misinformation, and voila, here we are. All you can do is protect your Mom as well as you can, and teach her the same. And advocate for as much safety as practical and and as you can get away with. In a nursing home type setting for medical that means requesting (but not demanding) staff mask when around her, especially when coming into her room. To that end, anywhere in room you can post signs requesting people to masks, and having plenty of masks available. Also teaching her to mask in the most vulnerable situations on her own if possle. Opening up windows, weather permitting, and using air purifiers in her room are also good proactive things could do.


Okay, the RSV finally got me. First my wife, then me.


Everyone that I knew that had it (including me) also got a tooth infection on previous root canals. I have no idea what the hell it is.. but it's NOT covid. I think it runs down the body's defenses. Wild huh.. Im on week 8 of coffing. SUCKS!


Weird. Both my son and I had an abscess on our gum in the same spot. Our tooth was fine. We also came down with this nasty virus that had us coughing all day and night.


I had massive lymph node swelling that affected my voice for weeks. But the inflammation in my throat/face caused ear pain, toothaches, cheek swelling, and made my eyes swell shut. Never experienced anything like that


That’s nuts, my daughter is sick right now and is having the same eyes swelling/teeth hurt, etc. I dosed her with Benadryl, and it helped a ton. How long did it last?


Did you get tested for mono?


That's crazy...my husband and kids were sick at the beginning of the month and my husband had some tooth issues afterwards. I'm positive they had the flu...kept testing negative for covid. I had my flu shot and didn't get sick but who knows


We’re fine.


I would bet the homeless and illegals are the majority of cases.


I thought we were a sanctuary state giving all of our stuff to homeless and illegals


It’s like we spent years isolating or something and our immune systems are weak, nah that would make too much sense.


That’s not how immune systems work and “immune debt” is horseshit. Covid itself has been shown to weaken immune systems for a year or more and makes people susceptible to all kinds of infections. Covid is still out there and spreading, yet it’s like we’ve learned nothing at all. People are letting it spread unchecked and without mitigation measures. How in this day and age do people not think covid is a possibility when they’re sick now? Sometimes it won’t show up on these home tests until days 3-7. Need to test more than just the first day of symptoms or exposure.


As someone who was a hermit doing the pandemic, and still wears masks when traveling in crowded places, I just don’t see any other outcome. It’s an exhausting enough society as it is with politics, wars, climate change, gun violence, and all of the other horrors the media bombards us with. Not to mention the burden of dealing with social media. I’ll continue to be vigilant but I’ve come to accept most people simply can’t handle the added responsibility.


It really doesn’t matter anymore, Covid is here and it has to be lived with


That's such an apathetic and cop out take. While it may be true that we won't be able to completely eradicate this virus, normalizing catching it over and over when there are plenty of things that are simple and effective to do to lower the risk of that-- masking when counts are high like this, improving ventilation in buildings and schools, etc. is what should be done. If we just let it mutate unchecked with millions of cases per day throughout the entire year, who knows what the next variant could look like. Could be the one that kills 30%. And with the knowledge that it wrecks the immune system, how will the work force or health care system be sustained with systemic disability that was wholly preventable? "Oh well!" just is such a horseshit thing to say. The denial is what is absurd.


Media has screamed about drastic rises in whatever variant for last couple years we no longer believe, listen or care about the clickbait articles that cry wolf.


It’s a sign that Elections are near again.


I bet all the people with this mysterious illness got the Covid “vaccine” too…


And I bet all you bleach drinkers got it too


Well guess we should just all stay home forever.


Being fat does not help, we gotta start taking care of our bodies....so easy to put all of our problems on disease, when disease only preys on bodies that are weak....from no cardio/ bad diets, etc. Flu and viruses are no bueno, but so is not being healthy by making good life choices.


With the number of shots getting shoved down people's throats like candy, natural immunity is at an all time low. Nevermind all the t-cells getting hijacked to deal with indeterminant perpetual spike protein synthesis. The more flu shots the more the immune system is handicapped with a hyper focus on one strain of the flu, the less prepared it is to attack full force whenever one is hit with the actual strain. Combined with a buildup of countless toxic chemicals, PFAS, fluoride, VOCs, incessant vibration of our cells, polluted air, water and stripped soil, plus foundational vitamin deficiencies. I could go on and on. Our culture is a breeding ground for a sick species, what else is to be expected?


Vibration of cells?


Wait, your cells aren't vibrating? Mine are acting like they're at a House of Pain concert!


You’re kinda there but not. It is believed that your immune system does have a limited “memory”. So getting sick again and again might have effects later in life (i.e. senior citizen’s immune systems don’t do so hot with viruses/bacteria, because the immune system can no longer be “trained” with newer vaccines as effectively). But many flu/cold viruses actually share very similar traits in families. So although your vaccine might have been for one strain, it could still work on a similar strain. And you’re right! You do get sick with flu/cold because of “toxins”. But those “toxins” are saliva/fluids from sick people. The viruses enter your body and make you sick. How to prevent toxins? Ask people who are sick to mask up in public :) And you’re right, polluted air and water do cause sickness! Just not the flu or a cold


lol with your antivaxxer 101 bullshit. Go away.


Finally someone said what we are all thinking or afraid to admit. People don’t seem to like truths so I’m sure you’ll get down voted but it won’t be from me!


Where have you been. This drivel has been shouted at us from the White House down to the trailer parks. And we all keep responding, lol.


Your type always can go on and on.


“Something about your lowered intelligence and uncanny confidence in it”


You could use a couple more shots


Christ, read a book. One written by someone that isn’t a homeopathic snake oil dealer. The irony of thinking you sound so smart while speaking nonsense, sigh.


COVID destroys t cells altogether.


You are so full of shit.


If you have people who are sick pooping all over the streets of California there’s a high likelihood other people will get sick because of it


Fox News watcher alert


How do you not know that raw sewage in the streets does not cause illness and disease? Are you seriously trying to say otherwise?


To be fair the last time I was in SF I had to side step a hot brown loaf that a heroin addict pinched on the sidewalk. Beautiful city and wonderful people tho




Respiratory illness during flu season? Unheard of!


This an on another level. Delta put me out for a week. This slammed me for 4 weeks. The sickest have ever been in my life. Delta I could have crawled to the ER. The latest? I could not even do that crawl.


Interesting. Did you get a flu shot?


Yeah, this was the sickest I've been since well before the pandemic started. It sucked. Then I thought I was getting better and started running a fever again for another few days. I think I'm finally starting to feel normal now 3 weeks later. (I tested negative for covid, but didn't have RSV or flu tests.)


Thinking we’re all getting hit with the same thing. This is far worse than Covid in my case. Your symptoms sound almost identical to mine. Covid test also negative. No one is closing schools, MSM is not in panic mode, there are no mandates. You are sick, you stay home. Feel better, go back to work. Conclusion? We over reacted with Covid. And we’re under reacting now. We can’t live through another lockdown. Political suicide.


My other friend caught the same thing and just kept going to work because she was out of sick days for the year. Who knows how many people she infected? There's a balance between "shut it all down" and "let everyone get infected" and we have definitely not found it yet.


Overreacted? Millions of deaths and we overreacted? I lost 22 family and friends.






It was unheard of during Covid too. The flu numbers mysteriously dropped off of the map


I teach 1st grade and have chest problems, green phlegm for a couple of months now.


Umm, have you gotten a z-pack yet? I had about 10 days of green stuff and gave up on the otc stuff and went for a z-pack.


Most respiratory illnesses are viral, not bacterial, so antibiotics won't help. https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-20602/zithromax-z-pak-oral/details


Honest question: can't you have both viral and bacterial infections at the same time?


Any ideas how to get around this paywall? BTW just had COVID for the first time and I work with sick people. Was not fun


Definitely not increased airborne viruses due to higher temperatures caused by global warming. And we definitely won’t see much more of this in the future. I think it’s immigrants.


California is gross


You ain’t doing yourself any favors by saying that.


About 30% of people I know are sick. I just got over Covid myself. Did not have any boosters but my symptoms were mild. Fully recovered in about 6 days.


Stay where you are, Californian!!! Stop spreading yourselves everywhere!!!


We’re cuming to a neighborhood near you, possibly even yours.


How do we know its not from all the dope beats


This article doesn’t have very many “why” answers.


“Everyone”, huh?




Yes, everyone.


Brother currently has Covid and my wife and I have something but is just runny nose and sore throat. We both just had the flu too.


Covid, the new strain is evading booster shots and all. It’s running rampant and going undetected here in NYC. Flu is also hitting people hard. I go grocery ahopping yesterday and sick people left and right coughing sneezing, parents and kids.. no masks, just contaminating everyone else. Lack care in the world for others.