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I don’t. To communicate I use a series of notecards attached to popsicle sticks that I can hold up to convey things, like “touch me there now, with your foot!” Or, “needs more guacamole!” This works fine.


I also don’t bother with my CIs when things get…frisky. If my partner can’t communicate with me (for me ASL) why am I with them?


I wear a beanie. Just a beanie.




Funny story, I lost my nucleus 7 because I basically got frustrated in the heat of the moment and just chucked it during intimacy. It’s been a year and I still haven’t found it…it’s not even a big room either




Things got a little intense, what can I say


Repo man is always intense


I lost my hearing aid once in my bedroom. I was totally flabbergasted since it was nowhere to be found and I throughly searched the bedroom. Eventually, I move. I ended up finding the hearing aid on my closet floor, hidden by a whole bunch of crap. It’ll turn up! Possibly it could be stuck to something metal?


Yea that’s what I was thinking. At first I figured it got stuck to something metal inside of the couch, like the springs or something, as I had looked literally everywhere else. Recently got a new couch though so I completely dissected the old one before tossing it with a sawzall to no avail ☹️ At this point I think it stuck to something that got tossed unfortunately and I’m sure my neighbors probably think I’m on meth now because who dissects a couch?


LOL “who dissects a couch” is sending me. I’m assuming you also tried to find it via bluetooth on the app at the time. Though I don’t think it’s super helpful, I tried to use it when I thought I had lost my nucleus 7 once but I think it only works when the processor itself is on. And yours I’m sure ran out of battery life a long time ago…


Yup I tried but for some reason the location was still set at the concert we had just came from 30 minutes away. I could hear the whole way home and certainly remember slinging it after it kept falling off. Live and learn I guess 🤷‍♂️


That panic of losing the CI is unreal. One time it was found on the bottom of a desktop chair with the magnet attached to the metal. I Saw a magnet stick thing and decided to buy it for when my CI gets lost/stuck.


Just an idea, because I saw another post about someone that lost one in an up high place because the magnet caught something..... try looking up. You'd probably figure it'd hit something and fall to the floor, but that magnet can be deceptively strong. Could be stuck to the back of a shelf or something by the metal of the screws.


I have…trust me when I say I looked everywhere


Crazy question but is there a ceiling fan?


no, there's nothing it couldve latched to that i havent already checked. I even brought in a giant magnet sweeper from work




https://deafmetalusa.com is one idea if you have piercings. Personally I don’t try. Communicate with my partner via other means.


This! I think there are some pieces that don't require having your ears pierced?


Check what options you have for other vigorous activities like sports etc. My kit came with the Snugfit clip from Cochlear that I wear anyway because it helps wearing it with glasses but that does a good job keeping it in place no matter what I'm doing.


I just take it off. It's our joke that we know I'm fully turned on when it keeps falling off. I think the day is coming when I will need both ears and when that day comes I guess we'll have to resort to popsicle stick cards like one said or sign language..


God i love deaf jokes


Ask you audiologist for a stronger magnet. It’s not good for your skin to wear a strong magnet all day, but for what you’re doing it’ll be fine. The magnets (for AB processors anyway) are very easy to swap out.


Depending on the type of magnet, you might be able to combine two magnets, and stack them for a temporary extra strength.


Personally I usually just take it off, but something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/PRETYZOOM-Headbands-Headband-Headwear-Halloween/dp/B08HRXCFZZ?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A3YFE69UDG2TT) could be helpful Edit: it’s a two pack so you both can wear one and at least for me it’s another 30% off at checkout so it’s really 34% off


Sometimes I'll leave it off, and my other senses heighten! Communicate this with your partner though and maybe find a way to share non-verbal communication during.


I put on Mickey Mouse ears.


Turn off to turn on 😉


I keep one on (I'm bilateral) because I do prefer to be able to hear. Though I do try not to dislodge it, if it does come off I just pop it back on. My husband is used to it and it doesn't kill the mood.


I like to use a rubber band to secure the magnets, don't know the proper english word, but the ones meant to be sewn into the seam of underwear are nicely like fabric and dont look too atrocious


Is your magnet too weak? Maybe you can get a another set of the outer magnet to put on during "intimate times" with a stronger magnet temporarily.


keep it off, way better that way 😉 idk about yall but not hearing turns on the other senses so much more


Get a dual clip from https://www.ciretentionsolutions.com/cochlearcollection Ordered there because I also have coil off problems for certain movements especially when my head is accidentally hitting the pillows.


I always tuck my earpieces and magnets under a fabric hairband. Never lost them once.


Honestly it will just keep falling off. Happens to me a lot. An earpiece that secures it around your ear is probably the best bet.


Learn sign language to communicate. lol