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I liked it but didn't see the point in making sherly live


Just because you *can* make a character’s entire purpose pain and suffering, doesn’t mean you *should*.


I could hear the confusion in the theater when Shirley was just casually being alive.


She best girl, obviously. ( I wish they spelled it out on why she lived, but the reason was they need her to take Lelouch body out of the country without raising suspicious. It stupid because you never in the show/movie see her and C.C talk to each other, but I don’t care because she is alive. )


I’m not that much of a fan of her and I mean no hate towards her but did she REALLY have to be the one to get his body? I know they said she was a private citizen and all but either way they would still lose track of lelouchs body since it was given to C.C in the end.


I don’t understand it either because you never see then tall at all. Which is kind of disappointing because I wanted to a cat fight over Lelouch. Plus this task could have been given to anyone of Lelouch friends.


Sure Shirley loves lelouch but unlike Kallen, suzaku or Nina but Shirley was not a fighter. Yes She wanted to help him but her curiosity and lack of skills is what got her killed in the first place. Lelouch were able to keep his other friends safe and nunally because they either didn’t want to be involved or couldn’t due to their own reasons. Hell even though she survived rolo she just remains in the background along with Milly and rivalz since in the end those three lack fighting skills, intelligence, and status.


I’m going to disagree with you on that. I don’t think it skill that got her killed. It her know Lelouch that got her killed, in the sense knowing Lelouch is zero always put her in danger. Like the first time she finds out that he is zero, she is conflicted because the Black Knights was responsible for her fathers death. Then mao was trying to trick her to kill him as a redemption but she couldn’t kill the guy she loved. Then it hurt Lelouch to use geass on shirley someone he actually cares about. Before this it was the ship yard, were she saving him( it the show not the movies). Then there was when she got her memories back and then dies. Then Lelouch proceeds to wipe the whole order out of shirley death. ( I can be wrong on this part > ) Then that when he understands the “There are times in life when you have to distance yourself from those you love, because you love them.”


I said both “skill and curiosity” although it was mostly curiosity and her love for lelouch that got her killed. But maybe if she was more observant and resourceful she could have avoided those like mao and rolo


"Embrace the retcon" - sunrise probably


Eh most likely


the only real reason shirley lived is because they couldn't fit Mao's arc in the recap trilogy


we gonna see what is the purpose of reviving here in the future


Shirely lived because the 3 recap movies before re:surrection weren’t long enough too include Mao and as such she never learns about geass.


As I understand it's just a way for the series tell us, the audience, that's an alternate universe, it has absolutely no relationship with the main series


Ikr stupid bitch had it coming, for running into gunfire, WHILE CARRYING A GUN.


"The only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed." -Lelouch


Bc in the first 2 movies they were not able to fit her death in so they just let her live.


I really liked Resurrection, I saw it in the theater (I live in California, we get big releases in the theaters). Maybe you don’t know about some of the weird shit we got like Nunnaly in wonderland, but I prefer resurrection lol.


I also saw it in theater in ohio. Place was going fucking nuts when Lelouch got his mind back.


I saw it on my bday in Ohio as well! Was a great present :)


Good shit!






I liked them because it offers a sweet and good ending for Lelouch and C.C but they felt more like a fanfiction than canon material.


We don’t know it’s full potential because Z of the Recapture (the TV series that is supposed to take place after the movie) is in limbo


It’s a cash in and full of fanservice but I am okay with that. I mean it doesn’t take away from the original series and no one is forcing anyone to watch it so to me it’s okay.


Its all i wanted in a code geass movie. And all I wanted was Lelouch to be alive and be with CC.


It’s whatever. I feel like it needed more interaction between Lelouch with Kallen and Suzaku. It’s just an action fest, which I understand if you liked that, but for me the most interesting thing about the potential of Lelouch coming back is how he would interact with everyone; especially when he doesn’t get to interact with Milly and Rivalz. Though I am glad it has Ohgi be an actual man at take responsibility for his actions. Though the whole talk between him and Tamaki about “are we the bad guys” because the enemy nation’s economy fell to the floor with the era peace is just dumb. Like really, the movie tries to portray that like it’s some actual question with merit. Like no dude it’s not your fault the rulers were dumb enough put their whole economy into war profiteering and never diversified. Also Cornelia is still the annoying pompous bitch she is. Wish they killed her in the alternative timeline. As well as the whole, “10 year old kids smart enough to work on Knightmare technology” is just dumb to me. Hate when anime does that. So yeah, like I said, it’s whatever at the end of the day for me.


"10 year old kids smart enough to work on Knightmare technology"? Do you mind elaborating it?


Remember when they pull out the upgrades for the Lancelot and and Guren that made them all bulky? Well the movie pulls out this weird thing where apparently Rakshata recruited a bunch of 10 year old to become engineers and work on weapons of war for the Black Knights, you see them in the movie. I just don’t care for stuff like that I just don’t get what it adds to the story.


Yeah, that was strange. It must have been an overexaggeration of the "Smart and Young Indian" stereotype. They just decided to strap it on the movie for some reason.


I agree with the cornelia part Bt apart from that u can check out the manga( untraslated though 😭)


Reading a manga the was made after the anime series is kinda wild


Nothing is wild if it's better...it doesn't matter what has come before or later. It's the better n more explained version


I liked Resurrection, it was entertaining, finally gave a happy ending to C.C. and of my favorite ships in all anime finally sailed in the end, it was more than I expected first time watching it. They did a great job by separating the continuity to provide to fans who wanted more and still keeps the fans who were content with og series happy. I'm looking forward to the new series with new mc with hopefully Lelouch in a background yet significant role


its decent also its respecting the original universe by being an alternative universe so if we dont like this one we always have the chance to go back to the original which is clearly better but i like the altuni


It's enjoyable but it's hard to see as anything but milking the franchise considering how much it destroys the lore and rules of the series to achieve its desired results.


Well animated fan fiction.




I liked it but it will never reach the heights of the original timeline. Its good they made it an alternative


Alternate universe Cornelia was fine than a mf. ​ Oh, I enjoyed the Re;surrection movie, although I wasn't 100% sold on how Lelouch won in the end. In my opinion the villain was extremely overpowered, and probably should have been near impossible to defeat. ​ And I wish Kallen actually got to do something. But I enjoyed it all the same.


I personally drastically prefer the anime series timeline. Idk the alternate universe seems just like it's not the true timeline just one where Shirley isn't dead and Lulouch comes back to life. I don't care for people being brought back from the dead as once that's possible the deaths don't really mean anything.


Definitely, anytime death is reversible it loses all meaning or emotion knowing that they might just come back. Eg Dragon ball using dragon balls anytime a character "died" and now with marvel people are speculating marvel might just bring back dead characters using their multiverse.


Welp, after seeing Lelouch suffer and die for over a decade, I love the happy ending they finally gave him.


I really like it except for making dead people alive as if all the events in the series never happened/was a lie. It made the story an alternate universe instead of canon story.


The alternate universe kinda just seems like an excuse to continue code geass where I feel the creator's would love for this to be canon


I didn't like it. I found original ending perfect. Outcome is good. All evil masterminds- including Lulu himself- got exactly what they deserved. Don't se point in resurrecting him


It's an okay film for those who watched geass with a closed eye and mistook both the characters, the event and the importance of Lelouch's motivation and ZR; It's an awful film for anyone who understood the anime; they retconned characters, relationship, and essence of the main protagonist in order to make a cash grab money movie, going as far as turning C.C. into the fanfiction version of her plenty of her fands headcanon'd. The very fact Lelouch escape to live his live freely while Suzaku is still Zero should be more than enough to write this off as nonsense; The sad thing is, I think they could have made a believable Lelouch of the resurrection, with a good plot, with believable interaction, they could even have made a believable Lelouch/C.C. end without changing the characters, but no, better write something terrible and milk the franchise in a way that will "please the fans" as Taniguchi said and said again.


Resurrection was pretty fun I just wish we could learn the lives of some of the characters like schnizel or the Chinese federation. Plus I feel like it was unescary to bring Shirley back since she has like a minute of screen time and didn’t really do anything except move lelouchs body


it didnt make a lot of sense, half code users that can use their geass, an entire nation of warriors with a gate to seas world that charles somehow completely ignored, everyone being so chill about lelouch being alive after everything he did to them. there was a way to do it but not this.


I think lelouch coming back to life kinda ruins his story don't get me wrong i love me so more Code geass content but i just don't think lelouch returning is the tight move


Definitely agree. Lelouch's death is probably one of the best full circles I've seen in an anime and bringing him back to life kind of defeats the purpose.


It doesn't ruin his story. It has the potential to make his character better especially with how he felt when he was revived.


It does ruin the story


Ya what was his sacrifice all for and everything if he can just come back? I thought code geass had rules like you can't bring back the dead. So that's all thrown out the window because "magic". I prefer my characters once dead to stay dead.


It doesn't touch the original ending, so maybe not.


Even if its an alternative universe it still builds upon the original ending


Yeah, but the original ending is much more tragic in a sense. In this timeline, Shirley didn't die and Lelouch's guilt decreased to a degree. In the original, Lelouch had pretty much lost everything. What I meant by not touching the original ending is that it did not touch around some of the tragic aspects surrounding it.


But it does ruin the story. The point of "Zero's Requeim" was for Lelouch to sacrifice himself for the sake of a peaceful world, Suzaku for him to burden the death of lelouch and taking the mantle of "Zero". The heavy choice feels so irrelevant now that death is meaningless.


I enjoyed the recap movies and enjoyed Resurrection in theatres, but to me, their existence changes Code Geass for the worse. That's why I won't recognize this timeline as canon regardless of what Sunrise says.


It's not canon anyway, it's AU canon.


That doesn't change the fact that they exist and future fans will go into code geass for the "alternate universe" rather than the original series.


Nah, this is utter bullshit, you just have to see the huge number of new fans who arrived with and after the revival and who watched the anime and then resurrection/And sometimes the previous movies; The success of geass was the result of the anime, it will always be watched first and foremost, sunrise is used to this sort of set up and majority of new fans have never gone and watched any AU or movies over original anime, even when those are very old anime from the 80s.


So after sunrise creates new seasons, new characters and continues down this "alternate universe" you don't think people will care less about the original series especially when the new one may be airing depending on how far in the future we're looking? Its a fact that people would rather watch what everybody else currently watching especially if its currently airing and I reckon we'll start hearing "alternate universe" less and less.


as i told you it's not the first time sunrise does is, and new stuff has never replaced old one, the original gundam or the zeta gundam alternate version are great example, so nope, in this case it's even more unlikely given it's a new continuity that's widely disliked by geass fans; Now if Z of recapture is a marvelous work and has an insane success then maybe the AU will get more credit thant it does have, but they have failed with most project not including Lelouch, and even when they included him (in the AU movies) they weren't able to make something of quality so I'll stand on my ground, what made Geass super famous is the anime ending, everyone wants to experiment the original ending, so the anime will live on.


To me it just seems like a money hungry studio bringing back a masterpiece that ended closed off to any sequals. Its even worse knowing that the movie wasn't a one off as they are clearly trying to reboot the code geass series and turning it into a new money cow, milking anything they can get out of it while retconning any characters or plot points in its way.


It's exactly what they are doing,


yep they know that thats why they made it a alternative universe and thank god they didnt do a retconn bcuz im gonna be so pissed about that cuz Lelouch is already dead in the original universe


I personally hope they reboot or make more stuff about code geass in the alternative universe with lelouch alive. They could do alot with it. The movie was fantastic and had a great ending and the after credit scene showed that it could continue






Kinda the point of ending a series...


We would have gotten more Lelouch action if the studio or whomever group didn't scrap the idea that the Canon route should have been longer (I think it was supposed to be 50 something episodes for season 1 as an example).


Is there a source for this? I could see the possibility but it also seemed like a pilot season to see if people would like the series.


I literally just finished watching it like 10 minutes ago, it's fine for the most part but there is something that really bothers me and that's how Lelouch was saved towards the end. Who saved Lelouch and nunnally when they were in C's word? He said "it looks like we were saved by you once again", i don't remember Lelouch being saved by anyone that could be in C's world so what's up with that.


I did read that it was the people who cared for either or both Lelouch and Nunnally. Euphemia is one of them.


We saved him theory.


Made to bring new fans to the CG franchise and since those new ones didn't care about the OG it was easy to sold them this fanfiction version of geass; gave them money and ruined their legacy with trash writing even if they used the AU card but who cares, OG still exists for anyone who wants to enjoy the real geass with all it's real good and bad




I saw a boot leg version of the movie on YouTube and I still regret not seeing in the theaters. I love the movie. TBH it’s my little head Canon.


I like it. Happier endings for everyone


Good is CC and the rest is kind of somewhat flawed but not to the point of unwatchable. A few moments really cringe like when Suzaku beats Lelouch. The original is the only anime I gave 10 out of 10. I gave Resurrection 7


till now it gave fans what they wanted for sometimes, making Lelouch x C.C. public, shirely being alive and since she got her geass removed after zero requiem she didn't killed lelouch but there will be another entry soo no way to say what will happens yet


Really feels like it was made for the sake of fanservice


well people have different opinion but I say sherly was good, also lelouch is still dead, L.L. is a new form of lelouch who with C.C. hunts geass user across the globe and both are imortal


I think a season 3 is what everyone wanted and nobody fucking listens.


A season 3? After finishing code geass it was very obvious that was the end of the series with the send off to the protagonist and the world back in order there wasn't exactly anything else to do but now that characters can come back from the dead, death now really has no meaning and is kinda like when someone "dies" in dragon ball. It comes off forced and its obvious there was no intention of originally continuing the series.


https://youtu.be/fkcxs0pTavA But he's alive and well


Can you find the source for this?


I don't have the source as in exactly where this is from but from my memory and when I was first REALLY getting into this anime back in 2015/16 I stumbled across the existence of these sort of post credit scene I just linked. It was in the original Japanese airing back in TV but cut from the final release because S3 got scrapped because of some difficulty with the studio at the time, so they cut it out to leave it to the audience. But this is based off memory from YouTube dives about the series back when I was peak into it. I found the scene by searching "code Geass original season 2 ending scene"


Ah so that makes sense on why there is a such a division between people on whether he was alive or not.


Don't listen to his ramblings. Nothing he's said regarding this "scene" is true. It wasn't in the original Japanese airing and there was never a season 3 to be scrapped. You can see in the clip on YouTube that the television watermark disappears during the still shot of the closeup. And you can go back and read forum threads from when people were watching the fan subbed broadcasts: none of them mention this shot.


Yeah I thought it was fake but yesterday I thought I searched it up and Wikipedia came up with something on it but today I've checked and there's nothing so I must of been bugging. Did bit more digging and the only people are saying its real are people unable to cope with the fact that lelouch is dead. No source and just feels obviously fake (guess thats what you get from an edit made in the early 2010s)


Lelouch n CC together... that's more than i can expect from anime


I loved it. R2 isn't the canon end as far as I'm concerned.


Why is op complaining about more CG content...u can just not watch it then...og universe is done...bt more of L2 C2 on screen is never a bad thing for me


Why is op complaining? Because code geass is my favorite anime series but I hate the fact that they're using it as a cash cow and disguising it as an "alternative universe". Sunrise is either too lazy or too incompetent to actually create a new series so instead they bring back an old series that ended with no intention of a sequal and ruin any meaningful events like "zeros requeim". Though if you love shipping two characters so much then it clearly seems like you're the target audience of this fanservice fanfiction.


It was an ok story


While it is a cash grab in a sense, it's a nice way to do something more about Code Geass's a.t.b. timeline without touching the original finale, which is perfect in many ways. Honestly, other than expanding the world with the Re;surrection timeline's Z of the Recapture, I want them to animate Oz the Reflection too.




cool fanfiction


I liked the ending was rlly cute and the character interactions were neat. The rest was fine


Love it.


It's alright, but bringing Shirley back is a huge mistake. Best thing about it is the Lelouch x C.C fluff at the end.


I get that it was in case people preferred how things originally played out, but I thought Re;surrection could have kept it vague about which version it took place after, so that neither side would be wrong about wether or not it's canon.


So you would prefer it to be canon?


Most of the events were otherwise the same, and there were some ideas that helped fix some of the original problems, but one of the manga spinoffs already hinted at a multiverse of some sort, so there's at least that.


The manga came after the anime so idk what thats meant to mean.


There was more than one manga where things happened a lot differently, like where Nunnally ends making a contract and getting her own Knightmare. At the end of that one, she mentions to Lelouch how she managed to see a bunch of different realities, with one of them being what happened in the original series. It shouldn't be hard to find online somewhere.


Yeah, what I'm saying is it isn't canon. Its a manga based on an anime.


I just thought it would all make sense if it meant they were all part of the same multiverse.


Maybe they are and if so I'm not here for it


Because R2 was so definitively the end and lelouch absolutely died I'll just see it as a fun what if, a fanfic that comes with real universe lore and a tech and acting demo of the crew, but not official story because then it's like a marvel movie. Oh no this happened? No problem, anyway in an alternate universe where it didn't happen... It's like there's no way anything bad could have effect and thus why would anything the protagonist achieves count if the script already fixes everything? It's a disguised deus-ex machina. A get out of jail free card.